3,506 research outputs found


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    We consider allocation problems with indivisible goods when agents’ preferences are single-peaked. Two natural procedures (up methods and temporary satisfaction methods) are proposed to solve these problems. They are constructed by using priority methods on the cartesian product of agents and integer numbers, interpreted either as peaks or opposite peaks. Thus, two families of solutions arise this way. Our two families of solutions satisfy properties very much related to some well-known properties studied in the case of perfectly divisible goods, and they have a strong relationship with the continuous uniform and equal-distance rules, respectively.Allocation problem, indivisibilities, single-peaked preferences, temporary satisfaction method, up method.


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    In this work we deal with rationing problems. In particular with claims problems with indivisible goods, that is, problems in which a certain amount of indivisible units (of an homogeneous good), has to be distributed among a group of agents, when this amount is not enough to satisfy agents' demands. We define discrete rules to solve those problems that involve notions of fairness similar to those supporting the constrained-equal awards and the constrained-equal losses rules in the continuous case. Axiomatic characterizations of those solutions are provided.indivisible goods, claims problems, equal awards solution, equal losses solution.

    Improving the Measurement of Human Development

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    We propose a new Human Development Index that involves a number of changes with respect to the present one, even though it keeps the basic structure of the index (namely, preserving “health”, “education” and “material wellbeing” as the three basic dimensions of human development). The first change refers to the substitution of the arithmetic mean by the geometric mean, as a way of aggregating the different dimensions in a more sensible way. The second one leads to the introduction of distributive considerations in the evaluation of material wellbeing. The last change consists of the introduction of new variables to approach health and education, looking for a higher sensitivity of the index with respect to the differences between countries. These new variables are specially indicated for the analysis of human development in highly developed countries. Besides the conceptual discussion, that includes a characterization of the chosen aggregation formula, we present a comparative analysis of this new index and the standard one, focusing on the OECD countries.Human Development, multiplicative indices, distributive concerns, highly developed countries, HDI

    Determinación analítica de pesticidas: determinación electroquímica de imidacloprid

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    This work reports the study of electrochemical methods for the determination of imidacloprid (IDP) in aqueous samples by using screen-printed electrodes (SPEs). A differential pulse voltammetric (DPV) method with bare screen-printed carbon electrodes (SPCEs) has been successfully developed for the determination of this compound. Square wave voltammetry (SWV) has been also tested as an alternative technique for the determination of IDP using SPCEs as well. Both methods have been validated obtaining good capability of detection (0.6 μM and 1.01 μM for DPV and SWV, respectively) and reproducibility (2.3% and 4.7% for DPV and SWV, respectively). The DPV/SPCE method has been applied to the determination of IDP in sea water samples. Finally, different modified SPEs have been also tested as possible analytical systems for the determination of IDP

    Burnout syndrome in the sports field: systematic narrative review of the historical evolution and analysis of different prevention programs

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    Treball Final de Grau en Psicologia. Codi: PS1048. Curs: 2022/2023En este trabajo se ha descrito la evolución del síndrome del Burnout desde el ámbito organizacional al deportivo; este último ha sido investigado con mayor frecuencia en los últimos treinta años. Es por ello que se ha pretendido reflejar la situación actual del síndrome en el contexto deportivo. Dicho síndrome es considerado una patología que se caracteriza por la despersonalización, el agotamiento emocional y la baja realización personal, lo que conlleva a una disminución en el rendimiento deportivo. El el objetivo de este trabajo es estudiar la evolución histórica y conceptual del síndrome de burnout en el ámbito deportivo y para ello se pretende analizar los diferentes modelos teóricos para entender dicho constructo en este ámbito así como los instrumentos de evaluación más utilizados y buscar programas de prevención del síndrome del burnout. Se han encontrado 25 artículos que se han incluido para realizar este trabajo relacionados con el tema a tratar. Para ello se ha realizado una revisión sistemática con el método PRISMA utilizado las bases de datos PsycInfo y Dialnet, incluyendo términos como el burnout y el deporte. Los resultados obtenidos pretenden explicar los modelos teóricos e instrumentos de evaluación más utilizados así como analizar los programas de prevención que permitirán llevar a cabo prácticas relacionadas con el síndrome del Burnout en el ámbito deportivo. Son necesarias más investigaciones en este campo tanto en los modelos teóricos como en los sistemas de prevención para ayudar a nuevas líneas de investigación futuras que sirvan para los deportistas, entrenadores y psicólogos del deporte.This paper has described the evolution of Burnout syndrome from the organizational to the sporting context; the latter has been investigated more frequently in the last thirty years. That is why we have tried to reflect the current situation of the syndrome in the sports context. This syndrome is considered a pathology characterized by depersonalization, emotional exhaustion and low personal fulfillment, which leads to a decrease in sports performance. The aim of this work is to study the historical and conceptual evolution of burnout syndrome in the sports field and for this purpose it is intended to analyze the different theoretical models to understand this construct in this field as well as the most used evaluation instruments and to look for burnout syndrome prevention programs. We have found 25 articles that have been included to carry out this work related to the subject to be treated. A systematic review was carried out using the PRISMA method and the databases PsycInfo and Dialnet, including terms such as burnout and sport. The results obtained aim to explain the theoretical models and evaluation instruments most commonly used as well as to analyze the prevention programs that will allow to carry out practices related to Burnout syndrome in the sports field. More research is needed in this field both in theoretical models and prevention systems to help new lines of future research that will be useful for athletes, coaches and sport psychologists

    The Role of ICT in the College Classroom in Teaching of Student Skills

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    El desarrollo de metodologías didácticas apoyadas en las Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación (TIC), y que además den respuesta a la implantación del Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior supone un reto tanto para los docentes responsables de sus diseños, como para el discente principal protagonista del aprendizaje. Esta investigación, realizada con una metodología cualitativa, basada en el estudio de casos, a través de las opiniones recabadas del alumnado de Educación Primaria del Centro de Magisterio Sagrado Corazón, revela que el uso de recursos tecnológicos por parte del profesorado, incide de manera positiva en la formación por competencias.The development of teaching methodologies, which are supported by the Information and Communication Technologies, and which also fit into the European Higher Education Area, is a challenge not only for the teachers, who are accountable for their designs, but also for the learners, who are the main learning characters. This research work has been conducted with a qualitative methodology and is based on a case study. The opinions of students of the Degree in Elementary Education in the Teacher Training Centre Sagrado Corazón has been gathered and reveal that the use of technological resources by teachers has a positive impact in the students' training of skills

    Behavior of propagating and evanescent components in azimuthally polarized non-paraxial fields

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    The contribution of the propagating and the evanescent waves associated with freely propagating non-paraxial light fields whose transverse component is azimuthally polarized at some plane is investigated. Analytic expressions are derived for describing both the spatial shape and the relative weight of the propagating and the evanescent components integrated over the transverse plane. The analysis is carried out within the framework of the plane-wave angular spectrum approach. These results are used to illustrate the behavior of a kind of donut-like beams with transverse azimuthal polarization at some plane

    Evolutionary topology optimization of continuum structures under uncertainty using sensitivity analysis and smooth boundary representation

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    This paper presents an evolutionary approach for the Robust Topology Optimization (RTO) of continuum structures under loading and material uncertainties. The method is based on an optimality criterion obtained from the stochastic linear elasticity problem in its weak form. The smooth structural topology is determined implicitly by an iso-value of the optimality criterion field. This iso-value is updated using an iterative approach to reach the solution of the RTO problem. The proposal permits to model the uncertainty using random variables with different probability distributions as well as random fields. The computational burden, due to the high dimension of the random field approximation, is efficiently addressed using anisotropic sparse grid stochastic collocation methods. The numerical results show the ability of the proposal to provide smooth and clearly defined structural boundaries. Such results also show that the method provides structural designs satisfying a trade-off between conflicting objectives in the RTO problem.The authors would like to thank Dr. Francisco Periago for constructive suggestions and discussions. This work has been partially supported by the AEI/FEDER and UE under the contract DPI2016-77538-R and by the “Fundación Séneca-Agencia de Ciencia y Tecnología de la Región de Murcia” under the contract 19274/PI/14

    Planar PØP: feature-less pose estimation with applications in UAV localization

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    © 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.We present a featureless pose estimation method that, in contrast to current Perspective-n-Point (PnP) approaches, it does not require n point correspondences to obtain the camera pose, allowing for pose estimation from natural shapes that do not necessarily have distinguished features like corners or intersecting edges. Instead of using n correspondences (e.g. extracted with a feature detector) we will use the raw polygonal representation of the observed shape and directly estimate the pose in the pose-space of the camera. This method compared with a general PnP method, does not require n point correspondences neither a priori knowledge of the object model (except the scale), which is registered with a picture taken from a known robot pose. Moreover, we achieve higher precision because all the information of the shape contour is used to minimize the area between the projected and the observed shape contours. To emphasize the non-use of n point correspondences between the projected template and observed contour shape, we call the method Planar PØP. The method is shown both in simulation and in a real application consisting on a UAV localization where comparisons with a precise ground-truth are provided.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft