50 research outputs found

    Perbaikan Produktivitas Picking Order dengan Metode Routing Heuristic di Gudang Pusat Suku Cadang Otomotif

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    Order picking is a process to fulfill customer order, with fast timing and provide high customer satisfaction. The order picking process is the highest cost in both manual and automatic systems, so it is necessary to improve efficiency and productivity. This study is aims to improve the productivity of order picking by shortening the distance. By choosing heuristic method using the application of interactive warehouse program, it is found that heuristic routing method can shorten picking distance. So, the routing heuristic method can increase the productivity of picking orders


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    Factors affecting the behavior of debris flow run-out include source material composition, volume of initial failure, slope angle at source, source slope morphology, degree of saturation of initial failure material, the type, depth and degree of saturation of path material, presence of surface water in slide path, vegetation along run-out path, and path confinement. The effective soil porosity is expected to have a great effect on some of these factors. Although many studies using a numerical simulation have been performed to analyze debris flow run-out, the effect of ESP (Effective Soil Porosity) has not been considered as a main contributor to the length of debris flow run-out. Therefore, this study examines the effect of ESP variation on travel distance of debris flow run-out. The results demonstrate that ESP is a dominant factor in determining the travel distance and the distribution of debris flow; that is, when the slope had a larger ESP value, the slope had greater water content in the sliding segment, resulting in a faster and longer travel distance, as well as in a broader distribution of debris flow. Consequently, a larger ESP value may increase the risk of damage in the downstream region

    Analisa Dampak Konvergensi Ifrs Ke Dalam PSAK 13, 16, Dan 30 Terhadap Aktivitas Perdagangan Saham Perusahaan Yang Terdaftar Di Bursa Efek Indonesia

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    The application of PSAK has been revised in reference with the IAS in the convergence of IFRS perspective. The objective of the research is to elaborate influence of this application on Trading Volume Activity (TVA) companies that implement it. This research uses quantitative method that focus to a single incident within a certain period of publication an annual financial statements of 56 companies who implemented PSAK 13, 16, and 30 revised in 2007. This study indicates that the publication of financial statements has not give a significant influence on the TVA despite there is an increase in trading activity at the time after publication.JEL Classification : M 41, L5

    Peningkatan kualitas pendidikan dengan program manajemen pemberdayaan lembaga pendidikan

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    The existence of a study program can be part of the solution to problems faced by community members/institutions related to efforts to provide services /guidance/assistance to community members/institutions that are directly related to the scientific development of study programs (1) strengthening the scientific fields of lecturers, students and postgraduate students at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang who are multi/inter/transdisciplinary; (2) strengthen the position of study programs in developing education and learning programs based on research for the development of education/non-education in Indonesia. In this study using a participatory action research approach aimed at improving the quality of education with the Educational Institution Empowerment Management Program at the Muslimat Khodijah I Kindergarten, Gondang Pace Nganjuk which aims to determine the increase in the quality of education after empowering educational institutions.. After this research was carried out, the results were obtained: The success of the collaborative recognition activity program for lecturers, students, and students does not only depend on the collaborative team of lecturers, students, and students but depends heavily on the cooperation of all parties involved. Empowerment management of educational institutions (services in Muslimat Khodijah I Kindergarten, Gondang Pace Nganjuk) is realized by participating in activities that are implemented in joint activities, namely Congregational participation, Congregational spiritual coaching, Compensation for orphans from congregations, Departure of Muslimat Khodijah I Kindergarten students, Gondang Pace Nganjuk

    Komposisi Hasil Tangkapan Gill Net Di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Pekalongan, Kota Pekalongan, Jawa Tengah

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    Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara Pekalongan yang selanjutnya disebut PPN Pekalongan atau masyarakat sekitar menyebut PPNP merupakan salah satu pelabuhan milik pemerintah yang mempunyai visi “mewujudkan PPN Pekalongan sebagai pusat pertumbuhan dan pengembangan ekonomi perikanan terpadu”. PPN Pekalongan merupakan pelabuhan tipe B satu-satu nya yang ada di Perairan Pantai Utara Jawa Tengah. Kegiatan perikanan tangkap di PPN Pekalongan semakin berkembang lebih baik dari tahun ke tahun. PPN Pekalongan memiliki peran yang penting dalam pengelolaannya baik dari segi fasilitas, produksi perikanan tangkap, nilai produksi dan pengaturan fungsinya sebagai pelabuhan perikanan terutama pada daerah pantai utara Jawa Tengah. Kelompok jenis alat penangkapan ikan jaring insang adalah kelompok jaring yang berbentuk empat persegi panjang dilengkapi dengan pelampung, pemberat, tali ris atas dan tali ris bawah atau tanpa tali ris bawah untuk menghadang ikan sehingga ikan tertangkap dengan cara terjerat dan/atau terpuntal dioperasikan di permukaan, pertengahan dan dasar secara menetap, hanyut dan melingkar dengan tujaun menangkap ikan pelagis dan demersal (KEPMEN KP,2010). Definisi jaring insang adalah suatu alat penangkap ikan berbentuk empat persegi panjang yang dilengkapi dengan pelampung, tali pelampung, tali ris atas pada bagian atas jaring, serta pemberat, tali pemberat, tali ris bawah pada bagian bawah jaring Kadang-kadang tali ris atas dan tali pelampung hanya satu tali. Demikian pula halnya pada tali pemberat dan tali ris bawah digabung menjadi satu. Pada beberapa jenis jaring insang tidak menggunakan tali sama sekali pada bagian bawah jaring (Najamuddin,2011). Alat tangkap gill net yang ada di Pelabuhan Perikanan Nusantara (PPN) Pekalongan memiliki spesifikasi yaitu badan jaring gill net terbuat dari bahan nylon dengan ukuran mesh size 4 inch, panjang jaring 1000 depa / 1800 m dan lebar jaring 8 depa / 14,4 m sedangkan bagian tali seperti tali selambar, tali ris atas, tali ris bawah, tali pelampung, terbuat dari bahan polyethylene (PE) dengan panjang 1200 depa / 2160 m, pemberat berbentuk bulat berwarna hitam dengan bahan semen, tali pemberat dari bahan polyethylene (PE) yang panjangnya 30 cm, sedangkan pelampung berbentuk elips berwarna putih dengan bahan foam. Metode yang digunakan ialah metode deskriptif survei, yang dilakukan dengan cara melakukan pengamatan secara langsung untuk mendapatkan keterangan yang jelas terhadap suatu masalah dalam penelitian. Pengambilan data primer dilakukan dengan partisipasi aktif, yaitu dengan melakukan pengamatan langsung saat nelayan melakukan kegiatan bongkar. Analisis data menggunakan perhitungan komposisi berat hasil tangkapan, uji normalitas, uji homogenitas, uji One-Away ANOVA dan uji BNT. Berdasarkan penelitian yang dilakukan didapatkan total hasil dari keseluruhan jenis ikan hasil tangkapan mini purse seine yang didaratkan selama penelitian adalah 31.495 kg. Dari hasil tangkapan dalam hitungan persentase didapatkan hasil 5 tangkapan terbanyak pertama adalah Tongkol Abu-abu (Thunnus tonggol) sebesar 54,28% atau 17.094 Kg, Tongkol Komo (Kawa - kawa) sebesar 10,83% atau 3.411 Kg, Cucut Pisang (Laxodon macrorhinus) 9,57% atau 3.014 Kg, Manyung (Arius thalassinus) sebesar 9,57% atau 3.013 Kg, Tenggiri (Scomberomorus commerson) sebesar 5,06% atau 1.593 Kg, Semar (Mene maculata) sebesar 2,00% atau 629 Kg, Layaran (Istiophorus platyperus) sebesar 1,54% atau 485 Kg, Remang (Congresox talabonoides) sebesar 1,38% atau 434 Kg, Golok-golok (Chirocentrus dorab) sebesar 1,18% atau 373 Kg, Peperek (Leignathus equulus) sebesar 1,11% atau 351 Kg, Sebelah (Psettodes erumei) sebesar 0,79% atau 248 Kg, Kakap Merah (Lutjanus malabaricus) sebesar 0,78% atau 246 Kg, Pari Kembang (Taeniura lymna) sebesar 0,70% atau 222 Kg, Beloso (Synodus indicus) sebesar 0,64% atau 202 Kg dan yang paling sedikit adalah Tetengkek (Megalaspis cordyla) sebesar 0,57% atau 180 Kg

    Upaya Pendidikan Kesehatan Untuk Mengurangi Risiko Hiperurisemia Pada Ny.R Dengan Gout Di Desa Luwang

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    Uric acid is a compound poorly soluble in water which is the end product of purine metabolism. In writing this scientific paper the authors use a case study method using the nursing process approach includes assessment, diagosa nursing, planning, implementation, evaluation. Literature study collects references relating to the case which was appointed as the title. While the method of data collection by interview, observation and physical examination. With activities from the assessment, data analysis, formulating a diagnosis, also prepared a plan of action, take action in accordance with the plans and an evaluation of the actions that have been done. In general, interventions and implementation can be performed well. The action taken by the author with the family is discussing the notion of uric acid, the causes and signs of gout symptoms, discuss with the family about the consequences of further if uric acid is not resolved, teach families control the pain with a deep breath, to discuss the kelaurga about modifying the good environment in order to create a healthy and comfortable environment. Clients and families can implement the actions recommended by the authors and demonstrated well. When enthusiastic when discussing family

    Dynamic versus static neural network model for rainfall forecasting at Klang River Basin, Malaysia

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    Rainfall is considered as one of the major components of the hydrological process; it takes significant part in evaluating drought and flooding events. Therefore, it is important to have an accurate model for rainfall forecasting. Recently, several data-driven modeling approaches have been investigated to perform such forecasting tasks as multi-layer perceptron neural networks (MLP-NN). In fact, the rainfall time series modeling involves an important temporal dimension. On the other hand, the classical MLP-NN is a static and has a memoryless network architecture that is effective for complex nonlinear static mapping. This research focuses on investigating the potential of introducing a neural network that could address the temporal relationships of the rainfall series. <br><br> Two different static neural networks and one dynamic neural network, namely the multi-layer perceptron neural network (MLP-NN), radial basis function neural network (RBFNN) and input delay neural network (IDNN), respectively, have been examined in this study. Those models had been developed for the two time horizons for monthly and weekly rainfall forecasting at Klang River, Malaysia. Data collected over 12 yr (1997–2008) on a weekly basis and 22 yr (1987–2008) on a monthly basis were used to develop and examine the performance of the proposed models. Comprehensive comparison analyses were carried out to evaluate the performance of the proposed static and dynamic neural networks. Results showed that the MLP-NN neural network model is able to follow trends of the actual rainfall, however, not very accurately. RBFNN model achieved better accuracy than the MLP-NN model. Moreover, the forecasting accuracy of the IDNN model was better than that of static network during both training and testing stages, which proves a consistent level of accuracy with seen and unseen data

    Rainfall-Induced Hydraulic Properties for Unsaturated Soil in Klang Valley

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    Klang Valley area is one of the most landslide-prone areas in Malaysia, especially at Hulu Kelang, Kuala Lumpur. The area has been frequently hit by landslide since 1990s. Soil instability is agreed by researchers occurred due to high precipitation and long duration of rainfall which cause property damage and leading to injury and fatality. Slope failure is also triggered by the antecedent rainfall leads to infiltration of rainwater into soil. Therefore, study of rainwater infiltration is vital to relates soil – water interaction and soil behaviour for varies of rainfall intensities and duration for unsaturated soil. The objective of this paper is to determine and compare soil water characteristic curve (SWCC) which is one of the soil hydraulic parameters for Klang Valley area. Samples were collected to determine the soil hydraulic properties at Hulu Kelang area, Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) and Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia (UPNM) campuses. SWCC was obtained by pressure plate extractor apparatus experiment and the analysis was performed using Van Genuchten equation. Result of parameters obtained shows significant differences of soil at Hulu Kelang area compared to soils at UKM and UPNM campuses. This research is relevant to supports national slope master plan 2009-2023