1,522 research outputs found

    Consideraciones sobre la crítica de A. Tocqueville al individualismo democrático

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    Prevailing interpretations assume that the main issue dealt with by Tocqueville in Democracy in America is that of the tension between Equality and Freedom. The present article suggests that there is another much more important issue, which has been frequently ignored: that of the democratic subject. In dealing with this, Tocqueville criticises the ilusions of individualism and drafts the main lines of a democratic anthroponomy

    Dimensiones de la igualdad en el pensamiento de A. de Tocqueville

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    In this article the main dimensions of the equality concept and their relationship with that of the democracy in Tocqueville's political thought are going to be analyzed. These dimensions are: the democracy generator fact, ideological imaginary and passion for equality. We take as a textual basis his work Democracy in Americ

    Retreat masque of the architectural glance of John Hejduk

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    [EN] At a moment of accelerated complexity, John Hejduk´s Architecture stands apart from conventional rules. Context and program are reinterpreted within a current framework of global transformation that goes beyond any elementary observation. The reality of his drawn work is represented by the power of memory and by the dynamising process of the social community, participating in its configuration without pretending to reach its final materiality. Thus, Hejduk froze the movement of his idea in the Mask of Medusa for Buenos Aires, where he reflected the ubicumque freedom of all his work.[ES] La arquitectura de John Hejduk se sitúa al margen de reglas convencionales para el análisis proyectual en un momento de acelerada complejidad. Contexto y programa son reinterpretados dentro de un marco actual de transformación global que supera cualquier observación elemental. La realidad de su obra dibujada queda representada a través del poder de la memoria y del proceso dinamizador de la colectividad social, participando en su configuración sin pretender alcanzar necesariamente su materialidad final. Así, en la Máscara Refugio de Buenos Aires construida en 1998 congela el movimiento de su ideación, ejemplificando con ello la libertad ubicumque de toda su obra.Ros-García, JM. (2018). La Máscara Refugio o la mirada arquitectónica de John Hejduk. EGA. Revista de Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica. 23(32):112-121. doi:10.4995/ega.2018.8869SWORD112121233

    Contra esto y aquello (con permiso de D. Miguel de Unamuno)

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    A lo largo de este texto se reflexiona acerca de la situación actual de la enseñanza universitaria donde parece que se ha llegado a olvidar lo más importante: 'el qué', y se tiende a relegar al conocimiento bajo el peso del 'cómo', primando las habilidades pedagógicas o administrativas sobre el conocimiento.This article is a meditation on the current situation of the university education which seems to have come to forget the most important: "what", and relegates the knowledge under the weight of the "how", giving more importance to pedagogical or administrative skills over knowledge

    Las matemáticas a los dos lados del océano (charco)

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    Presentamos un rápido repaso de los matemáticos españoles e iberoamericanos que han compartido su ciencia a ambos lados del océano.This is a paper about Spanish and Latin-American mathematicians who have shared their science on both sides of the ocean

    Joint coarse-and-fine reasoning for deep optical flow

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    © 20xx IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.We propose a novel representation for dense pixel-wise estimation tasks using CNNs that boosts accuracy and reduces training time, by explicitly exploiting joint coarse-and-fine reasoning. The coarse reasoning is performed over a discrete classification space to obtain a general rough solution, while the fine details of the solution are obtained over a continuous regression space. In our approach both components are jointly estimated, which proved to be beneficial for improving estimation accuracy. Additionally, we propose a new network architecture, which combines coarse and fine components by treating the fine estimation as a refinement built on top of the coarse solution, and therefore adding details to the general prediction. We apply our approach to the challenging problem of optical flow estimation and empirically validate it against state-of-the-art CNN-based solutions trained from scratch and tested on large optical flow datasets.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    On the occurrence of the tropical caprellid Paracaprella pusilla Mayer, 1890 (Crustacea: Amphipoda) in Europe

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    Paracaprella pusilla Mayer, 1980 is a tropical caprellid amphipod species. It was first described from Brazil and is found to be very common along the Atlantic coast of Central America. Since its original description, P. pusilla has been found in prolific volumes at numerous widespread locations in tropical and subtropical seas around the world, and is primarily associated with fouling communities in harbors. A well established population of P. pusilla was recently found in Cádiz, southern Spain, which is both the northernmost collection and the first recorded finding of this species in European coastal waters. Ship fouling is the most probable vector for its introduction. The species was always found in association with the native hydroid Eudendrium racemosum (Cavolini, 1785) and appeared to display a mutualistic relationship with this hos

    Numerical simulation of density-driven flow and heat transport processes in porous media using the network method

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    Density-driven flow and heat transport processes in 2-D porous media scenarios are governed by coupled, non-linear, partial differential equations that normally have to be solved numerically. In the present work, a model based on the network method simulation is designed and applied to simulate these processes, providing steady state patterns that demonstrate its computational power and reliability. The design is relatively simple and needs very few rules. Two applications in which heat is transported by natural convection in confined and saturated media are studied: slender boxes heated from below (a kind of Bénard problem) and partially heated horizontal plates in rectangular domains (the Elder problem). The streamfunction and temperature patterns show that the results are coherent with those of other authors: steady state patterns and heat transfer depend both on the Rayleigh number and on the characteristic Darcy velocity derived from the values of the hydrological, thermal and geometrical parameters of the problems.The first author acknowledges the support of the Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena through a pre-doctoral scholarship and the economic support of the Universidad Católica del Norte to cover the costs to publish in open access