138 research outputs found

    ¿Es requisito necesario la situación de asimilación al alta para el acceso a la jubilación anticipada involuntaria?

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    The early retirement pension for causes not attributable to the worker is clearly regulated in our legislation. However, compliance with the requirements specifically required is sometimes confused with the general and common requirements essential for accessing the benefits of our Social Security system. We dedicate the following lines to the need to be registered as a job seeker and if it is supplementary to the assimilated registration requirement.La pensión de jubilación anticipada por causa no imputable al trabajador aparece regulada de forma clara en nuestra legislación. Sin embargo, el cumplimiento de los requisitos exigidos de forma específica en algunas ocasiones se confunde con los generales y comunes indispensables para el acceso a las prestaciones de nuestro sistema de Seguridad Social. A la necesidad de encontrarse inscrito como demandante de empleo y si es supletorio del requisito de alta asimilada dedicamos las siguientes líneas.&nbsp

    El ingreso mínimo vital y los vaivenes del legislador

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    The minimum vital income comes to complete one of the constitutional mandates forgotten until now by the legislator, which is the guarantee of a minimum income to alleviate economic vulnerability and fight against poverty. A redistribution of wealth is intended, as well as the labor insertion of the possible beneficiaries. The norm is approved in 2020, in the midst of a health and economic crisis derived from the pandemic caused by Covid-19. The approval of this decree provoked much criticism from the doctrine and from the possible beneficiaries, an example of this is that it has been the subject of up to seven modifications in just over a year, which reflects the urgency in its regulation and drafting as the difficulties in its management. The new law that regulates it was published on December 21, 2021 and tacitly replaces the Royal Decree-law, including new features that facilitate and speed up its management.El ingreso mínimo vital viene a completar uno de los mandatos constitucionales olvidado hasta ahora por el legislador que es la garantía de unos ingresos mínimos para paliar la vulnerabilidad económica y lucha contra la pobreza. Se pretende una redistribución de la riqueza, así como la inserción laboral de los posibles beneficiarios. La norma es aprobada en el año 2020 en plena crisis sanitaria y económica derivada la pandemia provocada por la Covid-19. La aprobación de este decreto suscitaba muchas críticas por parte de la doctrina y de los posibles beneficiarios, muestra de ello es que ha sido objeto de hasta siete modificaciones en poco más de un año, lo que refleja la urgencia en su regulación y redacción como las dificultades en su gestión. La nueva ley que lo regula se publicó el pasado 21 diciembre 2021 y viene a sustituir tácitamente al Real Decreto-ley incluyendo novedades que facilitan y agilizan su gestión

    Jurisdicción social y siniestralidad laboral: los órganos jurisdiccionales sociales en cien años de historia

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    The legal protection of the work accident supposes, since the approval of the Law of Work Accidents of 1900, the cause of the development of, on the one hand, the Law of Work and Social Security in Spain as we know it and, for another, of the social order of the jurisdiction. This study will review the causes of protection of accidents at work, and how this substantive protection led to the creation of specialized judicial bodies. The first causes of the creation of these bodies and the substantive legislative development that the work accident had since 1900 will also be addressed, observing how, with the development of history over more than a century, the work accident continues to have an essential role in Social Law and in its adjective manifestation, social jurisdiction.La protección jurídica de la siniestralidad laboral supone, desde la aprobación de la Ley de Accidentes de Trabajo de 1900, la causa del desarrollo de, por un lado, el Derecho del Trabajo y de la Seguridad Social en España tal como lo conocemos y, por otro, del orden social de la jurisdicción. En el presente estudio se repasarán las causas de protección del accidente de trabajo, y como esta protección sustantiva provocó la creación de órganos judiciales especializados. Se abordará igualmente las causas primeras de la creación de estos órganos y el desarrollo legislativo sustantivo que el accidente de trabajo tuvo desde 1900, observándose cómo, con el desarrollo de la historia a lo largo de más de un siglo, el accidente de trabajo sigue teniendo un papel esencial en el Derecho Social y en su manifestación adjetiva, la jurisdicción social

    The Place of Descriptive Geometry in the Face of Industry 4.0 Challenges

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    Industrial process automation has long been the main goal in production lines that seek to decrease human involvement. However, it is broadly agreed that a collaboration between humans and technologies must still exist as human capital is required to provide certain skills and abilities that machines cannot offer yet. For instance, in the context of design and simulation, CAD, CAM, and CAE professionals must count not only on a deep knowledge of the technology employed but also on specific skills that make the human factor an integral piece of the transition. These abilities are considered fundamental to achieving sustainable development in the industrial sector. This work focuses on analyzing through four study cases where whether specular o bilateral symmetry, a.k.a. planar symmetry is present, the weaknesses found in the human factor related to CAD training of future industrial engineers. The most common mistakes found when developing the different symmetric pieces proposed are thoroughly examined in order to define their origin, which mainly lies in students’ lack of descriptive geometry (DG) understanding. This is aggravated in some cases by the lack of spatial visualization abilities. The unstoppable and fast advances in design and simulation tools and technologies require humans to update their capabilities almost in real time. However, results show that this should not threaten the need for the human mind to spatially understand the changes being made on the screen. Otherwise, humans are at risk of ending up at the service of machines and technologies instead of the opposite

    Promoting Circular Economy around Plastic Waste: A New Design of Recycled Plastic Shredder

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    The development and construction of the plastic shredder presented here is part of the MAREA Plastic project, which aims to be a meeting point between the university community and society, through science and technology. The project’s main goal consists in developing a circular economy environment that reduces both, the input of raw materials and the output of waste, closing the ecological and economic flows of resources. Thereby, this machine becomes essential for the continuation and proper development of such a research and social awareness project. The new version of the plastic shredder entails a solid design that meets the needs and requirements of the task assigned in its working environment, focusing on its design and manufacture from a sustainable point of view, reusing parts of the prototype itself, as well as other disused resources, mostly provided by the University of Malaga. This concept of sustainability even extends to its operation, controlling the consumption of the engine and paying special attention to durability, reliability and, above all, the safety of both, users and the shredder itself. Among other design priorities, the possibility to visualise and perfectly understand how and why the reused plastic passes through the shredder is one of the most important due to the educational purpose of the project towards a younger audience about circular economy. To achieve this, the machine should not only be able to show the process in an illustrative way, but also the interaction with the machine should be simple and fluid, without the need for previous knowledge or experience operating industrial machinery.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    What Is Left for Real-Life Lactate Monitoring? Current Advances in Electrochemical Lactate (Bio)Sensors for Agrifood and Biomedical Applications

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    Monitoring of lactate is spreading from the evident clinical environment, where its role as a biomarker is notorious, to the agrifood ambit as well. In the former, lactate concentration can serve as a useful indicator of several diseases (e.g., tumour development and lactic acidosis) and a relevant value in sports performance for athletes, among others. In the latter, the spotlight is placed on the food control, bringing to the table meaningful information such as decaying product detection and stress monitoring of species. No matter what purpose is involved, electrochemical (bio)sensors stand as a solid and suitable choice. However, for the time being, this statement seems to be true only for discrete measurements. The reality exposes that real and continuous lactate monitoring is still a troublesome goal. In this review, a critical overview of electrochemical lactate (bio)sensors for clinical and agrifood situations is performed. Additionally, the transduction possibilities and different sensor designs approaches are also discussed. The main aim is to reflect the current state of the art and to indicate relevant advances (and bottlenecks) to keep in mind for further development and the final achievement of this highly worthy objective

    Glycogen Synthase Kinase-3-ß (GSK3ß) negatively regulates PTTG1/human Securin protein stability, and GSK3ß inactivation correlates with securin accumulation in breast tumors.

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    PTTG1, also known as securin, is an inactivating partner of separase, the major effector for chromosome segregation during mitosis. At the metaphase-to-anaphase transition, securin is targeted for proteasomal destruction by the anaphase-promoting complex or cyclosome, allowing activation of separase. In addition, securin is overexpressed in metastatic or genomically instable tumors, suggesting a relevant role for securin in tumor progression. Stability of securin is regulated by phosphorylation; some phosphorylated forms are degraded out of mitosis, by the action of the SKP1-CUL1-F-box protein (SCF) complex. The kinases targeting securin for proteolysis have not been identified, and mechanistic insight into the cause of securin accumulation in human cancers is lacking. Here, we demonstrate that glycogen synthase kinase-3β (GSK3β) phosphorylates securin to promote its proteolysis via SCF(βTrCP) E3 ubiquitin ligase. Importantly, a strong correlation between securin accumulation and GSK3β inactivation was observed in breast cancer tissues, indicating that GSK3β inactivation may account for securin accumulation in breast cancers.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación de España SAF2008-03095 y SAF2008-05046Ministerio de Sanidad de España y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) ISCIII-RETIC-RD06/0020-FEDERDirección General de Investigación, Tecnología y Empresa, Junta de Andalucía P08-CVI-03603 y PI09-058

    Construction of a recycled plastic filament winder for 3D printing.

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    The work presented here exposes the development and design of a new machine: the recycled plastic filament winder understood as an innovative DIY tool that enables and provides new solutions for the recycling and reuse of plastic, creating customized filaments that can be used in 3D printing, for instance. It is a cost-effective and sustainable solution that helps reduce waste and environmental pollution. The construction of this machine makes possible to create 3D printing filament from discarded plastic. It can be understood as one more option among the existing solutions that, in a profitable and sustainable way, contribute to reduce waste and environmental pollution. Thus, the construction of this winder joins the set of machines that allow to extend the useful life of plastic materials, trying to prevent them from ending up in landfills or seas and oceans; in short, to reduce the amount of plastic waste that every year pollute the ecosystem and the environment. The winder works by taking plastic from disposed containers such as bottles, caps, jerry cans, etc. These containers need to be previously shredded into small plastic shavings or flakes, which are then fed into an extruder machine, where they are melted and, through the winder, this molten mass of plastic is transformed into a thread or filament that can be used in 3D printing. In addition, this winder design also gives users the opportunity to create customized filament since the color, texture and thickness of the filament can be controlled.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Cyanotype: Workshops for people with early dementia

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    The workshop "Cyanotype: Workshops for people with early dementia", carried out at the 5th International Conference on Health Humanities introduced the cyanotype. The cyanotype is a 19th century photographic technique that the research project used as a way for preventing the decline of faculties of people living with diseases that provoke memory loss. The activities carried out in the cyanotype workshop at the Conference were based on the creation of photographic images that could be intervened or complemented with other traditional art techniques. It was specially targeted at educators who want to develop an occupational therapy experience. This engaged the participants in activating their vision and developing their fine motor skills so as to create their own personal artwork. These aspects are important when applying this technique to groups living with dementia. The general aim of the workshops at the Conference was to develop the cyanotype as a resource for art educators or facilitators in experiences with people living with Alzheimer‘s disease or other early dementias