9 research outputs found

    Pastele Leona Wyczółkowskiego z kolekcji portretów profesorów Muzeum Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego - zagadnienia technologiczne i konserwatorskie.

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    Leon Wyczółkowski’s pastels from the collections of professors’ portraits in the Jagiellonian University Museum – technology and conservation issues The article deals with technology and conservation issues concerning Leon Wyczółkowski’s six portraits from the Jagiellonian University Museum at Collegium Maius. The characteristics of damage related to the type of ground is discussed. Non-typical canvas grounds sprinkled with woolen and cotton fibre, the so called velour canvas, are described, along with conservation methods

    Bilingual children's phonology shows evidence of transfer, but not deceleration in their L1

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    Bilingual language development might be characterized by transfer, deceleration, and/or acceleration, the first two being relevant for the language impairment diagnosis. Studies on bilingual children’s productive phonology show evidence of transfer, but little is known about deceleration in this population. Here, we focused on phonological transfer and deceleration in L1 speech of typically developing Polish-English bilingual children of Polish migrants to the United Kingdom (aged 4.7-7). We analyzed L1 speech samples of 30 bilinguals and 2 groups of Polish monolinguals, matched to the bilinguals on age or vocabulary size. We found that bilingual children’ speech (both simultaneous and early sequential) was characterized by transfer, but not by deceleration, suggesting that while phonological deceleration phases out in children above the age of 4.7, transfer does not. We discuss our findings within the PRIMIR model of bilingual phonological acquisition (Curtin et al., 2011) and show their implications for SLT practices

    How does L1 and L2 exposure impact L1 performance in bilingual children? : evidence from Polish-English migrants to the United Kingdom

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    Most studies on bilingual language development focus on children’s second language (L2). Here, we investigated first language (L1) development of Polish-English early migrant bilinguals in four domains: vocabulary, grammar, phonological processing and discourse. We first compared Polish language skills between bilinguals and their Polish non-migrant monolingual peers, and then investigated the influence of the cumulative exposure to L1 and L2 on bilinguals’ performance. We then examined whether high exposure to L1 could possibly minimize the gap between monolinguals and bilinguals. We analyzed data from 233 typically developing children (88 bilingual, 145 monolingual) aged 4;0 to 7;5 (years; months) on six language measures in Polish: receptive vocabulary, productive vocabulary, receptive grammar, productive grammar (sentence repetition), phonological processing (non-word repetition) and discourse abilities (narration). Information about language exposure was obtained via parental questionnaires. For each language task, we analyzed the data from the subsample of bilinguals who had completed all the tasks in question and from monolinguals matched one-on-one to the bilingual group on age, SES (measured by years of mother’s education), gender, non-verbal IQ and short term memory. The bilingual children scored lower than monolinguals in all language domains, except discourse. The group differences were more pronounced on the productive tasks (vocabulary, grammar, phonological processing) and moderate on the receptive tasks (vocabulary and grammar). L1 exposure correlated positively with the vocabulary size and phonological processing. Grammar scores were not related to the levels of L1 exposure, but were predicted by general cognitive abilities. L2 exposure negatively influenced productive grammar in L1, suggesting possible L2 transfer effects on L1 grammatical performance. Children’s narrative skills benefitted from exposure to two languages: both L1 and L2 exposure influenced story structure scores in L1. Importantly, we did not find any evidence (in any of the tasks in which the gap was present) that the performance gap between monolinguals and bilinguals could be fully closed with high amounts of L1 input

    The predictors of foreign : accentedness in the home language of Polish - English bilingual children

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    We investigated the speech patterns and accentedness of Polish–English bilingual children raised in Great Britain to verify whether their L1 Polish would be perceived as different from that of monolinguals matched for age and socioeconomic status. To this end, Polish-language speech samples of 32 bilinguals and 10 monolinguals (a 3:1 ratio, MAge = 5.79) were phonetically analysed by trained phoneticians and rated by 55 Polish raters, who assessed the degree of native accent, intelligibility, acceptability and perceived age. The results show significant differences in the phonetic performance of bilingual and monolingual children – both in terms of atypical speech patterns uncovered in the phonetic analysis and in terms of the holistic accentedness ratings. We also explored the socio-linguistic predictors of accent ratings in bilingual speech and found that the amount of L1 Polish input was the main predictor of accentedness in children's L1 Polish speech, while L2 English input was marginally significant. (149)</jats:p

    Bilingual children do not transfer stress patterns : evidence from suprasegmental and segmental analysis of L1 and L2 speech of Polish-English child bilinguals

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    Aims and objectives/purpose/research questions:The study examines bilingual children?s prosodic competence, specifically the ability to correctly assign word stress in both languages, and contrasts it with participants? segmental competence. To this end, we estimated and compared the magnitude of prosodic and segmental transfer in L1 and L2 speech of typically developing Polish?English migrant bilingual children raised in the UK. We also explored the influence of cumulative language exposure on both types of transfer.Design/methodology/approach:A non-word repetition task was used in both languages to assess children?s faithfulness in repeating segmentals and stress patterns in two to five syllable-long items. Also, a parental questionnaire on cumulative language exposure was conducted to estimate the quality of input in both languages. All children (N = 59, M = 5;8) were early bilinguals raised in the UK.Data and analysis:A 2x2 ANOVA and a correlation analysis were conducted to compare the magnitude of prosodic and segmental transfer, within and across languages. Also, multiple regression analysis was performed to establish the predictors of transfer in L1 and L2.Findings/conclusions:The bilingual children repeated stress patterns in both languages correctly, showing resistance to transfer in word stress, even though bidirectional transfer was observed in segmentals. The magnitude of segmental transfer in Polish and English was predicted by cumulative exposure to English, while prosodic transfer in Polish was predicted by cumulative exposure to Polish.Originality and significance/implications:The study provides evidence on word stress placement in the age group of bilingual children, 4?7 years of age, in comparison with segmental data. It uses a novel methodology in comparing the magnitude of transfer between prosody and segmentals, within and across languages. Moreover, the study highlights the importance of language exposure for reducing the amount of segmental transfer in this group of children

    Does L2 proficiency impact L2-L1 transfer while reading L1 collocations? : evidence from behavioral and ERP data

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    Multi-word expressions (MWEs) are fixed, conventional phrases often used by native speakers of a given language (L1). The type of MWEs investigated in this study were collocations. For bilinguals who have intensive contact with the second language (L2), collocational patterns can be transferred from the L2 to the L1 as a result of cross-linguistic influence (CLI). For example, bilingual migrants can accept collocations from their L2 translated to their L1 as correct. In this study, we asked whether such CLI is possible in native speakers living in the L1 environment and whether it depends on their L2 English proficiency. To this end, we created three lists of expressions in Polish: (1) well-formed Polish verb-noun collocations (e.g., ma sens - ∗has sense), (2) collocational calques from English (loan translations), where the English verb was replaced by a Polish translation equivalent (e.g., ∗robi sens - makes sense), and, as a reference (3) absurd verb-noun expression, where the verb did not collocate with the noun (e.g., ∗zjada sens - ∗eats sense). We embedded the three types of collocations in sentences and presented them to L1 Polish participants of varying L2 English proficiency in two experiments. We investigated whether L2 calques would (1) be explicitly judged as non-native in the L1; (2) whether they would evoke differential brain response than native L1 Polish equivalents in the event-related potentials (ERPs). We also explored whether the sensitivity to CLI in calques depended on participants’ level of proficiency in L2 English. The results indicated that native speakers of Polish assessed the calques from English as less acceptable than the correct Polish collocations. Still, there was no difference in online processing of correct and calques collocations as measured by the ERPs. This suggests a dissociation between explicit offline judgments and indices of online language processing. Interestingly, English L2 proficiency did not modulate these effects. The results indicate that the influence of English on Polish is so pervasive that collocational calques from this language are likely to become accepted and used by Poles