53 research outputs found

    Feasibility study of vacuum technology integrated fused deposition modeling to reduce staircase effect

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    Fused deposition modeling (FDM) is currently one of the most used AM technologies and has been around in various industries since its tremendous offering. Most semi-molten layered thermoplastic surface often uneven, which lead to rough and poor surface finish. The FDM process involves temperature gradient since the material extrude was in a semi-molten state. The thermal stresses present and affect the surface quality. This paper proposes an idea of using vacuum technology to reduce the “staircase effect” parts printed. The FDM machine remains in a rectangular acrylic chamber, an oil-flooded-vacuum pump connected will absorb the air inside the chamber until desire pressure while printing object. Mitutoyo SJ-301 portable surface roughness tester and optical microscope used to analyze the quality of surface finish. Result reveal with vacuum technology, improve 9% from normal print.Keywords: fused deposition modeling; simulation; vacuum technology; surface finis


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    Nasi Lemak with various types of packaging, is one of the most popular cuisines in Malaysia and is popular nowadays with a  take away concept. This project has redesign the current Nasi Lemak packaging due to the current design lacks of flexibility and could not keep the Nasi Lemak fresh longer.  Comparative experiment of three types of Nasi Lemak packaging was conducted to determine  the freshness level of Nasi Lemak to determine the best packaging.  Results shows that typical Nasi Lemak packaging using banana leaf and paper stay fresh longer due to its packaging that enabled air to flow. This study has also developed three concepts of Nasi Lemak packaging based on survey with 30 final year UTeM undergraduate students. From the survey, it can be concluded that there are several criteria that should be addressed in the concept generation of a new Nasi Lemak packaging. This include, the packaging shoud fit fork and spoon, transparent, good size and should be easy to carry. The study also applied eco design concept into the Nasi Lemak packaging. The third concept was selected as the final new design of Nasi Lemak  packaging because from the design perspective it is easy to be packed as well as it is convenient to user with the incorporation of a fork and spoon holder. In addition, its advantage from the perspective of environmental due to utilisation of eco-friendly material. For future study, it is recommended to have a more effective testing on the redesigned prototype Nasi Lemak packaging to determine  the freshness level of Nasi Lemak


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    Masih banyak keluhan pasien yang disampaikan yaitu, pasien mengeluhkan tentang ketepatan waktu dalam pemeriksaan rutin, perawat sering mengacuhkan pasien yang datang, juga keluhan yang disampaikan adalah faktor fasilitas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran mutu pelayanan kesehatan. Metode penelitian ini adalah observasional deskriptif yaitu untuk mengetahui gambaran mutu pelayanan di Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Karel Sadsuitubun Langgur. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah pasien yang menggunakan rawat inap Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Karel Sadsuitubun Langgur. Dan penelitian dilaksanakan pada bulan Januari ??? Februari Tahun 2013, dengan jumlah sampel 80 responden. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah survey dengan menggunakan kuesioner, untuk mengetahui gambaran mutu pelayanan kesehatan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa sebagian besar responden Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Karel Sadsuitubun Langgur menyatakan cukup baik terhadap ketepatan waktu (98.7%), informasi (85.0%), dan hubungan antar manusia (95.0%). Berbeda halnya dengan kenyamanan (65.0%), dimana sebagian besar responden menyatakan kurang nyaman. Secara keseluruhan persepsi responden terhadap mutu pelayanan pada RSUD Karel Sadsuitubun Langgur Kabupaten Maluku Tenggara 51.3% menyatakan cukup baik, dan 48.7% menyatakan kurang baik. Saran yang diberikan adalah hendaknya beberapa petugas yang kurang tanggap terhadap segala macam kebutuhan pasien, sekiranya lebih bersedia untuk meluangkan waktunya mendengarkan keluhan maupun keinginan pasien. Hendaknya pihak Rumah Sakit Karel Sadsuitubun Langgur lebih memperhatikan ketersediaan Air yang kurang pada hampir setiap ruang perawatan. Hendaknya petugas dapat memperbaiki dan menjaga kebersihan sarana dan prasarana rumah sakit, karena semua ini sangat berdampak terhadap mutu pelayanan kesehatan

    Assessment of reproductive performance and abortion occurrence of boer goats as influenced by farm systems and feeding practices

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of farm systems (intensive and semi-intensive) and feeding practices on reproductive performance (kidding rate and abortion occurrence) of female Boer goats in Peninsular Malaysia. By using a survey-purposive sampling approach, a total of 212 goat farms were surveyed and 123 farms rearing Boer goats either in intensive or semi-intensive farm system with at least of a year of operation were included in the analysis. Data on feeding practices were also gathered. In both farm systems, majority of the goat producers fed their goats twice a day and about half of them (48.6%) provided feed supplement to the pregnant goat. This feeding practice was mentioned as a method to improve the kidding rate. However, no significant different was found between the two farm systems in kidding rate (P>0.05: intensive 1.19 ± 0.09; semi-intensive 1.10 ± 0.07). In addition, the abortion incidence was rare, particularly in early and late pregnancy in intensive and semi-intensive farm systems (p>0.05; X 2 = 7.57 and 2.21, respectively). In conclusion, the rearing Boer female goats either in intensive or semi-intensive farm systems does not affect their kidding rate and abortion frequency

    Functional outcomes of conservatively treated clavicle fractures

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    OBJECTIVE: The main aim of the study was to analyze the outcomes of clavicle fractures in adults treated non-surgically and to evaluate the clinical effects of displacement, fracture patterns, fracture location, fracture comminution, shortening and fracture union on shoulder function. METHODS: Seventy clavicle fractures were non-surgically treated in the Orthopedics Department at the Tuanku Ja'afar General Hospital, a tertiary care hospital in Seremban, Malaysia, an average of six months after injury. The clavicle fractures were treated conservatively with an arm sling and a figure-eight splint for three weeks. No attempt was made to reduce displaced fractures, and the patients were allowed immediate free-shoulder mobilization, as tolerated. They were prospectively evaluated clinically and radiographically. Shoulder function was evaluated using the Constant scoring technique. RESULTS: There were statistically significant functional outcome impairments in non-surgically treated clavicle fractures that correlated with the fracture type (comminution), the fracture displacement (21 mm or more), shortening (15 mm or more) and the fracture union (malunion). CONCLUSION: This article reveals the need for surgical intervention to treat clavicle fractures and improve shoulder functional outcomes


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    Cooling fin is an important component to assist thermal management inside high performance light emitting diode (LED). The area of cooling fin plays an important role to drive the heat away from the LED. It is essential to have good thermal management to optimize the working life of high performance LED and its illuminating efficiency. This paper studies a proposed redesigned honeycomb structure cooling fin for high performance LED. Analysis of thermal base on conduction and natural convection was conducted. Aluminum Alloy was selected as the material of the honeycomb structure cooling fin. 3D modeling was done to create the design of the cooling fins structure. The model was tested with thermal analysis and the results for both cooling fins were compared. The result  showed that the honeycomb structure cooling fin achieved the optimum surface area for thermal management of high performance LED street lamp. This study showed that honeycomb structure cooling fin have the potential to increase  the working life of high performance LED and its illuminating efficiency. Further study should be conducted in the application of honeycomb structure cooling fin in other electronic or electrical devices

    Remote Global Alignment Error for Cycle Time Improvement of Pad Inductor Layer

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    Lithography is the key process which transfers the pattern from mask to wafer and pad inductor layer is the last layer in photo masking. The cycle time for pad inductor layer increase in Silterra Malaysia by 32% of Global Alignment error per month. This induce success rate goes down as low as 50% for pad inductor layer. Long engineering time is taken during troubleshooting of the lot for expose and developing step by manually due to tool time constrain. Most of the lots undergo rework processes which results the cost per wafer to increase. The aim of this research is to reduce the cycle time for pad inductor layers by introducing the “Remote Global Alignment Error” (RGAE) method with alternative flow. This would avoid the pad inductor layers to be sent for rework if it encountered any global alignment error. The experimental result shows RGAE method able to reduce cycle time for pad inductor layer by 97%. This is due to when global alignment error occurs the lot will automatically track in RGAE method by selecting the rejected wafers for expose and developing process. This has eventually saved more time for split wafers which usually send for rework

    Vacuum fused deposition modelling system to improve tensile strength of 3D printed parts

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    Functional parts require high a level of strength and the current Fused Deposition Modelling (FDM) cannot be fully utilized as the end used parts. The poor mechanical strength is caused by the incomplete layer bonding during the printing process. In the printing process, the interlayer bonding is made too quick thus the layers are not fully fused together causing the reduced tensile strength. This paper presents a possible solution to this problem by incorporating vacuum technology in FDM system to improve tensile strength of 3D printed specimens. In this study, a desktop FDM machine was placed and operated inside a low pressure vacuum chamber. The results obtained show an improvement of 12.83 % of tensile strength compared to the standard specimen. This paper concludes that the low pressure environment is useful in reducing the heat loss due to convection of air, hence directly improves the specimen’s tensile strength.Keywords: additive manufacturing; fused deposition modelling; vacuum system; mechanical strength