16 research outputs found

    Development of an epigenetic age predictor for costal cartilage with a simultaneous somatic tissue differentiation system

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    Age prediction from DNA has been a topic of interest in recent years due to the promising results obtained when using epigenetic markers. Since DNA methylation gradually changes across the individual's lifetime, prediction models have been developed accordingly for age estimation. The tissue-dependence for this biomarker usually necessitates the development of tissue-specific age prediction models, in this way, multiple models for age inference have been constructed for the most commonly encountered forensic tissues (blood, oral mucosa, semen). The analysis of skeletal remains has also been attempted and prediction models for bone have now been reported. Recently, the VISAGE Enhanced Tool was developed for the simultaneous DNA methylation analysis of 8 age-correlated loci using targeted high-throughput sequencing. It has been shown that this method is compatible with epigenetic age estimation models for blood, buccal cells, and bone. Since when dealing with decomposed cadavers or postmortem samples, cartilage samples are also an important biological source, an age prediction model for cartilage has been generated in the present study based on methylation data collected using the VISAGE Enhanced Tool. In this way, we have developed a forensic cartilage age prediction model using a training set composed of 109 samples (19–74 age range) based on DNA methylation levels from three CpGs in FHL2, TRIM59 and KLF14, using multivariate quantile regression which provides a mean absolute error (MAE) of ± 4.41 years. An independent testing set composed of 72 samples (19–75 age range) was also analyzed and provided an MAE of ± 4.26 years. In addition, we demonstrate that the 8 VISAGE markers, comprising EDARADD, TRIM59, ELOVL2, MIR29B2CHG, PDE4C, ASPA, FHL2 and KLF14, can be used as tissue prediction markers which provide reliable blood, buccal cells, bone, and cartilage differentiation using a developed multinomial logistic regression model. A training set composed of 392 samples (n = 87 blood, n = 86 buccal cells, n = 110 bone and n = 109 cartilage) was used for building the model (correct classifications: 98.72%, sensitivity: 0.988, specificity: 0.996) and validation was performed using a testing set composed of 192 samples (n = 38 blood, n = 36 buccal cells, n = 46 bone and n = 72 cartilage) showing similar predictive success to the training set (correct classifications: 97.4%, sensitivity: 0.968, specificity: 0.991). By developing both a new cartilage age model and a tissue differentiation model, our study significantly expands the use of the VISAGE Enhanced Tool while increasing the amount of DNA methylation-based information obtained from a single sample and a single forensic laboratory analysis. Both models have been placed in the open-access Snipper forensic classification website.</p

    A multimarker panel for circulating tumor cells detection predicts patient outcome and therapy response in metastatic colorectal cancer

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    Circulating tumor cells (CTCs), proposed as major players in cancer dissemination, have demonstrated clinical prognostic significance in several cancer types. However, their predictive value remains unclear. Here we evaluated the clinical utility of six CTC markers (tissue specific and epithelial to mesenchymal transition transcripts) both as prognostic and predictive tools in metastatic colorectal cancer (mCRC) patients. CTCs were immunoisolated from blood in 50 mCRC patients at baseline and at 4 and 16 weeks after treatment onset. Expression levels of GAPDH, VIL1, CLU, TIMP1, LOXL3 and ZEB2 were determined by qualitative polymerase chain reaction and normalized to the unspecific cell isolation marker CD45. At baseline, median progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) for patients with high CTC markers were 6.3 and 12.7 months, respectively, versus 12.7 and 24.2 for patients with low CTC markers (PFS; p = 0.0003; OS; p = 0.044). Concerning response to therapy, PFS and OS for patients with increased CTC markers along treatment were, respectively, 6.6 and 13.1 months, compared with 12.7 and 24.3 for patients presenting CTC markers reduction (PFS; p = 0.004; OS; p = 0.007). Of note, CTC markers identified therapy-refractory patients not detected by standard image techniques. Patients with increased CTC markers along treatment, but classified as responders by computed tomography, showed significantly shorter survival times (PFS: 7.8 vs. 13.2; OS: 14.4 vs. 24.4; months). In conclusion, we have generated a CTC marker panel for prognosis evaluation and the identification of patients benefiting or not from therapy in mCRC. Our methodology efficiently classified patients earlier than routine computed tomography and from a minimally invasive liquid biopsy

    Exploring Iris Colour Prediction And Ancestry Inference In Admixed Populations Of South America.

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    New DNA-based predictive tests for physical characteristics and inference of ancestry are highly informative tools that are being increasingly used in forensic genetic analysis. Two eye colour prediction models: a Bayesian classifier - Snipper and a multinomial logistic regression (MLR) system for the Irisplex assay, have been described for the analysis of unadmixed European populations. Since multiple SNPs in combination contribute in varying degrees to eye colour predictability in Europeans, it is likely that these predictive tests will perform in different ways amongst admixed populations that have European co-ancestry, compared to unadmixed Europeans. In this study we examined 99 individuals from two admixed South American populations comparing eye colour versus ancestry in order to reveal a direct correlation of light eye colour phenotypes with European co-ancestry in admixed individuals. Additionally, eye colour prediction following six prediction models, using varying numbers of SNPs and based on Snipper and MLR, were applied to the study populations. Furthermore, patterns of eye colour prediction have been inferred for a set of publicly available admixed and globally distributed populations from the HGDP-CEPH panel and 1000 Genomes databases with a special emphasis on admixed American populations similar to those of the study samples.133-

    Development of a methylation marker set for forensic age estimation using analysis of public methylation data and the Agena Bioscience EpiTYPER system

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    Individual age estimation has the potential to provide key information that could enhance and extend DNA intelligence tools. Following predictive tests for externally visible characteristics developed in recent years, prediction of age could guide police investigations and improve the assessment of age-related phenotype expression patterns such as hair colour changes and early onset of male pattern baldness. DNA methylation at CpG positions has emerged as the most promising DNA tests to ascertain the individual age of the donor of a biological contact trace. Although different methodologies are available to detect DNA methylation, EpiTYPER technology (Agena Bioscience, formerly Sequenom) provides useful characteristics that can be applied as a discovery tool in localized regions of the genome. In our study, a total of twenty-two candidate genomic regions, selected from the assessment of publically available data from the Illumina HumanMethylation 450 BeadChip, had a total of 177 CpG sites with informative methylation patterns that were subsequently investigated in detail. From the methylation analyses made, a novel age prediction model based on a multivariate quantile regression analysis was built using the seven highest age-correlated loci of ELOVL2, ASPA, PDE4C, FHL2, CCDC102B, C1orf132 and chr16: 85395429. The detected methylation levels in these loci provide a median absolute age prediction error of +/- 3.07 years and a percentage of prediction error relative to the age of 6.3%. We report the predictive performance of the developed model using cross validation of a carefully age-graded training set of 725 European individuals and a test set of 52 monozygotic twin pairs. The multivariate quantile regression age predictor, using the CpG sites selected in this study, has been placed in the open-access Snipper forensic classification website. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved

    A common epigenetic clock from childhood to old age

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    Forensic age estimation is a DNA intelligence tool that forms an important part of Forensic DNA Phenotyping. Criminal cases with no suspects or with unsuccessful matches in searches on DNA databases; human identification analyses in mass disasters; anthropological studies or legal disputes; all benefit from age estimation to gain investigative leads. Several age prediction models have been developed to date based on DNA methylation. Although different DNA methylation technologies as well as diverse statistical methods have been proposed, most of them are based on blood samples and mainly restricted to adult age ranges. In the current study, we present an extended age prediction model based on 895 evenly distributed Spanish DNA blood samples from 2 to 104 years old. DNA methylation levels were detected using Agena Bioscience EpiTYPER® technology for a total of seven CpG sites located at seven genomic regions: ELOVL2, ASPA, PDE4C, FHL2, CCDC102B, MIR29B2CHG and chr16:85395429 (GRCh38). The accuracy of the age prediction system was tested by comparing three statistical methods: quantile regression (QR), quantile regression neural network (QRNN) and quantile regression support vector machine (QRSVM). The most accurate predictions were obtained when using QRNN or QRSVM (mean absolute prediction error, MAE of ± 3.36 and ± 3.41, respectively). Validation of the models with an independent Spanish testing set (N = 152) provided similar accuracies for both methods (MAE: ± 3.32 and ± 3.45, respectively). The main advantage of using quantile regression statistical tools lies in obtaining age-dependent prediction intervals, fitting the error to the estimated age. An additional analysis of dimensionality reduction shows a direct correlation of increased error and a reduction of correct classifications as the training sample size is reduced. Results indicated that a minimum sample size of six samples per year-of-age covered by the training set is recommended to efficiently capture the most inter-individual variability

    A common epigenetic clock from childhood to old age

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    Forensic age estimation is a DNA intelligence tool that forms an important part of Forensic DNA Phenotyping. Criminal cases with no suspects or with unsuccessful matches in searches on DNA databases; human identification analyses in mass disasters; anthropological studies or legal disputes; all benefit from age estimation to gain investigative leads. Several age prediction models have been developed to date based on DNA methylation. Although different DNA methylation technologies as well as diverse statistical methods have been proposed, most of them are based on blood samples and mainly restricted to adult age ranges. In the current study, we present an extended age prediction model based on 895 evenly distributed Spanish DNA blood samples from 2 to 104 years old. DNA methylation levels were detected using Agena Bioscience EpiTYPER® technology for a total of seven CpG sites located at seven genomic regions: ELOVL2, ASPA, PDE4C, FHL2, CCDC102B, MIR29B2CHG and chr16:85395429 (GRCh38). The accuracy of the age prediction system was tested by comparing three statistical methods: quantile regression (QR), quantile regression neural network (QRNN) and quantile regression support vector machine (QRSVM). The most accurate predictions were obtained when using QRNN or QRSVM (mean absolute prediction error, MAE of ± 3.36 and ± 3.41, respectively). Validation of the models with an independent Spanish testing set (N = 152) provided similar accuracies for both methods (MAE: ± 3.32 and ± 3.45, respectively). The main advantage of using quantile regression statistical tools lies in obtaining age-dependent prediction intervals, fitting the error to the estimated age. An additional analysis of dimensionality reduction shows a direct correlation of increased error and a reduction of correct classifications as the training sample size is reduced. Results indicated that a minimum sample size of six samples per year-of-age covered by the training set is recommended to efficiently capture the most inter-individual variabilityAFA was supported by a post-doctorate grant funded by the Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Ordenación Universitaria e da Consellería de Economía, Emprego e Industria from Xunta de Galicia, Spain (Modalidade B, ED481B 2018/010). The National DNA Bank Carlos III is supported by ISCIII, Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain (PT13/0001/0037, PT13/0010/0067): The Murcia Twin Registry is supported by the Seneca Foundation, Regional Agency for Science and Technology, Murcia, Spain (15302/PHCS/10) and Ministry of Science and Innovation, Spain (PSI11560–2009). We particularly wish to gratefully acknowledge the sample volunteers and the BioBank IBSP-CV (PT13/0010/0064) integrated in the Spanish National Biobanks Network and Valencian Biobanking Network for their collaborationS