372 research outputs found

    Mi marca me mima : Prácticas y significaciones en torno a la producción, circulación y reconocimiento de contenidos de ficción audiovisual producidos por las marcas (CFAM)

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    Esta tesis trata acerca de las prácticas y significaciones de los usuarios de la web 2.0 en torno a los Contenidos de Ficción Audiovisual producidos por las Marcas (CFAM). Se analiza el objeto en la totalidad del proceso de comunicación: a) desde la producción, considerando cuales son los rasgos particulares de estos productos; b) desde la circulación, analizando los modos en que estos contenidos fluyen en la web 2.0 en general y en Youtube y redes sociales en particular; y c) desde el reconocimiento, para descubrir cuales son las prácticas de consumo simbólico de los contenidos y cuales son las significaciones en torno a los mismos. Se llevó a cabo para cumplir con dicho propósito con un itinerario plurimetodológico de gran complejidad, con foco en la instancia de reconocimiento (test on air: análisis de 1607 comentarios y exposición forzada de los materiales en situación de laboratorio: 10 focus groups), para poder dar cuenta de los intereses múltiples de la presente tesis. Se postula a su vez y como consecuencia del recorrido de la tesis, una actualización del concepto de "publicidad" a la luz de estas nuevas estrategias de comunicación de marca, ya que las definiciones clásicas no contemplan las posibilidades del mundo digital, ni la aparición de nuevos medios y formatos publicitarios, ni la transformación del consumidor en este nuevo contexto.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicación Socia

    A Complementary and Revised View on the N-Acylation of Chitosan with Hexanoyl Chloride

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    The modification of the biobased polymer chitosan is a broad and widely studied field. Herein, an insight into the hydrophobization of low-molecular-weight chitosan by substitution of amino functionalities with hexanoyl chloride is reported. Thereby, the influence of the pH of the reaction media was investigated. Further, methods for the determination of the degree of substitution based on 1H-NMR, FTIR, and potentiometric titration were compared and discussed regarding their accuracy and precision. 1H-NMR was the most accurate method, while FTIR and the potentiometric titration, though precise and reproducible, underlie the influence of complete protonation and solubility issues. Additionally, the impact of the pH variation during the synthesis on the properties of the samples was investigated by Cd2+ sorption experiments. The adjusted pH values during the synthesis and, therefore, the obtained degrees of substitution possessed a strong impact on the adsorption properties of the final material

    New Forms of Urban Data and their Potential for Municipal Decision Making

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    In recent years, cities have been exposed to many disruptive influences. Among them is the digital revolution, which has also begun to transform urban space via the economy and society. The now ubiquitous and continuous connectivity has reached a large part of humanity, thanks to the mass distribution of smartphones, free Wi-Fi networks and the resulting access to information, social networks and audio-visual entertainment [1]. Digitalisation took on a particular importance in the context of pandemic-related impacts. The need for digital connectivity increased, especially in the fight against COVID-19, as city governments around the globe used contact tracking (Bluetooth proximity data) from smartphones to detect infection contacts and reduce infection rates. The resulting form of urban data is new to municipal use and points to the hidden potential of other forms of data. Through the use of today's technologies, municipalities can collect their own data in many areas, generating a new understanding of complex urban dynamics aiding spatial decision-making with higher transparency [2]. Disruptive influences, uncertainty, crises and climate catastrophes require a more evidence-based and a bottom-up spatial planning process. In regard to solving more complex problems and increasing the speed and agility required by the city administrations, it is important to investigate how new data forms can affect spatial planning decisions. The German planning system referred to in the paper (section 2) is very hierarchically organised, as are its processes. Local, fast-moving and contextual data collection could counteract the inertia of the planning system. In general, the use of data to understand urban systems is not a new phenomenon, but nevertheless necessary. The increasing complexity and constant change of cities now requires the use of more real-time and comprehensive data sets to complement censuses and surveys [3]. The temporal limitations of the latter seem only suitable for representing static or semi-static urban phenomena, as they do not take into account the subtleties of urban dynamics or the impact of real-time activities on various urban systems and the daily lives of citizens [4]. At the same time, improving the quality of life of the inhabitants is the ultimate goal of a city. While urban planning has an impact on the quality of life in cities, the citizens too have an important role in developing a city. It is thus essential to consider them in the decision making process. But which data forms and sources are capable of meeting these challenges and what new information and opportunities do they offer? Specifically in regard to the German planning system which follows a bureaucratic approach of decision -making, it is important to find out the planning decisions which can be supplemented with new data forms at the municipal level. In this regard, the paper targets urban datasets that can add significant value to municipal decision-making processes and spatial development strategies (section 3). The paper focusses on examining the emerging datasets and their application in spatial planning. For this purpose, an overview of the data landscape is shown (section 4), which highlights the new data forms (Figure 1). Qualitative literature analysis was used to investigate municipal decision-making and spatial planning decision-making processes in Germany. Drawing on the results, a SWOT-analysis will be used to display the potentials and limitations of new forms of urban data for spatial development (section 5). The conclusion (section 6) highlights this potential for municipal decision making

    In vitro effects of Melaleuca alternifolia essential oil on growth and production of volatile sulphur compounds by oral bacteria

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    Objective Halitosis can be caused by microorganisms that produce volatile sulphur compounds (VSCs), which colonize the surface of the tongue and subgingival sites. Studies have reported that the use of natural products can reduce the bacterial load and, consequently, the development of halitosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Melaleuca alternifolia on the growth and volatile sulphur compound (VSC) production of oral bacteria compared with chlorhexidine. Material and Methods The effects of these substances were evaluated by the Minimum Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) and Minimum Bactericidal Concentration (MBC) in planktonic cultures of Porphyromonas gingivalis and Porphyromonas endodontalis. In addition, gas chromatography analyses were performed to measure the concentration of VSCs from bacterial cultures and to characterize M. alternifolia oil components. Results The MIC and MBC values were as follows: M. alternifolia - P. gingivalis (MIC and MBC=0.007%), P. endodontalis (MIC and MBC=0.007%=0.5%); chlorhexidine - P. gingivalis and P. endodontalis (MIC and MBC=1.5 mg/mL). M. alternifolia significantly reduced the growth and production of hydrogen sulfide (H2S) by P. gingivalis (

    Cybathlon experiences of the Graz BCI racing team Mirage91 in the brain-computer interface discipline

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    Abstract Background In this work, we share our experiences made at the world-wide first CYBATHLON, an event organized by the Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETH Zürich), which took place in Zurich in October 2016. It is a championship for severely motor impaired people using assistive prototype devices to compete against each other. Our team, the Graz BCI Racing Team MIRAGE91 from Graz University of Technology, participated in the discipline “Brain-Computer Interface Race”. A brain-computer interface (BCI) is a device facilitating control of applications via the user’s thoughts. Prominent applications include assistive technology such as wheelchairs, neuroprostheses or communication devices. In the CYBATHLON BCI Race, pilots compete in a BCI-controlled computer game. Methods We report on setting up our team, the BCI customization to our pilot including long term training and the final BCI system. Furthermore, we describe CYBATHLON participation and analyze our CYBATHLON result. Results We found that our pilot was compliant over the whole time and that we could significantly reduce the average runtime between start and finish from initially 178 s to 143 s. After the release of the final championship specifications with shorter track length, the average runtime converged to 120 s. We successfully participated in the qualification race at CYBATHLON 2016, but performed notably worse than during training, with a runtime of 196 s. Discussion We speculate that shifts in the features, due to the nonstationarities in the electroencephalogram (EEG), but also arousal are possible reasons for the unexpected result. Potential counteracting measures are discussed. Conclusions The CYBATHLON 2016 was a great opportunity for our student team. We consolidated our theoretical knowledge and turned it into practice, allowing our pilot to play a computer game. However, further research is required to make BCI technology invariant to non-task related changes of the EEG

    Prüfung des Potentials von Bäumen zur Erschließung von Bodenverdichtungen – Entwicklung eines Versuchsdesigns

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    Durch das Befahren von Rückegassen zur Waldbewirtschaftung werden starke Bodenverdichtungen verursacht. Eine Möglichkeit um die Regeneration des gestörten Porensystems im Boden aktiv zu unterstützen, kann der Einsatz von Bäumen darstellen. Um die Fähigkeit verschiedener Bäume zur Durchwurzelung von verdichteten Böden zu untersuchen, wurde ein Ver-suchsdesign geprüft. Dazu wurden zylind-rische Versuchsgefäße verwendet, in die ein Löss so eingebaut wurde, dass ein verdichteter Bodenmantel und ein lockerer Pflanzkern entstehen. Es wurden zwei Versuchsvarianten hergestellt (Bodenmantel 1,4 g cm-3 und 1,6 g cm-3). Als Versuchspflanzen wurden 1-jährige Schwarz-erlen (Alnus glutinosa) eingesetzt. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass die Schwarzerle eine geeignete Baumart ist um verdichtete Bodenzonen zu erschließen. Mangels eines Vergleiches mit einer gegenüber Bodenverdichtung empfindlich reagierenden Baumart und aufgrund einer zu langen Versuchsdauer, kann eine abschließende Bewertung des Versuchsdesigns nicht erfolgen. Folgeversuche mit verschiedenen Baumarten sollen eine Bewertung des Versuchsdesigns ermöglichen und die Eignung anderer Baumarten prüfen