58 research outputs found

    An Approach to the illustrated album

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    El álbum ilustrado se puede definir como un libro en el cual el texto y las ilustraciones se complementan para dar una información global e integral del relato contado en el mismo. Con este artículo pretendemos realizar una pequeña aproximación a este género literario, exponiendo las definiciones de algunos autores, así como las principales características del mismo. También se hace un breve recorrido sobre la evolución del álbum ilustrado a lo largo del tiempo, haciendo mención a algunas editoriales que publican este tipo de género literario.The illustrated album can be defined as a book in which the text and illustrations complement each other to give a global and integral information of the story told in it. With this article we intend to make a small approach to this literary genre, exposing the definitions of some authors, as well as the main characteristics of it. There is also a brief tour of the evolution of the illustrated album over time, mentioning some publishers that publish this type of literary genre

    The Influence of Cross-Linguistic Similarity and Language Background on Writing to Dictation

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    The current research was completed and thanks to financial aid provided by the doctoral research grant FPU16/01748 to AI and grants from the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades-Fondos Feder to TB (PGC2018-093786-B-I00) and DP (PCIN-2015-165-C02-01 and PSI2017-89324-C2-1-P) and from the Feder Andalucia to TB (A-CTS-111-UGR18 and P20.00107).This study used a word dictation task to examine the influence of a variety of factors on word writing production: cognate status (cognate vs. non-cognate words), orthographic (OS) and phonological similarity (PS) within the set of cognate words, and language learning background [late bilinguals (LBs) with academic literacy and formal instruction in English and Spanish, and heritage speakers (HSs) with academic literacy and formal instruction only in English]. Both accuracy and reaction times for the first key pressed by participants (indicating lexical access), and the time required to type the rest of the word after the first keypress (indicating sublexical processing) was assessed. The results revealed an effect of PS on the dictation task particularly for the first keypress. That is, cognates with high PS were processed faster than cognates with low PS. In contrast to reading studies in which PS only revealed a significant effect when the OS between languages was high (O + P+ vs. O + P−), in the dictation to writing task, the phonology had a more general effect across all conditions, regardless of the level of OS. On the other hand, OS tended to be more influential for typing the rest of the word. This pattern is interpreted as indicating the importance of phonology (and PS in cognates) for initial lexical retrieval when the input is aural. In addition, the role of OS and PS during co-activation was different between groups probably due to the participants’ linguistic learning environment. Concretely, HSs were found to show relatively lower OS effects, which is attributed to the greater emphasis on spoken language in their Spanish language learning experiences, compared to the formal education received by the LBs. Thus, the study demonstrates that PS can influence lexical processing of cognates, as long as the task demands specifically require phonological processing, and that variations in language learning experiences also modulate lexical processing in bilinguals.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades-Fondos Feder FPU16/01748Feder Andalucia PGC2018-093786-B-I00 PCIN-2015-165-C02-01 PSI2017-89324-C2-1-PA-CTS-111-UGR18 P20.0010

    Transfer effects from language processing to visual attention dynamics: The impact of orthographic transparency

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    The consistency between letters and sounds varies across languages. These differences have been proposed to be associated with different reading mechanisms (lexical vs. phonological), processing grain sizes (coarse vs. fine) and attentional windows (whole words vs. individual letters). This study aimed to extend this idea to writing to dictation. For that purpose, we evaluated whether the use of different types of processing has a differential impact on local windowing attention: phonological (local) processing in a transparent language (Spanish) and lexical (global) processing of an opaque language (English). Spanish and English monolinguals (Experiment 1) and Spanish–English bilinguals (Experiment 2) performed a writing to dictation task followed by a global–local task. The first key performance showed a critical dissociation between languages: the response times (RTs) from the Spanish writing to dictation task was modulated by word length, whereas the RTs from the English writing to dictation task was modulated by word frequency and age of acquisition, as evidence that language transparency biases processing towards phonological or lexical strategies. In addition, after a Spanish task, participants more efficiently processed local information, which resulted in both the benefit of global congruent information and the reduced cost of incongruent global information. Additionally, the results showed that bilinguals adapt their attentional processing depending on the orthographic transparency.Doctoral Research Grant, Spanish Government FPU16/01748Feder Andalucia A-CTS111-UGR18 P20.00107Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovacion y Universidades-Fondos Feder A-SEJ-416-UGR20 PID2019-111359GB-I00/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 PGC2018-093786-B-I0

    Second language acquisition of grammatical rules: The effects of learning condition, rule difficulty, and executive function

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    Learning a new language is an important goal that many individuals find difficult to achieve, particularly during adulthood. Several factors have related this variability to different extrinsic (learning condition, difficulty of the materials) and intrinsic (cognitive abilities) factors, but the interaction between them is barely known. In two experiments, participants learned English grammar rules in intentional (Experiment 1) or explicit (Experiment 2), and incidental learning-contexts. Overall, results of this study indicated that intentional-explicit conditions benefitted rule-learning, as compared to incidental conditions. This benefit was mainly present when participants were learning an easy-rule; explicit and incidental learning did not differ in the case of participants learning a difficult rule (Experiment 2). Moreover, individual differences in executive functioning predicted successful learning in interaction with difficulty. When learning an easy-rule, proactive control facilitated intentional learning. In contrast, when participants were learning a complex-rule, incidental learning was enhanced by lower involvement of proactive control.Universidad de Granad

    La investigación al aula: una práctica sobre la Igualdad y relaciones íntimas en el contexto universitario

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es llevar la investigación sobre igualdad en las relaciones de pareja al aula. Para ello elaboramos una práctica, de carácter voluntario, consistente en la realización de un cuestionario tipo escala Likert de 25 preguntas en las que se describen conductas asociadas empírica y teóricamente a la desigualdad y al maltrato. Se pide a los y las participantes que se posicionen y a continuación, que reflexionen sobre sus puntuaciones, sus sentimientos y que señalen qué ítems eliminarían por irrelevantes y cuáles añadirían. Se les oferta a un total de 94 alumnos y alumnas del grado de criminología, de los que finalmente la entregan 68. De las respuestas obtenidas podemos concluir que la práctica ayudó a tomar conciencia y descubrir cómo algunas conductas que se consideran” dentro de la vida cotidiana” están posicionándoles en un umbral de desigualdad y maltrato

    Application of refrigeration for debittering table olives

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    During the process of making table olives, it is necessary to remove bitterness caused by phenolic compounds like oleuropein. This debittering effect is achieved by degrading these compounds into non-bitter ones that are beneficial for health due to their antioxidant properties. One of the most used methods is alkaline debittering using NaOH but the main drawback is the environmental impact generated by wastes and degradation of high-value nutraceutical compounds in olives. Different olive debittering pre-treatments followed by refrigeration storage at 5ºC during 90 days have been performed using Ocal variety olives (Olea europaea L.) by combining heat, β- glucosidase and Lactobacillus plantarum treatments. Oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol concentrations were determined in olive pulp and brine. The data has been complemented with sensory tests. The treatment with the best results was storage in refrigeration, which achieved significant debittering and greater degradation of oleuropein, due to the action of endogenous enzymes of the olives

    Mesenchymal dental stem cells in regenerative dentistry

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    In the last decade, tissue engineering is a field that has been suffering an enormous expansion in the regenerative medicine and dentistry. The use of cells as mesenchymal dental stem cells of easy access for dentist and oral surgeon, immunosuppressive properties, high proliferation and capacity to differentiate into odontoblasts, cementoblasts, osteoblasts and other cells implicated in the teeth, suppose a good perspective of future in the clinical dentistry. However, is necessary advance in the known of growth factors and signalling molecules implicated in tooth development and regeneration of different structures of teeth. Furthermore, these cells need a fabulous scaffold that facility their integration, differentiation, matrix synthesis and promote multiple specific interactions between cells. In this review, we give a brief description of tooth development and anatomy, definition and classification of stem cells, with special attention of mesenchymal stem cells, commonly used in the cellular therapy for their trasdifferentiation ability, non ethical problems and acceptable results in preliminary clinical trials. In terms of tissue engineering, we provide an overview of different types of mesenchymal stem cells that have been isolated from teeth, including dental pulp stem cells (DPSCs), stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHEDs), periodontal ligament stem cells (PDLSCs), dental follicle progenitor stem cells (DFPCs), and stem cells from apical papilla (SCAPs), growth factors implicated in regeneration teeth and types of scaffolds for dental tissue regeneration

    Igualdad y relaciones íntimas: un estudio realizado en el contexto universitario

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    La cada vez mejor posición de las mujeres en la sociedad occidental, pone de manifiesto la mayor flexibilidad en la asunción de roles de género. Sin embargo, la mayoría de los estudios señalan la dependencia emocional como una de las variables más resistente al cambio. La interiorización de la desigualdad sustenta las relaciones asimétricas que justifican conductas violentas y dependientes. Profundizar en ello, sin duda contribuirá en una mejor y más eficaz prevención. Nos proponemos explorar el grado de igualdad percibido por hombres y mujeres jóvenes en sus relaciones de pareja. Nos centraremos en el estudio de su relación social, verbal- emocional, y física. Para ello hemos construido un cuestionario de naturaleza doble, basándonos fundamentalmente en el CADRI (Conflict in Adolescent Dating Relationships Inventory) versión española. Este estudio instrumental se enmarca en un contexto universitario y ha sido realizado con 638 personas pertenecientes a distintas titulaciones. En los resultados obtenidos se aprecian diferencias significativas en los aspectos, socio -relacionales, sexuales y emocionales

    Breathing pattern in a phase I clinical trial of intraspinal injection of autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis

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    The safety of autologous bone marrow mononuclear cells (ABMNC) intraspinal infusion in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) patients was evaluated considering breathing and sleep patterns. Patients between 20 and 65 years old were eligible if they had definite ALS, spinal onset, a disease duration between 6 and 36 months, FVC > 50%, and a below 90% oxygen saturation (T90) <2% of sleep time. The transplant was performed 6 months after enrollment. ABMNC were infused at thoracic 3–4 level. Eleven patients were included. The REM sleep decreased slightly one year after the cell transplant but not significantly. There were no differences in apnea–hipopnea index, mean oxygen saturation and nadir desaturation evolution. An increase of T90 was observed 180 and 360 days after injection (2.95 ± 1.51% and 4.30 ± 4.10% respectively), although it was not statistically significant. The central drive determined by occlusion pressure (P01) and inspiratory flow showed non-significant differences after one year. Intramedullary injection of ABMNC did not worsen the cortico medullar diaphragmatic pathways.Peer reviewe

    PRL-3 is essentially overexpressed in primary colorectal tumours and associates with tumour aggressiveness

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    Phosphatase PRL-3 has been involved in different types of cancer, especially in metastases from colorectal carcinoma (CRC). In this study, we explored both isoforms of PRL-3 as a biomarker to predict the recurrence of stage IIIB-C CRC. Overexpression of PRL-3 was investigated in primary human colorectal tumours (n=20) and hepatic metastases (n=36) xenografted in nude mice, samples characterised by absence of human non-tumoral cells, showing a high degree of expression in metastases (P=0.001). In 27 cases of matched normal colonic mucosa/primary tumour/hepatic metastases, PRL-3 overexpression occurs in primary tumours vs normal mucosa (P=0.001) and in hepatic metastases vs primary tumours (P=0.045). Besides, our results in a series of 80 stage IIIB-C CRC primary tumours showed that high levels of PRL-3 were an independent predictor of metastasis (P<0.0001; OR: 9.791) in multivariate analysis of a binary logistic regression and that PRL-3 expression tightly correlates with parameters of bad outcome. Moreover, PRL-3 expression associated with poor outcome in univariate (P<0.0001) and multivariate Cox models (hazard ratio: 3.322, 95%, confidence interval: 1.405-7.852, P=0.006). In conclusion, PRL-3 is a good marker of aggressiveness of locally advanced CRS and a promising predictor of distant metastases. Nevertheless, for prognosis purposes, it is imperative to validate the cutoff value of PRL-3 expression in a larger and consecutive series and adjuvant setting