84 research outputs found

    Developing Software for the Beam Line Control Systems

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    Scientists from all around the world come to National Laboratories to perform X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) experiments. XAS experiments are used to determine the chemistry component of an object or material of interest. In a typical XAS experiment, the incident X-ray beam energy is varied in a region close to a fundamental electronic transition of the atom(s) of interest. The data has to be collected most densely in the immediate vicinity of the transition (also called edge). XAS scans are therefore often comprised of differently dense regions. The user can define how the data will be collected in each region by typing commands on the beam line console which can be tedious and time consuming. To facilitate this process we designed a graphical user interface (GUI) that will have all the necessary components for the user to define each region by simply typing in textboxes and using the mouse to click on labeled buttons which execute the desired event

    Ordering in weakly bound molecular layers: organic-inorganic and organic-organic heteroepitaxy

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    It is an aim of this work to provide insight into the energetic influence on the ordering of molecular thin films on crystalline substrates. Here, the term substrate either refers to inorganic crystal surfaces or highly ordered layers of another organic molecular species. In order to calculate the total interface potential of extended molecular domains, a new calculation technique (GRID technique) is developed in the first part of this work. Compared to the standard approach, this method accelerates the potential calculation drastically (times 10000). The other parts of the thesis are dedicated to the comparison of experimental results (obtained by scanning tunneling microscopy and electron diffraction) to the optimal layer structure as predicted by optimization calculations. Potential calculations which are performed for the system perylenetetracarboxylicdianhydride (PTCDA) on graphite demonstrate that point-on-line coincident structures correspond to energetically favorable alignments of the molecular lattice with respect to the substrate lattice. The capability of the GRID technique to predict the optimal layer structure is demonstrated for the system peri-hexabenzocoronene (HBC) on graphite. The organic-organic heteroepitaxy system PTCDA on HBC on graphite is investigated in order to clarify to which extent the ordering mechanism there differs from that of the organic-inorganic heteroepitaxy system PTCDA on graphite. As a result of this investigation, a new type of epitaxy, i.e., substrate induced ordering is found. This new epitaxy type is governed by the inner structure of the substrate lattice unit cell. Here, the substrate surface is a layer of organic molecules itself, hence the substrate surface unit cell does indeed exhibit a complex inner structure. A generalized classification scheme for epitaxial growth incorporating this new type of epitaxy is proposed. In the last chapter, the structure of the first layers of titanylphthalocyanine (TiOPc) on Au(111) is investigated and compared to potential optimization calculations. The correspondence of experimental and theoretical results provides evidence that the GRID technique can, in principle, also be applied to molecular layers on metal surfaces.Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, Einblicke in die energetischen EinflĂŒsse, die zur Ausbildung der Schichtstruktur organischer MolekĂŒle auf kristallinen Substraten fĂŒhren, zu geben. Diese Substrate sind entweder OberflĂ€chen anorganische Kristalle oder selbst hochgeordnete MolekĂŒlschichten. Um das totale GrenzflĂ€chenpotential ausgedehnter MolekĂŒldomĂ€nen berechnen zu können, wird im ersten Teil der Arbeit eine neue Berechnungsmethode (GRID Technik) vorgestellt. Im Vergleich mit herkömmlichen Berechnungsmethoden auf der Basis molekĂŒlmechanischer Kraftfelder ist diese neue Methode daher um ein Vielfaches schneller (Faktor 100000). Die folgenden Teile der Arbeit sind dem Vergleich experimenteller Ergebnisse (Rastertunnelmikroskopie und Elektronenbeugung) mit, durch Potentialoptimierungsrechnungen als energetisch gĂŒnstig vorhergesagten, Schichtstrukturen gewidmet. So kann fĂŒr das System PerylentetracarbonsĂ€uredianhydrid (PTCDA) auf Graphit mittels Potentialberechnungen nachgewiesen werden, daß die experimentell gefundenen ?Point-on-line koinzidenten? Strukturen energetisch gĂŒnstige Anordnungen des MolekĂŒlgitters bezĂŒglich des Substratgitters darstellen. Die Eignung der neuen Berechnungsmethode zur Vorhersage der gĂŒnstigsten Adsorbatgitterstruktur fĂŒr ein gegebenes System aus MolekĂŒl und Substrat, wird anhand des Systems peri-Hexabenzocoronen (HBC) auf Graphit demonstriert. Das organisch-organische Heteroepitaxiesystem PTCDA auf HBC auf Graphit wird untersucht, um zu klĂ€ren, inwieweit sich die dafĂŒr gĂŒltigen Ordnungsmechanismen von denen unterscheiden, die fĂŒr das Wachstum des organisch-anorganischen Heteroepitaxiesystems PTCDA auf Graphit verantwortlich sind. Dabei gelingt es, eine bisher nicht klassifizierte Art von Epitaxie, d.h. substratinduzierter Ordnung, nachzuweisen. Dieser neue Epitaxietyp ist bedingt durch die innere Struktur einer Substrateinheitszelle - das Substrat ist ja hier selbst eine Schicht geordneter MolekĂŒle, die natĂŒrlich eine innere Struktur aufweisen. Im folgenden wird ein verallgemeinertes Klassifizierungssystem fĂŒr Epitaxietypen abgeleitet, welches den neuen Epitaxietyp beinhaltet. Im letzten Kapitel wird die Struktur von der ersten Lagen von Titanylphthalocyanin (TiOPc) auf Au(111) experimentell untersucht und mit entsprechenden Potentialoptimierungsrechnungen verglichen. Die Übereinstimmung von experimentellen und theoretischen Ergebnissen zeigt, daß die GRID Technik, zumindest prinzipiell, auch fĂŒr MolekĂŒlschichten auf Metallsubstraten anwendbar ist

    Introducing pinMOS Memory: A Novel, Nonvolatile Organic Memory Device

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    In recent decades, organic memory devices have been researched intensely and they can, among other application scenarios, play an important role in the vision of an internet of things. Most studies concentrate on storing charges in electronic traps or nanoparticles while memory types where the information is stored in the local charge up of an integrated capacitance and presented by capacitance received far less attention. Here, a new type of programmable organic capacitive memory called p-i-n-metal-oxide-semiconductor (pinMOS) memory is demonstrated with the possibility to store multiple states. Another attractive property is that this simple, diode-based pinMOS memory can be written as well as read electrically and optically. The pinMOS memory device shows excellent repeatability, an endurance of more than 104 write-read-erase-read cycles, and currently already over 24 h retention time. The working mechanism of the pinMOS memory under dynamic and steady-state operations is investigated to identify further optimization steps. The results reveal that the pinMOS memory principle is promising as a reliable capacitive memory device for future applications in electronic and photonic circuits like in neuromorphic computing or visual memory systems. © 2019 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinhei

    Surface-Modified Phthalocyanine-Based Two-Dimensional Conjugated Metal–Organic Framework Films for Polarity-Selective Chemiresistive Sensing

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    Surface-modification of phthalocyanine-based two-dimensional conjugated metal-organic framework (2D c-MOF) films by grafting aliphatic alkyl chains is developed for achieving high-performance polarity-selective chemiresistive sensing toward humidity and polar alcohols. 2D conjugated metal–organic frameworks (2D c-MOFs) are emerging as electroactive materials for chemiresistive sensors, but selective sensing with fast response/recovery is a challenge. Phthalocyanine-based Ni2[MPc(NH)8] 2D c-MOF films are presented as active layers for polarity-selective chemiresisitors toward water and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Surface-hydrophobic modification by grafting aliphatic alkyl chains on 2D c-MOF films decreases diffused analytes into the MOF backbone, resulting in a considerably accelerated recovery progress (from ca. 50 to ca. 10 s) during humidity sensing. Toward VOCs, the sensors deliver a polarity-selective response among alcohols but no signal for low-polarity aprotic hydrocarbons. The octadecyltrimethoxysilane-modified Ni2[MPc(NH)8] based sensor displays high-performance methanol sensing with fast response (36 s)/recovery (13 s) and a detection limit as low as 10 ppm, surpassing reported room-temperature chemiresistors

    Sequentially Processed P3HT/CN6-CP‱−NBu4+ Films: Interfacial or Bulk Doping?

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    Derivatives of the hexacyano-[3]-radialene anion radical (CN6-CP‱−) emerge as a promising new family of p-dopants having a doping strength comparable to that of archetypical dopant 2,3,5,6-tetrafluoro-7,7,8,8-tetracyano-quinodimethane (F4TCNQ). Here, mixed solution (MxS) and sequential processing (SqP) doping methods are compared by using a model semiconductor poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and the dopant CN6-CP‱−NBu4 + (NBu4 + = tetrabutylammonium). MxS films show a moderate yet thickness-independent conductivity of ≈0.1 S cm−1. For the SqP case, the highest conductivity value of ≈6 S cm−1 is achieved for the thinnest (1.5–3 nm) films whereas conductivity drops two orders of magnitudes for 100 times thicker films. These results are explained in terms of an interfacial doping mechanism realized in the SqP films, where only layers close to the P3HT/dopant interface are doped efficiently, whereas internal P3HT layers remain essentially undoped. This structure is in agreement with transmission electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and Kelvin probe force microscopy results. The temperature-dependent conductivity measurements reveal a lower activation energy for charge carriers in SqP samples than in MxS films (79 meV vs 110 meV), which could be a reason for their superior conductivity. © 2020 The Authors. Published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinhei
