125 research outputs found

    The impact of technical parameters on the perception quality of three-dimensional content

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    The growth of three-dimensional visualizations and information is increasing over time, and in addition to that, technology is offering new methods, i.e. models and ways of meeting the needs of visual communication. When using the rotating linear screen, for the best results, it is necessary to be familiar with the real performance of the device. The parameters tested on forty examinees are distance, the angle of view and the impact of the background colour. The purpose was to define the optimal parameters for the device to provide visual information. The conducted test has shown that the devices have a smaller view angle than stated and that the distance needs to be greater because of low resolution and low pixel density on the screen surface, which results in small unilluminated gaps that create unwanted lines during the projection. The effect that the background has on the 3D simulation of the hologram has also been tested and it was determined that the black background in comparison to the white one is much better, as the contrast is more pronounced

    Hydrological-hydraulic model for risk assessment of road overtopping in the culvert'sprofiles on torrent basins

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    Спроведено истраживање решава проблем одређивања ризика од појаве преливања воде преко саобраћајнице у профилу путног пропуста на бујичном сливу применом пробабилистичког модела процене ризика и хидролошко-хидрауличког модела анализиране појаве. Формирање новог хидролошко-хидрауличког модела процене ризика, који укљујучује више нових приступа моделовању различитих процеса који доводе до анализиране појаве, представља један од доприноса спроведеног истраживања. Новоформирани модел процене ризика је примењен на 67 бетонских пропуста на експерименталној деоници пута Рашка – Нови Пазар у Републици Србији. Применом модела на пропустима експерименталне путне деонице утврђено је да је запуњеност путних пропуста каменим наносом основни узрочник високих вредности ризика. У оквиру новог модела процене ризика извршена је анализа утицаја примене радова на санацији и реконструкцији путних пропуста у циљу смањења вредности ризика. Резултати свих спроведених анализа су уобличени у форму техничког извештаја о процени ризика од анализиране појаве, и представљају излаз модела. Добијени резултати су дискотовани у односу на резултате сличних истраживања у свету на основу чега су извучени закључци и дати даљи правци истраживања у изучаваној области.Sprovedeno istraživanje rešava problem određivanja rizika od pojave prelivanja vode preko saobraćajnice u profilu putnog propusta na bujičnom slivu primenom probabilističkog modela procene rizika i hidrološko-hidrauličkog modela analizirane pojave. Formiranje novog hidrološko-hidrauličkog modela procene rizika, koji ukljujučuje više novih pristupa modelovanju različitih procesa koji dovode do analizirane pojave, predstavlja jedan od doprinosa sprovedenog istraživanja. Novoformirani model procene rizika je primenjen na 67 betonskih propusta na eksperimentalnoj deonici puta Raška – Novi Pazar u Republici Srbiji. Primenom modela na propustima eksperimentalne putne deonice utvrđeno je da je zapunjenost putnih propusta kamenim nanosom osnovni uzročnik visokih vrednosti rizika. U okviru novog modela procene rizika izvršena je analiza uticaja primene radova na sanaciji i rekonstrukciji putnih propusta u cilju smanjenja vrednosti rizika. Rezultati svih sprovedenih analiza su uobličeni u formu tehničkog izveštaja o proceni rizika od analizirane pojave, i predstavljaju izlaz modela. Dobijeni rezultati su diskotovani u odnosu na rezultate sličnih istraživanja u svetu na osnovu čega su izvučeni zaključci i dati dalji pravci istraživanja u izučavanoj oblasti.The conducted research solves the risk calculation problem of water overtopping the road in the culvert cross-section on the ephemeral stream by applying the probabilistic risk assessment model and the hydrological-hydraulic model of the analyzed phenomenon. The new hydrological-hydraulic model of risk assessment, which includes several new process-modeling approaches to the analyzed phenomenon, represents one of the contributions of the research. The new risk assessment model has been applied to the 67 concrete road culverts at the experimental road section of the Raška - Novi Pazar road in the Republic of Serbia. By applying the model to the culverts of the experimental road section, it was determined that the stone sediment filling of road culverts is the main cause of high-risk values. Within the new risk assessment model, an impact analysis of the rehabilitation and reconstruction works application in order to reduce the risk value has been performed. The results of all conducted analyzes are shaped in the technical report form of the risk assessment of the analyzed phenomenon and represent the model output. The obtained results have been discussed concerning the results of similar research in the world, based on which conclusions have been made and further research directions in the studied field have been given.

    Hydrological-hydraulic model for risk assessment of road overtopping in the culvert'sprofiles on torrent basins

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    Спроведено истраживање решава проблем одређивања ризика од појаве преливања воде преко саобраћајнице у профилу путног пропуста на бујичном сливу применом пробабилистичког модела процене ризика и хидролошко-хидрауличког модела анализиране појаве. Формирање новог хидролошко-хидрауличког модела процене ризика, који укљујучује више нових приступа моделовању различитих процеса који доводе до анализиране појаве, представља један од доприноса спроведеног истраживања. Новоформирани модел процене ризика је примењен на 67 бетонских пропуста на експерименталној деоници пута Рашка – Нови Пазар у Републици Србији. Применом модела на пропустима експерименталне путне деонице утврђено је да је запуњеност путних пропуста каменим наносом основни узрочник високих вредности ризика. У оквиру новог модела процене ризика извршена је анализа утицаја примене радова на санацији и реконструкцији путних пропуста у циљу смањења вредности ризика. Резултати свих спроведених анализа су уобличени у форму техничког извештаја о процени ризика од анализиране појаве, и представљају излаз модела. Добијени резултати су дискотовани у односу на резултате сличних истраживања у свету на основу чега су извучени закључци и дати даљи правци истраживања у изучаваној области.Sprovedeno istraživanje rešava problem određivanja rizika od pojave prelivanja vode preko saobraćajnice u profilu putnog propusta na bujičnom slivu primenom probabilističkog modela procene rizika i hidrološko-hidrauličkog modela analizirane pojave. Formiranje novog hidrološko-hidrauličkog modela procene rizika, koji ukljujučuje više novih pristupa modelovanju različitih procesa koji dovode do analizirane pojave, predstavlja jedan od doprinosa sprovedenog istraživanja. Novoformirani model procene rizika je primenjen na 67 betonskih propusta na eksperimentalnoj deonici puta Raška – Novi Pazar u Republici Srbiji. Primenom modela na propustima eksperimentalne putne deonice utvrđeno je da je zapunjenost putnih propusta kamenim nanosom osnovni uzročnik visokih vrednosti rizika. U okviru novog modela procene rizika izvršena je analiza uticaja primene radova na sanaciji i rekonstrukciji putnih propusta u cilju smanjenja vrednosti rizika. Rezultati svih sprovedenih analiza su uobličeni u formu tehničkog izveštaja o proceni rizika od analizirane pojave, i predstavljaju izlaz modela. Dobijeni rezultati su diskotovani u odnosu na rezultate sličnih istraživanja u svetu na osnovu čega su izvučeni zaključci i dati dalji pravci istraživanja u izučavanoj oblasti.The conducted research solves the risk calculation problem of water overtopping the road in the culvert cross-section on the ephemeral stream by applying the probabilistic risk assessment model and the hydrological-hydraulic model of the analyzed phenomenon. The new hydrological-hydraulic model of risk assessment, which includes several new process-modeling approaches to the analyzed phenomenon, represents one of the contributions of the research. The new risk assessment model has been applied to the 67 concrete road culverts at the experimental road section of the Raška - Novi Pazar road in the Republic of Serbia. By applying the model to the culverts of the experimental road section, it was determined that the stone sediment filling of road culverts is the main cause of high-risk values. Within the new risk assessment model, an impact analysis of the rehabilitation and reconstruction works application in order to reduce the risk value has been performed. The results of all conducted analyzes are shaped in the technical report form of the risk assessment of the analyzed phenomenon and represent the model output. The obtained results have been discussed concerning the results of similar research in the world, based on which conclusions have been made and further research directions in the studied field have been given.

    Recidivirajući prolaps zdjeličnih organa kod 27-godišnje bolesnice s prirođenom ekstrofijom mokraćnog mjehura: prikaz slučaja

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    Bladder exstrophy (BE) is a rare congenital malformation estimated to occur in up to 1/250,000 female live births. The evidence supporting the incidence, uterine preservation and its overall fertility rate in patients with pelvic organ prolapse (POP) and BE is not precisely determined. We report a case of BE and POP in a 27-year-old nulliparous Caucasian. Due to the patient’s strong fertility desire, considering her extensive surgical history background, our approach was to correct POP via the Manchester-Fothergill procedure. After 36 months, the patient was still asymptomatic with no evidence for prolapse recurrence. This case demonstrates diagnostic challenges and surgical dilemmas in treatment strategy for patients with BE and co-existent POP. Furthermore, routine longterm surveillance is necessary in terms of renal function, urinary continence, malignancy and possible obstetric issues.Ekstrofija mokraćnog mjehura je rijetka prirođena malformacija za koju se procjenjuje da se javlja u do 1/250.000 ženske novorođenčadi. Prema trenutnim literaturnim navodima imamo nedovoljno podataka o incidenciji i ukupnoj reproduktivnoj sposobnosti žena koje istodobno uz ekstrofiju mokraćnog mjehura imaju i prolaps zdjeličnih organa. Prikaz slučaja obuhvaća naše iskustvo liječenja 27-godišnje bolesnice s prirođenom ekstrofijom mokraćnog mjehura i recidivirajućim prolapsom zdjeličnih organa. S obzirom na snažnu želju bolesnice za očuvanjem plodnosti te uzimajući u obzir njezinu opsežnu kiruršku povijest, naš pristup je podrazumijevao ispravak prolapsa zdjeličnih organa pomoću operacije po Manchester-Fothergillu. Nakon 36 mjeseci bolesnica je i dalje bez simptoma te bez ikakvih kliničkih dokaza recidiva prolapsa. Ovaj slučaj naglašava dijagnostičke izazove i kirurške dileme u strategiji liječenja bolesnica s ekstrofijom mokraćnog mjehura i istodobnom pojavom prolapsa zdjeličnih organa. Također, važno je naglasiti dugotrajno rutinsko praćenje u vidu kasnije bubrežne funkcije, moguće inkontinencije mokraće, maligniteta i mogućih opstetričkih komplikacija

    Removal of organically bound sulfur from oil shale by iron(III)-ion generated-regenerated from pyrite by the action of Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans

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    Oil shales are one of the alternative sources of hydrocarbon fuels ("synthetic petroleum"), characterized by the increased sulfur and nitrogen content which represent even greater ecological problem in use, compared to classical fuels. Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans is capable of oxidizing pyrite to iron (III)-ion, providing a strong oxidation agent at low pH. We have used this oxidizing agent for oxidation of sulfur present in DBT as a substrate model to demonstrate its potential to oxidize organically bound sulfur in oil shales. An HCl-concentrate was used as the hydrocarbon matrix. Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans is already recognized to oxidize the pyritic sulfur component, thereby potentially providing a complete sulfur removal system. By applying GC-MS we established that DBT transformation occurred by oxidation or elimination of sulfur. The products obtained are more soluble in water than parent compounds and this reduces concentration of organic sulfur.BIOHYDROMETALLURY: FROM THE SINGLE CELL TO THE ENVIRONMEN

    A Methodology Proposal for Selecting the Optimal Location for Small Hydropower Plants

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    The hydropower potential in the Republic of Serbia, as the most important renewable energy source, has been estimated at around 17000 GW·h per year, where approximately 2000 GW·h could be obtained from small hydropower plants (SHP). Small hydropower plants in Serbia currently produce 150 GW·h. Accordingly, the share of the electricity production from small hydropower plants in the total electricity production in Serbia is too small. The paper presents a model for the selection of optimal locations for small hydropower plants, which includes an ecological criterion, along with technical and economic criteria. The ecological criterion is eliminatory, i.e. those parts of the watercourse that border on or pass through protected natural assets are not taken into account when considering potential optimal locations for SHPs. All technical and economic criteria are included in the calculation of the weighted arithmetic mean with the aim of determining the optimal position for the construction of small hydropower plants. The model is implemented in the SHPOP software and its application is demonstrated on five watercourses in Southeastern Serbia


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    This paper analyzes the operational characteristics of the Tuzla brewery refrigeration system after the installation of the Danfoss IPS8 air purging device. In order for an analysis such as this to be conducted correctly, one must understand where in the brewing industry the need for refrigeration occurs, how non-condensable gases are accumulated inside of the refrigeration system, and how the separation of non-condensable gases is done. After the theoretical part of the analysis, in which the thermodynamic basics of the ammonia refrigeration cycle is explained, an analysis of annual savings was conducted. The results of the analysis are presented in the form of annual savings in electricity consumption, for different operating conditions of the specific refrigeration system with and without a purger. At the end of this analysis, the amount of released non-condensable gases were also calculated

    The clinical spectrum of frontotemporal dementia

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    Objectives: Frontotemporal dementia (FTD) is the second most common form of degenerative dementia in early onset dementia (EOD) patients. The core disorders in the FTD spectrum are: behavioral variant of FTD (FTDbv) with predominant early changes in behavior (such are disinhibition, apathy, loss of empathy, compulsive behaviour..); and language variants - primary progressive aphasias (PPA) where language is the primary impairment (difficulties in speech, understanding, repetition..). Patients with sporadic, as well as genetic forms of FTD, can develop motor symptoms of motor neuron disease (before, after or at the same time with cognitive/behavioural features) or atypical parkinsonism-progressive supranuclear palsy or corticobasal syndrome, which are all part of the clinical FTD spectrum. The FTD is still poorly recognised entity and the heterogeneity of clinical presentations, early onset (most frequently before the age of 65), as well as overlap of early FTDbv symptoms and psychiatric diseases, often results in wrong diagnosis and presents a challenge, even in tertiary referral centres. It has been shown that delay in correct dementia diagnosis contributes to the caregiver's and patient's distress. The early and precise diagnosis is important for consideration of prognosis and course of the disease with family members; possibilities of improving patient's quality of life by giving them adequate symptomatic therapy; guiding the genetic analysis which is especially important for family members who also could be in risk of carring or passing the mutation to their offspring. Aim: In this mini review paper we tried to point out the specificity of clinical manifestation in the FTD spectrum, which could be helpful in making the early and accurate diagnosis among the variety of EOD cases. Conclusion: Early and accurate FTD diagnosis is important for the insight of the disease course, giving adequate symptomatic therapy and guiding the genetic analysis which reduces the caregiver's and patient's distress

    Neutron irradiation test of depleted CMOS pixel detector prototypes

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    Charge collection properties of depleted CMOS pixel detector prototypes produced on p-type substrate of 2 kΩ\Omegacm initial resistivity (by LFoundry 150 nm process) were studied using Edge-TCT method before and after neutron irradiation. The test structures were produced for investigation of CMOS technology in tracking detectors for experiments at HL-LHC upgrade. Measurements were made with passive detector structures in which current pulses induced on charge collecting electrodes could be directly observed. Thickness of depleted layer was estimated and studied as function of neutron irradiation fluence. An increase of depletion thickness was observed after first two irradiation steps to 1\cdot1013^{13} n/cm2^{2} and 5\cdot1013^{13} n/cm2^{2} and attributed to initial acceptor removal. At higher fluences the depletion thickness at given voltage decreases with increasing fluence because of radiation induced defects contributing to the effective space charge concentration. The behaviour is consistent with that of high resistivity silicon used for standard particle detectors. The measured thickness of the depleted layer after irradiation with 1\cdot1015^{15} n/cm2^{2} is more than 50 μ\mum at 100 V bias. This is sufficient to guarantee satisfactory signal/noise performance on outer layers of pixel trackers in HL-LHC experiments

    Origin and K-Ar age of the phreatomagmatic breccia at the Trepča Pb-Zn-Ag skarn deposit, Kosovo: Implications for ore-forming processes

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    The Trepča Pb-Zn-Ag skarn deposit in Kosovo is spatially and temporarily related to the phreatomagmatic breccia of Oligocene age (~23 Ma). The deposit shows features typical for skarn deposits worldwide, including a stage of isochemical metamorphism, a prograde stage of an anhydrous, low oxygen and low sulfur fugacity character and a retrograde stage characterized by an increase in the water activity as well as by an increase in oxygen and sulfur fugacities. The mineralization is hosted by the recrystallized Upper Triassic limestone. The prograde mineralization consists mainly of Ca-Fe-Mn±Mg pyroxenes. The host recrystallized limestone at the contact with the prograde (skarn) mineralization have the increased content of Fe, Mn, Mo, As, Au, Cs, Ga, REE and Y suggesting their transport by infiltrating magmatic fluids. The decreased  d13C and  d18O values reflect a contribution of magmatic CO2. The retrograde mineral assemblage comprises ilvaite, magnetite, arsenopyrite, pyrrhotite, marcasite, pyrite, Ca-Fe-Mn±Mg carbonates and quartz. Hydrothermal ore minerals, mostly galena, sphalerite and pyrite, were deposited contemporaneously with the retrograde stage of the skarn development. Syn-ore and post-ore carbonates reflect a diminishing influence of magmatic CO2. Syn-ore carbonates are enriched in Fe, Mg, Mn, many chalcophile elements, including Ag, As, Bi, Cd, Cu, Pb, Sb and Zn, as well as in Au, Y and REE. The post-ore stage accompanied the precipitation of significant amount of Ca-rich carbonates including the travertine deposits at the deposit surface. The phreatomagmatic breccia was developed along a NW dipping contact between the ore bearing recrystallized limestone and the overlying schist. It has an inverted cone shape with the vertical extension up to 800 m and diameter up to 150-m. The upper part of the diatreme (an underground segment of the phreatomagmatic breccia) is characterized by the presence of a hydrothermally altered rootless quartz-latite dike surrounded by an unsorted polymict breccia mantle. Despite the alteration processes, the dike has a preserved porphyritic texture. Partly preserved sanidine, accompanied with the mixture of muscovite and quartz, reflects a near-neutral to weakly acidic environment. The clasts of country rocks and skarn mineralization underwent intense milling and mixing due to repeated magmatic penetrations. Sericitization of the breccia matrix, locally accompanied with minor kaolinitization, point to an increased water activity under near-neutral to weakly acidic conditions. Large fragments originally composed of anhydrous skarn minerals (pyroxenes) are usually completely altered to a mixture of fibroradial magnetite, quartz and various amount of carbonates suggesting an increase in oxygen fugacity. Their pyrite rims reflect that the increase in oxygen fugacity was followed by an increase in sulfur fugacity. The clast predominantly composed of Fe-sulfides and minor Bi-sulfides point that the increase in sulfur fugacity was locally sufficient to complete sulfidation of hedenbergite to pyrrhotite and/or pyrite. Although the phreatomagmatic breccia at the Trepča Pb-Zn-Ag skarn deposit does not carry significant amounts of the ore mineralization, its formation was crucial for the ore deposition. Phreatomagmatic explosions and formation of the breccia turned the system from the lithostatic to hydrostatic regime and triggered the retrograde stage increasing the water activity and oxygen fugacity in the system. In addition, cooling and decompression of the system contributed to more effective degassing of magmatic sulfur increased the sulfur fugacity. </p