32 research outputs found


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah melihat pengaruh hubungan interpersonal dengan school well-being pada peserta didik SMA. Subjek penelitian adalah 175 peserta didik SMA pada 4 sekolah di Kota Surabaya. Teknik pengumpulan data penelitian ini ialah skala hubungan interpersonal dan skala school well-being yang telah diadaptasi ke dalam bahasa Indonesia. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hubungan interpersonal berkontribusi terhada peningkatan school well-being pada peserta didik. Hubungan interpersonal peserta didik memberikan dampak positif pada peserta didik sehingga peserta didik mempersepsi positif lingkungan sekolah

    Adaptation of The Gratitude Questionnaire (GQ-6) In Indonesian High School Students

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     The study of gratitude has begun to develop in Indonesia. Along with this development, there is a need for a measurement tool that can explain the concept of gratitude. This study aims to adapt the gratitude questionnaire (QG-6) to the Indonesian language. The study was conducted on 275 high school students in Surabaya City. The results of confirmatory factor analysis obtained 5 adequate items that have a factor loading value (> 0.5). Measurement model fit (p < 0.01, RMSEA =. 0.08, GFI = 0.98, CFI = 0.99, SRMR = 0.02.) Construct reliability on QG-5 is 0.81

    Adaptasi Rosenberg's Self-Esteem di Indonesia

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    Absrtact. Rosenberg's self-esteem scale is a widely used instrument. Rosenberg's self-esteem scale for Indonesian language adaptation has not been carried out specifically for high school students. This study aims to adapt the Indonesian language and test the validity and reliability. The subjects of this study were 275 high school students from several schools in the city of Surabaya. psychometric results show the factor loading analysis shows the fit model. The test results showed Goodness of Fit, namely GFI = 0.92, CFI = 0.99, and SRMR = 0.06. The item test results showed that 8 items had a loading factor of 0.63-082 and had a construct reliability of 0.899. Key words: Self-Esteem, Students, Adaptatio


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    Abstrak. Tujuan pada penelitian ini adalah gambaran perilaku bullying dan tindakan yang dilakukan siswa terhadap perilaku bullying pada siswa SMA. Penelitian dilakukan di 2 SMA Negeri di Kabupaten Jeneponto, yang secara keseluruhan jumlah subjek adalah 204. Data Yang diperoleh dianalisis dengan menggunakan deskriptif kualitatif untuk menggambarkan mengenai perilaku bullying. Hasil penelitian melaporkan 204 responden mengungkapkan perilaku bullying hampir terjadi setiap hari. Perilaku siswa ketika melihat bullying adalah 88 atau 43,1. 76 orang atau 37,3% yang menolong korban, yang dilakukan korban bullying adalah 77 atau 37 % yang melawan, Alasan yang malakukan bullying adalah 55 orang atau 26,9% dengan alasan merasa hebat jika melakukan bullying, dan persepsi siswa mengenai respon guru terhadap bullying adalah 91 orang atau 44,6% guru memberikan hukuman terhadap perilaku bullying. Kata kunci: bullying, sisw

    Seӏf-Esteem dan Subjective Weӏӏ-Being pada Siswa SMA

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    Abstract This study aims to determine the effect of self-esteem on subjective weӏӏ-being in high school students. The research subjects were students of SMA Negeri 1 Takalar as many as 90 students. The data analysis technique used to test the hypothesis is using simple regression. The results showed that there was an effect of self-esteem on subjective weӏӏ-being in high school students. Keyword: Self-esteem, Subjective Weӏӏ-being

    PKM Kebersyukuran untuk Meningkatkan Regulasi Diri pada Siswa SMA 10 Jeneponto

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    Abstrak. Mitra Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) ini adalah SMA Negeri 10 Kabupaten Jeneponto. Permasalahan yang ada adalah (1) siswa belum fokus dalam proses belajar mengajar (2) Ketidakmampuan megelola emosi.Metode yang digunakan adalah ceramah interaktif dan role play dengan beberapa tahapan yaitu (1) memberikan skala regulasi diri kepada peserta, untuk mengetahui regulasi diri siswa sebelum dilakukan program kegiatan., (2) peserta yang memiliki rasa syukur rendah yang akan dijadikan sebagai peserta program kegiatan, (3) Memberikan penjelasan tentang kebersyukuran, kemanfatan kebersyukuran, (4) Peserta diberikan waktu selama 15 menit untuk menuliskan 5 pengalaman yang disyukuri setiap hari, pengalaman yang lebih khusus disertai dengan penjelasan tentang pengalaman yang dituliskan. Kegiatan ini lakukan setiap hari dengan menuliskan dibuku catatan, (5) Peserta mengungkapkan rasa syukur yang telah dituliskan pada buku catatan (6) Memberikan skala regulasi emosi. Hasil yang dicapai adalah (1) terdapat peningkatan regulasi diri pada siswa setelah mendapatkan pelatihan kebersyukuran, (2) siswa antusias mengikuti pelatihan ini

    School Well-Being di Indonesia: Telaah Literatur

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    Abstract Research on school well-being has been widely carried out in Indonesia using subjects at various school levels. High school well-being has a positive impact on students. This article aims to review the notion of school well-being used, the subject used, the instrument used, and the factors that influence school well-being in Indonesia. This study recommends adapting the school well-being measuring instrument according to the context and level of education. Keyword: Students, School, Well-Being

    Subjective Well-Being di Sekolah dan Student Engagement pada Siswa Sekolah Menengah Atas

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    Abstract Dropout cases due to student disengagement di sekolah and increasing levels of student boredom are the impact of low student engagement. To overcome this, students must have good subjective well-being (SWB) di sekolah. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of subjective well-being di sekolah on student engagement in SMA Negeri 1 Barru. The subjects in this study were 200 students who were taken by stratified random sampling method. The instruments used are measuring instruments of student engagement and subjective well-being di sekolah. The results of hypothesis testing showed an R-square value of 0.127 (12.7%). This shows that there is an influence of subjective well-being di sekolah on student engagement. This research can be a reference for students and schools to overcome the problem of low student engagement. Keyword: Students, Student Engagement, SWB

    Pelatihan Regulasi Emosi untuk Meningkatkan Penyesuaian Sosial Siswa

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    Abstract. The problem experienced by students is that many students are not able to adapt to the school environment. Emotional regulation training is conducted to overcome the problem of low social adjustment in students. Increased emotional regulation can give students positive perceptions so that students can maximize their positive potential. The research method is carried out by taking various approaches, namely interactive lectures, games related to social adjustment, role play. The results showed that emotional regulation training was effective in increasing students' social adjustment. Keywords: emotion regulation, social adjustment, student

    Kontribusi Dukungan Sosial terhadap Hardiness pada Mahasiswa yang Sedang Mengerjakan Skripsi

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    Abstract In the process of writing a thesis, students often facing problems. Problems when preparing the thesis can be the cause of the decline in student enthusiasm so that they do not want to try hard in achieving their goals. Hardiness is needed as a personality characteristic that helps improve students' attitudes so they can face problems related to the thesis preparation process. Factors that can affect student hardiness is social support. This study was conducted with the aim of knowing the effect of social support on hardiness in students who are working on a thesis. Participants in this study amounted to 208 students who are working on a thesis in Makassar. The data collection using modified scale named Multidimensional Scale Perceived Social Support and Hardiness scale. This research method is quantitative method using simple regression analysis. The results showed that there was an effect of social support on hardiness in students who are working on a thesis. The most influential social support on hardiness was found to come from significant other. Keywords: Social support, Hardiness, College student