1,179 research outputs found


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    The unique charoite mineralization, established on the Murun alkaline massif in the northwestern part of the Aldan shield on the border of the Irkutsk region and Yakutia, is still of great interest to some of researchers (geologists, crystallographers, geochemists, etc.). The outcrops of charoite-bearing rocks at the “Sirenevyi Kamen” deposit are noted both in the indigenous outcrops and in eluvial clatters [Bondarenko, 2009].The unique charoite mineralization, established on the Murun alkaline massif in the northwestern part of the Aldan shield on the border of the Irkutsk region and Yakutia, is still of great interest to some of researchers (geologists, crystallographers, geochemists, etc.). The outcrops of charoite-bearing rocks at the “Sirenevyi Kamen” deposit are noted both in the indigenous outcrops and in eluvial clatters [Bondarenko, 2009]

    The possible evolution of pitch angles of spiral galaxies

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    The origin and maintenance of spiral structure in galaxies, the correlation between different types of spiral structure and several proposed mechanisms for their generation, and the evolution of spiral arms of galaxies with time are questions that are still controversial. In this note we study the spiral structure in a sample of distant galaxies in order to infer the evolution of spiral arm characteristics with redshift. We considered a sample of 171 face-on spiral galaxies in the Hubble Space Telescope COSMOS (The Cosmic Evolution Survey) field. The galaxies are distributed up to z1z \approx 1 with a mean value of 0.44. For all galaxies, we determined the pitch angles of the spiral arms and analysed their dependence on redshift; a total of 359 arms were measured. Analyses of our measurements combined with the literature data suggest a possible evolution of the pitch angles of spiral galaxies: by the modern epoch the spiral pattern, on average, becomes more tightly wound. This may be a consequence of the general evolution of the structure of galaxies as galaxies become more massive over time and their bulges grow. In addition, the distribution of the cotangent of pitch angle of galaxies indicates the possibility that the dominant mechanism of spiral pattern generation changes over time.Comment: 5 pages, accepted for publication on Astronomy & Astrophysics Letter

    Model of stressed-strained State of Multilayer Masses with regard for Non-Ideal Contact of Layers

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    Thus, mathematical model stressed- strained of a condition of layered masses is constructed. The model has high accuracy. It allows to simulate slippery contact of layers without friction. Thus not the order of permitting system of the equations is increased, and at its realization the method of fenite elements does not increase quantity of required degrees freedom. The differential operators included in system the equations are similar known in the classical theory of shells. It facilitates construction of a finite element. Presence in system of the differential equations of derivative of external forces allows to use her for the decision of contact problems with a stain of contact commensurable with thickness of a masses

    Development of coordination abilities of the students in the physical education

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    Формирование двигательных навыков в акробатических упражнениях повышает уровень координационных способностей, улучшает качество технической и профессионально-прикладной подготовки студентовFormation of motor skills in acrobatic exercises improves coordination abilities, and improves the quality of technical and vocational training students applie

    On the Construction of Mechanisms of Recreational Areas Forests of Belarus in the Context of Sustainable Development

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    Рекреационное районирование лесов выступает как важнейший инструмент регулирования многоцелевого устойчивого лесопользования - составная часть целенаправленной организации природопользования на всей территории Беларуси, во многом аккумулируя социально-экологические и экономические факторы устойчивого регионального развития.Recreational zoning of forests acts as the most important tool for the regulation of multi - purpose sustainable forest management-an integral part of the purposeful organization of environmental management throughout Belarus, largely accumulating socio-environmental and economic factors of sustainable regional development

    Formation of zonal agro-eco clusters as a mechanism for the development of rural areas

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    Today, the degree of agricultural development, and, in the future, the level of national food security, the public health and the quality of life, are largely ensured by innovative developments in the field of alternative agriculture, the preservation of natural resources and, above all, the main production facility – land. At the same time, the unfilled market capacity of organic products and the significant land potential for the development of organic farming create all the necessary prerequisites for enhancing the competitiveness of Russian rural producers. The development of agricultural entrepreneurship towards the greening of land use, organic production and development of the domestic market for organic (ecological) products in the format of zonal agro-eco clusters is one of the strategic directions for implementing reforms in the agricultural sector. The paper presents the directions of the formation and development of zonal agro-eco clusters for the production, processing and sale of organic products in the agricultural regions of Russia.peer-reviewe

    Quantum Transparency of Barriers for Structure Particles

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    Penetration of two coupled particles through a repulsive barrier is considered. A simple mechanism of the appearance of barrier resonances is demonstrated that makes the barrier anomalously transparent as compared to the probability of penetration of structureless objects. It is indicated that the probabilities of tunnelling of two interacting particles from a false vacuum can be considerably larger than it was assumed earlier.Comment: Revtex, 4 pages, 4 figure

    Formation of crushing zone at the level of tamping in the conditions of mass explosions

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    Мета та завдання. Метою роботи є вивчення послідовності формування зони руйнування в області масиву над торцями системи суміжних зарядів в зв’язку з технологічними параметрами їх взаємного розташування. Завдання. Аналітично обгрунтувати залежність величини неруйнованої області масиву на рівні набійки від параметрів системи свердловинних зарядів з урахуванням явища крайового ефекту. Результати досліджень. Отримано дані про величину частини масиву в надсвердловинному цілику, яка не бере участі в масовому деформаційному рухові породи під час утворення суміжних воронок спушення. Припускається, що ця область масиву між сусідніми зарядами є джерелом надгабаритної фракції. Наукова новизна. Розглянуто постадійно процес формування руйнованої зони в просторі над торцем свердловини: генерування фронту ударної хвилі, симетрія якого близька до сферичної, формування на другій стадії системи воронок спушення, яка повністю не охоплює область масиву над торцями суміжних зарядів, прихід в подальшому в середню область над сусідніми зарядами сумарного фронту хвилі напружень від вибуху свердловинних зарядів, детонованих з їх донної частини. За ним переміщується деформаційний фронт складної будови. Припускається, що цей фронт в системі двох суміжних зарядів набуває форми, подібної до вертикального клина, оберненого основою в бік вільної поверхні. Очікуваним результатом такого постадійного деформаційного процесу є бажаний ступінь подрібнення гірського масиву на рівні набійки. Висновки та практичне значення. Теоретично та розрахунково отримано і рекомендовано раціональні параметри розташування системи свердловинних зарядів обмеженої довжини для зменшення величини неруйнівної області породного масиву на рівні набійки, що вдосконалює методику проектування масових вибухів в умовах гірських схилів.The purpose of the work is to study the sequence of formation of the fracture zone in the area of the array above the ends of the system of adjacent charges in connection with the technological parameters of their mutual location. The task of works is the analytically substantiate the dependence of the value of the undamaged area of the array at the level of the bottomhole on the parameters of the system of downhole charges, taking into account the phenomenon of the edge effect. Research results. Data on the dimentions of the part of the massif in the lborewhole that does not participate in the mass deformation motion of the rock during the formation of adjacent downhole funnels are obtained. It is assumed that this area between adjacent charges is the source of the oversized fraction. Originality. The process of formation of the destroyed zone in space above the end of the boreholeis considered step by step: generation of the shock wave front, the symmetry of which is close to spherical, formation of the loosenning funnel system in the second stage, which does not adjacent charges of the total front of the stress wave from the explosion of downhole charges detonated from their bottom. Behind him moves the deformation front of a complex structure. It is assumed that this front in the system of two adjacent charges acquires a shape similar to a vertical wedge inverted by the base towards the free surface. The expected result of such a step-by-step deformation process is the desired degree of crushing of the rock mass at the level of the tamping. Conclusions and practical implications. Theoretically and calculatedly obtained and recommended rational parameters of the location of the system of well charges of limited length to reduce the size of the non-destructive region of the rock mass at the level of the tamping, which improves the design of mass explosions in mountain slopes

    New Interstellar Extinction Maps Based on Gaia and Other Sky Surveys

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    We present new three-dimensional (3D) interstellar extinction maps in the VV and Gaia GG filters within 2 kpc of the Sun, a 3D differential extinction (dust spatial distribution density) map along the lines of sight in the same space, a 3D map of variations in the ratio of the extinctions in the VV and Gaia GG filters within 800 pc of the Sun, and a 2D map of total Galactic extinction through the entire dust half-layer from the Sun to extragalactic space for Galactic latitudes b>13|b|>13^{\circ}. The 3D maps have a transverse resolution from 3.6 to 11.6 pc and a radial resolution of 50 pc. The 2D map has an angular resolution of 6.1 arcmin. We have produced these maps based on the Gaia DR3 parallaxes and Gaia, Pan-STARRS1, SkyMapper, 2MASS, and WISE photometry for nearly 100 million stars. We have paid special attention to the space within 200 pc of the Sun and high Galactic latitudes as regions where the extinction estimates have had a large relative uncertainty so far. Our maps estimate the extinction within the Galactic dust layer from the Sun to an extended object or through the entire dust half-layer from the Sun to extragalactic space with a precision σ(AV)=0.06\sigma(A_\mathrm{V})=0.06 mag. This gives a high relative precision of extinction estimates even at high Galactic latitudes, where, according to our estimates, the median total Galactic extinction through the entire dust half-layer from the Sun to extragalactic objects is AV=0.12±0.06A_\mathrm{V}=0.12\pm0.06 mag. We have shown that the presented maps are among the best ones in data amount, space size, resolution, precision, and other properties.Comment: 15 pages, 4 table