198 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Metode Bercerita terhadap Kemampuan Bahasa Reseptif pada Anak Kelompok B TK PERTIWI II Metuk Mojosongo Boyolali Tahun Ajaran 2015/ 2016

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    Background of the research is ability of language receptive who are diverse. This is due to story telling method still rarely to give for the teaching learning process and the media used by story. The aim of the research is knowing the effect of story telling method about the ability of language receptive to the students group B TK Pertiwi II Metuk academic years.The research is experiment research with pre experimental design. The pre experimental design has many types, one of which is one group pretest posttest. The subject of the reseach is students group B TK Pertiwi II totally 23 students. Technique of data collegted used observation and Technique of data analyze with t test type. Language receptive to the students group B TK Pertiwi II Metuk Mojosongo Boyolali is 454 pretest and 620 post test. The output of data analyze is t hitung -40,699 ≤ -t tabel 1,717. This indicate Ha accepted and Ho rejected. The conclution of the research is story telling has effect to the student ability of language receptive to student group B TK Pertiwi II Metuk Mojosongo Boyolali 2014/2015 academic years

    Efektivitas Undang-undang Nomor 3 Tahun 2006 Tentang Peradilan Agama terhadap Kesiapan Pengadilan Agama Tulang Bawang Menangani Perkara Ekonomi Syari'ah

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    Since the appearance of the law No. 3 of 2006 on the Religious Courts twelve years ago, the Religious Courts Tulang Bawang have done a lot of efforts in the face of economic matters of Shariah, including the preparation of the competence of judges in sharia economic settlement to the case, given the judge in the Religious always transferred from one court to another court. This study seeks the effectiveness of Law No. 3 of 2006 on religious court of the readiness of the Religious Courts dealing with cases of economic Tulang Bawang Shari'ah. This is a descriptive field research. Datacollection techniques in this study were interviews and documentation. After the data were obtained, the data were then analyzed inductively. Based on the results of the study, Law No. 3 of 2006 on the Religious Courts has been effective in preparing readiness of Tulang Bawang Religious Courts dealing with cases of Shari'ah economic disputes.This is evidence from the judges in the Religious Tulang Bawang who always participated in the seminar, diktat and training in order to enhance the competence of the judges in resolving the case in religious courts. And these are continuesly done by Religious Courts Tulang Bawang because; there is always a judge who comes in and out of themutation of the religious courts

    Improvisation of Project Based Learning With Combination of Collaborative Learning as Rapid Response to Pandemic Learning

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    The Covid-19 pandemic caused the effects of learning activities from home. The phenomenon requires improvisation as a quick response so that the teaching and learning process continues to run and maintains learning motivation, especially in the scope of college. Activities that are assumed to be able to maintain motivation online is to provide tasks in the form of projects or Project Based Learning (PBL) which in this context does not mean eliminating face-to-face activities offline, but in the sense of providing sustainable projects in one semester and staying connected to lecture materials. This PBL is combined with Collaborative Learning (CL) in order to conduct a continuous project review. This research was conducted in Ma Chung University's Information Systems study program for Programming Language courses. The results of this implementation are evaluated by conducting FGD (Focus Group Discussion) in two stages. In the first stage there are some shortcomings that are then corrected by adding the obligation to upload the project to Github and intensify the involvement of lecturers. So in the second stage, FGD results show improved results. The results of the study are generic prescriptions, namely: the implementation of PBL accompanied by a mature plan and preparation, improvisation of PBL accompanied by the application of CL accompanied by the role of lecturers as facilitators need to be evaluated gradually, and the implementation of online collaboration can be applied because students can quickly adapt online. Keywords:  Project Based Learning, Collaborative Learning, Response Pandemic Learnin

    Pengaruh Waktu Istirahat Berbeda Sebelum Proses Pemotongan Terhadap Respon Suhu Permukaan Tubuh Sapi Brahman Cross

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    his study aims to assess the physiological response through body surface temperature of Brahman Cross beef by giving different rest periods. This study used 24 Brahman Cross cattle in several slaughterhouses in West Java. Observation of microclimatic conditions includes temperature, humidity, THI (temperature-humidity index). Data collections of livestock body surface temperature was carried out when the cattle arrive at the slaughterhouse, while they are in the holding pen and the restraining box. Comparative tests were carried out on the surface temperature of cows under different conditions using a completely randomized design (CRD). This study showed that the body surface temperature was still in the normal range, between 30.89-36.75 °C. Analysis of variance showed that different rest periods had a significant effect  (P <0.05) on body surface temperature change in the eye area in the three pre-cutting stages. Providing a 24 hours rest period resulted in lower stress response in livestock

    Respon Fisiologis Domba Ekor Tipis Terhadap Waktu Pemberian Pakan Yang Berbeda

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    This study aimed to examine the relationship of feeding time on physiological response and the effect on the behavior of Javanese thin-tailed sheep. The total population of the study was 12 sheep. The treatment in this study is feeding time in the morning (W1) and evening (W2). Parameters that had been observed were heart rate, respiration rate, rectal temperature. This research design used was a completely randomized design. Feeding at different times did not affect daily body weight gain. However, feeding at different times affects the physiological response of thin tail sheep. W1 has a higher heart rate value at daytime of 80.65 ± 3.49 but has a lower value in the afternoon at 75.26 ± 4.20. Respiration rates W1 in the morning and evening were 32.06 ± 2.69 and 51.88 ± 3.43. Rectal temperature W1 lower in the morning at 37.76 ± 0.05. Physiological response of thin tail sheep which were fed with different feeding times indicated that the heart rate, respiration rate, and rectal temperature were still in normal condition

    Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa dengan Metode Iqro’ pada Mata Pelajaran BTA di SD Negeri 2 Lumbungkerep Wonosari Ta.2021/2022

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    Based on the results of research observations, in the odd semester learning outcomes for BTA subjects in 2021/2022, there are some students who have not completed due to variations in teaching styles that do not support student activity in the learning process that still uses the old learning method. From this, the formulation of the problem in th is study is: "Is the application of the Iqro 'Method able to improve student learning outcomes in BTA subjects at SD Negeri 2 Lumbungkerep Wonosari TA.2021/2022?".Referring to the problems mentioned above, the authors try to improve student learning outcomes by using the Iqro 'method on each sub-subject of BTA subjects. In the learning process students will be directly involved in learning activities. This research is in the form of classroom action research for two cycles, and in each cycle there are two meetings with each meeting is 2x35 minutes, then the stages are planning, implementation, observation and reflection.The purpose of this study is to improve student learning outcomes with the Iqro 'method on BTA subjects, students who have participated in learning using the Iqro' method for third grade students of SD Negeri 2 Lumbungkerep Wonosari TA.2021/2022. The data collection technique used in this research is to use learning outcomes tests, observation and documentation.Based on the results of class action research and the discussion that has been stated, it can be concluded as follows: learning using the application of the iqro' method can improve student learning outcomes in the first cycle with 75.08% completeness and in the second cycle 87.08%. This means that there is an increase from cycle I to cycle II as much as 21.70%

    Budaya Sebagai Perekat Hubungan Antara Umat Beragama di Suku Tenger

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    Indonesia is a country that has diversity in ethnicity, ethnicity, race, language, religion, and culture. However, this diversity is capable of causing conflicts both internally and externally. As with many cases that occur in Indonesia. Religion itself is a foothold, belief, and life guide, even as a scapegoat for conflicts in society. But other than the tengger tribe located in Lumajang Regency, Malang Regency, Pasuruan Regency and Probolinggo Regency, there are three religions that coexist in one village namely Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. In the midst of pluralism, different societies of understanding and belief turned out to be able tohave an attitude of tolerance and mutual respect between each other. Religious diversity is not a problem for the agrosari community to interact in carrying out daily activities. Regarding tolerance among religious people has recently become a very sticky issue among academics and the public. Local wisdom and culture are solutions to overcome this problem. Local wisdom in the Tengger tribe community is inseparable from the values of Javanese culture, as well as the cultural heritage of Majapahit which is still developing with mutual respect, tolerance, and respect for ancestral spirits and there are no striking differences in ethnicity other than differences in religious beliefs. Togetherness is manifested in the form of traditional rituals such as theUnan-Unan ceremony, Bari'an (Selamatan). Each religion has its own demands for tolerance in the Tengger tribe is ingrained, the Tengger tribe community also upholds equality and democracy in community life and respects religious leaders and dukun (sepiritual teachers) rather than administrative leaders. Because all are brothers, all families, still peaceful and harmonious, which is the mandate and ancestral heritage
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