12 research outputs found

    Una década de estudios de desarrollo en clave iberoamericana

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    La Revista Iberoamericana de Estudios de Desarrollo cumple diez años. Es momento de reconocer quién la sostiene, las características que la han llevado a avanzar en el conocimiento del Desarrollo, además de conseguir el reconocimiento internacional, y de dar gracias a las personas que la han apoyado y a quienes hoy aportan su gran valía en equipo. The Iberoamerican Journal of Development Studies celebrates ten years. It is time to recognize who supports it, the characteristics that have led it to advance in Development research, in addition to achieving international recognition, and to give thanks to so many people who have supported it and to those who today contribute their great value as a team. © 2022 Universidad de Zaragoza. All rights reserved

    Effects of highly active antiretroviral therapy with nelfinavir in vertically HIV-1 infected children: 3 years of follow-up. Long-term response to nelfinavir in children

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    BACKGROUND: Antiretroviral treatment (ART) in children has special features and consequently, results obtained from clinical trials with antiretroviral drugs in adults may not be representative of children. Nelfinavir (NFV) is an HIV-1 Protease Inhibitor (PI) which has become as one of the first choices of PI for ART in children. We studied during a 3-year follow-up period the effects of highly active antiretroviral therapy with nelfinavir in vertically HIV-1 infected children. METHODS: Forty-two vertically HIV-infected children on HAART with NFV were involved in a multicentre prospective study. The children were monitored at least every 3 months with physical examinations, and blood sample collection to measure viral load (VL) and CD4+ cell count. We performed a logistic regression analysis to determinate the odds ratio of baseline characteristics on therapeutic failure. RESULTS: Very important increase in CD4+ was observed and VL decreased quickly and it remained low during the follow-up study. Children with CD4+ <25% at baseline achieved CD4+ >25% at 9 months of follow-up. HIV-infected children who achieved undetectable viral load (uVL) were less than 40% in each visit during follow-up. Nevertheless, HIV-infected children with VL >5000 copies/ml were less than 50% during the follow-up study. Only baseline VL was an important factor to predict VL control during follow-up. Virological failure at defined end-point was confirmed in 30/42 patients. Along the whole of follow-up, 16/42 children stopped HAART with NFV. Baseline characteristics were not associated with therapeutic change. CONCLUSION: NFV is a safe drug with a good profile and able to achieve an adequate response in children

    Insufficient antiretroviral therapy in pregnancy: missed opportunities for prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Europe

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    Background: Although mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) rates are at an all-time low in Western Europe, potentially preventable transmissions continue to occur. Duration of antenatal combination antiretroviral therapy (ART) is strongly associated with MTCT risk.Methods: Data on pregnant HIV-infected women enrolled in the Western and Central European sites of the European Collaborative Study between January 2000 and July 2009 were analysed. The proportion of women receiving no antenatal ART or 1-13 days of treatment was investigated, and associated factors explored using logistic regression models.Results: Of 2,148 women, 142 (7%) received no antenatal ART, decreasing from 8% in 2000-2003 to 5% in 2004-2009 (chi(2)=8.73; P= 14 days antenatal ART and 7.4% (10/136) among those with insufficient ART.Conclusions: Over the last 10 years, around one in 11 women in this study received insufficient antenatal ART, accounting for 40% of MTCTs. One-half of these women were diagnosed before conception, suggesting disengagement from care


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    El grupo salió de Lima a la ciuda de la Merced, Chanchamayo alas 9:15 p. m. del 13 de noviembre de 1997 y regresó a Lima el día 15 del mismo mes a las 5:30 p. m., todo el trabajo se ejecutó en un solo día como un estudio piloto a una investigación posterior. Nos referimos al día 14, hablamos con el Dr. Julio Demarini, Director del Hospital Nacional de la Merced recomendándonos que el estudio se haga en Vitoc, zona de alto riesgo endémico, viajamos a ese distrito, de allí nos internamos 15 km a la zona agrícola endémica del Paracoccidiodes brasilensis llamada "La Florencia". Nuestro objetivo fue realizar el exámen clínico y evaluar la variable dependiente periodontitis y tomar muestras de bolsas periodontales y/o gíngivales a los agricultores que trabajan en zona endémica de la paracoccidiodomicosis. ¿Para qué? Para demostrar que en la periodiontitis existe mediante los exámenes de frotis y otros exámenes, la presencia del Paracoccidiodes brasilensis (P. br.). (1) (2) (3). ¿Con qué fin? Con el fin de determinar que en los agricultores aparentemente sanos que trabajan en tierras de alto riesgo de contaminación del P. br. pueden estar infectados con la variable dependiente Paracoccidiodomicosis ? Infección (4) a nivel poriodontal. El universo biológico fueron 6 agricultores, el tamaño de la muestra: 6 frotices, 6 cultivos agar Sabouraud, una muestra de sangre. La unidad de muestreo: Frotis de bolsa periodontal y/o gingival y sangre. Unidad de análisis: examen directo lámina laminilla, coloración hidróxido de potasio al 10 % (5). Cultivos: Agar Sabouraud a temperatura ambiente, incubación a los 18 días (6). Inmunodifusión en suero del paciente. Los instrumentos empleados como las láminas, tubos, agujas son los ya conocidos. Los resultados obtenidos fueron: con respecto a la edad; prevalecieron entre los que tuvieron 51 a 60 años, el 50 % . Lugar de procedencia: un agricultor procedió de San Luis, Puente Cupelo, 16,7 %; Los cinco restantes, procedentes de "La Florencia" Vitoc, 83,3 % (ver tablass 1 y 2). Indicadores periodontales: bolsa Periodontal, un agricultor, 16,7 %; reabsorción gingival, tres agricultores, 50 %; movilidad dentaria, dos agricultores, 33,3 % (tabla 3). Examen directo, estudio del frotis: biomuestras: bolsa periodontal, tres agricultores positivos al P.br., 50% . Bolsa gingival, un agricultor positivo, 16,7 % y dos agricultores negativos, 33,3 %. (tabla 4). Cultivo agar Sabouraud: bolsa periodontal: positivo un agricultor, 16,7 %; negativos dos, 33,3%. Bolsa gingival; tres negativos, 50 %. Inmunodifusión: una sola muestra, del agricultor caso 4 fue negativo; resultado del Laboratorio de Micosis Profunda del Instituto y Centro Nacional de Laboratorio en Salud Pública.El grupo salió de Lima a la ciuda de la Merced, Chanchamayo alas 9:15 p. m. del 13 de noviembre de 1997 y regresó a Lima el día 15 del mismo mes a las 5:30 p. m., todo el trabajo se ejecutó en un solo día como un estudio piloto a una investigación posterior. Nos referimos al día 14, hablamos con el Dr. Julio Demarini, Director del Hospital Nacional de la Merced recomendándonos que el estudio se haga en Vitoc, zona de alto riesgo endémico, viajamos a ese distrito, de allí nos internamos 15 km a la zona agrícola endémica del Paracoccidiodes brasilensis llamada "La Florencia". Nuestro objetivo fue realizar el exámen clínico y evaluar la variable dependiente periodontitis y tomar muestras de bolsas periodontales y/o gíngivales a los agricultores que trabajan en zona endémica de la paracoccidiodomicosis. ¿Para qué? Para demostrar que en la periodiontitis existe mediante los exámenes de frotis y otros exámenes, la presencia del Paracoccidiodes brasilensis (P. br.). (1) (2) (3). ¿Con qué fin? Con el fin de determinar que en los agricultores aparentemente sanos que trabajan en tierras de alto riesgo de contaminación del P. br. pueden estar infectados con la variable dependiente Paracoccidiodomicosis ? Infección (4) a nivel poriodontal. El universo biológico fueron 6 agricultores, el tamaño de la muestra: 6 frotices, 6 cultivos agar Sabouraud, una muestra de sangre. La unidad de muestreo: Frotis de bolsa periodontal y/o gingival y sangre. Unidad de análisis: examen directo lámina laminilla, coloración hidróxido de potasio al 10 % (5). Cultivos: Agar Sabouraud a temperatura ambiente, incubación a los 18 días (6). Inmunodifusión en suero del paciente. Los instrumentos empleados como las láminas, tubos, agujas son los ya conocidos. Los resultados obtenidos fueron: con respecto a la edad; prevalecieron entre los que tuvieron 51 a 60 años, el 50 % . Lugar de procedencia: un agricultor procedió de San Luis, Puente Cupelo, 16,7 %; Los cinco restantes, procedentes de "La Florencia" Vitoc, 83,3 % (ver tablass 1 y 2). Indicadores periodontales: bolsa Periodontal, un agricultor, 16,7 %; reabsorción gingival, tres agricultores, 50 %; movilidad dentaria, dos agricultores, 33,3 % (tabla 3). Examen directo, estudio del frotis: biomuestras: bolsa periodontal, tres agricultores positivos al P.br., 50% . Bolsa gingival, un agricultor positivo, 16,7 % y dos agricultores negativos, 33,3 %. (tabla 4). Cultivo agar Sabouraud: bolsa periodontal: positivo un agricultor, 16,7 %; negativos dos, 33,3%. Bolsa gingival; tres negativos, 50 %. Inmunodifusión: una sola muestra, del agricultor caso 4 fue negativo; resultado del Laboratorio de Micosis Profunda del Instituto y Centro Nacional de Laboratorio en Salud Pública

    Use of zidovudine-sparing HAART in pregnant HIV-infected women in Europe: 2000-2009.

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    BACKGROUND: Increasing numbers of women in resource-rich settings are prescribed zidovudine (ZDV)-sparing highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in pregnancy. We compare ZDV-sparing with ZDV-containing HAART in relation to maternal viral load at delivery, mother-to-child transmission (MTCT) of HIV, and congenital abnormality. METHODS: This is an analysis of data from the National Study of HIV in Pregnancy and Childhood and the European Collaborative Study. Data on 7573 singleton births to diagnosed HIV-infected women between January 2000 and June 2009 were analyzed. Logistic regression models were fitted to estimate adjusted odds ratios (AORs). RESULTS: Overall, 15.8% (1199 of 7573) of women received ZDV-sparing HAART, with increasing use between 2000 and 2009 (P < 0.001). Nearly a fifth (18.4%) of women receiving ZDV-sparing HAART in pregnancy had a detectable viral load at delivery compared with 28.6% of women on ZDV-containing HAART [AOR 0.90; 95% confidence interval (CI): 0.72 to 1.14, P = 0.4]. MTCT rates were 0.8% and 0.9% in the ZDV-sparing and ZDV-containing groups, respectively (AOR 1.81; 95% CI: 0.77 to 4.26, P = 0.2). The congenital abnormality rate was the same in both groups (2.7%, AOR 0.98; 95% CI: 0.66 to 1.45, P = 0.9), with no significant difference between the groups in a subanalysis of pregnancies with first trimester HAART exposure (AOR 0.79; 95% CI: 0.48 to 1.30, P = 0.4). CONCLUSIONS: We found no difference in risk of detectable viral load at delivery, MTCT, or congenital abnormality when comparing ZDV-sparing with ZDV-containing HAART. With increasing use of ZDV-sparing HAART, continued monitoring of pregnancy outcomes and long-term consequences of in utero exposure to these drugs is required

    Interatrial block and cognitive impairment in the BAYES prospective registry

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    Background An association between interatrial block (IAB) (P wave duration ≥120 ms) and dementia has been suggested. Our objective was to assess the association of IAB with cognitive impairment (CI). Methods The prospective BAYES registry included 552 patients ≥70 years with structural heart disease without documented atrial fibrillation. Cognitive ability was assessed at baseline and every 6 months with the Pfeiffer test. The median follow-up was 22 months. Results Thirty patients (5.4%) had baseline CI, 20 patients with mild CI and 10 with moderate CI. Compared to patients without CI, patients with CI had higher mean age (80.4 ± 6.5 vs. 76.8 ± 5.4 years) and higher prevalence of advanced IAB (with biphasic P-wave ± in inferior leads) (14 [46.7%] vs. 122 [23.4%], p < .01). The prevalence of baseline CI was 2.7% in normal P-wave, 5.1% in partial IAB, and 10.3% in advanced IAB, p < .001. Advanced IAB was independently associated with baseline CI (odds ratio 4.9, 95% confidence interval 1.4–16.5), this was not the case with partial IAB (odds ratio 2.1, 95% confidence interval 0.5–7.4). The independent association with CI at follow-up existed both for partial IAB (hazard ratio 1.98, 95% confidence interval 1.18–3.33) and advanced IAB (hazard ratio 2.04, 95% confidence interval 1.19–3.51). Conclusion In patients aged 70 years or more with structural heart disease who are in sinus rhythm advanced IAB is associated with baseline CI. There is also an association of partial and advanced IAB with CI during follow-up.Sin financiación4.164 JCR (2020) Q2, 56/142 Cardiac & Cardiovascular Systems1.406 SJR (2020) Q1, 62/349 Cardiology and Cardiovascular MedicineNo data IDR 2020UE