313 research outputs found

    Motif Dan Kepuasan Pemirsa Surabaya Dalam Menonton Sinetron “Tukang Bubur Naik Haji”

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui motif dan kepuasan masyarakat Surabaya dalam menonton sinetron “Tukang Bubur Naik Haji” di RCTI. Pada penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan teori Uses and Gratification dengan variabel Gratification Sought dan Gratification Obtained yang dicetuskan oleh Greenberg and Woods, seperti indikator Pelarian (Escape), Pembelajaran Sosial (Social Learning), Ketertarikan Sosial (Social Excitement), dan Kebiasaan (Habit). Teknik analisa yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah teknik analisa eksplanatif dengan Statistik Inferensial serta uji crosstab untuk menjelaskan motif dan kepuasan apa saja yang didapatkan oleh masyarakat Surabaya dalam menonton sinetron ”Tukang Bubur Naik Haji” di RCTI. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa masyarakat Surabaya tidak mendapatkan kepuasan dalam indikator Pelarian (Escape), Pembelajaran Sosial (Social Learning), Ketertarikan Sosial (Social Excitement), dan Kebiasaan (Habit). Secara keseluruhan, masyarakat Surabaya tidak mendapatkan kepuasan dalam menonton sinetron “Tukang Bubur Naik Haji” di RCTI

    Diverse diazotrophs are present on sinking particles in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre.

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    Sinking particles transport carbon and nutrients from the surface ocean into the deep sea and are considered hot spots for bacterial diversity and activity. In the oligotrophic oceans, nitrogen (N2)-fixing organisms (diazotrophs) are an important source of new N but the extent to which these organisms are present and exported on sinking particles is not well known. Sinking particles were collected every 6 h over a 2-day period using net traps deployed at 150 m in the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre. The bacterial community and composition of diazotrophs associated with individual and bulk sinking particles was assessed using 16S rRNA and nifH gene amplicon sequencing. The bacterial community composition in bulk particles remained remarkably consistent throughout time and space while large variations of individually picked particles were observed. This difference suggests that unique biogeochemical conditions within individual particles may offer distinct ecological niches for specialized bacterial taxa. Compared to surrounding seawater, particle samples were enriched in different size classes of globally significant N2-fixing cyanobacteria including Trichodesmium, symbionts of diatoms, and the unicellular cyanobacteria Crocosphaera and UCYN-A. The particles also contained nifH gene sequences of diverse non-cyanobacterial diazotrophs suggesting that particles could be loci for N2 fixation by heterotrophic bacteria. The results demonstrate that diverse diazotrophs were present on particles and that new N may thereby be directly exported from surface waters on sinking particles

    The multiple fates of sinking particles in the North Atlantic Ocean

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2015. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Global Biogeochemical Cycles 29 (2015): 1471–1494, doi:10.1002/2014GB005037.The direct respiration of sinking organic matter by attached bacteria is often invoked as the dominant sink for settling particles in the mesopelagic ocean. However, other processes, such as enzymatic solubilization and mechanical disaggregation, also contribute to particle flux attenuation by transferring organic matter to the water column. Here we use observations from the North Atlantic Ocean, coupled to sensitivity analyses of a simple model, to assess the relative importance of particle-attached microbial respiration compared to the other processes that can degrade sinking particles. The observed carbon fluxes, bacterial production rates, and respiration by water column and particle-attached microbial communities each spanned more than an order of magnitude. Rates of substrate-specific respiration on sinking particle material ranged from 0.007 ± 0.003 to 0.173 ± 0.105 day−1. A comparison of these substrate-specific respiration rates with model results suggested sinking particle material was transferred to the water column by various biological and mechanical processes nearly 3.5 times as fast as it was directly respired. This finding, coupled with strong metabolic demand imposed by measurements of water column respiration (729.3 ± 266.0 mg C m−2 d−1, on average, over the 50 to 150 m depth interval), suggested a large fraction of the organic matter evolved from sinking particles ultimately met its fate through subsequent remineralization in the water column. At three sites, we also measured very low bacterial growth efficiencies and large discrepancies between depth-integrated mesopelagic respiration and carbon inputs.U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) STAR Grant Number: FP-91744301-0; National Science Foundation Grant Numbers OCE-1061883, EF-0424599, OCE-1155438, OCE-1059884, OCE-1031143; Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Grant Numbers: 3301, 3789; Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation; Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution2016-03-2

    Temperature-induced viral resistance in Emiliania huxleyi (Prymnesiophyceae)

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    © The Author(s), 2014. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in PLoS One 9 (2014): e112134, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0112134.Annual Emiliania huxleyi blooms (along with other coccolithophorid species) play important roles in the global carbon and sulfur cycles. E. huxleyi blooms are routinely terminated by large, host-specific dsDNA viruses, (Emiliania huxleyi Viruses; EhVs), making these host-virus interactions a driving force behind their potential impact on global biogeochemical cycles. Given projected increases in sea surface temperature due to climate change, it is imperative to understand the effects of temperature on E. huxleyi’s susceptibility to viral infection and its production of climatically active dimethylated sulfur species (DSS). Here we demonstrate that a 3°C increase in temperature induces EhV-resistant phenotypes in three E. huxleyi strains and that successful virus infection impacts DSS pool sizes. We also examined cellular polar lipids, given their documented roles in regulating host-virus interactions in this system, and propose that alterations to membrane-bound surface receptors are responsible for the observed temperature-induced resistance. Our findings have potential implications for global biogeochemical cycles in a warming climate and for deciphering the particular mechanism(s) by which some E. huxleyi strains exhibit viral resistance.This study was supported by funding from the National Science Foundation (OCE-1061883 to KDB, BVM, and OCE-1061876 to GRD) and in part by grants from The Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (to BVM and KDB)

    An autonomous, in situ light-dark bottle device for determining community respiration and net community production

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2018. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here under a nonexclusive, irrevocable, paid-up, worldwide license granted to WHOI. It is made available for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Limnology and Oceanography-Methods 16 (2018): 323-338, doi:10.1002/lom3.10247.We describe a new, autonomous, incubation-based instrument that is deployed in situ to determine rates of gross community respiration and net community production in marine and aquatic ecosystems. During deployments at a coastal pier and in the open ocean, the PHORCYS (PHOtosynthesis and Respiration Comparison-Yielding System) captured dissolved oxygen fluxes over hourly timescales that were missed by traditional methods. The instrument uses fluorescence-quenching optodes fitted into separate light and dark chambers; these are opened and closed with piston-like actuators, allowing the instrument to make multiple, independent rate estimates in the course of each deployment. Consistent with other studies in which methods purporting to measure the same metabolic processes have yielded divergent results, respiration rate estimates from the PHORCYS were systematically higher than those calculated for the same waters using a traditional two-point Winkler titration technique. However, PHORCYS estimates of gross respiration agreed generally with separate incubations in bottles fitted with optode sensor spots. An Appendix describes a new method for estimating uncertainties in metabolic rates calculated from continuous dissolved oxygen data. Multiple successful, unattended deployments of the PHORCYS represent a small step toward fully autonomous observations of community metabolism. Yet the persistence of unexplained disagreements among aquatic metabolic rate estimates — such as those we observed between rates calculated with the PHORCYS and two existing, widely-accepted bottle-based methods — suggests that a new community intercalibration effort is warranted to address lingering sources of error in these critical measurements.This research was supported by the U.S. National Science Foundation (awards OCE-1155438 to B.A.S.V.M., J.R.V., and R.G.K., and OCE- 1059884 to B.A.S.V.M.), the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution through a Cecil and Ida Green Foundation Innovative Technology Award and an Interdisciplinary Science Award, and a U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) STAR Graduate Fellowship to J.R.C. under Fellowship Assistance Agreement no. FP-91744301-0

    Combined pigment and metatranscriptomic analysis reveals highly synchronized diel patterns of phenotypic light response across domains in the open oligotrophic ocean

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    Sunlight is the most important environmental control on diel fluctuations in phytoplankton activity, and understanding diel microbial processes is essential to the study of oceanic biogeochemical cycles. Yet, little is known about the in situ temporal dynamics of phytoplankton metabolic activities and their coordination across different populations. We investigated diel orchestration of phytoplankton activity in photosynthesis, photoacclimation, and photoprotection by analyzing pigment and quinone distributions in combination with metatranscriptomes in surface waters of the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre (NPSG). We found diel cycles in pigment abundances resulting from the balance of their synthesis and consumption. These dynamics suggest that night represents a metabolic recovery phase, refilling cellular pigment stores, while photosystems are remodeled towards photoprotection during daytime. Transcript levels of genes involved in photosynthesis and pigment metabolism had synchronized diel expression patterns among all taxa, reflecting the driving force light imparts upon photosynthetic organisms in the ocean, while other environmental factors drive niche differentiation. For instance, observed decoupling of diel oscillations in transcripts and related pigments indicates that pigment abundances are modulated by environmental factors extending beyond gene expression/regulation reinforcing the need to combine metatranscriptomics with proteomics and metabolomics to fully understand the timing of these critical processes in situ

    The mutual interplay between calcification and coccolithovirus infection

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    © The Author(s), 2019. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Johns, C. T., Grubb, A. R., Nissimov, J. I., Natale, F., Knapp, V., Mui, A., Fredricks, H. F., Van Mooy, B. A. S., & Bidle, K. D. The mutual interplay between calcification and coccolithovirus infection. Environmental Microbiology, 21(6), (2019): 1896-1915, doi:10.1111/1462-2920.14362.Two prominent characteristics of marine coccolithophores are their secretion of coccoliths and their susceptibility to infection by coccolithoviruses (EhVs), both of which display variation among cells in culture and in natural populations. We examined the impact of calcification on infection by challenging a variety of Emiliania huxleyi strains at different calcification states with EhVs of different virulence. Reduced cellular calcification was associated with increased infection and EhV production, even though calcified cells and associated coccoliths had significantly higher adsorption coefficients than non‐calcified (naked) cells. Sialic acid glycosphingolipids, molecules thought to mediate EhV infection, were generally more abundant in calcified cells and enriched in purified, sorted coccoliths, suggesting a biochemical link between calcification and adsorption rates. In turn, viable EhVs impacted cellular calcification absent of lysis by inducing dramatic shifts in optical side scatter signals and a massive release of detached coccoliths in a subpopulation of cells, which could be triggered by resuspension of healthy, calcified host cells in an EhV‐free, ‘induced media’. Our findings show that calcification is a key component of the E. huxleyi‐EhV arms race and an aspect that is critical both to the modelling of these host–virus interactions in the ocean and interpreting their impact on the global carbon cycle.We thank Liti Haramaty for her guidance and assistance in culturing and infection experiments. This research was funded by the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (GBMF3301 to BVM and KDB and GBMF3789 to KDB) and the National Science Foundation (OCE‐1537951 and OCE‐1559179 to KDB)

    Detection of genetic prognostic markers in uveal melanoma biopsies using fluorescence in situ hybridization

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    PURPOSE: In uveal melanoma, specific chromosomal abnormalities are known to correlate with the risk of metastases; changes in chromosomes 3 and 8q correlate strongly with a decreased survival of the patient, whereas chromosome 6 abnormalities are associated with a better prognosis. Usual