920 research outputs found

    La publicidad transparente en España

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    A continuación se realiza una investigación de la situación actual de España en relación al sistema económico, al modelo de consumo y a la responsabilidad social de las empresas y se plantea una idea que promovería el cambio en el modelo de producción que tienen las empresas en la actualidad, la sociedad pasaría de practicar consumismo a practicar un consumo responsable y existirían unas condiciones favorables para el medio ambiente y todo esto utilizando como vehículo la publicidad. Pero los muros más sólidos que nos encontramos por el camino son, el sistema capitalista español, las grandes empresas, los vacíos legales y la falta de responsabilidad social de las organizaciones.Grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Pública

    Consumo de sustancias adictivas legales e ilegales en adolescentes e Inteligencia Emocional

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    El consumo irresponsable de sustancias –tanto legales como ilegales- acarrea múltiples problemáticas a los individuos, siendo una de las consecuencias directas la adicción. El inicio temprano del consumo de sustancias está, cada vez, más extendido en la población joven, repercutiendo tanto en la salud (mental, física y psíquica) como en el propio individuo (ámbito social y ocio). Debido a esto, existe una gran necesidad de poner atención, a los factores de riesgo y de protección que inciden en el o la adolescente. Poseer una Inteligencia Emocional óptima le otorgara múltiples beneficios al menor, ayudándole tanto en el desarrollo y comprensión de sí mismo como de los demás y del mundo, pudiendo ser un factor de protección ante el consumo en la adolescencia.La realización de este trabajo tiene como finalidad analizar qué relación guarda el consumo de sustancias adictivas en los y las adolescentes con la Inteligencia Emocional de estos y estas, pudiendo valorar si realmente es un factor de protección ante dicha problemática.<br /

    Developing a smartphone app based on the unified protocol for the transdiagnostic treatment of emotional disorders: a qualitative analysis of users and professionals' perspectives

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    Emotional Disorders have become the most prevalent mental disorders in the world. In relation to their high prevalence, mental health care from public health services faces major challenges. Consequently, finding solutions to deliver cost-effective evidence-based treatments has become a main goal of today's clinical psychology. Smartphone apps for mental health have emerged as a potential tool to deal with it. However, despite their effectiveness and advantages, several studies suggest the need to involve patients and professionals in the design of these apps from the first stage of the development process. Thus, this study aimed to identify, from both a group of users and professionals, the needs, opinions, expectations and design aspects of a future smartphone app based in the Unified Protocol (UP), that will allow to develop the subsequent technical work of the app engineers. Two focus groups were conducted, one with 7 professionals and the other with 9 users, both groups familiar with the UP. A thematic content analysis based in grounded theory was performed in order to define emergent categories of analysis derived from the interview data. The results revealed 8 common topics in both focus groups and 5 specific key topics were identified in the professionals' focus group. Of the total proposals, 93 % of the professionals' and 78 % of the users' are implemented in the preliminary version of the app

    ICT participation in Smart Tourism Destinations models

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    Los Destinos Turísticos Inteligentes (DTI) surgen como una opción de gestión para mejorar la calidad y competitividad de los destinos turísticos tradicionales, se apoyan de modelos conceptuales que representan elementos y relaciones que conforman la estructura del sistema turístico. En ese sentido, las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (TIC) han ganado importancia en dichos modelos. El objetivo de esta investigación fue determinar la participación de las TIC en los ejes estratégicos que componen los modelos conceptuales DTI. Es un estudio metodológico cualitativo con una revisión exhaustiva de la literatura sobre modelos DTI, posteriormente se realizó un análisis cuantitativo de los modelos seleccionados, considerando como categorías de análisis los ejes estratégicos y los indicadores que estuvieran relacionados con las TIC. Se analizó la estructura de cuatro modelos: Invat.tur, Competitivo, Sistémico y Sinérgico. Dichos modelos tienen de cuatro a ocho ejes estratégicos que incluyen entre 28 y 68 indicadores asociados con las TIC. Entre los principales resultados se destaca que en el modelo Invat.tur el 60% de los indicadores están relacionados con las TIC; en el modelo Competitivo, el 33%; en el modelo Sistémico, el 76%; y en el modelo Sinérgico, el 32%. La importancia del uso de las TIC en los modelos DTI depende de la participación que se les asigne en cada uno. Finalmente, los destinos turísticos deben continuar implementando estrategias que incluyan cada vez más a las TIC en su gestión turística para mantenerse innovadores y competitivos.Smart Tourism Destinations (STD) have emerged as a management option to improve the quality and competitiveness of traditional tourism destinations, based on conceptual models that represent elements and relationships that make up the structure of the tourism system. In this sense, information and communication technologies (ICT) have gained importance in these models. The objective of this research is to determine the participation of ICTs in the strategic axes that make up the STD conceptual models. It is a qualitative methodological study, wich first includes an exhaustive review of the literature on STD models, followed by a quantitative analysis of the selected models, considering as categories of analysis the strategic axes and indicators related to ICTs. The structure of four models are analyzed: Invat.tur, Competitive, Systemic and Synergic. These models have four to eight strategic axes that include between 28 and 68 indicators associated with ICTs. Among the main results, 60% of the indicators in the Invat.tur model are related to ICTs; 33% in the Competitive model; 76% in the Systemic model; and 32% in the Synergic model. The importance of the use of ICTs in the STD models depends on the participation assigned to them in each one. Finally, tourism destinations should continue to implement strategies that increasingly include ICTs in their tourism management in order to remain innovative and competitive.Se agradece al Consejo Nacional de Humanidades, Ciencia y Tecnología (CONAHCYT) de México, quien mediante la Beca para realizar estudios de Doctorado con número de apoyo: 723060, contribuyó al desarrollo de esta investigación

    Degradation Monitoring of Photovoltaic Plants: Advanced GIS Applications

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    In order to evaluate a photovoltaic (PV) plant performance, payback time, profitability and environmental impact, an analysis must be made of plant maintenance needs, module and wiring degradation, mismatches and dust effects and PV cell defects and faults. Although a wide range of studies can be found that show the theory and laboratory testing of how these circumstances may affect PV production, very few studies in the field have covered or quantified real degradation effects and faults using a systematic procedure. The authors have therefore reviewed the conditions of PV plants operating in Southern Europe, examining the most frequently found faults and types of degradation, and they look at how novel technologies, such as geographic information system (GIS) applications, can help maintainers, owners, and promoters to supervise and locate damaged PV modules and monitor their evolution and impact on plant working conditions. GIS applications in this field allow the organization of a geo-referenced database of the system, locating and supervising the thirds of each PV cell in the power plant. With this information, investors and maintainers can exert increased control on the PV plant performance and conduct better preventive maintenance measures. The examples given demonstrate that these sorts of applications can be applied both to large PV plants and to domestic installations

    Comparative Evaluation of Local and Downstream Responses in Two Commercially Available Paclitaxel-Coated Balloons in Healthy Peripheral Arteries of a Swine Model

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    [EN] Objective To investigate the local, downstream, and systemic effects of two different paclitaxel-coated balloons. Design Preclinical study in healthy peripheral arteries of a swine model, with randomized allocation of the distribution of the devices: the test paclitaxel-coated balloon (PCB) (Luminor®), a control PCB (IN.PACT®), and a plain angioplasty balloon (Oceanus®), considering single (1×) and overlapping (3×) doses with simple blind histologic analysis. Methods Twenty animals underwent balloon angioplasty at 1× or 3× doses in the external and internal branches of both femoral arteries and were followed-up for 28 days. Post-procedural and follow-up angiography were carried out. Comprehensive necropsy and histology were used to evaluate the local, downstream and systemic effects. Results Angioplasty was successfully carried out in all animals. Significant protocol deviations appeared in three arteries (treated with Oceanus®) without clinical relevance. Those samples were excluded from the analysis. All the animals survived the follow-up period without major clinical issues. Local signs of drug toxicity were less marked with Luminor® than IN.PACT® at 1× dose, including endothelial loss (p=0.0828), intima/media inflammation (p=0.0004), transmural medial smooth muscle cell (SMC) loss (p=0.0016), wall thickness loss (p=0.0141), presence of fibrin in the vascular wall (p=0.0054), and adventitial inflammation (p=0.0080). A similar pattern was observed at the 3× dose for endothelial loss (p=0.0011), intima/media inflammation (p< 0.0001), circumferential SMC loss (p=0.0004), medial SMC replacement with proteoglycans (p=0.0014), fibrin (p=0.0034), and collagen content (p=0.0205). Downstream vascular 4 histologic changes were mild although more prevalent in the IN.PACT® 3× group (p=0.006). No systemic effects of toxicity were detected in any of the samples analyzed. Conclusion Luminor® showed better healing pattern (lower inflammation, and endothelial and muscular loss) than IN.PACT® balloon. The effect was evident at single and triple doses. The prevalence of downstream lesions, albeit low, was higher with the triple dose of IN.PACT® compared with Luminor®.S

    Development of a GIS Tool for High Precision PV Degradation Monitoring and Supervision: Feasibility Analysis in Large and Small PV Plants

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    [EN] It is well known that working photovoltaic (PV) plants show several maintenance needs due to wiring and module degradation, mismatches, dust, and PV cell defects and faults. There are a wide range of theoretical studies as well as some laboratory tests that show how these circumstances may affect the PV production. Thus, it is mandatory to evaluate the whole PV plant performance and, then, its payback time, profitability, and environmental impact or carbon footprint. However, very few studies include a systematic procedure to quantify and supervise the real degradation effects and fault impacts on the field. In this paper, the authors first conducted a brief review of the most frequent PV faults and the degradation that can be found under real conditions of operation of PV plants. Then, they proposed and developed an innovative Geographic Information System (GIS) application to locate and supervise them. The designed tool was applied to both a large PV plant of 108 kWp and a small PV plant of 9 kWp installed on a home rooftop. For the large PV plant, 24 strings of PV modules were modelized and introduced into the GIS application and every module in the power plant was studied including voltage, current, power, series and parallel resistances, fill factor, normalized PV curve to standard test conditions (STC), thermography and visual analysis. For the small PV installation three strings of PV panels were studied identically. It must be noted that PV modules in this case included power optimizers. The precision of the study enabled the researchers to locate and supervise up to a third part of every PV cell in the system, which can be adequately georeferenced. The developed tool allows both the researchers and the investors to increase control of the PV plant performance, to lead to better planning of maintenance actuations, and to evaluate several PV module replacement strategies in a preventive maintenance program. The PV faults found include hot spots, snail tracks, ethylene vinyl acetate (EVA) discoloration, PV cell fractures, busbar discoloration, bubbles and Si discoloration.SILaboratorio de Inspección Técnica de la Escuela de Minas (LITEM

    Análisis de la Trayectoria Formativo-Laboral previa al Ingreso de Menores y Jóvenes en el Centro de Educación e Internamiento por Medida Judicial entre los años 2011-2015

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    La presente investigación desarrolla un análisis acerca de la Trayectoria Formativo-Laboral de Menores y Jóvenes previa a su ingreso en el Centro de Educación e Internamiento por Medida Judicial (CEIMJ) de Juslibol, durante los años 2011-2015 inclusive

    Transferencia del conocimiento de enfermeria a los tutores institucionales en el contexto de la práctica clínica

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    [EN] In the field of clinical practice, different agents intervene: the institutional tutor, academic tutor and coordinators of clinical practice subjects. It was proposed to train institutional tutors from specific and adequate training to ensure their training in the context of clinical practice subjects. OBJECTIVE. To evaluate the level of satisfaction of the institutional tutors with the training received in the context of the clinical practice of the Degree in Nursing Design. Descriptive and transversal. Population and sample. 162 institutional tutors during the academic year 2016-2017 who teach in the subjects of Clinical Stages I and I. Sampling for convenience. Instruments and procedure. To assess the level of satisfaction, an Ad-hoc Questionnaire with 5 dimensions was elaborated: Teaching, Methodology, Organization and facilities, Thematic contents and Satisfaction. The questionnaire had 14 items. The Microsoft Excel 2010 Program will be used as support. RESULTS. The final sample consisted of 90% (n = 146) of the institutional tutors, with 93% (n = 136) women. The overall level of satisfaction was 50.4, with minimum values of 38 and maximums of 56. CONCLUSIONS: The levels of overall satisfaction of the training received by the Institutional Tutors vary between satisfactory and very satisfactory[ES] En el ámbito de la práctica clínica intervienen diferentes agentes: el tutor institucional, tutor académico y coordinadores de asignaturas de práctica clínica. Se planteó formar a los tutores institucionales a partir de formación específica y adecuada para poder garantizar su formación en el contexto de las asignaturas de práctica clínica. OBJETIVO. Evaluar el nivel de satisfacción de los tutores institucionales con la formación recibida en el contexto de la práctica clínica del Grado de Enfermería Diseño. Descriptivo y transversal. Población y muestra. 162 tutores institucionales durante el curso académico 2016-2017 que imparten docencia en las asignaturas de Estancias Clínicas I y I. Muestreo por conveniencia. Instrumentos y procedimiento. Para evaluar el nivel de satisfacción se elaboró un Cuestionario ad-hoc con 5 dimensiones: Docencia profesorado, Metodología, Organización e instalaciones, Contenidos temáticos y Satisfacción. El cuestionario contó con 14 ítems. Se utilizará como soporte el Programa Microsoft Excel 2010. RESULTADOS. La muestra final estuvo formada por el 90% (n=146) de los tutores institucionales siendo un 93% (n=136) mujeres. El nivel de satisfacción global fue de 50,4, con valores mínimos de 38 y máximos de 56. CONCLUSIONES: Los niveles de satisfacción global de la formación recibida por los Tutores Institucionales oscilan entre satisfactorios y muy satisfactorios.Martínez Momblan, M.; Colina Torralva, J.; Basco Prado, L.; Delgado Hito, P.; De La Cueva Ariza, L.; Romero García, M. (2018). Transferencia del conocimiento de enfermeria a los tutores institucionales en el contexto de la práctica clínica. En IN-RED 2018. IV Congreso Nacional de Innovación Educativa y Docencia en Red. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 1097-1106. https://doi.org/10.4995/INRED2018.2018.8565OCS1097110