2,017 research outputs found

    Towards efficient decoding of classical-quantum polar codes

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    Known strategies for sending bits at the capacity rate over a general channel with classical input and quantum output (a cq channel) require the decoder to implement impractically complicated collective measurements. Here, we show that a fully collective strategy is not necessary in order to recover all of the information bits. In fact, when coding for a large number N uses of a cq channel W, N I(W_acc) of the bits can be recovered by a non-collective strategy which amounts to coherent quantum processing of the results of product measurements, where I(W_acc) is the accessible information of the channel W. In order to decode the other N (I(W) - I(W_acc)) bits, where I(W) is the Holevo rate, our conclusion is that the receiver should employ collective measurements. We also present two other results: 1) collective Fuchs-Caves measurements (quantum likelihood ratio measurements) can be used at the receiver to achieve the Holevo rate and 2) we give an explicit form of the Helstrom measurements used in small-size polar codes. The main approach used to demonstrate these results is a quantum extension of Arikan's polar codes.Comment: 21 pages, 2 figures, submission to the 8th Conference on the Theory of Quantum Computation, Communication, and Cryptograph

    The Development of an Automated Production System

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    This paper describes the development of an automated production system recently completed by the Martin Marietta Aerospace Division, Orlando, Florida, for the assembly, inspection and test of printed circuit boards. The project began in January 1981 with the purpose of increasing the then existing production capability and to create the building block for the total automation of the printed circuit board assembly area of the plant in Ocala, Florida. The system was implemented using a combination of off the shelf equipment modified and integrated to create a single production system. The system employs much of the new production philosophies tailored to meet the particular needs of Martin Marietta and to fulfill present production requirements as well as future production projections. During the development and implementation of this project, flexibility within the team was required to accommodate for the unforeseen problems which surfaced. The actual work required to perform this task far exceeded the expectations of the team and the company. This document covers all facets of this project, from inception to operation, and describes the problems encountered and lessons learned throughout the project

    Finding Multiple New Optimal Locations in a Road Network

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    We study the problem of optimal location querying for location based services in road networks, which aims to find locations for new servers or facilities. The existing optimal solutions on this problem consider only the cases with one new server. When two or more new servers are to be set up, the problem with minmax cost criteria, MinMax, becomes NP-hard. In this work we identify some useful properties about the potential locations for the new servers, from which we derive a novel algorithm for MinMax, and show that it is efficient when the number of new servers is small. When the number of new servers is large, we propose an efficient 3-approximate algorithm. We verify with experiments on real road networks that our solutions are effective and attains significantly better result quality compared to the existing greedy algorithms

    Decoherence suppression via environment preparation

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    To protect a quantum system from decoherence due to interaction with its environment, we investigate the existence of initial states of the environment allowing for decoherence-free evolution of the system. For models in which a two-state system interacts with a dynamical environment, we prove that such states exist if and only if the interaction and self-evolution Hamiltonians share an eigenstate. If decoherence by state preparation is not possible, we show that initial states minimizing decoherence result from a delicate compromise between the environment and interaction dynamics.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Colorful Strips

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    Given a planar point set and an integer kk, we wish to color the points with kk colors so that any axis-aligned strip containing enough points contains all colors. The goal is to bound the necessary size of such a strip, as a function of kk. We show that if the strip size is at least 2k12k{-}1, such a coloring can always be found. We prove that the size of the strip is also bounded in any fixed number of dimensions. In contrast to the planar case, we show that deciding whether a 3D point set can be 2-colored so that any strip containing at least three points contains both colors is NP-complete. We also consider the problem of coloring a given set of axis-aligned strips, so that any sufficiently covered point in the plane is covered by kk colors. We show that in dd dimensions the required coverage is at most d(k1)+1d(k{-}1)+1. Lower bounds are given for the two problems. This complements recent impossibility results on decomposition of strip coverings with arbitrary orientations. Finally, we study a variant where strips are replaced by wedges

    Coherent acoustic vibration of metal nanoshells

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    Using time-resolved pump-probe spectroscopy we have performed the first investigation of the vibrational modes of gold nanoshells. The fundamental isotropic mode launched by a femtosecond pump pulse manifests itself in a pronounced time-domain modulation of the differential transmission probed at the frequency of nanoshell surface plasmon resonance. The modulation amplitude is significantly stronger and the period is longer than in a gold nanoparticle of the same overall size, in agreement with theoretical calculations. This distinct acoustical signature of nanoshells provides a new and efficient method for identifying these versatile nanostructures and for studying their mechanical and structural properties.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Lysophosphatidic acid mediates myeloid differentiation within the human bone marrow microenvironment.

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    Lysophosphatidic acid (LPA) is a pleiotropic phospholipid present in the blood and certain tissues at high concentrations; its diverse effects are mediated through differential, tissue specific expression of LPA receptors. Our goal was to determine if LPA exerts lineage-specific effects during normal human hematopoiesis. In vitro stimulation of CD34+ human hematopoietic progenitors by LPA induced myeloid differentiation but had no effect on lymphoid differentiation. LPA receptors were expressed at significantly higher levels on Common Myeloid Progenitors (CMP) than either multipotent Hematopoietic Stem/Progenitor Cells (HSPC) or Common Lymphoid Progenitors (CLP) suggesting that LPA acts on committed myeloid progenitors. Functional studies demonstrated that LPA enhanced migration, induced cell proliferation and reduced apoptosis of isolated CMP, but had no effect on either HSPC or CLP. Analysis of adult and fetal human bone marrow sections showed that PPAP2A, (the enzyme which degrades LPA) was highly expressed in the osteoblastic niche but not in the perivascular regions, whereas Autotaxin (the enzyme that synthesizes LPA) was expressed in perivascular regions of the marrow. We propose that a gradient of LPA with the highest levels in peri-sinusoidal regions and lowest near the endosteal zone, regulates the localization, proliferation and differentiation of myeloid progenitors within the bone marrow marrow

    Impaired awareness of action-outcome contingency and causality during healthy ageing and following ventromedial prefrontal cortex lesions

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    Detecting causal relationships between actions and their outcomes is fundamental to guiding goal-directed behaviour. The ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) has been extensively implicated in computing these environmental contingencies, via animal lesion models and human neuroimaging. However, whether the vmPFC is critical for contingency learning, and whether it can occur without subjective awareness of those contingencies, has not been established. To address this, we measured response adaption to contingency and subjective awareness of action-outcome relationships in individuals with vmPFC lesions and healthy elderly subjects. We showed that in both vmPFC damage and ageing, successful behavioural adaptation to variations in action-outcome contingencies was maintained, but subjective awareness of these contingencies was reduced. These results highlight two contexts where performance and awareness have been dissociated, and show that learning response-outcome contingencies to guide behaviour can occur without subjective awareness. Preserved responding in the vmPFC group suggests that this region is not critical for computing action-outcome contingencies to guide behaviour. In contrast, our findings highlight a critical role for the vmPFC in supporting awareness, or metacognitive ability, during learning. We further advance the hypothesis that responding to changing environmental contingencies, whilst simultaneously maintaining conscious awareness of those statistical regularities, is a form of dual-tasking that is impaired in ageing due to reduced prefrontal function.Recruitment and characterisation of individuals with brain lesions was made possible by the Cambridge Cognitive Neuroscience Research Panel at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge. We acknowledge the contribution of Dr Sharon Erzinçlioğlu, Prof. Facundo Manes and Dr Tilak Das (consultant radiologist, Addenbroke’s Hospital) for their involvement in co-ordinating the panel, lesion tracing, and referral to the panel. This research was funded by a Wellcome Trust Senior Investigator Award (104631/Z/14/Z) to TWR. Work was completed at the Behavioural and Clinical Neuroscience Institute, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK, supported by a joint award from the Medical Research Council and Wellcome Trust (G00001354). CO is supported by a National Health and Medical Research Council Neil Hamilton Fairley Fellowship (GNT 1091310). MMV is supported by a Pinsent Darwin Scholarship in Mental Pathology and Angharad Dodds John Bursary in Mental Health and Neuropsychiatry

    Caractérisation des sédiments des retenues pour la prévision des risques écotoxicologiques liés aux vidanges

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    L'acumulation de sédiments dans les retenues de barrages hydro-électriques nécessite de procéder à des opérations régulières de désenvasement indispensables à leur bon fonctionnement.Ces opérations de vidange ont le plus souvent un effet destructeur sur la faune et la flore aquatique.Cet effet destructeur est principalement lié à une diminution de la concentration en oxygène dissous et une augmentation de la teneur en matières en suspension.La méthodologie présentée a pour but d'estimer préalablement à toute vidange les risques écotoxicologlques correspondant à une telle opération. Elle implique d'une part la description et l'analyse physico-chimique des sédiments en place, d'autre part la mesure en laboratoire de la consommation en oxygène dissous des matériaux remis en suspension au cours du temps.La fiabilité d'une telle procédure a été montrée en particulier à l'occasion de vidanges de retenues situées sur le cours de l'Isère.Le protocole est décrit précisément de façon à pouvoir guider les exploitants de retenues à l'occasion des opérations de vidange qu'ils dirigent.Sediment silting up in hydroelectric dams Implies regular draining operations in order to prevent disfunction of the dams.These operations often lead to drastic lethal affects on aquatic fauna and flora.A toxicological study has clearly shown two main factors responsible for acute toxicological effects : dissolved oxygen deficit and suspended solids increase.These effects have been quantified by experimental tests on Brown trout fry (Salmo trutta fario) the results of which are summarized.The second step consisted in the prediction of water quality evolution downstream during dam draining operation, regarding both factors suspected, in order to assess ecotoxicological hazard.The proposed methodology based on a sedimentological study made in Grangent dam, located on river Loire and immediately downstream of St. Etienne urban area, and in St. Hilaire dam situated on the river Isère downstream partIt consists in sampling cored sediments and in measuring dissolved oxygen kinetic by mixing sediments with water In a reactor.The sample conservation as carried out in jar glasses kept at 4 °C.Results are reproducible as long as residual dissolved oxygen concentration is higher than 3 mg/l. If this condition is respected, oxygen consumption is strictly dependent on suspended sediment concentration.An increase in test water temperature makes the oxygen consumption rise.In accordance with these results, recommendations for dissolved oxygen measures are about 5 g/l suspended sediment concentration, with an experimental temperature reaching the temperature observed during dam draining.The variability of the results for different samples depends on the dam studied. Surface tore samples collected in St. Hilaire dam consume dissolved oxygen faster than the same bottom tore samples.However, in Grangent dam, only one surface core sample collected near the dam construction has clearly shown reducing properties. The difference between two dam sediments is very important : Grangent dam sediment have, on average, dissolved oxygen consumption three more times higher than St. Hilaire in the same duration.Taking into account dissolved oxygen kinetics by mixed sediments, and a simple aeration model using water and sediment deposits from downstream dam, may expert both suspended sediment and oxygen consumption evolution.Hazardous mortality of trout fario fry in downstream dam are quickly graphically visualized.Dam draining operator may so assess, for different suspended sediment land the harmful exposition to fish at any distance from it.This knowledge allows him to plan more strictly floodgate working : pointly dissolved oxygen continuous measurement on downstream dam is sufficient to give a mark related to model hazard assessment.The model reliability has been demonstrated by the examination of data collected during St. Hilaire dam draining operation