111 research outputs found

    Penguatan Kapabilitas Peneliti Kebijakan Melalui Pelatihan Regulatory Impact Assesment di Kementerian Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral

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    The quality of policy formulation greatly influences the quality of services provided by ministries, in this case the Ministry of Industry which considers it necessary to provide opportunities to increase the capability of the State Civil Apparatus through Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) training. The purpose of this writing is to show the process of implementing one of the five materials presented in the RIA training series, namely the Introduction to RIA material, which was held at the initiative of one of the Institutions at the University of Indonesia in November 2022. The material presented to participants referred to a number of views. including from the OECD. The method of delivering material through the provision of material and exercises in class. To ensure there is a transfer of knowledge, before delivering the material a quiz is also carried out at the end of the material. The quiz scores shown by the participants increased when compared to before and after

    The Magnitude of Celebrity Endorser in Terms of Influencing Followers Trust of Product in Instagram

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    Instagram is considered as one of powerful social media that enable its user to promote and influence products and or services since the beginning of its existence. Then, the celebrity endorser act as influencer sometimes paid and or unpaid for products and or services. This research seeks the understanding how far could celebrity endorser affect Instagram users to trust products and or service offered by business. Studies found electronic words of mouth practiced within celebrity endorser, but limited studies raise issues between physical attractiveness and social attractiveness within electronic words of mouth with parasocial interaction, therefore specific literatures were elaborated to form research model. This research involves Instagram active users, with no specific locations but have interest in one Celebrity name Anya Geraldine, and Partial Least Square was used to assess the research model while respondents involved in this research were 115 person. After collecting data for one-month from 1st January 2023 to 1st February 2023 we may assess our hypothesis. This research conclude two factors are not supported, that are physical attractiveness and parasocial interactions

    Pengenalan Nama Malaikat Beserta Tugasnya Dengan Cara Bermain, Melihat Video Dan Bernyanyi

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    Pendidikan yang berkualitas memerlukan sumber daya guru yang mampu dan siap berperan secara profesioanal dalam lingkungan sekolah dan masyarakat. Mengenal nama malaikat dan tugasnya melalui bernyanyi. Disisi lain perlu dipahami bahwa usia dini adalah usia bermain. Setiap anak adalah pribadi yang unik dan dunia bermain serta bernyanyi merupakan kegiatan yang serius namun mengasikkan bagi mereka. Maka pendekatan lingkungan perlu diciptakan seorang pendidik agar proses pembelajaran nama-nama malaikat dan tugasnya lebih menarik dan menyenangkan tanpa meninggalkan kaidah-kaidah bahasa yang benar


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    Pendahuluan: Cervical root syndrome (CRS) merupakan bentuk nyeri leher yang menjalar pada satu atau dua ekstremitas atas karena adanya kompresi atau iritasi pada akar saraf di tulang belakang leher. Sejalan dengan hal tersebut, gejala yang timbul dapat menyebabkan kelemahan otot dan mati rasa pada lengan dan tangan yang sangat mengganggu aktivitas fungsional. Diperlukan penanganan fisioterapi lebih lanjut pada kondisi ini sehingga tidak menimbulkan permasalahan sekunder. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui efektivitas pemberian program fisioterapi berupa Infrared, electrical stimulation, stretching dan exercise therapy terhadap penigkatan kemampuan fungsional pada penderita cervical root syndrome (CRS). Metode: Single-subject research yang dilakukan kepada seorang Wanita berusia 53 tahun dengan kondisi Cervical root syndrome. Hasil : Evaluasi yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan instrument pengukuran Numeric rating scale (NRS), Neck disability index (NDI) dan Range of motion (ROM). Terdapat peningkatan lingkup gerak sendi dan kemampuan fungsional dari baseline pengukuran awal. Kesimpulan: Terdapat peningkatan yang baik pada lingkupgerak sendi dan kemampuan fungsional pasien setelah diberikan penanganan Fisioterapi selama 4 minggu. Kata kunci : cervical root syndrome, Nyeri, kemampuan fungsional, lingkup gerak sendi, electro physical agent, terapi latihan

    Faktor-Faktor Pendukung Kompetensi Komunikasi Interpersonal: Studi Kasus Pada Mahasiswa Tingkat Pertama Di Universitas Paramadina

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    Â Abstract: This research is intended to explore the competence of interpersonal communication as the important factor for the students to express their opinion in the discussion, presentation in class and in oral examination. Based on research, found that the competence of students is relatively low. Also found that there is a different degree of the competence among the students in the different departments. The indicators of interpersonal communication competence are (1) the degree participation in organization, (2) frequency in public speaking, and (3) frequency in class discussion


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    The Influence of Education and Training As Well As Work Experience on The Ability and Performance of Employees of Regional Secretariat of West Papua Province

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    Purpose: To analyze the effect of education and training and Work Experience on the workability and performance of employees of the Regional Secretariat of West Papua Province Design/methodology/approach: This research was conducted on the staff of the Regional Secretariat of West Papua Province with a population of 278. The sample used was 74 respondents. The determination of the sample was using a purposive sampling technique. The criterions set in the sampling are that the employee has status as a civil servant and has worked for at least 3 years. The independent variables in this study are education and training and work experience. The dependent variable is employee performance, while the intermediate variable is workability. Variable measurements are carried out using a Likert scale. Data analysis was performed using path analysis with the software used was Smart PLS 2. Findings: Equations that could be formed from the results of the analysis were: Z = 0.476X1 + 0.292X2; and Y = 0,345X1 + 0,115X2 + 0,243Z., where Z = ability, Y = performance, X1 = education and training, and X2 = work experience. Education and training had a positive and significant effect on employee workability, indicated by a path coefficient of 0.476 with a T-statistic value of 6.378; Work experience has a significant effect on employee workability, indicated by a path coefficient of 0.292 with a T-statistic value of 3.877; Education and training have a significant influence on employee performance as indicated by a path coefficient of 0.461 with a t-statistic value of 1.958; Work experience has a significant effect on employee performance, indicated by a path coefficient of 0.186 with a T-statistic value of 3.877; Workability has a significant positive effect on employee performance, indicated by a path coefficient of 0.243 with a T-statistic value of 2.427. The advice that can be given is that every employee is always encouraged and allowed to be able to attend education and training. In work placement, the Regional Secretariat of West Papua Province must prioritize work experience so that the resulting performance can be maximized. Research limitations/implications: Number of sample is relative small. Practical implications: State your implication here. Originality/value: This research is original and conducting in West Papua Province. Paper type: Research pape

    Google’s Open Source and Interests of Internet Users on Searching It

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