21 research outputs found
A Disparateness-Aware Scheduling using K-Centroids Clustering and PSO Techniques in Hadoop Cluster
U ovom radu smo se bavili razvojem nužnih i dovoljnih uvjeta optimalnosti. Na samom početku smo obradili pitanje egzistencije rješenja zadaće nelinearnog programiranja i u tu svrhu smo dokazali poopćenu verziju Weierstrassovog teorema. Prokomentirali smo osnovne rezultate za jednostavniji slučaj uvjetne optimizacije u kojem je dopustivi skup zatvoren i konveksan. U ostatku rada analiziramo općenitiju zadaću nelinearnog programiranja u kojoj je dopustivi skup zatvoren i funkcija cilja diferencijabilna. Iskazali smo geometrijske uvjete optimalnosti koji zahtijevaju da je u točki lokalnog minimuma presjek tangencijalnog konusa i konusa svih smjerova silaska prazan skup. Budući da je tangencijalni konus općenito teško izračunati, uveli smo dodatne uvjete tipa nejednakosti na dopustivi skup koji olakšavaju računanje konusa koji dobro aproksimiraju tangencijalni konus. Novouvedeni konusi nas vode do Fritz Johnovih uvjeta optimalnosti koji su ipak dosta slabi i mogu ih zadovoljavati mnoge točke koje nisu lokalno optimalne. Stoga smo uveli dodatni zahtjev Abadijevog uvjeta regularnosti i time smo došli do specijalnog slučaja Fritz Johnovih uvjeta koji je poznat kao Karush-Kuhn-Tuckerovi uvjeti. Kako Abadijev uvjet nije uvijek lako provjeriti definirali smo i ostale najčešće korištene uvjete regularnosti koji impliciraju Abadijev. Pokazali smo da su Karush-Kuhn-Tuckerovi uvjeti optimalnosti općenito nužni, a u zadaćama konveksnog programiranja dovoljni za lokalnu optimalnost točke.In this thesis we studied development of necessary and sufficient optimality conditions. At the beginning we introduced an important result about existence of solutions to a nonlinear programming problem, known as generalized Weierstrass’ theorem. We introduced some basic results for the case of constrained optimization over closed and convex sets. The rest of the thesis deals with a quite general nonlinear programming problem, where feasible set is closed and the objective function is differentiable. We established geometric optimality conditions which say that at every point of local minimum, the intersection of tangent cone and cone of descent directions must be an empty set. Tangent cone is nearly impossible to compute for general feasible sets so we gave a specific description of a feasible set in terms of inequalities, which helps us to compute other cones that approximate tangent cone in many practical situations. In this way we obtain the Fritz John conditions that, however, are somewhat too weak to be practical and they can be satisfied by many points that have nothing in common with locally optimal points. We assume an additional regularity on feasible set, Abadie’s constraint qualification, and we get special case of Fritz John conditions, known as Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions. Abadie’s constraint qualification is difficult to check when it comes to practical problems so we defined some computationally verifiable assumptions that all imply Abadie’s constraint qualification. We showed that Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions are necessary, and for convex problems the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker optimality conditions are sufficient for local optimality
Rol del aprendizaje de máquinas inteligentes para la implementación exitosa del modelo de negocio
In the technical industry machine learning and intelligent machine learning are becoming a hot topic for research. Intelligent machine learning is also known as artificial intelligence (AI). Intelligent machine learning is affecting the business world more than our daily routine lives. It can seem that intelligent machine learning is everywhere like maintaining the complex information, gaming station, etc. for making the machines in the form so that can respond to real-time stations and can act like a human, the scientists and computer engineering are working extremely hard. The role of intelligent machine learning in the business world is studied in this paper. The corporate world is highly getting influenced by artificial intelligence or intelligent machine learning. En la industria técnica, el aprendizaje de las máquinas y el aprendizaje de las máquinas inteligentes se están convirtiendo en un tema de investigación. El aprendizaje inteligente de la máquina también se conoce como inteligencia artificial (IA). El aprendizaje inteligente de la máquina está afectando al mundo de los negocios más que a nuestra vida cotidiana. Puede parecer que el aprendizaje inteligente de la máquina está en todas partes como el mantenimiento de la información compleja, la estación de juegos, etc. para hacer las máquinas en la forma para que pueda responder a las estaciones en tiempo real y puede actuar como un humano, los científicos y la ingeniería informática están trabajando muy duro. El papel del aprendizaje de la máquina inteligente en el mundo de los negocios se estudia en este documento. El mundo corporativo está siendo altamente influenciado por la inteligencia artificial o el aprendizaje inteligente de máquinas.  
Rol de la madurez de la gestión de proyectos: interés sustancial para evaluar y mejorar el desarrollo de métodos viables
To improve and assess the project management maturity in the development of viable methods the community of project management is actively demonstrating substantial interest. To provide several organizations among industries a means to benchmark that their maturity relative to others for assessing project management maturity the interest also underscores the important need. This paper studied to improve and access the method for project management maturity. We studied the concept of project management maturity, its different levels and models.
Sobre la base del algoritmo de distribución de frecuencias: Implementación de un sistema de asistencia inteligente en el campo de la gestión corporativa
An automatic process that gives the complete solution for attendance and time management is knows as smart attendance management system. On the basis of several events like on duty, overtime, holiday working, shift, permission and late the attendance management system keep the record of attendance of all the employees. Because of non-intrusiveness and strong anti-interference the Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) provide the solutions. In this paper we study the smart attendance system based on frequency distribution algorithm.Un proceso automático que brinda la solución completa para la asistencia y la gestión del tiempo se conoce como sistema inteligente de gestión de asistencia. Sobre la base de varios eventos como en servicio, horas extras, trabajo de vacaciones, turnos, permisos y retrasos, el sistema de gestión de asistencia mantiene el registro de asistencia de todos los empleados. Debido a la no intrusión y la fuerte anti interferencia, la identificación por radiofrecuencia (RFID) proporciona las soluciones. En este artículo estudiamos el sistema de asistencia inteligente basado en el algoritmo de distribución de frecuencia
Biotechnology in Veterinary Medicine
In various areas of medicine biotechnology is consider as already established approach, but to revolutionize veterinary
practice with the potential in veterinary medicine field it has only begun to emerge. For animal breeding and veterinary medicine
it has proposed new dimensions with the continuous growth of modern biotechnology. To discard any possible genetic disorder i t
ultimately permits to consequently and detect through genome analysis of important breeding species. It can also detect more
reliably and easily the infectious diseases. With improved productivity and health it opens the possibility to generate animals with
the production of transgenic livestock and it introduced a less time taking program of breeding
Una investigación empírica de los efectos moderadores y las consecuencias de rendimiento en el control de casos de negocio de la cartera de proyectos
Professionals place solid accentuation on business cases with the desire that utilizing business cases to advise, and drive venture choices will help with making an incentive from those speculations. The main objective of project portfolio management is increasing the value generated by project investments, to the assessment of the worth made in each undertaking the business case gives the fundamental method of reasoning. There is little direction for portfolio supervisors on when and how to control the business cases, although investigation with respect to the utilization of business cases at a task portfolio level is rare. Los profesionales colocan una sólida acentuación en los casos de negocios con el deseo de que el uso de casos de negocios para asesorar e impulsar las elecciones de riesgo ayudará a incentivar esas especulaciones. El objetivo principal de la gestión de la cartera de proyectos es aumentar el valor generado por las inversiones del proyecto, a la evaluación del valor realizado en cada empresa, el caso de negocio proporciona el método fundamental de razonamiento. Los supervisores de cartera tienen una pequeña orientación sobre cuándo y cómo controlar los casos de negocios, aunque es raro investigar con respecto a la utilización de casos de negocios a nivel de cartera de tareas
Diseño e implementación de un proceso de criticidad basada en el riesgo para la gestión de activos de utilidades de red
The prioritization of critical assets and foundations of the criticality of infrastructures is required for basic framework security. Nevertheless, criticality examination isn’t yet institutionalized. This paper studied the connection between criticality and risk. A basic risk assessment management model is proposed and looks at criticality analysis. For network utility asset management, a process of risk-based critically is designed and implemented. The result of performance is shown through the performance curve.La priorización de los activos críticos y los fundamentos de la criticidad de las infraestructuras es necesaria para la seguridad del marco básico. Sin embargo, el examen de la criticidad aún no está institucionalizado. En este documento se estudia la conexión entre la criticidad y el riesgo. Se propone un modelo básico de gestión de la evaluación de riesgos y se examina el análisis de la criticidad. Para la gestión de los activos de las empresas de servicios públicos de red, se diseña y aplica un proceso de criticidad basado en el riesgo. El resultado del rendimiento se muestra a través de la curva de rendimiento
Patient-oriented approach in public health as a factor in the formation of a model of healthy behaviour (formation of sports lifestyle, introduction of individual physical activity)
Currently, the introduction of the patient-oriented approach in healthcare is relevant in the framework of improving the quality and accessibility of medical care. The aim of the research was to study the conditions and principles of the formation of a patient-oriented model of a medical organization. The study used research materials in the field of patient-oriented treatment in healthcare. The main research method was content analysis. The patient-centred approach is based on eight principles: respect for consumer values; integrity of the medical diagnostic process; patient awareness; creation of comfortable conditions; providing emotional support; ensuring the continuity of the treatment process; ensuring access to medical care. The introduction of the patient-oriented approach may be hindered by a number of factors: an inflexible system of remuneration and linking the number of patients served to the level of remuneration. In addition, the key basic principle of the patient-oriented approach is to increase patient compliance and patient loyalty. Thus, when forming patient-oriented management in a medical organization, it is necessary to be guided in decision-making primarily by the interests of the patient. The introduction of the patient-oriented approach leads to increased commitment and loyalty of future patients. The development of a patient-oriented approach is also an important factor in strengthening public health (the formation of a sports lifestyle, the introduction of individual physical activity)
Developing region to reduce economic gap and to support large environment activities
The Long Term Development Plan (RPJP) 2005-2025 emphasizes the establishment of a strong environment structure based on competitive advantage in various regions supported by quality and competitive human resources. To create high competitiveness in various regions, regional development approaches and strategies are not only about environment improvement, however, the equitable development in all regions and communities must be watched over. In 2020-2024, regional development is carried out through two main strategies, namely the growth strategy and the equalization strategy as reflected in the growth corridor approach and the islandbased equal distribution corridor. The growth strategy is the transformation and acceleration of island and island development. The development focus is the important corridors on each island and archipelago that can drive significant growth in the next five years.
The identification of growth corridors on each island and archipelago is carried out by considering the potential of its main economic bases outside Java. The environment bases that have been identified are natural resource processing centers, strategic tourism areas, service centers including metropolitan areas and new metropolitan supporting cities. In this main environment base, it is necessary to strengthen the facilities and infrastructure supply to support large environment activities, including transportation, electricity, communication tool, and infrastructure
Developing region to reduce economic gap and to support large environment activities
The Long Term Development Plan (RPJP) 2005-2025 emphasizes the establishment of a strong environment structure based on competitive advantage in various regions supported by quality and competitive human resources. To create high competitiveness in various regions, regional development approaches and strategies are not only about environment improvement, however, the equitable development in all regions and communities must be watched over. In 2020-2024, regional development is carried out through two main strategies, namely the growth strategy and the equalization strategy as reflected in the growth corridor approach and the islandbased equal distribution corridor. The growth strategy is the transformation and acceleration of island and island development. The development focus is the important corridors on each island and archipelago that can drive significant growth in the next five years.
The identification of growth corridors on each island and archipelago is carried out by considering the potential of its main economic bases outside Java. The environment bases that have been identified are natural resource processing centers, strategic tourism areas, service centers including metropolitan areas and new metropolitan supporting cities. In this main environment base, it is necessary to strengthen the facilities and infrastructure supply to support large environment activities, including transportation, electricity, communication tool, and infrastructure