394 research outputs found

    A política em Hannah Arendt: ambiente, lugar por excelência do fenómeno político

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    Tese de mestrado,Filosofia da Natureza e do Ambiente, apresentada à Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, 2008“O que estamos a fazer?” – questão que se coloca após tomarmos consciência que vivemos em colisão com o sistema ecológico do planeta. A mesma questão impôs-se a Hannah Arendt quando, na vivência dos tempos sombrios do século XX, verificou que a humanidade vivia em conflito consigo própria. Arendt é uma pensadora do começo. Neste contexto, e porque a crise ambiental é uma questão pública e política que se impõe, com Arendt procurámos o sentido das duas categorias, visando resgatar uma nova cidadania consciente da sua pertença ao mundos natural e humano, a partir da qual encontre uma via de recuperação dos mesmos. Assim, tendo por base a análise arendtiana da tripla dimensão da vita activa, labor, trabalho e acção, interpretámos o pensamento de Arendt sob duas perspectivas: na vertente política, porque encerra em si a possibilidade do novo e convoca a participação de todos, e na vertente ambiental, enquanto contexto promotor da acção política. Ambas revelam uma pensadora pioneira na interpretação da sociedade de risco e comprovam que a asfixia do planeta não é indiferente à crise civilizacional. The Human Condition (1958) é o livro de referência, embora toda a obra concorra para a tese que propomos: o Ambiente como lugar, por excelência, do fenómeno político. O cinema, enquanto arte política, tem aqui espaço. Surge através da interpretação dos filmes Notre Musique de Godard (2004) e An Inconvenient Truth de Al Gore (2006), que confirmam a actualidade do pensamento arendtiano e consolidam a nossa reflexão. Embora em contextos diferentes, estes autores partilham com Arendt o apelo ao regresso ao mundo e à Terra através da acção pública e política. Apelo que reforçamos.ABSTRACT:“What are we doing?” – a question that we ask after we become conscience that we live in collision with the planet’s ecological system. The same question was faced by Hannah Arendt when, in the XX century dark times, she realized that mankind was living in conflict with itself. Arendt is a thinker of beginnings. In this context, and because the environmental crisis is a public and political question in existence at this time, with Arendt we look for the meaning of these categories, to create a new citizenship conscience of the sense of belonging to the planet and man’s world, and by this sense of belonging recognizes the way to recuperate these. In this way, based on the analysis of the triple dimension of vita activa – labor, work, action – we look at Arendt’ works in two lights: in the political context, because it contains the possibility of the new and it requests the participation of all; and in the environmental context, while a promoter of the political action. Both reflect a pioneer thinker of society at risk and prove that the planet’s asphyxiation is not indifferent to the civilization crisis. The Human Condition (1958) is our reference to the thesis proposed: the environment as the place where the political phenomena could occur. Cinema, although a political art, has its own place in this thesis. It is displayed here in two current movies, Notre Musique from Godard (2004) e An Inconvenient Truth from Al Gore (2006), that confirms the actuality of Arendt’ thinking and consolidates our reflection. Although in different contexts, these authors share, with Arendt, the appeal to return to the planet and man’s world through political and public action. We share the same call


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    O objetivo da pesquisa consiste em analisar o direito à privacidade e o tratamento dos dados pela administração pública quando da execução de políticas públicas. A relevância do assunto justifica-se que na atual sociedade de informação os dados pessoais compõem os aspectos dos direitos da personalidade e merecem devida proteção. O contexto do trabalho discute a proteção ao direito à saúde, na realidade da pandemia do Covid-19, e o direito à privacidade, fundamentada na Lei Geral de Proteção de Dados Pessoais (Lei 13.709/2018). Nesse debate, questiona se a administração pública pode usar os dados pessoais para executar políticas públicas de proteção à saúde. Para tanto, como método utilizou-se a revisão bibliográfica e documental e concluiu que a administração pública pode usar os dados dos indivíduos para executar políticas públicas, desde que tenha interesse público e ela promova mecanismos de proteção para assegurar o direito à privacidade

    Electrochemical and spectroscopic characterisation of amphetamine-like drugs: Application to the screening of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) and its synthetic precursors

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    A complete physicochemical characterisation of MDMA and its synthetic precursors MDA, 3,4-methylenedioxybenzaldehyde (piperonal) and 3,4-methylenedioxy-[beta]-methyl-[beta]-nitrostyrene was carried out through voltammetric assays and Raman spectroscopy combined with theoretical (DFT) calculations. The former provided important analytical redox data, concluding that the oxidative mechanism of the N-demethylation of MDMA involves the removal of an electron from the amino-nitrogen atom, leading to the formation of a primary amine and an aldehyde. The vibrational spectroscopic experiments enable to afford a rapid and reliable detection of this type of compounds, since they yield characteristic spectral patterns that lead to an unequivocal identification.http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6TF4-4P0X5D5-4/1/9762a97e2bf78b805ff2aef86d7a1cc

    A novel insertion from chromosome 18 to chromosome 15 with a 183Kb 18q deletion

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    Chromosome 18q- syndrome is a rare chromosomal disorder with an incidence of 1 in 40 000 live births. The phenotype is highly variable, depending on the amount of deleted genetic material, and is characterized by mental retardation, developmental delay, hypotonia, seizures, obesity, abnormal behavior, short stature and craniofacial dysmorphisms. We report a patient with mental retardation, dysmorphic features, hypotonia, growth retardation, severe expressive speech delay and Duane syndrome, with an insertion of 18q in 15q causing a 183Kb deletion in18q. Cytogenetic and SNP array analysis showed a female karyotype presenting a de novo rare chromosome rearrangement: an insertion of the 18q21q23 on the 15q22 region, with deletion 18q12.3 (chr18:42,484,980-42,667,966, [GRCh37]), involving only the MIR4319 and SETBP1 genes. There are few reports of 18q12.3 deletion associated with mild dysmorphic features, mental retardation and impairment of expressive language. To our knowledge this is the smallest deletion described, involving two genes: SETBP1 and a microRNA (MIR4319). SETBP1 gene is associated to expressive speech delay. The authors present a literature review of 18q12.3 deletion.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Distribuição de profissionais de Educação Física no sistema de saúde brasileiro: do crescimento a necessária interiorização

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    The aim of this study is to describe the distribution of Physical Education professionals in the Brazil's Unified Health System (SUS) and reflect on the process of internalization of this professional in the state of Goiás. This investigation is a cross-sectional, ecological study, with exploratory analysis, based on the descriptive statistics method. For this purpose, we used data available in the National Register of Health Establishments from 2008 to 2022, with the 246 municipalities of Goiás. A total of 375 professional insertions were found in December 2022 and it is possible to observe sustained growth over the analyzed period. This presence happens in a heterogeneous way, in the most varied establishments, but it is the public units that most strengthened and internalized the presence of this professional in Goiás. There are physical education professionals in SUS in all regions of the state and this average insertion increases with the size of the municipality. In this study, delimitation by health region allowed observing discrepancies and inequities in the sufficiency of human resources.O objetivo deste estudo é descrever a distribuição dos profissionais de Educação Física no Sistema Único de Saúde - SUS e refletir sobre o processo de interiorização desse profissional no estado de Goiás, Brasil. Esta investigação é um estudo transversal, do tipo ecológico, com análise exploratória, a partir do método da estatística descritiva. Para tanto, utilizaram-se os dados disponíveis no Cadastro Nacional de Estabelecimentos de Saúde, com recorte temporal de 2008 a 2022, junto aos 246 municípios goianos. Foram encontradas 375 inserções de profissionais em dezembro de 2022 e é possível observar um crescimento sustentado, ao longo do período analisado. A presença deste acontece de forma heterogênea, a partir dos mais variados estabelecimentos, mas são as unidades públicas que mais fortaleceram e interiorizaram a presença deste profissional em Goiás. Há profissionais de educação física no SUS em todas as regiões do estado e essa inserção média aumenta conforme o porte do município. Neste estudo, a delimitação por região de saúde permitiu observar discrepâncias e iniquidades na suficiência de recursos humanos. El objetivo de este estudio es describir la distribución de los profesionales de Educación Física en el Sistema de Salud de Brasil (SUS) y reflexionar sobre el proceso de inserción de este profesional en el estado de Goiás. Esta investigación es un estudio transversal, ecológico, con análisis exploratorio, basado en el método de la estadística descriptiva. Para ello, se utilizaron los datos disponibles en el Registro Nacional de Establecimientos de Salud entre 2008 y 2022 en los 246 municipios de Goiás. Se encontraron un total de 375 inserciones profesionales en diciembre de 2022, observándose además un crecimiento sostenido en el período analizado. Esta inserción es muy heterogénea puesto que tiene lugar en los más variados establecimientos, aunque son las unidades públicas las que más fortalecieron e interiorizaron la presencia de estos profesionales en Goiás. Hay profesionales de educación física en el SUS en todas las regiones del estado y el promedio de inserción aumenta en función del tamaño del municipio. En este estudio, la delimitación por región de salud permitió observar discrepancias e inequidades en la suficiencia de los recursos humanos

    Total ossicular replacement prosthesis of the middle ear: a biomechanical analysis

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    The main goal of the present study is to analyze and characterize the behavior of the middle ear, when a total ossicular replacement prosthesis (TORP) is used in the ossicular chain, in order to troubleshoot conductive hearing loss. Using a finite element model (FEM), a dynamic study of the middle ear was made. The displacement values were obtained at the umbo and stapes footplate, for a sound pressure level of 80 dB sound pressure level (SPL) applied at the tympanic membrane, when a cartilage in membrane-prosthesis interface of different diameters and thicknesses was used. The results were compared with the healthy middle ear model. The usage of this model aims to achieve a set of techniques that promotes the best possible performance of prosthesis in the middle ear. The present study allows to conclude that the rehabilitation of the middle ear with TORP can lead to the best results when used with 4 mm diameter cartilages, with a thin thickness of 0.3 mm.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The resignification of medical practices based on contact with the Other - with indigenous and caboclo-riverside residents: An experience report in the Amazon

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    Introduction:The Amazonas\u27 State University provides Nursing, Medicine, Dentistry, and Pharmacy degrees with the experience of Rural Training in Public Health. Two MD students had high expectations of experiencing health care in the Amazonas interior, as they realized that there was a lapse in their academic training. They questioned the fact that they were about to take the place of "doctors trained by the state of Amazonas" without knowing the population, ethnocultural and geographical variety of the region. This lack encouraged the choice of the location of the internship to be the city of São Gabriel da Cachoeira. Methods:Meetings and lectures were held with health teams that enabled clinical experiences and interactions with indigenous and riverside residents. Finally, seminars/activity reports were produced, which contributed to the awakening of reflections on medical practices. Thus, this experience report is based on the particular apprehension of the reality described, based on daily observation. Results and Discussions: During the internship, the students began to question and deconstruct the doctor-user relationship hierarchy. Conclusions: Thus, they re-signified their practices beyond technical and biological knowledge, in line with the decolonial epistemology


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    O presente estudo tem como objetivo aferir o nível de maturidade da gestão do conhecimento em relação à percepção de docentes e técnicos administrativos em uma Instituição Pública de Ensino Superior. Para tanto, foi realizada uma pesquisa descritiva, de campo e comparativa, de natureza quantitativa, por meio da aplicação de um questionário on-line. A partir da coleta de dados, fez-se uma análise descritiva e bivariada em relação aos dados demográficos e ao nível de maturidade da gestão do conhecimento. Foi identificado o nível de maturidade da gestão do conhecimento na instituição e, ao se realizar a análise bivariada relacionando o nível de maturidade da gestão do conhecimento entre os técnicos administrativos e os docentes, obteve-se diferença significativa. Entender as relações propostas contribuirá para otimizar o relacionamento existente entre os entes organizacionais e o desenvolvimento da gestão do conhecimento. Sugere-se, ao final, novas pesquisas quantitativas e qualitativas que possam aprofundar na diferenciação dos vínculos em Instituições de Ensino.Palavras-chave: Maturidade da gestão do Conhecimento. Docente. Técnico Administrativo. Universidade Federal de Ensino Superior.ABSTRACTThe present study aims to assess the knowledge management maturity level in relation to the teachers and administrative technicians perception at a higher education public institution. To run the analysis, it was done a quantitative, descriptive, comparative, field research, through an online questionnaire. After the data collection, a descriptive and bivariate analysis was carried out in relation to the demographic data and the knowledge management maturity level. It was identified the institution´s knowledge management maturity level and, when performing the bivariate analysis relating the knowledge management maturity level between the administrative technicians and the teachers, it was found a significant difference. Understanding the proposed relationships contributes to optimize the existing relationship between organizational entities and the knowledge management development.Keywords: Knowledge Management Maturity. Teachers. Administrative Technicians. Higher Education Public Institution

    Tuning the Biological Activity of Camphorimine Complexes through Metal Selection

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    This research was funded by FCT—Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, through projects CQE (UIDB/00100/2020 and UIDP/00100/2020) and C2TN (UID/MULTI/04349/2019), the projects of the Research Unit Institute for Bioengineering and Biosciences—iBB (UIDB/04565/2020 and UIDP/04565/2020), the project LA/P/0140/2020 of the Associate Laboratory Institute for Health and Bioeconomy—i4HB, and a PhD grant to J.P.C. (UI/BD/152244/2021).The cytotoxic activity of four sets of camphorimine complexes based on the Cu(I), Cu(II), Ag(I), and Au(I) metal sites were assessed against the cisplatin-sensitive A2780 and OVCAR3 ovarian cancer cells. The results showed that the gold complexes were ca. one order of magnitude more active than the silver complexes, which in turn were ca. one order of magnitude more active than the copper complexes. An important finding was that the cytotoxic activity of the Ag(I) and Au(I) camphorimine complexes was higher than that of cisplatin. Another relevant aspect was that the camphorimine complexes did not interact significantly with DNA, in contrast with cisplatin. The cytotoxic activity of the camphorimine complexes displayed a direct relationship with the cellular uptake by OVCAR3 cells, as ascertained by PIXE (particle-induced X-ray emission). The levels of ROS (reactive oxygen species) formation exhibited an inverse relationship with the reduction potentials for the complexes with the same metal, as assessed by cyclic voltammetry. In order to gain insight into the toxicity of the complexes, their cytotoxicity toward nontumoral cells (HDF and V79 fibroblasts) was evaluated. The in vivo cytotoxicity of complex 5 using the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans was also assessed. The silver camphorimine complexes displayed the highest selectivity coefficients (activity vs. toxicity).publishersversionpublishe