389 research outputs found

    Reconnaissance hybride statistique-structurelle de snogrammes par systÚme d'inférence floue

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    International audienceDans ce papier, nous proposons une mĂ©thode hybride statistique-structurelle originale pour la reconnaissance en-ligne de caractĂšres chinois. Les caractĂšres sont modĂ©lisĂ©s par des rĂšgles d'infĂ©rence floue combinant des informations morphologiques et contextuelles formalisĂ©es de façon homogĂšne. Nous avons dĂ©fini un ensemble de primitives Ă©lĂ©mentaires correspondant aux tracĂ©s qui peuvent intervenir dans l'Ă©criture de caractĂšres dans un style non contraint. Ainsi, chaque tracĂ© analysĂ© peut ĂȘtre classifiĂ© en primitive en Ă©vitant toute segmentation. Les rĂšgles d'infĂ©rence sont construites en couplant une information a priori sur les primitives constituant les caractĂšres et une modĂ©lisation automatique de leur positionnement relatif au sein des caractĂšres. Le systĂšme d'infĂ©rence floue agrĂšge ces rĂšgles pour prendre la dĂ©cision de classification. La mĂ©thode proposĂ©e a Ă©tĂ© validĂ©e par des premiĂšres expĂ©rimentations atteignant un taux de reconnaissance de 97.5 %

    Modulating the phase transition temperature of giant magnetocaloric thin films by ion irradiation

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    Magnetic refrigeration based on the magnetocaloric effect at room temperature is one of the most attractive alternative to the current gas compression/expansion method routinely employed. Nevertheless, in giant magnetocaloric materials, optimal refrigeration is restricted to the narrow temperature window of the phase transition (Tc). In this work, we present the possibility of varying this transition temperature into a same giant magnetocaloric material by ion irradiation. We demonstrate that the transition temperature of iron rhodium thin films can be tuned by the bombardment of ions of Ne 5+ with varying fluences up to 10 14 ions cm --2 , leading to optimal refrigeration over a large 270--380 K temperature window. The Tc modification is found to be due to the ion-induced disorder and to the density of new point-like defects. The variation of the phase transition temperature with the number of incident ions opens new perspectives in the conception of devices using giant magnetocaloric materials

    Mechanism of effector capture and delivery by the type IV secretion system from Legionella pneumophila

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    Legionella pneumophila is a bacterial pathogen that utilises a Type IV secretion (T4S) system to inject effector proteins into human macrophages. Essential to the recruitment and delivery of effectors to the T4S machinery is the membrane-embedded T4 coupling complex (T4CC). Here, we purify an intact T4CC from the Legionella membrane. It contains the DotL ATPase, the DotM and DotN proteins, the chaperone module IcmSW, and two previously uncharacterised proteins, DotY and DotZ. The atomic resolution structure reveals a DotLMNYZ hetero-pentameric core from which the flexible IcmSW module protrudes. Six of these hetero-pentameric complexes may assemble into a 1.6-MDa hexameric nanomachine, forming an inner membrane channel for effectors to pass through. Analysis of multiple cryo EM maps, further modelling and mutagenesis provide working models for the mechanism for binding and delivery of two essential classes of Legionella effectors, depending on IcmSW or DotM, respectively

    The proteins DotY and DotZ modulate the dynamics and localization of the type IVB coupling complex of Legionella pneumophila

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    Legionella pneumophila is an opportunistic pathogen infecting alveolar macrophages and protozoa species. Legionella utilizes a Type IV Secretion System (T4SS) to translocate over 300 effector proteins into its host cell. In a recent study, we isolated and solved the cryo-EM structure of the Type IV Coupling Complex (T4CC), a large cytoplasmic determinant associated with the inner membrane that recruits effector proteins for delivery to the T4SS for translocation. The T4CC is composed of a DotLMNYZ hetero-pentameric core from which the flexible IcmSW module flexibly protrudes. The DotY and DotZ proteins were newly reported members of this complex and their role remained elusive. In this study, we observed the effect of deleting DotY and DotZ on T4CC stability and localization. Furthermore, we found these two proteins are co-dependent, whereby the deletion of DotY resulted in DotZ absence from the coupling complex, and vice versa. Additional cryo-EM data analysis revealed the dynamic movement of the IcmSW module is modified by the DotY/Z proteins. We therefore determined the likely function of DotY and DotZ and revealed their importance on T4CC function

    Annual Report Town of Bowdoinham Maine 2013

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    Perceptual processes play an important role in motor learning. While it is evident that visual information greatly contributes to learning new movements, much less is known about provision of prescriptive proprioceptive information. Here, we investigated whether passive (proprioceptively-based) movement training was comparable to active training for learning a new bimanual task. Three groups practiced a bimanual coordination pattern with a 1∶2 frequency ratio and a 90° phase offset between both wrists with Lissajous feedback over the course of four days: 1) passive training; 2) active training; 3) no training (control). Retention findings revealed that passive as compared to active training resulted in equally successful acquisition of the frequency ratio but active training was more effective for acquisition of the new relative phasing between the limbs in the presence of augmented visual feedback. However, when this feedback was removed, performance of the new relative phase deteriorated in both groups whereas the frequency ratio was better preserved. The superiority of active over passive training in the presence of augmented feedback is hypothesized to result from active involvement in processes of error detection/correction and planning.status: publishe

    Kinetics of mycolactone in human subcutaneous tissue during antibiotic therapy for Mycobacterium ulcerans disease.

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    BACKGROUND: Mycobacterium ulcerans (M. ulcerans) causes a devastating necrotising infection of skin tissue leading to progressive ulceration. M. ulcerans is the only human pathogen that secretes mycolactone, a polyketide molecule with potent cytotoxic and immunomodulatory properties. These unique features make mycolactone an attractive biomarker for M. ulcerans disease. We sought to measure the concentration of mycolactone within lesions of patients with Buruli ulcer before, during and after antibiotic treatment to evaluate its association with the clinical and bacteriological response to therapy. METHODS: Biopsies of M. ulcerans infected skin lesions were obtained from patients before, during and after antibiotic therapy. Lipids were extracted from the biopsies and concentration of mycolactone was assayed by mass spectrometry and a cytotoxicity assay and correlated with clinical and bacteriological response to therapy. RESULTS: Baseline concentration of mycolactone measured by mass spectrometry predicted time to complete healing of small nodules and ulcers. Even though intra-lesional concentrations of mycolactone declined with antibiotic treatment, the toxin was still present after antibiotic treatment for 6 weeks and also 4 weeks after the end of treatment for 8 weeks in a subgroup of patients with slowly healing lesions. Additionally viable bacilli were detected in a proportion of these slowly healing lesions during and after treatment. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings indicate that baseline intra-lesional mycolactone concentration and its kinetics with antibiotic therapy are important prognostic determinants of clinical and bacteriological response to antibiotic treatment for Mycobacterium ulcerans disease. Mycolactone may be a useful biomarker with potential utility in optimising antibiotic therapy

    Mycolactone Diffuses into the Peripheral Blood of Buruli Ulcer Patients - Implications for Diagnosis and Disease Monitoring.

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    BACKGROUND: Mycobacterium ulcerans, the causative agent of Buruli ulcer (BU), is unique among human pathogens in its capacity to produce a polyketide-derived macrolide called mycolactone, making this molecule an attractive candidate target for diagnosis and disease monitoring. Whether mycolactone diffuses from ulcerated lesions in clinically accessible samples and is modulated by antibiotic therapy remained to be established. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDING: Peripheral blood and ulcer exudates were sampled from patients at various stages of antibiotic therapy in Ghana and Ivory Coast. Total lipids were extracted from serum, white cell pellets and ulcer exudates with organic solvents. The presence of mycolactone in these extracts was then analyzed by a recently published, field-friendly method using thin layer chromatography and fluorescence detection. This approach did not allow us to detect mycolactone accurately, because of a high background due to co-extracted human lipids. We thus used a previously established approach based on high performance liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry. By this means, we could identify structurally intact mycolactone in ulcer exudates and serum of patients, and evaluate the impact of antibiotic treatment on the concentration of mycolactone. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Our study provides the proof of concept that assays based on mycolactone detection in serum and ulcer exudates can form the basis of BU diagnostic tests. However, the identification of mycolactone required a technology that is not compatible with field conditions and point-of-care assays for mycolactone detection remain to be worked out. Notably, we found mycolactone in ulcer exudates harvested at the end of antibiotic therapy, suggesting that the toxin is eliminated by BU patients at a slow rate. Our results also indicated that mycolactone titres in the serum may reflect a positive response to antibiotics, a possibility that it will be interesting to examine further through longitudinal studies

    Copy number variations and cognitive phenotypes in unselected populations

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    IMPORTANCE: The association of copy number variations (CNVs), differing numbers of copies of genetic sequence at locations in the genome, with phenotypes such as intellectual disability has been almost exclusively evaluated using clinically ascertained cohorts. The contribution of these genetic variants to cognitive phenotypes in the general population remains unclear. OBJECTIVE: To investigate the clinical features conferred by CNVs associated with known syndromes in adult carriers without clinical preselection and to assess the genome-wide consequences of rare CNVs (frequency ≀0.05%; size ≄250 kilobase pairs [kb]) on carriers' educational attainment and intellectual disability prevalence in the general population. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: The population biobank of Estonia contains 52,000 participants enrolled from 2002 through 2010. General practitioners examined participants and filled out a questionnaire of health- and lifestyle-related questions, as well as reported diagnoses. Copy number variant analysis was conducted on a random sample of 7877 individuals and genotype-phenotype associations with education and disease traits were evaluated. Our results were replicated on a high-functioning group of 993 Estonians and 3 geographically distinct populations in the United Kingdom, the United States, and Italy. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Phenotypes of genomic disorders in the general population, prevalence of autosomal CNVs, and association of these variants with educational attainment (from less than primary school through scientific degree) and prevalence of intellectual disability. RESULTS: Of the 7877 in the Estonian cohort, we identified 56 carriers of CNVs associated with known syndromes. Their phenotypes, including cognitive and psychiatric problems, epilepsy, neuropathies, obesity, and congenital malformations are similar to those described for carriers of identical rearrangements ascertained in clinical cohorts. A genome-wide evaluation of rare autosomal CNVs (frequency, ≀0.05%; ≄250 kb) identified 831 carriers (10.5%) of the screened general population. Eleven of 216 (5.1%) carriers of a deletion of at least 250 kb (odds ratio [OR], 3.16; 95% CI, 1.51-5.98; P = 1.5e-03) and 6 of 102 (5.9%) carriers of a duplication of at least 1 Mb (OR, 3.67; 95% CI, 1.29-8.54; P = .008) had an intellectual disability compared with 114 of 6819 (1.7%) in the Estonian cohort. The mean education attainment was 3.81 (P = 1.06e-04) among 248 (≄250 kb) deletion carriers and 3.69 (P = 5.024e-05) among 115 duplication carriers (≄1 Mb). Of the deletion carriers, 33.5% did not graduate from high school (OR, 1.48; 95% CI, 1.12-1.95; P = .005) and 39.1% of duplication carriers did not graduate high school (OR, 1.89; 95% CI, 1.27-2.8; P = 1.6e-03). Evidence for an association between rare CNVs and lower educational attainment was supported by analyses of cohorts of adults from Italy and the United States and adolescents from the United Kingdom. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Known pathogenic CNVs in unselected, but assumed to be healthy, adult populations may be associated with unrecognized clinical sequelae. Additionally, individually rare but collectively common intermediate-size CNVs may be negatively associated with educational attainment. Replication of these findings in additional population groups is warranted given the potential implications of this observation for genomics research, clinical care, and public health

    Clinical accuracy of instrument-based SARS-CoV-2 antigen diagnostic tests:a systematic review and meta-analysis

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    Background: During the COVID-19 pandemic, antigen diagnostic tests were frequently used for screening, triage, and diagnosis. Novel instrument-based antigen tests (iAg tests) hold the promise of outperforming their instrument-free, visually-read counterparts. Here, we provide a systematic review and meta-analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 iAg tests’ clinical accuracy. Methods: We systematically searched MEDLINE (via PubMed), Web of Science, medRxiv, and bioRxiv for articles published before November 7th, 2022, evaluating the accuracy of iAg tests for SARS-CoV-2 detection. We performed a random effects meta-analysis to estimate sensitivity and specificity and used the QUADAS-2 tool to assess study quality and risk of bias. Sub-group analysis was conducted based on Ct value range, IFU-conformity, age, symptom presence and duration, and the variant of concern. Results: We screened the titles and abstracts of 20,431 articles and included 114 publications that fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Additionally, we incorporated three articles sourced from the FIND website, totaling 117 studies encompassing 95,181 individuals, which evaluated the clinical accuracy of 24 commercial COVID-19 iAg tests. The studies varied in risk of bias but showed high applicability. Of 24 iAg tests from 99 studies assessed in the meta-analysis, the pooled sensitivity and specificity compared to molecular testing of a paired NP swab sample were 76.7% (95% CI 73.5 to 79.7) and 98.4% (95% CI 98.0 to 98.7), respectively. Higher sensitivity was noted in individuals with high viral load (99.6% [95% CI 96.8 to 100] at Ct-level ≀ 20) and within the first week of symptom onset (84.6% [95% CI 78.2 to 89.3]), but did not differ between tests conducted as per manufacturer’s instructions and those conducted differently, or between point-of-care and lab-based testing. Conclusion: Overall, iAg tests have a high pooled specificity but a moderate pooled sensitivity, according to our analysis. The pooled sensitivity increases with lower Ct-values (a proxy for viral load), or within the first week of symptom onset, enabling reliable identification of most COVID-19 cases and highlighting the importance of context in test selection. The study underscores the need for careful evaluation considering performance variations and operational features of iAg tests.</p
