1,631 research outputs found

    Comunidades virtuales en tiempos de flujos: el caso de Second Life

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    This article studies the new forms of emerging sociability in virtual communities that develop thei activity in the context of what is called “society of flows”. Online communities break the traditional sense of community by establishing a new regime based most of the times on the ephemeral and transitory interests of their users. Likewise, the characteristics that define a virtual 3D world as a community and the types of participation and social organisation that happen within will be explored here using the case of “Second life” as an example.Este artículo estudia las nuevas formas de sociabilidad emergentes en las comunidades virtuales que desarrollan su actividad en el contexto de la llamada “sociedad de flujos”. Las comunidades on line rompen con el sentido tradicional de comunidad instaurando un nuevo régimen basado la mayoría de las veces en los intereses efímeros y transitorios de sus usuarios. Asimismo, tomando como ejemplo el caso de Second Life, se exploran las características que definen a un mundo virtual 3D como comunidad y los tipos de participación y organización social que tienen lugar en su interior.Cet article étudie les nouvelles formes de sociabilité émergeantes dans les communautés virtuelles que développent leur activité dans le contexte ainsi nommé comme la “société des flux”. Les communautés virtuelles cassent le sens traditionnel de communauté en établissant un nouvel régime fondé la plupart de fois sur des intérêts éphémères et transitoires de leurs clients. De la même manière les caractéristiques que définissent un monde virtuel 3D en tant que communauté et les types de participation et de organisation social que incluent sont ici explorés en utilisant le cas de “Second Life” comme exemple

    Structure and application of antifreeze proteins from Antarctic bacteria

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    Indexación: Web of Science; Scopus.Background: Antifreeze proteins (AFPs) production is a survival strategy of psychrophiles in ice. These proteins have potential in frozen food industry avoiding the damage in the structure of animal or vegetal foods. Moreover, there is not much information regarding the interaction of Antarctic bacterial AFPs with ice, and new determinations are needed to understand the behaviour of these proteins at the water/ice interface. Results: Different Antarctic places were screened for antifreeze activity and microorganisms were selected for the presence of thermal hysteresis in their crude extracts. Isolates GU1.7.1, GU3.1.1, and AFP5.1 showed higher thermal hysteresis and were characterized using a polyphasic approach. Studies using cucumber and zucchini samples showed cellular protection when samples were treated with partially purified AFPs or a commercial AFP as was determined using toluidine blue O and neutral red staining. Additionally, genome analysis of these isolates revealed the presence of genes that encode for putative AFPs. Deduced amino acids sequences from GU3.1.1 (gu3A and gu3B) and AFP5.1 (afp5A) showed high similarity to reported AFPs which crystal structures are solved, allowing then generating homology models. Modelled proteins showed a triangular prism form similar to β-helix AFPs with a linear distribution of threonine residues at one side of the prism that could correspond to the putative ice binding side. The statistically best models were used to build a protein-water system. Molecular dynamics simulations were then performed to compare the antifreezing behaviour of these AFPs at the ice/water interface. Docking and molecular dynamics simulations revealed that gu3B could have the most efficient antifreezing behavior, but gu3A could have a higher affinity for ice. Conclusions: AFPs from Antarctic microorganisms GU1.7.1, GU3.1.1 and AFP5.1 protect cellular structures of frozen food showing a potential for frozen food industry. Modeled proteins possess a β-helix structure, and molecular docking analysis revealed the AFP gu3B could be the most efficient AFPs in order to avoid the formation of ice crystals, even when gu3A has a higher affinity for ice. By determining the interaction of AFPs at the ice/water interface, it will be possible to understand the process of adaptation of psychrophilic bacteria to Antarctic ice.https://microbialcellfactories.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12934-017-0737-

    Self-Assembly Behavior of Amphiphilic Janus Dendrimers in Water: A Combined Experimental and Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics Simulation Approach

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    Indexación: Scopus.Acknowledgments: M.E.E.G. thank the Ph. D. scholarship (251115) from CONACyT. The authors would like to thank: Luis Elizalde-Herrera (CIQA) for his help running the NMR spectra; Gloria Macedo-Raygoza and Miguel J. Beltrán-García (UAG), for their help in the measuring of MALDI-TOF mass spectra; and Maricela Rodríguez-Nieto and Jorge Luis Menchaca (UANL), for their help with the AFM measurements. FDGN thanks to the USA Air Force Office of Scientific Research Awards.Amphiphilic Janus dendrimers (JDs) are repetitively branched molecules with hydrophilic and hydrophobic components that self-assemble in water to form a variety of morphologies, including vesicles analogous to liposomes with potential pharmaceutical and medical application. To date, the self-assembly of JDs has not been fully investigated thus it is important to gain insight into its mechanism and dependence on JDs’ molecular structure. In this study, the aggregation behavior in water of a second-generation bis-MPA JD was evaluated using experimental and computational methods. Dispersions of JDs in water were carried out using the thin-film hydration and ethanol injection methods. Resulting assemblies were characterized by dynamic light scattering, confocal microscopy, and atomic force microscopy. Furthermore, a coarse-grained molecular dynamics (CG-MD) simulation was performed to study the mechanism of JDs aggregation. The obtaining of assemblies in water with no interdigitated bilayers was confirmed by the experimental characterization and CG-MD simulation. Assemblies with dendrimersome characteristics were obtained using the ethanol injection method. The results of this study establish a relationship between the molecular structure of the JD and the properties of its aggregates in water. Thus, our findings could be relevant for the design of novel JDs with tailored assemblies suitable for drug delivery systems. © 2018 by the authors.https://www.mdpi.com/1420-3049/23/4/96

    Hydrological control of large hurricane-induced lahars: evidence from rainfall-runoff modeling, seismic and video monitoring

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    Abstract. The Volcán de Colima, one of the most active volcanoes in Mexico, is commonly affected by tropical rains related to hurricanes that form over the Pacific Ocean. In 2011, 2013 and 2015 hurricanes Jova, Manuel and Patricia, respectively, triggered tropical storms that deposited up to 400 mm of rain in 36 h, with maximum intensities of 50 mm h −1. The effects were devastating, with the formation of multiple lahars along La Lumbre and Montegrande ravines, which are the most active channels in sediment delivery on the south-southwest flank of the volcano. Deep erosion along the river channels and several marginal landslides were observed, and the arrival of block-rich flow fronts resulted in damages to bridges and paved roads in the distal reaches of the ravines. The temporal sequence of these flow events is reconstructed and analyzed using monitoring data (including video images, seismic records and rainfall data) with respect to the rainfall characteristics and the hydrologic response of the watersheds based on rainfall-runoff numerical simulation. For the studied events, lahars occurred 5–6 h after the onset of rainfall, lasted several hours and were characterized by several pulses with block-rich fronts and a maximum flow discharge of 900 m3 s −1. Rainfall-runoff simulations were performer using the SCS-curve number and the Green–Ampt infiltration models, providing a similar result in the detection of simulated maximum watershed peaks discharge. Results show different behavior for the arrival times of the first lahar pulses that correlate with the simulated catchment's peak discharge for La Lumbre ravine and with the peaks in rainfall intensity for Montegrande ravine. This different behavior is related to the area and shape of the two watersheds. Nevertheless, in all analyzed cases, the largest lahar pulse always corresponds with the last one and correlates with the simulated maximum peak discharge of these catchments. Data presented here show that flow pulses within a lahar are not randomly distributed in time, and they can be correlated with rainfall peak intensity and/or watershed discharge, depending on the watershed area and shape. This outcome has important implications for hazard assessment during extreme hydro-meteorological events, as it could help in providing real-time alerts. A theoretical rainfall distribution curve was designed for Volcán de Colima based on the rainfall and time distribution of hurricanes Manuel and Patricia. This can be used to run simulations using weather forecasts prior to the actual event, in order to estimate the arrival time of main lahar pulses, usually characterized by block-rich fronts, which are responsible for most of the damage to infrastructure and loss of goods and lives

    Guía metodológica para promoción establecimiento y asesoría de formas asociativas de trabajo y servicios

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    El presente documento hace parte del proyecto Programas Móviles Urbanos y Rurales, PMUR. Ha sido elaborado con base a estudios teóricos, al trabajo de campo con trece empresas asociativas en el departamento de Antioquia.This document is part of the Urban and Rural Mobile Programs, PMUR project. It has been prepared based on theoretical studies, field work with thirteen associative companies in the department of Antioquia.Introducción -- Las Empresas Asociativas como instrumento de generación de empleo, ingreso y participación social -- Realidad empírica de las formas Asociativas en Colombia -- Metodología de promoción, establecimiento y asesoría de formas asociativas que produzcan efectos positivos en términos de empleo, ingresos y participación social -- Financiación de formas asociativas -- Proyecciones institucionales al interior del Sena -- Lista de AnexosnaDocumento producto del convenio de cooperación técnica SENA-Holanda.Este documento es producto del Programa de Cooperación para el Desarrollo Holanda - Colombia. Proyecto Sena PMUR143 página

    Metaversos y educación: Second Life como plataforma educativa

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    Presentamos en este artículo algunas de las particularidades de los metaversos como nuevos espacios formativos. Tomando como ejemplo el caso de Second Life y a partir de la propia experiencia del autor en este metaverso, se exploran las posibilidades formativas de estas nuevas plataformas audiovisuales 3D así como algunas de sus ventajas y desventajas como plataforma educativa. El estudio de las dinámicas complejas entre avatares y entre el usuario y el propio metaverso nos abren nuevas vías de investigación para el estudio de la educación en el siglo XXI que deben ser exploradas y examinadas por la comunidad educativa y académica por su importancia actual y sus posibles alternativas futuras.  &nbsp

    Pantallas en las sociedades hipermediatizadas

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    Este artículo presenta un primer análisis de las nuevas sociedades hipermediatizadas desde una perspectiva pantallológica, esto es, centrada en el estudio de las pantallas. El trabajo pretende ser también una continuación del debate iniciado en los estudios semióticos por autores como Oscar Traversa o Eliseo Verón en torno a este importante dispositivo de mediatización, el cual actualmente va más allá de su empleo corriente como superficie cuadrangular de mostración de imágenes en movimiento para adquirir nuevos usos y significados que le están confiriendo una complejidad tal que hace necesario el desarrollo de más investigación.This article presents a first analysis of the new hypermediatized societies from a "screenological" perspective, that is, focused on the study of screens. The work also aims to be a continuation of the debate initiated in semiotic studies by authors such as Oscar Traversa or Eliseo Verón in relation to this important mediatization device. Screen nowadays goes beyond its regular use as a quadrangular surface for displaying moving images to acquire new uses and meanings that are giving it a greater complexity and that require further research

    Los contenidos sanitarios en la prensa nacional = Health contents in the national newspapers

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    Resumen: Objetivo: El aumento del interés de la opinión pública por la salud ha provocado que la prensa escrita ofrezca cada vez más contenidos sanitarios dentro de sus publicaciones. El presente artículo tiene como propósito llevar a cabo un análisis descriptivo de los contenidos sanitarios que se han publicado en el periódico de tirada nacional El País. Métodos: Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, para el cual se analizaron las publicaciones del periódico El País durante 15 días. Resultados: Encontramos que de 880 páginas analizadas, solo 35 presentaban contenidos sanitarios, la sección donde más contenidos aparecían era la de Cultura, y la media de páginas dedicada a dichos contenidos era de 1 página. Conclusiones: El País ofrece diariamente contenidos sanitarios, sin embargo presenta déficits, principalmente en el apartado de autores ya que apenas ofrece información sobre sus redactores Debemos analizar la información que nos llega, y para ello debemos conocer quién nos la ofrece.Palabras clave: Educación sanitaria, Prensa escrita, Medios de comunicación Abstract: Objective: The increasing interest of the public's health, has prompted the press increasingly offering health content in their publications. This paper aims to conduct a descriptive analysis of health content have been published in the national newspaper El Pais. Methods: This is a descriptive study, which analyzed for the publications of the newspaper El Pais for 15 days. Results: We found that of 880 pages analyzed, only 35 had medical content, the section appeared more content was the Culture, and the average number of pages devoted to such content was 1 page. Conclusions: El País offers daily health content, but it has shortcomings, mainly in the section on authors and their grieving offers information on its editors we must analyze the information that reaches us, and we must know who offers it to us. Keywords: Health education, Newspaper, Mass medi

    El llapis com a arma : la resposta de l'humor gràfic a l'atemptat terrorista contra «Charlie Hebdo»

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    El presente artículo analiza la respuesta del humor gráfico al atentado terrorista del 7 de enero de 2015 contra las oficinas del semanario satírico francés Charlie Hebdo. En concreto, el artículo realiza un análisis semiótico de una serie de piezas relacionadas con este suceso y recopiladas a través de Internet. Los textos visuales y verbovisuales analizados evidencian la condena del ataque terrorista y la defensa de la libertad de expresión, representada en la mayoría de casos por la imagen del lápiz como herramienta de lucha contra el terrorismo y símbolo de los valores democráticos.Aquest article analitza la resposta de l'humor gràfic a l'atemptat terrorista del 7 de gener de 2015 contra les oficines del setmanari satíric francès Charlie Hebdo. En concret, l'article fa una anàlisi semiòtica d'un seguit de peces relacionades amb aquest succés que han estat recopilades a través d'internet. Els textos visuals i verbovisuals analitzats evidencien la condemna de l'atac terrorista i la defensa de la llibertat d'expressió, representada en la majoria de casos per la imatge del llapis com a eina de lluita contra el terrorisme i símbol dels valors democràtics. analisi_a2021v65p15