20 research outputs found

    The influence of gender and social roles on academic achievement

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    The analysis of the influence of certain social aspects across countries on gender differences in educational achievement has gained a great relevance. In this research the main objective is to deepen into the knowledge of these cultural factors. In order to accomplish this aim, international data from many countries has been used, grouped into education system characteristics, child qualities supported socially, views and opinions on gender roles, and risk-aversion attitudes. The empirical analysis carried out has shown that it is necessary to foster entrepreneurship attitudes during students’ tertiary education, with special emphasis on girls, as they are more affected by gender stereotypes and risk-aversion in comparison to boys. In spite of the existence of unexplained gender differences, individual and country-level factors may have a different effect on the academic achievement of boys and girls.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    II Jornadas Internacionales Colegio Profesional de Logopedas de Galicia

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    Este libro recoge las ponencias presentadas en las II Jornadas Internacionales organizadas por el Colegio Profesional de Logopedas de Galicia, que se celebraron durante los días 15 y 16 de noviembre en la Facultade de Ciencias da Educación da Universidade da Coruñ

    Primary respiratory disease in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus: data from the Spanish rheumatology society lupus registry (RELESSER) cohort

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    Background The purpose of this study was to assess the prevalence, associated factors, and impact on mortality of primary respiratory disease in a large systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) retrospective cohort. Methods All adult patients in the RELESSER-TRANS (Registry of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Patients of the Spanish Society of Rheumatology [SER], cross-sectional phase) registry were retrospectively investigated for the presence of primary pleuropulmonary manifestations. Results In total 3215 patients were included. At least one pleuropulmonary manifestation was present in 31% of patients. The most common manifestation was pleural disease (21%), followed by lupus pneumonitis (3.6%), pulmonary thromboembolism (2.9%), primary pulmonary hypertension (2.4%), diffuse interstitial lung disease (2%), alveolar hemorrhage (0.8%), and shrinking lung syndrome (0.8%). In the multivariable analysis, the variables associated with the development of pleuropulmonary manifestation were older age at disease onset (odds ratio (OR) 1.03, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.02-1.04), higher SLEDAI (Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Disease Activity Index) scores (OR 1.03, 95% CI 1.00-1.07), the presence of Raynaud's phenomenon (OR 1.41, 95% CI 1.09-1.84), secondary antiphospholipid syndrome (OR 2.20, 95% CI 1.63-2.97), and the previous or concomitant occurrence of severe lupus nephritis, (OR 1.48, 95% CI 1.12-1.95) neuropsychiatric manifestations (OR 1.49, 95% CI 1.11-2.02), non-ischemic cardiac disease (OR 2.91, 95% CI 1.90-4.15), vasculitis (OR 1.81, 95% CI 1.25-2.62), hematological manifestations (OR 1.31, 95% CI 1.00-1.71), and gastrointestinal manifestations, excluding hepatitis (OR 2.05, 95% CI 1.14-3.66). Anti-RNP positivity had a clear tendency to significance (OR 1.32, 95% CI 1.00-1.75; P = 0.054). The development of pleuropulmonary manifestations independently contributes to a diminished survival (hazard ratio of 3.13). However, not all complications will influence the prognosis in the same way. Whereas the occurrence of pleural disease or pulmonary thromboembolism has a minimal impact on the survival of these patients, the remaining manifestations have a major impact on mortality. Conclusion Except for pleural disease, the remaining respiratory manifestations are very uncommon in SLE (<4%). Pleuropulmonary manifestations independently contributed to a decreased survival in these patients

    Importance of nutrition in captive breeding programs of endangered bird species : some practical examples

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    The success of a captive breeding program for any endangered species depends on many factors among which is nutrition. The science of zoo nutrition has greatly advanced in the last 20 years, and continues to do so, providing a growing solid base to formulate diets for captive wild animals. However, there are still many institutions that do not base diet design on scientific evidence. Therefore during diet evaluation and pathology studies, diet imbalances are frequently detected

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    Treballs de l'alumnat del Grau de Comunicació Audiovisual, Facultat d'Informació i Mitjans Audiovisuals, Universitat de Barcelona, Projectes II. Curs: 2020-2021, Tutora: Ma. Ángeles García Asensio. // Director: Anna Rotger Marqués; Aj. Direcció: Carlos Jimenez Mata; Productor: Elliot Fernández García i Xènia Alcàzar Gracia; Guionista: Martí Yagües Gomà; Dir. Fotografia: Carlos Jimenez Mata i Andrea Martínez Gil; Càmera: Carlos Jimenez Mata i Andrea Martínez Gil; Direcció de so: Jan Guilera Vizuete; Muntatge: Helena Contreras Borrell; Equip artístic: Andrea Urbano, Gerard Morcillo i Pol Blancafort.La Thana i l'Odon són dos empleats de la Mort encarregats d'assassinar els terrícoles als que els hi ha arribat l'hora. Ella, una treballadora ja experimentada, ha de guiar a l'Odon en el seu primer dia de feina i assassinar a en Manel, un jove que el dia anterior ha organitzat una gran festa al seu pis. Per decidir la manera en com el maten juguen a un complex joc d'escacs, daus i cartes, que acaba en discussió sobre les seves diferents postures: l'Odon no vol ser responsable del destí d'una altra persona, però la Thana creu que cap de les seves accions pot canviar el seu final. I tot i que cap dels dos l'assassina, en Manel apareix mort a la dutxa, incapaç d'escapar de les elucubracions de la Mort