4,398 research outputs found

    Dermatomyositis revealing breast cancer: report of a case

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    Dermatomyositis (DM) is a rare connective corresponding to an inflammatory disease of skeletal muscles. Paraneoplastic origin must always be sought, primarily gynecological tumor in women, but the investigations are often made difficult by the fact that a primary tumor is often not detectable at the time of the cutaneous manifestations. This approach includes in addition to the monitoring report at regular intervals of 6 to 12 months for two years after diagnosis. We report a case of Dermatomyositis revealing breast cancer

    Tumeurs rares de l’ovaire: à propos d’une série de 11 cas de tumeurs non épithéliales malignes de l’ovaire

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    Les tumeurs non épithéliales malignes de l'ovaire représentent environ 20% des cancers de l'ovaire. L'objectif de notre travail est de dresser lesparticularités diagnostiques cliniques et d'imagerie de ces tumeurs. Nous avons procédé à une étude rétrospective portant sur 11 cas de tumeursnon épithéliales de l'ovaire. Ces tumeurs ont été colligées au service de gynécologie et obstétrique I du CHU Hassan II de Fès sur une période de 4 ans, entre janvier 2009 et décembre 2012. Les tumeurs germinales représentant 54% (6 patientes) des cas alors que les tumeurs du cordonsexuel ont été représentées par 4 cas de tumeurs de granulosa de type adulte et nous avons colligés un cas de lymphome ovarien primitif. Lasymptomatologie clinique était dominée par la distension abdominale associée souvent à des douleurs abdominopelviennes chroniques. La tailletumorale moyenne était de 175 mm avec un aspect solido-kystique dans 54% des cas. Le dosage des marqueurs tumoraux (hormone chorioniquegonadotrope, lactate déshydrogénase, CA 125, alpha-foetoprotéine) a été réalisé chez toutes les patientes. La découverte d'une masse annexiellesuspecte chez une jeune femme doit, outre une tumeur frontière ou un cancer épithélial de l'ovaire, évoquer une tumeur non épithéliale, a fortiorisi cette masse est volumineuse, si elle est associée à des signes d'hyperestrogénie ou d'androgénie

    Ab initio and Effective field Study of V doped TiO2

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    Using the effective field theory (EFT), the Curie temperature of V- doped rutile TiO2 has been determined. The exchange coupling used in the calculation has been deduced from first principal calculation based on the density functional theory with the local spin density approximation (LSDA). We also showed that V- doped rutile TiO2 is half metallic and the hybridization is between the V 3d states and the nearest-neighbouring O 2p states. The results from ab initio calculation showed that for weak holes concentrations the ferromagnetism is due to the double exchange, while, for higher hole concentration it comes from the RKKY exchange interaction. In addition, we show via effective field theory calculations that the transition from the nonmagnetic (NM) to the ferromagnetic (FM) phase is marked by the magnetic percolation. Magnetization as a function of the temperature for different values of the hole concentration, nc, is also given


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    The preparation and characterization of porous ceramics multilayer ultrafiltration membrane is described. The first step consisted to prepare high-quality macroporous support in Moroccan clay. The choice of this material is based on its natural abundance and thermal stability.The microporous interlayer was then prepared by slip casting from zirconia commercial powders and finally the active UF toplayers was obtained by sol-gel route using ZnAl2O4 and TiO2 mixed sols. The performance of ultrafiltration membrane (TiO2 (50�20– ZnAl2O4 (50� was evaluated by pores diameter, water flux, thickness and molecular weight cut off (MWCO). The water permeability measured for this composite membrane is 9.42 L/(m2•h•bar), the thickness is less than 700 nm, the pore diameter is centered near 5 nm and the MWCO was about 4500 Da

    Synthesis of functionalized alkenes via Knoevenagel condensation using Marine Fish Scales as a new efficient and eco-friendly catalyst

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    The preparation of Marine Fish Scales (MFS) and its analog doped with NaNO3 (NaNO3/MFS) as new catalysts was discussed in this work. Then, these materials were characterized by ATG/ATD, X-ray diffraction, SEM, EDX, and IR spectrophotometer. The MFSand NaNO3/MFS can be used as eco-friendly catalysts for the Knoevenagel condensation and led to the functionalized alkenes in high yields with short reaction time. The tests show that 100 mg is the optimum mass, as well as the suitable solvent, is ethanol for the condensation of Knoevenagel. These parameters led to excellent yields (between 87 % and 99 % using NaNO3/MFS). These catalysts can be also reused for several times

    The Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model: Group Summary Report

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    CONTENTS: 1. Synopsis, 2. The MSSM Spectrum, 3. The Physical Parameters, 4. Higgs Boson Production and Decays, 5. SUSY Particle Production and Decays, 6. Experimental Bounds on SUSY Particle Masses, 7. References.Comment: 121 pages, latex + epsfig, graphicx, axodraw, Report of the MSSM working group for the Workshop "GDR-Supersym\'etrie",France. Rep. PM/98-4

    Intercalibration of the barrel electromagnetic calorimeter of the CMS experiment at start-up

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    Calibration of the relative response of the individual channels of the barrel electromagnetic calorimeter of the CMS detector was accomplished, before installation, with cosmic ray muons and test beams. One fourth of the calorimeter was exposed to a beam of high energy electrons and the relative calibration of the channels, the intercalibration, was found to be reproducible to a precision of about 0.3%. Additionally, data were collected with cosmic rays for the entire ECAL barrel during the commissioning phase. By comparing the intercalibration constants obtained with the electron beam data with those from the cosmic ray data, it is demonstrated that the latter provide an intercalibration precision of 1.5% over most of the barrel ECAL. The best intercalibration precision is expected to come from the analysis of events collected in situ during the LHC operation. Using data collected with both electrons and pion beams, several aspects of the intercalibration procedures based on electrons or neutral pions were investigated

    Radiation hardness qualification of PbWO4 scintillation crystals for the CMS Electromagnetic Calorimeter

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    This is the Pre-print version of the Article. The official published version can be accessed from the link below - Copyright @ 2010 IOPEnsuring the radiation hardness of PbWO4 crystals was one of the main priorities during the construction of the electromagnetic calorimeter of the CMS experiment at CERN. The production on an industrial scale of radiation hard crystals and their certification over a period of several years represented a difficult challenge both for CMS and for the crystal suppliers. The present article reviews the related scientific and technological problems encountered
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