31 research outputs found

    Tavanomaisen ja luomumaan välillä ei ole suuria eroja

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    Tavanomaisesti viljeltyjen ja pitkäaikaisesti luomuviljeltyjen vilja- tai nurmilohkojen maaperän kyntökerroksen ominaisuuksissa ei havaittu suuria eroja. MTT:n koordinoimassa tutkimuksessa vertailtin monipuolisesti maan kemiallisia, biologisia ja fysikaalisia ominaisuuksia. Selkeimmät erot saatiin liukoisten ravinteiden määrissä, joista erityisesti fosfori ja rikki olivat usein korkeampia tavanomaisessa viljelyssä. Maan rakenteessa ja eloperäisen aineksen määrässä ei eroja havaittu, mikä osaltaan selittää eliöstön vähäiset erot. Jos eroja löytyi, olivat ne yleensä luomuviljelyn eduksi. Paikkakohtaiset erot olivat viljelymenetelmää huomattavasti suurempia.vokmk

    A molecular-based identification resource for the arthropods of Finland

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2021 The Authors. Molecular Ecology Resources published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.To associate specimens identified by molecular characters to other biological knowledge, we need reference sequences annotated by Linnaean taxonomy. In this study, we (1) report the creation of a comprehensive reference library of DNA barcodes for the arthropods of an entire country (Finland), (2) publish this library, and (3) deliver a new identification tool for insects and spiders, as based on this resource. The reference library contains mtDNA COI barcodes for 11,275 (43%) of 26,437 arthropod species known from Finland, including 10,811 (45%) of 23,956 insect species. To quantify the improvement in identification accuracy enabled by the current reference library, we ran 1000 Finnish insect and spider species through the Barcode of Life Data system (BOLD) identification engine. Of these, 91% were correctly assigned to a unique species when compared to the new reference library alone, 85% were correctly identified when compared to BOLD with the new material included, and 75% with the new material excluded. To capitalize on this resource, we used the new reference material to train a probabilistic taxonomic assignment tool, FinPROTAX, scoring high success. For the full-length barcode region, the accuracy of taxonomic assignments at the level of classes, orders, families, subfamilies, tribes, genera, and species reached 99.9%, 99.9%, 99.8%, 99.7%, 99.4%, 96.8%, and 88.5%, respectively. The FinBOL arthropod reference library and FinPROTAX are available through the Finnish Biodiversity Information Facility (www.laji.fi) at https://laji.fi/en/theme/protax. Overall, the FinBOL investment represents a massive capacity-transfer from the taxonomic community of Finland to all sectors of society.Peer reviewe

    Environmental factors influencing effects of chemicals on soil animals : studies at population and community levels

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    Effects of abiotic environmental factors like soil organic matter content, soil moisture and temperature on the toxicity of chemicals to soil animals were studied in laboratory experiments. An insecticide, dimethoate, and two fungicides, benomyl and propiconazole, were used as reference chemicals in the experiments. Two types of experiments were conducted: single species tests and microcosm experiments. Single species experiments revealed that soil organic matter content affects substantially the toxicity of dimethoate to collembolans. Increasing organic matter content decreased dimethoate concentration in the soil pore water, and hence its toxicity. Lowering the temperature increased the toxic effects, but only slightly. Population level effects lasted longer at low temperature due to slower reproduction of collembolans. Decreasing the soil moisture either decreased (dimethoate) or increased (benomyl) the toxic effects on an enchytraeid worm. In the microcosm experiments pesticide application and drought decreased different soil animal groups resulting in lower total soil animal numbers than exposured to either of these stressors alone. Both fungicides had only minor effects on soil animal communities and soil processes, possibly due to relative low significance of fungal based energy channel in agricultural soil. It was revealed that both single species tests and microcosm experiments are needed when assessing ecotoxicological effects of chemicals in the environment

    Landscape and expansion of micromobility in the Nordics – opportunities and threats

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    Anton Martikainen rakstītajā maģistra darbā tiks pētīta mikromobilitāte, kas specializējas e-skūteros – šobrīd esošs fenomens, kas aizsākās 2018. gadā Amerikas Savienotajās Valstīs un ienāca Eiropā 2019. gada sākumā. Darba teorētiskā pieeja ir balstīta uz teoriju, kas saistīta ar paplašināšanos - mobilitāte kā pakalpojums un trešo pušu loģistikas teorija, kurai ir svarīga loma e-skūteru nozarē. Mikromobilitāte ir kļuvusi par aktuālu tēmu visā pasaulē, mainot veidu, kā cilvēki pārvietojas. Autors savā pētījumā definēs mikromobilitāti, analizēs galvenos tirgus dalībniekus un precīzi norādīs uz iespējām un draudiem un, kā tos redz iekšējās un ārējās iesaistītās puses. Darba izstrādes laikā tika veiktas intervijas ar vairākām iesaistītām personām, piemēram, e-motorolleru uzņēmuma dibinātājiem un vadītājiem. Autora darbā galvenā uzmanība tiks pievērsta Ziemeļvalstīm, ņemot vērā viņa personīgo darba pieredzi saistībā ar šo tēmu.This Master’s Thesis, written by Anton Martikainen will investigate and study micromobility, specializing in e-scooters – a current phenomenon begun in 2018 in the United States and landing in Europe in early 2019. The theoretical approach of this thesis is based on theory relating to expansion, Mobility as a Service and the theory behind third-party logistics, which play an important part of the e-scooter industry. Micromobility has grown as a current topic around the world by changing the way people commute. In his study, the author will define micromobility, analyse the key players on the market and pinpoint out its opportunities and threats as seen by the internal and external stakeholders. Various internal stakeholders such as e-scooter company founders and managers where interviewed during the process. The Author’s Thesis will focus on Nordic Countries due to his own personal work experience related to the topic

    Lietelannoituksen vaikutus säilörehun hygieniaan

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