1,930 research outputs found

    Circadian pattern and burstiness in mobile phone communication

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    The temporal communication patterns of human individuals are known to be inhomogeneous or bursty, which is reflected as the heavy tail behavior in the inter-event time distribution. As the cause of such bursty behavior two main mechanisms have been suggested: a) Inhomogeneities due to the circadian and weekly activity patterns and b) inhomogeneities rooted in human task execution behavior. Here we investigate the roles of these mechanisms by developing and then applying systematic de-seasoning methods to remove the circadian and weekly patterns from the time-series of mobile phone communication events of individuals. We find that the heavy tails in the inter-event time distributions remain robustly with respect to this procedure, which clearly indicates that the human task execution based mechanism is a possible cause for the remaining burstiness in temporal mobile phone communication patterns.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figure

    Correlated dynamics in egocentric communication networks

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    We investigate the communication sequences of millions of people through two different channels and analyze the fine grained temporal structure of correlated event trains induced by single individuals. By focusing on correlations between the heterogeneous dynamics and the topology of egocentric networks we find that the bursty trains usually evolve for pairs of individuals rather than for the ego and his/her several neighbors thus burstiness is a property of the links rather than of the nodes. We compare the directional balance of calls and short messages within bursty trains to the average on the actual link and show that for the trains of voice calls the imbalance is significantly enhanced, while for short messages the balance within the trains increases. These effects can be partly traced back to the technological constrains (for short messages) and partly to the human behavioral features (voice calls). We define a model that is able to reproduce the empirical results and may help us to understand better the mechanisms driving technology mediated human communication dynamics.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    CODEX-CT-2 experiment: Long term treatment in high temperature hydrogen and water quenching of a fuel bundle KFKI-2008-02/G

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    The simulation of the Paks-2 incident was carried out in the frame of an experimental programme in the CODEX facility with electrically heated fuel rod bundles. The main boundary conditions for the CODEX-CT-2 were similar to the previous CODEX-CT-1 test. The most significant difference between the two tests was the operation of the air let down valve that was open in the first test and closed in the second one. In the second test the hydrogen produced in the Zr-steam reaction could not escape from the test section and it prevented the access of steam to the Zr surfaces and caused much less oxidation than was observed in the first tests. The final quench by water led to temperature excursion in the bundle and in the shroud. The final state of the bundle was very brittle, the fuel rods and the shroud were cracked and fragmented

    CODEX-CT-1 experiment: Quenching of fuel bundle after long term oxidation in hydrogen rich steam KFKI-2008-01/G

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    The cleaning tank incident at the unit 2 of Paks NPP in 2003 resulted in severe fuel damage of 30 assemblies. The fuel rods heated up due to insufficient cooling and the zirconium components suffered heavy oxidation. Opening of the tank and quenching of the assemblies by cold water led to fragmentation of brittle zirconium components. Due to the poor instrumentation there were many open questions concerning the course of the incident and the behaviour of fuel assemblies. In order to improve the understanding of the phenomena that took place during the Paks-2 incident integral tests have been carried out in the CODEX (Core Degradation Experiment) facility. The tests simulated the whole scenario of the incident using electrically heated fuel rods. The final state of the fuel rods showed many similarities with the conditions observed after the incident at the NPP and for this reason it is very probable that the thermal conditions and chemical reactions were also similar in the tests and in the incident. The post-test examination of CODEX-CT-1 bundle indicated that the high degree of embrittlement was a common result of oxidation and hydrogen uptake by the Zr components

    Pre-Excitation Studies for Rubidium-Plasma Generation

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    The key element in the Proton-Driven-Plasma-Wake-Field-Accelerator (AWAKE) project is the generation of highly uniform plasma from Rubidium vapor. The standard way to achieve full ionization is to use high power laser which can assure the over-barrier-ionization (OBI) along the 10 meters long active region. The Wigner-team in Budapest is investigating an alternative way of uniform plasma generation. The proposed Resonance Enhanced Multi Photon Ionization (REMPI) scheme probably can be realized by much less laser power. In the following the resonant pre-excitations of the Rb atoms are investigated, theoretically and the status report about the preparatory work on the experiment are presented.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, submitted to Nucl. Inst. and Meth. in Phys. Res.

    On Form Factors in nested Bethe Ansatz systems

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    We investigate form factors of local operators in the multi-component Quantum Non-linear Schr\"odinger model, a prototype theory solvable by the so-called nested Bethe Ansatz. We determine the analytic properties of the infinite volume form factors using the coordinate Bethe Ansatz solution and we establish a connection with the finite volume matrix elements. In the two-component models we derive a set of recursion relations for the "magnonic form factors", which are the matrix elements on the nested Bethe Ansatz states. In certain simple cases (involving states with only one spin-impurity) we obtain explicit solutions for the recursion relations.Comment: 34 pages, v2 (minor modifications

    CODEX-B4C Experiment: Cored Degradation Test With Boron Carbide Control Rod KFKI-2003-01/G (2003)

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    The CODEX-B4C bundle test has been successfully performed on 25th May 2001 in the framework of the COLOSS project of the EU 5th FWP. The high temperature degradation of a VVER-1000 type bundle with B4C control rod was investigated with electrically heated fuel rods. The experiment was carried out according to a scenario selected in favour of methane formation. Degradation of control rod and fuel bundle took place at temperatures ~2000 oC, cooling down of the bundle was performed in steam atmosphere. The gas composition measurement indicated no methane production during the experiment. High release of aerosols was detected in the high temperature oxidation phase. The on-line measured data are collected into a database and are available for code validation and development