22,827 research outputs found

    The Black Hole Binary Nova Scorpii 1994 (GRO J1655-40): An improved chemical analysis

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    The chemical analysis of secondary stars of low mass X-ray binaries provides an opportunity to study the formation processes of compact objects, either black holes or neutron stars. Following the discovery of overabundances of α\alpha-elements in the HIRES/Keck spectrum of the secondary star of Nova Scorpii 1994 (Israelian et al. 1999), we obtained UVES/VLT high-resolution spectroscopy with the aim of performing a detailed abundance analysis of this secondary star. Using a χ2\chi2-minimization procedure and a grid of synthetic spectra, we derive the stellar parameters and atmospheric abundances of O, Mg, Al, Ca, Ti, Fe and Ni, using a new UVES spectrum and the HIRES spectrum.The abundances of Al, Ca, Ti, Fe and Ni seem to be consistent with solar values, whereas Na, and especially O, Mg, Si and S are significantly enhanced in comparison with Galactic trends of these elements. A comparison with spherically and non-spherically symmetric supernova explosion models may provide stringent constraints to the model parameters as mass-cut and the explosion energy, in particular from the relative abundances of Si, S, Ca, Ti, Fe and Ni. Most probably the black hole in this system formed in a hypernova explosion of a 30--35 \Msun progenitor star with a mass-cut in the range 2--3.5 \Msun. However, these models produce abundances of Al and Na almost ten times higher than the observed values.Comment: New Accepted version for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysics Table 2: Correcte

    A Search for Pulsation in Very Low-mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs

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    Brown dwarfs and very low-mass stars constitute a crucial link between the intertwined processes of star formation and planet formation. To date, however, observational methods to uncover their formation mechanism or determine important properties such as mass and age have been lacking. Pulsation powered by deuterium burning in brown dwarfs and very low-mass stars is a newly suggested phenomenon that offers unprecedented opportunities to probe the interiors and evolution of these objects. We report on a photometric campaign to search for low-amplitude pulsations among young star-cluster members using a number of telescopes

    Topographic hub maps of the human structural neocortical network

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    Hubs within the neocortical structural network determined by graph theoretical analysis play a crucial role in brain function. We mapped neocortical hubs topographically, using a sample population of 63 young adults. Subjects were imaged with high resolution structural and diffusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging techniques. Multiple network configurations were then constructed per subject, using random parcellations to define the nodes and using fibre tractography to determine the connectivity between the nodes. The networks were analysed with graph theoretical measures. Our results give reference maps of hub distribution measured with betweenness centrality and node degree. The loci of the hubs correspond with key areas from known overlapping cognitive networks. Several hubs were asymmetrically organized across hemispheres. Furthermore, females have hubs with higher betweenness centrality and males have hubs with higher node degree. Female networks have higher small-world indices

    Anomalous dispersion of optical phonons at the neutral-ionic transition: Evidence from diffuse X-ray scattering

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    Diffuse X-ray data for mixed stack organic charge-transfer crystals approaching the neutral-ionic phase transition can be quantitatively explained as due to the softening of the optical phonon branch. The interpretation is fully consistent with vibrational spectra, and underlines the importance of electron-phonon coupling in low-dimensional systems with delocalized electrons.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Three-point correlations for quantum star graphs

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    We compute the three point correlation function for the eigenvalues of the Laplacian on quantum star graphs in the limit where the number of edges tends to infinity. This extends a work by Berkolaiko and Keating, where they get the 2-point correlation function and show that it follows neither Poisson, nor random matrix statistics. It makes use of the trace formula and combinatorial analysis.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Aggregation of frictional particles due to capillary attraction

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    Capillary attraction between identical millimeter sized spheres floating at a liquid-air interface and the resulting aggregation is investigated at low Reynolds number. We show that the measured capillary forces between two spheres as a function of distance can be described by expressions obtained using the Nicolson approximation at low Bond numbers for far greater particle sizes than previously assumed. We find that viscous hydrodynamics interactions between the spheres needs to be included to describe the dynamics close to contact. We then consider the aggregates formed when a third sphere is added after the initial two spheres are already in contact. In this case, we find that linear superposition of capillary forces describes the observed approach qualitatively but not quantitatively. Further, we observe an angular dependence of the structure due to a rapid decrease of capillary force with distance of separation which has a tendency to align the particles before contact. When the three particles come in contact, they may preserve their shape or rearrange to form an equilateral triangle cluster - the lowest energy state - depending on the competition between attraction between particles and friction. Using these observations, we demonstrate that a linear particle chain can be built from frictional particles with capillary attraction.Comment: accepted for Physical Review

    State estimation in quantum homodyne tomography with noisy data

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    In the framework of noisy quantum homodyne tomography with efficiency parameter 0<η≀10 < \eta \leq 1, we propose two estimators of a quantum state whose density matrix elements ρm,n\rho_{m,n} decrease like e−B(m+n)r/2e^{-B(m+n)^{r/ 2}}, for fixed known B>0B>0 and 0<r≀20<r\leq 2. The first procedure estimates the matrix coefficients by a projection method on the pattern functions (that we introduce here for 0<η≀1/20<\eta \leq 1/2), the second procedure is a kernel estimator of the associated Wigner function. We compute the convergence rates of these estimators, in L2\mathbb{L}_2 risk

    Switching barrier scaling near bifurcation points for non-Gaussian noise

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    We study noise-induced switching of a system close to bifurcation parameter values where the number of stable states changes. For non-Gaussian noise, the switching exponent, which gives the logarithm of the switching rate, displays a non-power-law dependence on the distance to the bifurcation point. This dependence is found for Poisson noise. Even weak additional Gaussian noise dominates switching sufficiently close to the bifurcation point, leading to a crossover in the behavior of the switching exponent

    Estimating the Costs and the Disease Burden Associated With Campylobacter Infections and Sequelae in the Netherlands

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    Campylobacter infections pose an important public health problem in the Netherlands. Approximately 79,000 persons per year are estimated to experience symptoms of acute gastroenteritis. Further annually some 1400 ReA cases, 60 GBS cases and 11 IBD cases are associated with a previous Campylobacter infection. Using a stochastic simulation model the disease burden and the cost-of-illness of Campylobacter infections and its sequelae were estimated. Estimates of the Campylobacter-associated disease burden and costs-of-illness were 1185 DALYs (90% C.I. 693 - 1845 DALYs) per year and some 21 million E (90% C.I. 10 - 38 million E) per year respectively.Campylobacter, sequelae, cost-of-illness, disease burden, Netherlands, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety,

    Models of electrolyte solutions from molecular descriptions: The example of NaCl solutions

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    We present a method to derive implicit solvent models of electrolyte solutions from all-atom descriptions; providing analytical expressions of the thermodynamic and structural properties of the ions consistent with the underlying explicit solvent representation. Effective potentials between ions in solution are calculated to perform perturbation theory calculations, in order to derive the best possible description in terms of charged hard spheres. Applying this method to NaCl solutions yields excellent agreement with the all-atom model, provided ion association is taken into account.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure
