72 research outputs found

    Exploring the potential for improving results of international knowledge exchange in the field of road transport

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    This research addresses the topic of knowledge exchange across borders in the field of road transport. Road transport administrations around the world learn from each other by taking part in various forms of knowledge exchanges. From my engagement and experiential learning in this area, I perceive a potential for attaining higher returns of such knowledge investments. The overall purpose of the project is to improve the results of international knowledge exchanges, while the aim is to explore the potential for making improvements in the knowledge exchange process. I have carried out the research mainly within my own organisation and explored the views and experience of participants in exchanges. The project draws on a review of theoretical and operational sources of knowledge and information. In the review, I deal with the research topic in three different contexts: theories and empirical studies, development cooperation, and the professional field. The methodological approach is qualitative and inductive within the paradigm of constructivism. The primary method for data collection is individual semi‐structured interviews with selected exchange participants. The interview data are analysed using thematic analysis. As a means of ensuring quality, the interview findings have been triangulated by focus groups and individual discussions. The validity and the reliability of the research are restricted, since it is context‐bound and small‐scale. However, discussions with professionals abroad indicate that the results apply more generally. The findings show that there are constraining factors throughout the knowledge exchange process that prevent the participants and the organisation from taking full advantage of the exchanges. I have used the findings to construct a holistic, life cycle model that can make knowledge exchanges more effective. My model is unique of its kind and differs from existing models for acquiring, creating, and managing knowledge in organisations in that it is determined by the characteristics of my organisation and by a multinational knowledge exchange environment. In order to prepare the ground for its application, I have promoted the model both in my organisation and in the professional community abroad. The real value of the model can, however, only be demonstrated when it has been used for some time

    Climate change lifestyle narratives among Norwegian citizens: A linguistic analysis of survey discourse

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    The present study proposes an analysis of climate change (CC) narratives in answers to an open-ended survey question, where we ask what a climate-friendly lifestyle may imply. The representative survey has been conducted online by the Norwegian Citizen Panel/DIGSSCORE, located at the University of Bergen. The survey provided 1,149 answers from respondents across Norway. The analysis combines a lexical and a text linguistic approach (Fløttum & Gjerstad, 2017), based on Adam's (2008) analysis of the narrative text sequence (initial situation–complication–(re)action–resolution–final situation), and inspired by the Narrative Policy Framework's (NPF) notions of plot and narrative characters (Jones et al., 2014). Our analysis identified four main topics: consumption, transportation, politics, and energy, while the cast of characters is dominated by the first-person singular, frequently portrayed as hero, and the first-person plural in a predominantly villainous role. The frequent use of negation and argumentative connectives reflects the contentious nature of the issue.publishedVersio

    Sensitivity of Chaos Measures in Detecting Stress in the Focusing Control Mechanism of the Short-Sighted Eye

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    yesWhen fixating on a stationary object, the power of the eye’s lens fluctuates. Studies have suggested that changes in these so-called microfluctuations in accommodation may be a factor in the onset and progression of short-sightedness. Like many physiological signals, the fluctuations in the power of the lens exhibit chaotic behaviour. A breakdown or reduction in chaos in physiological systems indicates stress to the system or pathology. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the chaos in fluctuations of the power of the lens changes with refractive error, i.e. how short-sighted a subject is, and/or accommodative demand, i.e. the effective distance of the object that is being viewed. Six emmetropes (EMMs, non-short-sighted), six early-onset myopes (EOMs, onset of short-sightedness before the age of 15), and six late-onset myopes (LOMs, onset of short-sightedness after the age of 15) took part in the study. Accommodative microfluctuations were measured at 22 Hz using an SRW-5000 autorefractor at accommodative demands of 1 D (dioptres), 2 D, and 3 D. Chaos theory analysis was used to determine the embedding lag, embedding dimension, limit of predictability, and Lyapunov exponent. Topological transitivity was also tested for. For comparison, the power spectrum and standard deviation were calculated for each time record. The EMMs had a statistically significant higher Lyapunov exponent than the LOMs ( 0.64±0.330.64±0.33 vs. 0.39±0.20 D/s0.39±0.20 D/s ) and a lower embedding dimension than the LOMs ( 3.28±0.463.28±0.46 vs. 3.67±0.493.67±0.49 ). There was insufficient evidence (non-significant p value) of a difference between EOMs and EMMs or EOMs and LOMs. The majority of time records were topologically transitive. There was insufficient evidence of accommodative demand having an effect. Power spectrum analysis and assessment of the standard deviation of the fluctuations failed to discern differences based on refractive error. Chaos differences in accommodation microfluctuations indicate that the control system for LOMs is under stress in comparison to EMMs. Chaos theory analysis is a more sensitive marker of changes in accommodation microfluctuations than traditional analysis methods

    GeneTools – application for functional annotation and statistical hypothesis testing

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    BACKGROUND: Modern biology has shifted from "one gene" approaches to methods for genomic-scale analysis like microarray technology, which allow simultaneous measurement of thousands of genes. This has created a need for tools facilitating interpretation of biological data in "batch" mode. However, such tools often leave the investigator with large volumes of apparently unorganized information. To meet this interpretation challenge, gene-set, or cluster testing has become a popular analytical tool. Many gene-set testing methods and software packages are now available, most of which use a variety of statistical tests to assess the genes in a set for biological information. However, the field is still evolving, and there is a great need for "integrated" solutions. RESULTS: GeneTools is a web-service providing access to a database that brings together information from a broad range of resources. The annotation data are updated weekly, guaranteeing that users get data most recently available. Data submitted by the user are stored in the database, where it can easily be updated, shared between users and exported in various formats. GeneTools provides three different tools: i) NMC Annotation Tool, which offers annotations from several databases like UniGene, Entrez Gene, SwissProt and GeneOntology, in both single- and batch search mode. ii) GO Annotator Tool, where users can add new gene ontology (GO) annotations to genes of interest. These user defined GO annotations can be used in further analysis or exported for public distribution. iii) eGOn, a tool for visualization and statistical hypothesis testing of GO category representation. As the first GO tool, eGOn supports hypothesis testing for three different situations (master-target situation, mutually exclusive target-target situation and intersecting target-target situation). An important additional function is an evidence-code filter that allows users, to select the GO annotations for the analysis. CONCLUSION: GeneTools is the first "all in one" annotation tool, providing users with a rapid extraction of highly relevant gene annotation data for e.g. thousands of genes or clones at once. It allows a user to define and archive new GO annotations and it supports hypothesis testing related to GO category representations. GeneTools is freely available through www.genetools.n

    Protecting and restoring Europe's waters:an analysis of the future development needs of the Water Framework Directive

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    The Water Framework Directive (WFD) is a pioneering piece of legislation that aims to protect and enhance aquatic ecosystems and promote sustainable water use across Europe. There is growing concern that the objective of good status, or higher, in all EU waters by 2027 is a long way from being achieved in many countries. Through questionnaire analysis of almost 100 experts, we provide recommendations to enhance WFD monitoring and assessment systems, improve programmes of measures and further integrate with other sectoral policies. Our analysis highlights that there is great potential to enhance assessment schemes through strategic design of monitoring networks and innovation, such as earth observation. New diagnostic tools that use existing WFD monitoring data, but incorporate novel statistical and trait-based approaches could be used more widely to diagnose the cause of deterioration under conditions of multiple pressures and deliver a hierarchy of solutions for more evidence-driven decisions in river basin management. There is also a growing recognition that measures undertaken in river basin management should deliver multiple benefits across sectors, such as reduced flood risk, and there needs to be robust demonstration studies that evaluate these. Continued efforts in ‘mainstreaming’ water policy into other policy sectors is clearly needed to deliver wider success with WFD goals, particularly with agricultural policy. Other key policy areas where a need for stronger integration with water policy was recognised included urban planning (waste water treatment), flooding, climate and energy (hydropower). Having a deadline for attaining the policy objective of good status is important, but even more essential is to have a permanent framework for river basin management that addresses the delays in implementation of measures. This requires a long-term perspective, far beyond the current deadline of 2027

    A constrained polynomial regression procedure for estimating the local False Discovery Rate

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>In the context of genomic association studies, for which a large number of statistical tests are performed simultaneously, the local False Discovery Rate (<it>lFDR</it>), which quantifies the evidence of a specific gene association with a clinical or biological variable of interest, is a relevant criterion for taking into account the multiple testing problem. The <it>lFDR </it>not only allows an inference to be made for each gene through its specific value, but also an estimate of Benjamini-Hochberg's False Discovery Rate (<it>FDR</it>) for subsets of genes.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In the framework of estimating procedures without any distributional assumption under the alternative hypothesis, a new and efficient procedure for estimating the <it>lFDR </it>is described. The results of a simulation study indicated good performances for the proposed estimator in comparison to four published ones. The five different procedures were applied to real datasets.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A novel and efficient procedure for estimating <it>lFDR </it>was developed and evaluated.</p

    Identification of novel neuroendocrine-specific tumour genes

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    Neuroendocrine tumours (NETs) comprise a heterogenous group of malignancies with an often unpredictable course, and with limited treatment options. Thus, new diagnostic, prognostic, and therapeutic markers are needed. To shed new lights into the biology of NETs, we have by cDNA transcript profiling, sought to identify genes that are either up- or downregulated in NE as compared with non-NE tumour cells. A panel of six NET and four non-NET cell lines were examined, and out of 12 743 genes examined, we studied in detail the 200 most significantly differentially expressed genes in the comparison. In addition to potential new diagnostic markers (NEFM, CLDN4, PEROX2), the results point to genes that may be involved in the tumorigenesis (BEX1, TMEPAI, FOSL1, RAB32), and in the processes of invasion, progression and metastasis (MME, STAT3, DCBLD2) of NETs. Verification by real time qRT–PCR showed a high degree of consistency to the microarray results. Furthermore, the protein expression of some of the genes were examined. The results of our study has opened a window to new areas of research, by uncovering new candidate genes and proteins to be further investigated in the search for new prognostic, predictive, and therapeutic markers in NETs

    Effects of dependence in high-dimensional multiple testing problems

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>We consider effects of dependence among variables of high-dimensional data in multiple hypothesis testing problems, in particular the False Discovery Rate (FDR) control procedures. Recent simulation studies consider only simple correlation structures among variables, which is hardly inspired by real data features. Our aim is to systematically study effects of several network features like sparsity and correlation strength by imposing dependence structures among variables using random correlation matrices.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We study the robustness against dependence of several FDR procedures that are popular in microarray studies, such as Benjamin-Hochberg FDR, Storey's q-value, SAM and resampling based FDR procedures. False Non-discovery Rates and estimates of the number of null hypotheses are computed from those methods and compared. Our simulation study shows that methods such as SAM and the q-value do not adequately control the FDR to the level claimed under dependence conditions. On the other hand, the adaptive Benjamini-Hochberg procedure seems to be most robust while remaining conservative. Finally, the estimates of the number of true null hypotheses under various dependence conditions are variable.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We discuss a new method for efficient guided simulation of dependent data, which satisfy imposed network constraints as conditional independence structures. Our simulation set-up allows for a structural study of the effect of dependencies on multiple testing criterions and is useful for testing a potentially new method on <it>π</it><sub>0 </sub>or FDR estimation in a dependency context.</p
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