466 research outputs found

    Influence of bandwidth restriction on the signal-to-noise performance of a modulated PCM/NRZ signal, part 2 Final report

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    Influence of bandwidth restriction on signal to noise performance of modulated PCM/NRZ signa

    Best combination of pre-stimulation and latency period duration before cluster attachment for efficient oxytocin release and milk ejection in cows with low to high udder-filling levels

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    Experiments were designed to investigate the suitability of a combination of a short manual teat stimulation with a short latency period before teat cup attachment to induce and maintain oxytocin release and milk ejection without interruption. In Experiment 1, seven dairy cows in mid lactation were manually pre-stimulated for 15, 30 or 45 s, followed by either 30 s or 45 s of latency period. It was shown that all treatments induced a similar release of oxytocin without interruption until the end of milking. In particular, the latency period of up to 45 s did not cause a transient decrease of oxytocin concentration. In Experiment 2, milking characteristics were recorded in seven cows each in early, mid, and late lactation, respectively. Because the course of milk ejection depends mainly on the degree of udder filling, individual milkings were classified based on the actual degree of udder filling which differs between lactational stages but also between morning and evening milkings. All animals underwent twelve different udder preparation treatments, i.e. 15, 30, or 45 s of pre-stimulation followed by latency periods of 0, 30, 45, or 60 s. Milking characteristics were recorded. Total milk yield, main milking time and average milk flow rate did not differ between treatments if the degree of udder filling at the start of milking was >40% of the maximum storage capacity. However, if the udder filling was <40%, main milking time was decreased with the duration of a latency period up to 45 s, independent of duration of pre-stimulation. Average milk flow at an udder filling of <40% was highest after a pre-stimulation of 45 s followed by a latency period of another 45 s. In contrast, average milk flow reached its lowest values at a pre-stimulation of 15 s without additional latency period. However, average milk flow after a 15-s pre-stimulation increased with increasing latency period. In conclusion, a very short pre-stimulation when followed by a latency period up to 45 s before teat cup attachment remains a suitable alternative for continuous stimulation to induce milk ejectio

    EFL Undergraduate Students' Perspectives of the Curriculum Employed in the English Language Department at the Hashemite University

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    This current study aimed to investigate EFL undergraduate students' perspectives of the curriculum employed in the English Language Department at the Hashemite University. More specifically, the study attempted to explore their perspectives of the literature, linguistics, translation and the four language skills courses they had during their study at the university. The research instruments used was a questionnaire and questionnaire interview. One hundred and seventy seven students (40 males and 137 females) took part in the study. Eighty two of them were in the third year of study and 95 were in the fourth. Results showed that the students perceived the curriculum positively and regarded the translation and four language skills courses as the most beneficial. Results also indicated the reasons behind which the students regarded each course as more/less beneficial. In addition, they revealed statistical significant differences in the students’ responses due to gender in favor of females and no significant differences according to study-year. In light of these results, recommendations were suggested. Keywords: EFL undergraduates, perspectives, EFL curriculum, EFL courses, The Hashemite University DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-26-01 Publication date:September 30th 201

    Investigation of arcsine devices for phase modulation product detector applications, part 3 Final report

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    Mathematical model capable of performing arcsine function applicable to phase modulation receive

    Newcomer status as a protective factor among Hispanic migrant workers for HIV risk

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    The HIV rate among U.S. migrant workers is 10 times that of the national rate. The highly unstable lifestyle of migrant workers places them at heightened vulnerability to sexually transmitted infections; hence, there is a need to investigate the attitudes and sexual risk factors that may play a protective role in the transmission of HIV in this population. This study examines the association between attitudes and HIV risk behaviors among Hispanic male and female migrant workers (n = 255) and their length of stay (shorter length of stay as a protective factor) in Immokalee, FL, USA. Pearson’s correlation and regression analyses were utilized to analyze the relationship between HIV risk behaviors (intention to use condoms and alcohol use) with length of stay in Immokalee. Longer length of stay positively correlated with number of drinks (p \u3c 0.05) and frequency of drinks (p \u3c 0.01) and negatively correlated with ethnic identity search (p \u3c 0.05). Regression analysis showed that length of stay predicted both behavioral intention to use condoms (p \u3c 0.05) and alcohol consumption (p \u3c 0.05). The findings suggest that migrant workers who are new to Immokalee may have a higher likelihood of practicing protective HIV risk behaviors and having more favorable attitudes toward risk reduction than long-timers. This study might provide important new evidence on the drivers of multiple concurrent and potential protective factors against risky sexual behaviors among Hispanic migrant workers

    Analysis and Simulation of Polymer Injectivity Test in a High Temperature High Salinity Carbonate Reservoir

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    Polymer flooding has gained much interest within the oil industry in the past few decades as one of the most successful chemical enhanced oil recovery (CEOR) methods. The injectivity of polymer solutions in porous media is a key factor in polymer flooding projects. The main challenge that faces prediction of polymer injectivity in field applications is the inherent non-Newtonian behavior of polymer solutions. Polymer in situ rheology in porous media may exhibit complex behavior that encompasses shear thickening at high flow rates in addition to the typical shear thinning at low rates. This shear-dependent behavior is usually measured in lab core flood experiments. However, data from field applications are usually limited to the well bottom-hole pressure (BHP) as the sole source of information. In this paper, we analyze BHP data from field polymer injectivity test conducted in a Middle Eastern heterogeneous carbonate reservoir characterized by high-temperature and high-salinity (HTHS) conditions. The analysis involved incorporating available data to build a single-well model to simulate the injectivity test. Several generic sensitivities were tested to investigate the impact of stepwise variation in injection flow rate and polymer concentration. Polymer injection was reflected in a non-linear increase in pressure with injection, and longer transient behavior toward steady state. The results differ from water injection which have linear pressure response to rate variation, and quick stabilization of pressure after rate change. The best match of the polymer injection was obtained with complex rheology, that means the combined shear thickening at high rate near the well and moving through apparent Newtonian and shear thinning at low rate.publishedVersio

    Measurement of Soil Bulk Density by Using Gamma Ray Backscattering Spectroscopy

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    This study deals with a nuclear method of Gamma- Ray Backscattering Spectroscopy as a method that could be applied in measuring material bulk density specially soil density. The detection system consists of a 3” × 3” inch NaI(Tl) detector connected to multichannel analyzer Inspector 2000 from Canberra instruments and lap top computer. 137Cs is used as a Gamma-Ray emitter with energy of 662 KeV. Different soil types with different bulk densities are used in calibration process. Before applying this technology in the field, calibration process took place in order to find a relationship between material bulk density and the collected count rate for that material. Calibration measurements are performed using three different material with three different bulk densities filled in wooden boxes constructed specially for this purpose with dimensions of 59×42×34 cm. Gamma ray source is shielded to prevent direct gamma photons from reach the detector in direct way. The detector and shielded gamma-ray source are placed on the top of the material’s surface, and gamma ray spectrum for 137Cs is collected for measurement times of 60 seconds to prevent background radiation measurement and the elevation on instrument’s temperature which could lead to mistaken the measurement. Collected spectra are analyzed using Genie 2000 software. Count rates are calculated for each spectrum, then a calibration curve is found making it easy to find the mathematical relationship between the count rate and the bulk density. Field measurements of bulk density (BD) are performed to check the validity of the system calibration. Results of Terra Rossa soil were in very good agreement with the measurement density. iii Count Rate for the calibration process for Terra Rossa with 10 cm as a detector-source separation distance was (406 counts. s-1), in the Terra Rossa field with the same distance (430 counts.s-1 ). With using 20 cm, count rate in calibration process was (144 counts.s-1), in the field it was (141 counts.s-1), we can notice how much the measurements are closed., the count rate from energy range of (250-730 KeV). Measurement of bulk density are conducted in five different locations at Al-Quds University Main-Campus site. Results of there measurements are consistent relating to the type of soil and other materials present at the investigated locations. Field measurements also are performed to study the effect of rain on soil bulk density determination.تناقش هذه الدراسة طريقة لقياس آثافة المواد الظاهرية بواسطة استخدام تقنية نووية. و لتحقيق هذا استخدمت تقنية مطيافية أشعة جاما الحقلية . يتكون نظام القياس من مكشاف اشعاع و ميضي ( بلورة يوديد الصوديوم المطعم بعنصر الثاليوم) بحجم 3 × "3 "انش متصل مع محلل طيف من نوع 2000 Inspector من شرآة آانبيرا و بطاقة ( KeV 662 (آمصدر لأشعة جاما ، آما 137 ذالك مع جهاز آمبيوتر محمول. استخدم عنصر Cs استخدمت أنواع مختلفة من التربة بكثافات ظاهرية مختلفة لاجراء عملية المعايرة. قبل تطبيق هذه التقنية في الحقل أجريت عملية المعايرة لايجاد علاقة مناسبة بين آثافة المادة الظاهرية و طيف جاما الذي تم جمعه (قياسه). تمت عملية المعايرة باستخدام ثلاثة مواد مختلفة ذات ثلاثة آثافات مختلفة معبأة بداخل صناديق خشبية بأبعاد 34×42×59 سم صنعت مخصصة لهذا Cs ( بدرع من الرصاص لمنع مرور أشعة جاما بشكل مباشر 137 الغرض. يغطى مصدر اشعاع جاما ( نحو المكشاف . ثم يوضع آل من مصدر أشعاع جاما و المكشاف فوق سطح المادة المراد قياسها لتبدأ عملية القياس لوقت قصير(60(ثانية. حتى يتم تفادي قياس شعاع جاما الطبيعي في بيئة القياس و تفادي ارتفاع درجة حرارة الاجهزة الذي يؤدي الى احداث فروقات في القراءات. تعالج أطياف جاما التي تم جمعها و قياسها باستخدام نظام 2000 Genie . يحسب معدل اشعاع جاما (Rate Count (لكل عملية قياس على حده. ثم يوضع منحنى المعايرة الذي يوضح العلاقة بين آثافة المادة و معدل اشعاع جاما الذي تمت معالجته مما يسهل ايجاد علاقة رياضية مناسبة بين آثافة المادة و معدل اشعاع جاما. v تمت عملية القياس في الحقل حتى يتم التأآد من مدى دقة عملية المعايرة.النتائج الخاصة بتربة Rossa Terra آانت متوافقة جدا مع النتائج التي تم قياسها من قبل. تم القيام بقياسات الحقل بعد انهاء عملية المعايرة مستخدمين العلاقة الناتجة عن عملية المعايرة، حيث آان معدل العد في عملية المعايرة Rossa Terra وباستخدام مسافة 10 سم و هي المسافة الفاصلة 406 ، ( و آان القياس في الحقل و على نفس المسافة 1 -بين المكشاف و مصدر اشعاع جاما ( s.counts 144 (اما 1 ، ( -اما باستخدام مسافة 20 سم آان القياس في عملية المعايرة ( s.counts 1 ) -s.counts 430 ( 141 ،(و نلاحظ تقارب النتائج، و هذا في مجال الطاقة الذي يمثل الجزء (KeV 1 -في الحق s.conts 730 -250 (من طيف أشعة جاما. و قد أجريت قياسات ميدانية في خمسة مواقع مختلفة في الحرم الرئيسي في جامعة القدس. و تشير نتائج تقدير الكثافة الظاهرية في المناطق الخمسة المختلفة الى نتائج منطقية تتناسب و نوعية التربة و المواد المتواجدة في مواقع القياس. آما ان عملية القياس قد اجريت ايضا بهدف قياس تأثير مياه الامطار على قياس آثافةالتربة

    Performance analysis of wells turbine blades using the entropy generation minimization method

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    Wells turbine concept depends on utilizing the oscillating air column generated over marine waves to drive a turbine. As a matter of fact, previous researches on the performance analysis of such turbine were based on the first law of thermodynamics only. Nonetheless, the actual useful energy loss cannot be completely justified by the first law because it does not distinguish between the quantity and the quality of energy. Therefore, the present work investigates the second law efficiency and entropy generation characteristics around different blades that are used in Wells turbine under oscillating flow conditions. The work is performed by using time-dependent CFD models of different NACA airfoils under sinusoidal flow boundary conditions. Numerical investigations are carried out for the incompressible viscous flow around the blades to obtain the entropy generation due to viscous dissipation. It is found that the value of second law efficiency of the NACA0015 airfoil blade is higher by approximately 1.5% than the second law efficiency of the NACA0012, NACA0020 and NACA0021 airfoils. Furthermore, it is found that the angle of attack radically affects the second law efficiency and such effect is quantified for NACA0015 for angle of attack ranging from -15° to 25°

    Knowledge, attitudes and behavior regarding antibiotics use and misuse among adults in the community of Jordan. A pilot study

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    AbstractFactors associated with antibiotic use, resistance and safety have been well recognized worldwide in the literature. Nevertheless, only few studies have been conducted in Jordan in this area. The aim of this study was to assess knowledge, behavior and attitude toward antibiotics use among adult Jordanians. The study represents a cross sectional survey using an interviewer administered questionnaire. Data collected from a random sample of 1141 adult Jordanians, recruited at different settings, regarding their knowledge about the effectiveness of, resistance toward, and self medications with antibiotics against bacterial, viral and parasitic diseases. 67.1% believed that antibiotics treat common cold and cough. 28.1% misused antibiotics as analgesics. 11.9% of females showed inadequate knowledge about the safe use of antibiotics during pregnancy and nursing. 28.5% kept antibiotics at home for emergency use and 55.6% use them as prophylaxis against infections. 49.0% use left-over antibiotics without physicians’ consultation while 51.8% use antibiotics based on a relative advice. 22.9% of physicians prescribe antibiotics over the phone and >50.0% routinely prescribe antibiotics to treat common cold symptoms.Our findings indicated that young adults showed unsatisfactory knowledge of proper antibiotic use. Therefore, there is an urge for educational programs using all media means