173 research outputs found

    Síndrome HELLP sobreposta a síndrome hemolítica-urêmica

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    A pregnancy complicated by typical hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) and hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets (HELLP) syndrome is reported. At 20 weeks of gestation, a case of HUS was diagnosed, with Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli identified. Plasmapheresis allowed continuation of the pregnancy for 5 weeks. Superimposed preeclampsia and HELLP syndrome were diagnosed after the establishment of nephrotic range proteinuria, hypertension and recurrence of hemolysis. This is a singular case, as it demonstrates that HELLP syndrome can superimpose upon HUS, a fact that can impact future research on reproductive immunology. It also reminds clinicians that the overlapping of clinical and laboratory findings in HELLP syndrome makes the diagnosis of other thrombotic microangiopathies during pregnancy a clinical challenge.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Strength Training Prior to Endurance Exercise: Impact on the Neuromuscular System, Endurance Performance and Cardiorespiratory Responses

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    This study aimed to investigate the acute effects of two strength-training protocols on the neuromuscular and cardiorespiratory responses during endurance exercise. Thirteen young males (23.2 ± 1.6 years old) participated in this study. The hypertrophic strength-training protocol was composed of 6 sets of 8 squats at 75% of maximal dynamic strength. The plyometric strength-training protocol was composed of 6 sets of 8 jumps performed with the body weight as the workload. Endurance exercise was performed on a cycle ergometer at a power corresponding to the second ventilatory threshold until exhaustion. Before and after each protocol, a maximal voluntary contraction was performed, and the rate of force development and electromyographic parameters were assessed. After the hypertrophic strength-training and plyometric strength-training protocol, significant decreases were observed in the maximal voluntary contraction and rate of force development, whereas no changes were observed in the electromyographic parameters. Oxygen uptake and a heart rate during endurance exercise were not significantly different among the protocols. However, the time-to-exhaustion was significantly higher during endurance exercise alone than when performed after hypertrophic strength-training or plyometric strength-training (p <0.05). These results suggest that endurance performance may be impaired when preceded by strength-training, with no oxygen uptake or heart rate changes during the exercise

    Efeitos da poluição do ar nas doenças cardiovasculares: estruturas de defasagem

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    OBJETIVO: Investigar a estrutura de defasagem entre exposição à poluição do ar e internações hospitalares por doenças cardiovasculares em idosos, separada por gênero. MÉTODOS: Os dados de saúde de pessoas com mais de 64 anos de idade foram estratificados por gênero, na cidade de São Paulo, entre 1996 e 2001. Os níveis diários de poluentes do ar (CO, PM10, O3, NO2, SO2) e os dados de temperatura mínima e umidade relativa do ar foram também foram analisados. Foram utilizados modelos restritos de distribuição polinomial em modelos aditivos generalizados de regressão de Poisson para estimar os efeitos dos poluentes no dia da exposição e até 20 dias após, controlando-se para sazonalidades de longa e curta durações, feriados e fatores meteorológicos. RESULTADOS: Variações interquartis de PM10 (26,21 mig/m³) e SO2 (10,73 mig/m³) foram associados com aumentos de 3,17% (IC 95%: 2,09-4,25) nas admissões por insuficiência cardíaca congestiva e de 0,89% (IC 95%: 0,18-1,61) para admissões por todas as doenças cardiovasculares no dia da exposição, respectivamente. Os efeitos foram predominantemente agudos e maiores para o gênero feminino. Além disso, foi observado efeito colheita. CONCLUSÕES: Os achados mostraram que as doenças cardiovasculares em São Paulo são fortemente afetadas pela poluição do ar.OBJECTIVE: To assess the lag structure between air pollution exposure and elderly cardiovascular diseases hospital admissions, by gender. METHODS: Health data of people aged 64 years or older was stratified by gender in São Paulo city, Southeastern Brazil, from 1996 to 2001. Daily levels of air pollutants (CO, PM10, O3, NO2, and SO2) , minimum temperature, and relative humidity were also analyzed. It were fitted generalized additive Poisson regressions and used constrained distributed lag models adjusted for long time trend, weekdays, weather and holidays to assess the lagged effects of air pollutants on hospital admissions up to 20 days after exposure. RESULTS: Interquartile range increases in PM10 (26.21 mug/m³) and SO2 (10.73 mug/m³) were associated with 3.17% (95% CI: 2.09-4.25) increase in congestive heart failure and 0.89% (95% CI: 0.18-1.61) increase in total cardiovascular diseases at lag 0, respectively. Effects were higher among female group for most of the analyzed outcomes. Effects of air pollutants for different outcomes and gender groups were predominately acute and some "harvesting" were found. CONLUSIONS: The results show that cardiovascular diseases in São Paulo are strongly affected by air pollution

    MARTA: A high-energy cosmic-ray detector concept with high-accuracy muon measurement

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    A new concept for the direct measurement of muons in air showers is presented. The concept is based on resistive plate chambers (RPCs), which can directly measure muons with very good space and time resolution. The muon detector is shielded by placing it under another detector able to absorb and measure the electromagnetic component of the showers such as a water-Cherenkov detector, commonly used in air shower arrays. The combination of the two detectors in a single, compact detector unit provides a unique measurement that opens rich possibilities in the study of air showers.Comment: 11 page

    Homozygous Inactivating Mutation In Nanos3 In Two Sisters With Primary Ovarian Insufficiency.

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    Despite the increasing understanding of female reproduction, the molecular diagnosis of primary ovarian insufficiency (POI) is seldom obtained. The RNA-binding protein NANOS3 poses as an interesting candidate gene for POI since members of the Nanos family have an evolutionarily conserved function in germ cell development and maintenance by repressing apoptosis. We performed mutational analysis of NANOS3 in a cohort of 85 Brazilian women with familial or isolated POI, presenting with primary or secondary amenorrhea, and in ethnically-matched control women. A homozygous p.Glu120Lys mutation in NANOS3 was identified in two sisters with primary amenorrhea. The substituted amino acid is located within the second C2HC motif in the conserved zinc finger domain of NANOS3 and in silico molecular modelling suggests destabilization of protein-RNA interaction. In vitro analyses of apoptosis through flow cytometry and confocal microscopy show that NANOS3 capacity to prevent apoptosis was impaired by this mutation. The identification of an inactivating missense mutation in NANOS3 suggests a mechanism for POI involving increased primordial germ cells (PGCs) apoptosis during embryonic cell migration and highlights the importance of NANOS proteins in human ovarian biology.201478746

    Assembléias de Formicidae da serapilheira como bioindicadores da conservação de remanescentes de Mata Atlântica no extremo sul do Estado da Bahia

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    In the extreme south of Bahia State, the Atlantic rainforest has been strongly affected by anthropogenic actions for a long time. Ants are seen as good biological indicators because of their abundance and sensitivity to changes of environmental conditions, thus allowing the evaluation of environmental impacts. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the environmental quality in four Atlantic Forest remnants through the study of Formicidae assemblages. Four reserves sampled during the experiment were: the school of agriculture EMARC (CEPLAC) in Teixeira de Freitas; Vista Alegre Farm in Alcobaça; FIBRASA Farm in Itamarajú; and Riacho das Pedras Farm in Prado. In each area, 50 units of one square meter of litter were sampled at intervals of 50m and 100m of the border using “Winkler” traps. The most frequent ants in EMARC reserve were: Wasmannia auropunctata (60%) and Solenopsis sp.1 (58%); in FIBRASA farm: W. auropunctata (64%) and Solenopsis sp.1 (46%); in Riacho das Pedras farm: Pyramica eggersi (80%) and Solenopsis sp.1 (64%); in Vista Alegre farm: Pheidole sp.1 (34%), Hypoponera sp.8 (32%) and Pyramica denticulata (24%). The highest value of diversity index (Shannon-Weaver) was observed in FIBRASA farm (3.41), followed by Riacho das Pedras farm (3.31), Vista Alegre farm (3.00), and EMARC reserve (2.33). The largest number of species was observed in FIBRASA and in Riacho das Pedras farms (55 species), followed by Vista Alegre (33) and EMARC (22). The area with the highest estimated diversity is the FIBRASA farm, while the reserve of EMARC had the lowest estimate. There were correlations between the level of human impact, the species found and generic richness, as well as with other ecological variables. All the studied areas had a high occurrence of species typical of degraded lands, showing that urgent conservation measures are needed to the increasingly more rare remnants of forest in the extreme South Bahia State.No extremo sul do Estado da Bahia, a Mata Atlântica tem sido fortemente afetada pelas atividades humanas. As formigas são vistas como indicadores biológicos confiáveis por serem sensíveis às mudanças das condições do ambiente, permitindo uma avaliação do impacto ambiental. O objetivo do presente estudo foi de avaliar a qualidade ambiental em quatro remanescentes de Mata Atlântica através de uma análise da estrutura das assembléias de Formicidae. As quatro reservas estudadas, todas situadas naquela região, foram: reserva da escola agrícola EMARC, Município de Teixeira de Freitas; Fazenda Vista Alegre, Alcobaça; Fazenda FIBRASA, Itamarajú e Fazenda Riacho das Pedras, Prado. Em cada área, foram amostrados 50 pontos de um metro quadrado de serapilheira, com o auxílio de armadilhas de tipo “Winkler”. O maior número de espécies observado foi na Fazenda FIBRASA (55 espécies) e na Fazenda Riacho das Pedras, seguidas pela Fazenda Vista Alegre (33) e a reserva da EMARC (22). A área de maior diversidade de espécies esperada (estimador Chao2) é também a da Fazenda FIBRASA, enquanto a área da EMARC foi também a de menor diversidade esperada. As espécies mais freqüentes na reserva da EMARC foram Wasmannia auropunctata (60% das amostras) e Solenopsis sp1 (58%); na Fazenda FIBRASA, W. auropunctata (64%) e Solenopsis sp.1 (46%); na Fazenda Riacho das Pedras, Pyramica eggersi (80%) e Solenopsis sp.1 (64%); na Fazenda Vista Alegre, Pheidole sp.1 (34%), Hypoponera sp.8 (32%) e Pyramica denticulata (24%). Existem correlações entre o nível de impacto humano e as riquezas específica e genérica, assim como com outras variáveis ecológicas, nas áreas estudadas. Todas essas apresentaram uma ocorrência elevada de espécies típicas de ambientes degradados, como é o caso de W. auropunctata, mostrando a urgência que existe numa política de conservação mais efetiva dos cada vez mais raros remanescentes do extremo sul do Estado da Bahia

    Plantas daninhas em ilhas de vegetação em processo de regeneração natural

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    Neste trabalho é apresentada a composição florística e estrutural de ilhas de vegetação de um inselberg do Vale do Moxuara, localizado no município de Cariacica-Espírito Santo, onde avaliou-se a riqueza das ilhas de vegetação está relacionada com seu tamanho e com a profundidade do solo. Foram avaliadas 45 ilhas de vegetação para estimativa dos parâmetros fitossociológicos necessários às análises. Foram encontradas 53 espécies de plantas vasculares, pertencentes a 24 famílias e 48 gêneros. As famílias com maior representatividade foram Poaceae, com sete espécies, seguida de Asteraceae, Malvaceae e Fabaceae, com seis espécies cada. Plantas daninhas representaram 39,6% da flora inventariada e 25,5% da cobertura vegetal das ilhas. As espécies com maior frequência e cobertura relativa foram Selaginella convoluta e Anemia tomentosa. A regressão múltipla não se mostrou significativa, o que foi discutido considerando o papel inibidor de espécies daninhas.This study presents the floristic and structural composition of vegetation islands of an inselberg in Vale do Moxuara, in Cariacica-ES, to evaluate whether the islands' richness is related to their size and soil depth. A total of 45 vegetation islands were evaluated by estimating the phytosociological parameters needed for the analysis. Fifty-three vascular plant species of twenty-four families and forty-eight genders were found. The most outstanding families were Poaceae, with seven species, followed by Malvaceae and Fabaceae, with six species each. Weeds represented 39.6% of all flora listed and 25.5% of the islands' vegetation cover. Selaginella convoluta and Anemia tomentosa had the most frequency and relative cover. Multiple regression was not significant, considering the inhibiting role played by the weed species

    Spread pattern of the first dengue epidemic in the city of Salvador, Brazil

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The explosive epidemics of dengue that have been occurring in various countries have stimulated investigation into new approaches to improve understanding of the problem and to develop new strategies for controlling the disease. The objective of this study was to evaluate the characteristics of diffusion of the first dengue epidemic that occurred in the city of Salvador in 1995.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The epidemiological charts and records of notified cases of dengue in Salvador in 1995 constituted the source of data. The cases of the disease were georeferenced according to census areas (spatial units) and epidemiological weeks (temporal unit). Kernel density estimation was used to identify the pattern of spatial diffusion using the R-Project computer software program.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Of the 2,006 census areas in the city, 1,400 (70%) registered cases of dengue in 1995 and the spatial distribution of these records revealed that by the end of 1995 practically the entire city had been affected by the virus, with the largest concentration of cases occurring in the western region, composed of census areas with a high population density and predominantly horizontal residences compared to the eastern region of the city, where there is a predominance of vertical residential buildings.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The pattern found in this study shows the characteristics of the classic process of spreading by contagion that is common to most infectious diseases. It was possible to identify the epicenter of the epidemic from which centrifugal waves of the disease emanated. Our results suggest that, if a more agile control instrument existed that would be capable of rapidly reducing the vector population within a few days or of raising the group immunity of the population by means of a vaccine, it would theoretically be possible to adopt control actions around the epicenter of the epidemic and consequently reduce the incidence of the disease in the city. This finding emphasizes the need for further research to improve the technology available for the prevention of this disease.</p