1,044 research outputs found

    The noise impact in the learning-teaching process in an elementary school

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    Excessive background noise, or even noise emissions coming from the surroundings of the school environment, may become a barrier concerning communication within the school community. The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of noise from outside, as well as the noise generated within the school building of a primary school and its influence on the performance of their students. The sample is constituted by the school EB1/JI in Prozela, an elementary school, located close the International Airport Francisco Sá Carneiro, in the municipality of Maia

    How urban noise can influence the learning-teaching process. Quantitative and qualitative evaluation

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    The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of urban noise and noise generated inside the buildings of elementary schools and its influence on the performance of their students. The sample is consists of the school EB1/JI in Prozela and school EB1/JI in Currais. The first one is located near the International Airport Francisco Sá Carneiro and the other school is surrounded by an electrical substation, a mechanic workshop, and by a motorway A41, both in the municipality of Maia

    Impacto do ruído no processo de ensino-aprendizagem na Escola do 1º Ciclo de Ensino Básico (1ºCEB) de Prozela - Maia

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    Ruído de fundo excessivo, ou ainda emissões de ruído provenientes da envolvente escolar, podem traduzir-se numa barreira para a comunicação da comunidade educativa. Pretende- se com este estudo avaliar o impacto do ruído proveniente do exterior, assim como o gerado no interior dos edifícios escolares do 1º CEB e a sua influência no desempenho dos respectivos alunos. A amostra é constituída pela escola EB1/JI de Prozela, situada no concelho da Maia. As ferramentas adoptadas para desenvolver estes estudos incluem modelos de previsão de ruído numa plataforma de SIG e dois sonómetros classe 1 para as medições do nível de ruído in-situ. Posteriormente procedeu-se a uma avaliação subjectiva através da aplicação de questionários à população de alunos e professores. Esta combinação foi a base para a validação das relações estabelecidas entre os níveis de ruído existente e o impacto deste na aprendizagem


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    This paper has as its research problem the following question: what is it like to be an artificial intelligence? It aims to critically analyze the epistemological and semantic aspects developed by Thomas Nagel in What is it like to be a bat and The View from Nowhere, demonstrating the relationship between physicalism and subjectivity and its application to artificially intelligent beings.  We chose to approach these two works because of the author's importance in analytical philosophy and the approach to consciousness. The analysis shows that the defense of artificial intelligence as a subject of law is intrinsically based on physicalism. However, in refuting it, Nagel does not offer an alternative outside the scope of dualism. Thus, the Procedural Theory of the Subject of Law is developed with stages of emancipation of the being against the law. As a result, it is verified that the reductive physicalist vision is insufficient to substantiate the condition of the subject of law of an artificial intelligence as a legal and political being in the social order. However, if the three stages of its formation (emancipation, interspecies recognition, and personification) are observed, the possibility of achieving the condition under analysis is assumed. It is concluded that it is unverifiable to know what it is like to be an artificial intelligence. In the current scientific stage, an artificially intelligent being cannot (yet) be considered a subject of law, under penalty of characterization of instrumentalism. The methodology of integrated, analytical, deductive, and bibliographic research is used to obtain these results and conclusions

    Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography for suspected choledocholithiasis : from guidelines to clinical practice

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    Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography for suspected choledocholithiasis: From guidelines to clinical practice.AIM To study the practical applicability of the American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy guidelines in suspected cases of choledocholithiasis. METHODS This was a retrospective single center study, covering a 4-year period, from January 2010 to December 2013. All patients who underwent endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) for suspected choledocholithiasis were included. Based on the presence or absence of predictors of choledocholithiasis (clinical ascending cholangitis, common bile duct (CBD) stones on ultrasonography (US), total bilirubin > 4 mg/dL, dilated CBD on US, total bilirubin 1.8-4 mg/dL, abnormal liver function test, age > 55 years and gallstone pancreatitis), patients were stratified in low, intermediate or high risk for choledocholithiasis. For each predictor and risk group we used the ?(2) to evaluate the statistical associations with the presence of choledocolithiasis at ERCP. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS version 21.0. A P value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. RESULTS A total of 268 ERCPs were performed for suspected choledocholithiasis. Except for gallstone pancreatitis (P = 0.063), all other predictors of choledocholitiasis (clinical ascending cholangitis, P = 0.001; CBD stones on US, P = 0.001; total bilirubin > 4 mg/dL, P = 0.035; total bilirubin 1.8-4 mg/dL, P = 0.001; dilated CBD on US, P = 0.001; abnormal liver function test, P = 0.012; age > 55 years, P = 0.002) showed a statistically significant association with the presence of choledocholithiasis at ERCP. Approximately four fifths of patients in the high risk group (79.8%, 154/193 patients) had confirmed choledocholithiasis on ERCP, vs 34.2% (25/73 patients) and 0 (0/2 patients) in the intermediate and low risk groups, respectively. The definition of "high risk group" had a sensitivity of 86%, positive predictive value 79.8% and specificity 56.2% for the presence of choledocholithiasis at ERCP. CONCLUSION The guidelines should be considered to optimize patients' selection for ERCP. For high risk patients specificity is still low, meaning that some patients perform ERCP unnecessarily

    Negociação coletiva: um processo favorável à normatização das relações de trabalho

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    Negociação coletiva é uma ferramenta normativa que expressa, através do princípio da autonomia, a vontade das partes envolvidas numa situação conflituosa, podendo dela emergir a convenção ou o acordo coletivo de trabalho. Para elucidar este tema apresentou-se como objetivo geral investigar a relação conflituosa do elo empresa e trabalhador, ressaltando a gestão construtiva, onde um negociador pacificador com perfil voltado à doutrina de gestão de crises efetuará a negociação, tentando minimizar tais conflitos. Para efetivar o estudo, optou-se por uma pesquisa teórica de cunho bibliográfico, de onde foram extraídos subsídios de livros e artigos específicos, concluindo que as empresas atuais estão mais expostas a conflitos gerados pelos trabalhadores, que hoje encontra-se mais exigente e organizada. Paraque este processo seja dirimido, faz-se necessário que empresa (negociador) e trabalhadores (sindicato) se enfrentem através de uma negociação coletiva, de modo a alcançarem um Acordo Coletivo que satisfaça ambas as partes.Collective bargaining is a normative tool that expresses through the principle of autonomy, the will of the parties involved in a conflictive situation, and from that, a convention or collective bargaining agreement can emerge. To elucidate this theme, it was presented as a general objective to investigate the conflictual relationship of the link company and worker, emphasizing constructive management, where a a peacemaker negotiator with a profile on the crisis management doctrine will negotiate, attempting to minimize such conflicts. To carry out the study, it was opted for a theoretical research of bibliographical references, from which subsidies were extracted from books and specific articles, concluding that current companies are more exposed to conflicts by the workers, which is more demanding and organized nowadays. In order for this process to be settled, it is necessary for a company (negotiator) and workers (union) to face collective bargaining in order to reach a Collective Agreement that satisfies both parties

    Uma ideia de comunidade de segurança Brasil-Argentina: poder e interdependência na ordem global dos anos 1970-1980

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    A partir do modelo de comunidades de segurança, avaliamos as forças conjunturais que levaram à inflexão das políticas exteriores e de segurança bilaterais brasileira e argentina entre os anos 1970 e 1980, propiciando o desenvolvimento de uma comunidade de segurança entre os dois. Nossas conclusões são que Brasil e Argentina já seriam uma comunidade de segurança nascente nos governos Sarney-Alfonsín

    Avaliação da aptidão agrícola das terras da Bacia do Rio Jardim

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso (especialização)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Geociências, 2012.A bacia hidrográfica do rio Jardim é uma região de grande importância para o setor agropecuário do Distrito Federal, pois é a responsável pela maior parte da produção de grãos, hortaliças, frutas e outros alimentos. Apesar de demonstrar grande vocação para tais atividades, a bacia do rio Jardim está ameaçada pela forte pressão sobre seus recursos naturais, sobretudo os solos e a água, decorrente das atividades antrópicas. Desta maneira, se fazem necessários estudos que subsidiem o planejamento do uso das terras da bacia, a fim de permitir o uso racional dos recursos naturais disponíveis e assegurar a sustentabilidade ambiental e produtiva da região. As técnicas de geoprocessamento oferecem instrumentos para a análise ambiental, que são de grande valia no planejamento e ordenamento territorial. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho explorou a versatilidade do Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG) como ambiente computacional para a integração e visualização de dados espaciais, objetivando a produção de um mapa de aptidão agrícola das terras da bacia do rio Jardim. Verificou-se que quase todas as terras da bacia se prestam ao desenvolvimento de lavouras com nível tecnológico desenvolvido, mas com aptidão agrícola regular ou restrita. Comparando-se os resultados com aqueles obtidos por pesquisadores da EMBRAPA na realização do mesmo estudo (SPERA et al., 2002), algumas informações foram confirmadas, mas também houveram discrepâncias.The Jardim River watershed is a great important region for the agricultural sector of the Distrito Federal, because it is responsible for the most production of grains, vegetables, fruits and other foods. Despite showing great vocation for such activities, the Jardim River’s basin is threatened by strong pressure on its natural resources, especially soil and water, resulting from human activities. Therefore, studies are needed to support the planning of land use in the watershed in order to allow the rational use of natural resources and ensure environmental and productive sustainability in the region. The geoprocessing techniques offer tools for environmental analysis that are of great value in planning of land use. In this context, the present study explored the versatility of the Geographic Information System (GIS) as a computational environment for integration and visualization of spatial data, aiming at the production of a land suitability map of the lands of the Jardim River watershed. It was found that almost all the lands of the basin lend themselves to the development of crops with developed technological level, but with regular or limited agricultural potential. Comparing the results with those obtained by EMBRAPA researchers in conducting the same study (SPERA et al., 2002), some information has been confirmed, but there were discrepancies