17 research outputs found

    Solución de múltiples sistemas lineales en GPUs

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    Este trabajo se centra en el calculo, de forma concurrente, de múltiples sistemas lineales definidos por matrices densas de una dimensión media. Se considera una solución basada en la factorización de Cholesky y su implementación sobre plataformas GPUs. Este tipo de problema algebraico forma parte de distintos modelos de procesamiento de señal, y además exhibe distintos niveles de paralelismo que pueden ser explotados muy eficientemente por las GPUs. En este trabajo, como aplicación del problema, nos centramos en la detección de anomalías sobre imágenes hiperespectrales, lo que supone una importante tarea en la explotación de este tipo de imágenes obtenidas en la observación de la Tierra. Concretamente, consideramos la versión local del ampliamente usado algoritmo RX (Reed-Xiaoli), denotado como LRX, en el que una de sus etapas más costosas consiste en la solución, para cada pixel de la imagen, de un sistema lineal cuyas dimensiones coinciden con el número de bandas de la imagen. En este contexto se describe y evalúa la solución múltiple de sistemas lineales en GPUs, y se comprueba el factor de aceleración obtenido con la implementación propuesta en este trabajo.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (TIN2008- 01117, TIN2011-23283, TIN2012-37483-C03-01 and AYA2011-29334-C02-02), Junta de Andalucía (P10- TIC-6002 y P011-TIC7176), Junta de Extremadura (PRI09A110 y GR10035), CAPAP-H4 (TIN2011- 15734-E) y por los fondos FEDER. Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Effects of Four Formulations of Prostaglandin Analogs on Eye Surface Cells. A Comparative Study

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    We evaluated the cytotoxic effects of four prostaglandin analogs (PGAs) used to treat glaucoma. First we established primary cultures of conjunctival stromal cells from healthy donors. Then cell cultures were incubated with different concentrations (0, 0.1, 1, 5, 25, 50 and 100%) of commercial formulations of bimatoprost, tafluprost, travoprost and latanoprost for increasing periods (5 and 30 min, 1 h, 6 h and 24 h) and cell survival was assessed with three different methods: WST-1, MTT and calcein/AM-ethidium homodimer-1 assays. Our results showed that all PGAs were associated with a certain level of cell damage, which correlated significantly with the concentration of PGA used, and to a lesser extent with culture time. Tafluprost tended to be less toxic than bimatoprost, travoprost and latanoprost after all culture periods. The results for WST-1, MTT and calcein/AM-ethidium homodimer-1 correlated closely. When the average lethal dose 50 was calculated, we found that the most cytotoxic drug was latanoprost, whereas tafluprost was the most sparing of the ocular surface in vitro. These results indicate the need to design novel PGAs with high effectiveness but free from the cytotoxic effects that we found, or at least to obtain drugs that are functional at low dosages. The fact that the commercial formulation of tafluprost used in this work was preservative-free may support the current tendency to eliminate preservatives from eye drops for clinical use.This study was supported by the Spanish Plan Nacional de Investigación Científica, Desarrollo e Innovación Tecnológica (I+D+I) from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Instituto de Salud Carlos III), grants FIS PI11/1582 and FIS PI14/0955 (co-financed by FEDER funds, European Union) and by Grant P10-CTS-6060 from the Consejería de Economía, Innovación, Ciencia y Empleo, Junta de Andalucia, Spain (Proyectos de Excelencia)

    Histological caracterization of experimental urethroplasties with oral mucosa

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    Introducción: Diferentes técnicas quirúrgicas se han utilizado para la reconstrucción uretral, entre ellas la utilización de injertos de mucosa oral. El objetivo del trabajo es estudiar las modificaciones estructurales y ultraestructurales en los tejidos injertados sometidos a condiciones ambientales diferentes a las del tejido original. Material y métodos: 20 ratas Wistar macho de 300 g sometidas a anestesia general. Al grupo control se seccionó longitudinalmente la uretra peneana suturándola posteriormente. Grupos estudio, se realizó uretroplastia con injertos de mucosa oral autóloga y análisis (fijación con formaldehido y tinción H&E) tras sacrificio a los 7, 14 y 30 días. Resultados: La técnica empleada fue factible. El análisis de los tejidos orales implantados mostró adecuada integración, que fue completa a los 30 días presentando 5-6 capas de células planas estructura semejante al epitelio uretral. Conclusiones: La mucosa oral como injerto heterotópico se diferencia de forma adecuada generando un tejido estructuralmente similar a la uretra nativa.Introduction: Several surgical techniques have been used for urethral reconstruction. In this context, oral mucosa grafts are currently required. The aim of this study was to analyze the structural and ultraestructural modifications of grafted tissues exposed to different environmental conditions. Material and methods: 20 male Wistar rats under general anesthesia were used. Control group was set, and groups of study were set, and underwent an urethroplasty with oral mucosa graft analyzed at 7, 14 and 30 days. Results: The technique used was feasible. The analysis in oral grafted tissues showed an adequate integration level, with a shrinking interphase formation between the oral and urethral mucosa. At 30 days, the integration was completed and the oral mucosa showed 5-6 flat cell layers, with a similar structure to the urethral epithelium. Conclusions: The oral mucosa used as heterologous graft was able to differentiate in an adequate way to generate a structurally similar tissue to the native urethra.Financiado por: FIS expediente P 107061

    Lenalidomide and dexamethasone with or without clarithromycin in patients with multiple myeloma ineligible for autologous transplant: a randomized trial

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    Although case-control analyses have suggested an additive value with the association of clarithromycin to continuous lenalidomide and dexamethasone (Rd), there are not phase III trials confirming these results. In this phase III trial, 286 patients with MM ineligible for ASCT received Rd with or without clarithromycin until disease progression or unacceptable toxicity. The primary endpoint was progression-free survival (PFS). With a median follow-up of 19 months (range, 0-54), no significant differences in the median PFS were observed between the two arms (C-Rd 23 months, Rd 29 months; HR 0.783, p = 0.14), despite a higher rate of complete response (CR) or better in the C-Rd group (22.6% vs 14.4%, p = 0.048). The most common G3-4 adverse events were neutropenia [12% vs 19%] and infections [30% vs 25%], similar between the two arms; however, the percentage of toxic deaths was higher in the C-Rd group (36/50 [72%] vs 22/40 [55%], p = 0.09). The addition of clarithromycin to Rd in untreated transplant ineligible MM patients does not improve PFS despite increasing the ?CR rate due to the higher number of toxic deaths in the C-Rd arm. Side effects related to overexposure to steroids due to its delayed clearance induced by clarithromycin in this elderly population could explain these results. The trial was registered in clinicaltrials.gov with the name GEM-CLARIDEX: Ld vs BiRd and with the following identifier NCT02575144. The full trial protocol can be accessed from ClinicalTrials.gov. This study received financial support from BMS/Celgene

    PhDAY 2020 -FOO (Facultad de Óptica y Optometría)

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    Por cuarto año consecutivo los doctorandos de la Facultad de Óptica y Optometría de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid cuentan con un congreso propio organizado por y para ellos, el 4º PhDAY- FOO. Se trata de un congreso gratuito abierto en la que estos jóvenes científicos podrán presentar sus investigaciones al resto de sus compañeros predoctorales y a toda la comunidad universitaria que quiera disfrutar de este evento. Apunta en tu agenda: el 15 de octubre de 2020. En esta ocasión será un Congreso On-line para evitar que la incertidumbre asociada a la pandemia Covid-19 pudiera condicionar su celebración

    Audio guía del monolito 18 del museo de suelos del Departamento de Edafología

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    Nos encontramos frente a un suelo muy curioso y especialmente llamativo. Fue tomado en Lugo por tanto en un ambiente húmedo y frío y su material original son areniscas. Si nos fijamos en el monolito y en la infografía que le acompaña veremos dos características que saltan a la vista; el color de los horizontes y su distribución. Esos colores oscuros, junto con las estructuras granulares o migajosas, nos están indicando la presencia de materia orgánica. En este monolito tenemos un ejemplo del proceso de Eluviación/Iluviación de la materia orgánica. La solubilidad de la materia orgánica es posible por la formación de quelatos, que son complejos de materia orgánica con óxidos de hierro y aluminio

    Audio guía del monolito 13 del museo de suelos del Departamento de Edafología

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    Es un suelo muy poco evolucionado donde destaca la alteración física del mármol que constituye el material original. La roca se va desagregando por la acción del agua, tranformandose en saprolita. Aumenta la porosidad y se conserva la mineralogía de la roca

    Teacher Training in Lifelong Learning—The Importance of Digital Competence in the Encouragement of Teaching Innovation

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    To Fátima León Medialdea as a specialized translator of the manuscript. We also acknowledge the researchers of the research group AREA (HUM-672), which belongs to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Junta de Andalucía and is based in the Department of Didactics and School Organization of the Faculty of Education Sciences of the University of Granada.The vertiginous advance of society in recent years has forced a modification of demands among citizens and educators. The arrival of information and communication technologies to the educational atmosphere has led to the development of the digital competence of teachers, which is one of the educational challenges teacher training has to face now. Based on this, this work intends to carry out an evaluation of the development of digital competence in teachers of the Lifelong Learning stage in the community of Andalusia (Spain). In order to do so, a quantitative and transversal work design was used, with a sample of 142 teachers from different schools in this area. The results showed a deficit of teachers in the five digital dimensions, especially in the creation of digital content. It was also clarified that there was a direct relationship between previous information and communication technology (ICT) training and the dimensions of communication and collaboration, and content creation. Finally, the work here showed that the teachers concerned with preservice ICT training were young and with less than 10 years of experience. In conclusion, the development of digital teaching competence continues to be a challenge for the education system which must therefore be addressed, and it shall continue to be a key issue in the training of current teachers, as it is indeed a fundamental pillar for promoting a new way of teaching, being the only way to develop an areal teaching innovation panorama.Scientific research project (I+D+i): Study and analysis on technological resources and innovation in teacher training in the field of Higher Education and its applicability in the development of the region of Santander (Colombia) Code: ISPRS-2017-7202