18,538 research outputs found

    Detecting stars, galaxies, and asteroids with Gaia

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    (Abridged) Gaia aims to make a 3-dimensional map of 1,000 million stars in our Milky Way to unravel its kinematical, dynamical, and chemical structure and evolution. Gaia's on-board detection software discriminates stars from spurious objects like cosmic rays and Solar protons. For this, parametrised point-spread-function-shape criteria are used. This study aims to provide an optimum set of parameters for these filters. We developed an emulation of the on-board detection software, which has 20 free, so-called rejection parameters which govern the boundaries between stars on the one hand and sharp or extended events on the other hand. We evaluate the detection and rejection performance of the algorithm using catalogues of simulated single stars, double stars, cosmic rays, Solar protons, unresolved galaxies, and asteroids. We optimised the rejection parameters, improving - with respect to the functional baseline - the detection performance of single and double stars, while, at the same time, improving the rejection performance of cosmic rays and of Solar protons. We find that the minimum separation to resolve a close, equal-brightness double star is 0.23 arcsec in the along-scan and 0.70 arcsec in the across-scan direction, independent of the brightness of the primary. We find that, whereas the optimised rejection parameters have no significant impact on the detectability of de Vaucouleurs profiles, they do significantly improve the detection of exponential-disk profiles. We also find that the optimised rejection parameters provide detection gains for asteroids fainter than 20 mag and for fast-moving near-Earth objects fainter than 18 mag, albeit this gain comes at the expense of a modest detection-probability loss for bright, fast-moving near-Earth objects. The major side effect of the optimised parameters is that spurious ghosts in the wings of bright stars essentially pass unfiltered.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&

    Local Density of States in Mesoscopic Samples from Scanning Gate Microscopy

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    We study the relationship between the local density of states (LDOS) and the conductance variation ΔG\Delta G in scanning-gate-microscopy experiments on mesoscopic structures as a charged tip scans above the sample surface. We present an analytical model showing that in the linear-response regime the conductance shift ΔG\Delta G is proportional to the Hilbert transform of the LDOS and hence a generalized Kramers-Kronig relation holds between LDOS and ΔG\Delta G. We analyze the physical conditions for the validity of this relationship both for one-dimensional and two-dimensional systems when several channels contribute to the transport. We focus on realistic Aharonov-Bohm rings including a random distribution of impurities and analyze the LDOS-ΔG\Delta G correspondence by means of exact numerical simulations, when localized states or semi-classical orbits characterize the wavefunction of the system.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Sustentabilidade no agronegĂłcio brasileiro.

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    Agricultura brasileira. O que é Economia Verde? Agronegócio brasileiro: cenário atual comércio mundial e projeções. Insumos utilizados pela agropecuária brasileira. Resíduos provenientes do setor agropecuário. Mudanças climáticas e impactos na produção agrícola. Tecnologias agrícolas: oportunidades de adaptação rumo à economia verde e de diminuição da pegada de carbono no setor agropecuário brasileiro. Políticas públicas no setor agropecuário brasileiro. Políticas públicas de incentivo à pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D). Instrumentos econômicos rumo à economia verde. Instrumentos econômicos rumo à economia verde

    Eletroforese de isoenzimas de plântulas na identificação de espécies de Brachiaria.

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    Lotes de sementes de braquiaria comercializados no Brasil vem apresentando contaminacoes som sementes de outras especies pertencentes ao mesmo genero. Deste modo, uma das especies de braquiaria atuaria como planta infestante da outra no agroecossistema e a erradicacao da especie infestante seria dificultada pela agressividade caracteristca do genero e pela falta de seletividade dos herbecidas disponiveis no mercado

    Transport inefficiency in branched-out mesoscopic networks: An analog of the Braess paradox

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    We present evidence for a counter-intuitive behavior of semiconductor mesoscopic networks that is the analog of the Braess paradox encountered in classical networks. A numerical simulation of quantum transport in a two-branch mesoscopic network reveals that adding a third branch can paradoxically induce transport inefficiency that manifests itself in a sizable conductance drop of the network. A scanning-probe experiment using a biased tip to modulate the transmission of one branch in the network reveals the occurrence of this paradox by mapping the conductance variation as a function of the tip voltage and position.Comment: 2nd version with minor stylistic corrections. To appear in Phys. Rev. Lett.: Editorially approved for publication 6 January 201

    Frictional sliding without geometrical reflection symmetry

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    The dynamics of frictional interfaces play an important role in many physical systems spanning a broad range of scales. It is well-known that frictional interfaces separating two dissimilar materials couple interfacial slip and normal stress variations, a coupling that has major implications on their stability, failure mechanism and rupture directionality. In contrast, interfaces separating identical materials are traditionally assumed not to feature such a coupling due to symmetry considerations. We show, combining theory and experiments, that interfaces which separate bodies made of macroscopically identical materials, but lack geometrical reflection symmetry, generically feature such a coupling. We discuss two applications of this novel feature. First, we show that it accounts for a distinct, and previously unexplained, experimentally observed weakening effect in frictional cracks. Second, we demonstrate that it can destabilize frictional sliding which is otherwise stable. The emerging framework is expected to find applications in a broad range of systems.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures + Supplementary Material. Minor change in the title, extended analysis in the second par

    Hidden Sp(2s+1)- or SO(2s+1)-symmetry and new exactly solvable models in ultracold atomic systems

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    The high spin ultracold atom models with a special form of contact interactions, i.e., the scattering lengthes in the total spin-2,4â‹Ż2,4 \cdots channels are equal but may be different from that in the spin-0 channel, is studied. It is found that those models have either Sp(2s+1)Sp(2s+1)-symmetry for the fermions or SO(2s+1)SO(2s+1)-symmetry for the bosons in the spin sector. Based on the symmetry analysis, a new class of exactly solvable models is proposed and solved via the Bethe ansatz. The ground states for repulsive fermions are also discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Cosmic String Network Evolution in arbitrary Friedmann-Lemaitre models

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    We use the velocity-dependent one-scale model by Martins & Shellard to investigate the evolution of a GUT long cosmic string network in arbitrary Friedmann-Lemaitre models. Four representative models are used to show that in general there is no scaling solution. The implications for structure formation are briefly discussed.Comment: 8 pages, 4 postscript figures included, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Evidence for a spectroscopic direct detection of reflected light from 51 Peg b

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    The detection of reflected light from an exoplanet is a difficult technical challenge at optical wavelengths. Even though this signal is expected to replicate the stellar signal, not only is it several orders of magnitude fainter, but it is also hidden among the stellar noise. We apply a variant of the cross-correlation technique to HARPS observations of 51 Peg to detect the reflected signal from planet 51 Peg b. Our method makes use of the cross-correlation function of a binary mask with high-resolution spectra to amplify the minute planetary signal that is present in the spectra by a factor proportional to the number of spectral lines when performing the cross correlation. The resulting cross-correlation functions are then normalized by a stellar template to remove the stellar signal. Carefully selected sections of the resulting normalized CCFs are stacked to increase the planetary signal further. The recovered signal allows probing several of the planetary properties, including its real mass and albedo. We detect evidence for the reflected signal from planet 51 Peg b at a significance of 3\sigma_noise. The detection of the signal permits us to infer a real mass of 0.46^+0.06_-0.01 M_Jup (assuming a stellar mass of 1.04\;M_Sun) for the planet and an orbital inclination of 80^+10_-19 degrees. The analysis of the data also allows us to infer a tentative value for the (radius-dependent) geometric albedo of the planet. The results suggest that 51Peg b may be an inflated hot Jupiter with a high albedo (e.g., an albedo of 0.5 yields a radius of 1.9 \pm 0.3 R_Jup for a signal amplitude of 6.0\pm0.4 x 10^-5). We confirm that the method we perfected can be used to retrieve an exoplanet's reflected signal, even with current observing facilities. The advent of next generation of observing facilities will yield new opportunities for this type of technique to probe deeper into exoplanets.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figure

    Wigner and Kondo physics in quantum point contacts revealed by scanning gate microscopy

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    Quantum point contacts exhibit mysterious conductance anomalies in addition to well known conductance plateaus at multiples of 2e^2/h. These 0.7 and zero-bias anomalies have been intensively studied, but their microscopic origin in terms of many-body effects is still highly debated. Here we use the charged tip of a scanning gate microscope to tune in situ the electrostatic potential of the point contact. While sweeping the tip distance, we observe repetitive splittings of the zero-bias anomaly, correlated with simultaneous appearances of the 0.7 anomaly. We interpret this behaviour in terms of alternating equilibrium and non-equilibrium Kondo screenings of different spin states localized in the channel. These alternating Kondo effects point towards the presence of a Wigner crystal containing several charges with different parities. Indeed, simulations show that the electron density in the channel is low enough to reach one-dimensional Wigner crystallization over a size controlled by the tip position
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