956 research outputs found

    Health and social consequences: linkages between parish registers and patient records as a source in social medical history

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    Venereal diseases in the Sundsvall area in Sweden are studied in this article. By using linkages between between parish records and patient records it has been possible to find out what happened to a patient after the adission to a venereal ward. The linkage gives us enough information to form life and family biographies for these individuals. By investigating the life courses of 145 linked individuals it has been possible to give a closer presentation of the preliminary conclusions and problems of this research. The major problem has to do with their mobility. A life and family biography is truncated when the individual leaves the district of Sundsvall. The individuals of the study were admitted to a venereal ward in the midst of their adult life. While carefully paying attention to the linked individuals’ tendency to leave the Sundsvall area, we have studied their age distribution rates for certain events in their lives and reached a few preliminary conclusions about the sample group. Even among those who stayed in the district for quite a long while, the marriage rates were quite low . Some of these individuals had up to eight children, but the average fertility among the sample group seemed to be quite low. Because more than 60 percent of the children bom within the sample group died before the age of 15, and a very high percentage of these died before their first birthday, seems to be a convincing proof that venereal disease had an important impact on the patients’ lives. The article shows that linkages between patient records and parish registrars can help medical historians and historical demographers to understand the way in which disease and medical care affected peoples’ lives in past time

    Sweet black currant’s – Mapping of quality characteristics with focus on anthocyanins

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    Svarta vinbÀr, Ribes nigrum, Àr ett bÀr med lÄng historia i Sverige och har mÄnga kvalitativa egenskaper inte minst hur ett hÀlsoperspektiv. Dock faller inte detta bÀr alla i smaken pÄ grund av dess sura smak, dÀrför har förÀdling med fokus pÄ att fÄ fram en sötare smak utförts vid SLU. Kvalitetsegenskaper hos sju selektioner framtagna pÄ BalsgÄrd, varav fyra sortkandidater med sötare smak, analyserades i laboratorieförsök. Det som undersöktes var halten av totalsyra genom titrering, löslig torrsubstans med refraktometer (Brix-vÀrde), kvoten mellan löslig torrsubstans/ titrerbar syra och innehÄllet av antocyaniner med HPLC. Antocyaniner bidrar till svarta vinbÀrs hÀlsorelaterade egenskaper och dÀrför lades det extra fokus pÄ just dessa, bÄde under den laborativa delen och i den mindre litteraturstudien som utgör bakgrunden. Efter genomförda analyser kunde det konstateras att de utvalda sortkandidaterna hade högre kvot löslig torrsubstans/ titrerbar syra och lÀgre totalsyrainnehÄll Àn övriga selektioner, och att alla selektioner innehöll varierande mÀngd och proportioner av de fyra vanligast förekommande antocyaninerna.Blackcurrant, Ribes nigrum, is a berry with a long history in Sweden and has many qualitative properties, not least from a health perspective. However, because of its sour taste, this berry is not to everyone's liking therefore breeding with a focus on getting a sweeter taste has been done. Seven selections produced at BalsgÄrd, including four advanced selections with perceived sweet taste, were analyzed in laboratory experiments. What was examined was the content of acid by titration, sugars via BRIX, the ratio between sugar/acid and the content of anthocyanins by HPLC. Anthocyanins are one of the factors to the health-related aspects of black currants, and therefore extra focus was placed on these, particular during the experiments and in the smaller literary study that is the background. After the tests were carried out, it was revealed that the advanced selections had higher sugar/acid ratio and lower content of titratable acidity compared to the other selections, and that all selections contained varying amount and proportions of the four most commonly occurring anthocyanins

    "Will We be Tested on This?": Schoolgirls, Neoliberalism and the Comic Grotesque in Swedish Contemporary Youth Theatre

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    This article is based on an ethnographic participation study of the production of a play called All about the ADHD and A+ Children of Noisy Village (Ännu mer om alla vi ADHD- och MVG-barn i Bullerbyn) staged at one of Sweden’s most prom-inent playhouses for children’s and youth theatre: ung scen/öst. Within the familiar setting of the classroom, the play takes on the challenging task of questioning and scrutinizing the complex and tangled situation of contemporary neoliberal ideas and practices, their connections to capitalism and their impact on everyday school-life. This in front of an audience consisting mainly of individuals who were not even born at the time when the political map was radically re-drawn in Berlin in 1989, and who have grown up during a period when neoliberal governance has gained increasing influence in Swedish culture and society. The play mediates its dense, political content and its descriptions of teenagers’ everyday lives through a large portion of good old-fashioned entertainment, with music, singing and bi-zarre, laughter-provoking situations.The main research question to be answered in the article is: In what ways are the abstract contemporary economic-political manifestations of power and govern-ance expressed in this good-humored play for youth, and how can this be read from a feminist perspective? Hence, the article circles around three nodes that in-tersect in various ways: theatre, economic-political issues and feminist perspec-tives. The theoretical framework of the article is primarily based on a merger be-tween, on the one hand, feminist social science and, on the other, feminist cultural analysis

    "Will We be Tested on This?" : Schoolgirls, Neoliberalism and the Comic Grotesque in Swedish Contemporary Youth Theatre

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    This article is based on an ethnographic participation study of the production of a play called All about the ADHD and A+ Children of Noisy Village (Ă€nnu mer om alla vi ADHD- och MVG-barn i Bullerbyn) staged at one of Sweden’s most prominent playhouses for children’s and youth theatre: ung scen/öst. Within the familiar setting of the classroom, the play takes on the challenging task of questioning and scrutinizing the complex and tangled situation of contemporary neoliberal ideas and practices, their connections to capitalism and their impact on everyday school-life. This in front of an audience consisting mainly of individuals who were not even born at the time when the political map was radically re-drawn in Berlin in 1989, and who have grown up during a period when neoliberal governance has gained increasing influence in Swedish culture and society. The play mediates its dense, political content and its descriptions of teenagers’ everyday lives through a large portion of good old-fashioned entertainment, with music, singing and bizarre, laughter-provoking situations. The main research question to be answered in the article is: In what ways are the abstract contemporary economic-political manifestations of power and govern-ance expressed in this good-humored play for youth, and how can this be read from a feminist perspective? Hence, the article circles around three nodes that intersect in various ways: theatre, economic-political issues and feminist perspectives. The theoretical framework of the article is primarily based on a merger between, on the one hand, feminist social science and, on the other, feminist cultural analysis

    Prehospital CPR training performed with visual feedback

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    INTRODUCTION: Swedish firefighters are a part of the emergency medical services. Therefore, they perform prehospital cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) on a regular basis. Training becomes crucial for maintaining the CPR skills and increasing the patients’ chances of survival. Training with visual feedback is for Swedish firefighters a new way of training CPR. The aim of this study was to evaluate firefighters’ perception of a CPR manikin with visual feedback. METHOD: This study had a qualitative approach. Data were collected by interviews with 16 firefighters after performing CPR on a manikin with visual feedback. The data were analyzed with a manifest content analysis. RESULTS: Visual feedback makes it easy to identify and maintain correct compression rate. There is a need for identifying too deep compressions. Uncertainty regarding the closeness to the stomach arises when using the whole hand during compressions instead of just the wrist. To accomplish an open airway requires a bit of adjustment of the manikins’ head. DISCUSSION: To train and learn CPR is feasible with visual feedback. The firefighters can maintaing a correct compression rate and correct compression depth during the sessions. Ventilating a patient with bag-valvemask or pocket mask may require training with visual feedback to guarantee the firefighters being able to secure an open airway of the patient. All these skills are essential and improve the chance of survival for the patients


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    VÄrt huvudsyfte har varit att utvÀrdera huruvida nÄgra för gymnasieungdomar tidigare kÀnda begrepp i Àmnet matematik kvalitetsmÀssigt förÀndras i olika lÀrandesituationer över tid. I styrdokumenten för gymnasieskolan definieras begreppet kunskap med hjÀlp av de fyra f:en: Fakta, kunskap som information; FörstÄelse, att begripa kunskap; FÀrdighet, kunskapens praktiska sida; Förtrogenhet, kunskap som bedömning. Vi har anvÀnt oss huvudsakligen av kvalitativ metod och teknik eftersom vi ville se vilka uppfattningar som avser begreppet ekvation som eleverna hade med sig frÄn tidigare utbildning och hur dessa uppfattningar förÀndrades över tid. Den kvalitativa metoden Àr lÀmplig just för detta ÀndamÄl nÀr vi i förvÀg inte vet vilka svar eleverna kommer att delge oss. Vi har anvÀnt oss av tre olika metoder för att fÄ svar pÄ vÄra frÄgestÀllningar nÀmligen enkÀt, intervju och utvÀrdering. Under hösten 2003 genomförde vi tvÄ olika undervisningsserier i tvÄ parallella klasser pÄ gymnasiet. Med den ena gruppen har vi bedrivit utomhuspedagogik och den andra har undervisats pÄ traditionellt sÀtt. Grupperna har mött samma problemtyper men arbetat med dem pÄ tvÄ helt olika sÀtt. Det slutliga resultatet visar att majoriteten av eleverna i utegruppen ser tillÀmpningsmöjligheter utanför skolans vÀrld med ekvationer emedan elever i innegruppen inte gör det utan ser ekvationer som nÄgot relaterat till skolmatematiken. VÄr tolkning Àr att utegruppen nÄtt en högre förtrogenhet med begreppet vi undersökt. VÄr slutsats Àr att utomhuspedagogik kan vara en framkomlig vÀg att lÀra matematik

    The Grain of her Voice: Nina Simone, Josette Bushell-Mingo and the Intersections between Art, Politics and Race.

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    This article consists of four parts: a prologue followed by three reflections on Josette Bushell-Mingo’s solo performance, Nina—A Story about me and Nina Simone. These four parts are authored by Anna Lundberg, Anna Adeniji, Monica L. Miller and Barby Asante, respectively (and in that order). Each part is composed of three intertwined layers of text: excerpts from the script of Nina—A Story about me and Nina Simone, written by Bushell-Mingo; excerpts from a transcribed conversation between the five contributors to this article; and individual reflections, written after the conversation took place. Anna Lundber

    Life-history evolution in harvested populations: the role of natural predation

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    Models and experiments of the evolution of age- and/or size-at-maturation in response to population harvesting have consistently shown that selective harvesting of older and larger individuals can cause earlier maturation. These predictions, however, are all based on single-species considerations and thus crucially neglect the selective forces caused or mediated by species interactions. Here we develop simple models of phenotypic evolution of age-at-first-reproduction in a prey population subject to different types of predation and harvesting. We show that, in the presence of natural predation, the potential evolutionary response of age-at-first-reproduction to population harvesting is ambiguous: harvesting can cause either earlier or later maturation depending on the type of predator interaction and its strength relative to the fishing pressure. The counterintuitive consequences of harvesting result from the indirect effects that harvesting of a prey population has on the selection pressure exerted by its natural predator, since this selection pressure itself typically depends on prey density. If harvest rates are high, the direct selection pressures considered in classical analyses prevail and harvesting decreases the age-at-first-reproduction, whereas at lower harvest rates the indirect, inter-specifically mediated effects of harvesting can qualitatively overturn predictions based on simpler single-species models

    Med flicktionen som vÀgvisare. Teatrala skolflickor i en postfeministisk era

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    I den hĂ€r artikeln undersöks mötet mellan scenkonst för unga, politiska aspekter av samtida svensk skola och feministiska teoretiska perspektiv. Mer precist undersöks vilka möjliga subjektspositioner som erbjuds unga flickor inom ramen för ett analyserat teaterstycke. Texten fokuserar fyra flickfigurer i pjĂ€sen Ännu mer om alla vi ADHD- och MVG-barn i Bullerbyn, som sattes upp 2011 pĂ„ ung scen/öst, en av Sveriges mest progressiva teatrar som riktar sig till barn och ungdomar. Sverige har sedan 1970- talet en rik tradition vad gĂ€ller samhĂ€llsengagerad och konstnĂ€rligt avancerad scenkonstproduktion. PjĂ€sen behandlar de frĂ„gor som svensk skola brottats med under det senaste Ă„rtiondet: vilken kunskap rĂ€knas som viktig, och hur formar det de grupper och individer som ingĂ„r i det svenska skolsystemet? I linje med det vetenskapliga fĂ€ltet feministisk kulturanalys utgör artikeln ett möte mellan pjĂ€stext/uppsĂ€ttning och de teoretiska perspektiv artikelförfattaren valt att utgĂ„ ifrĂ„n. Texten Ă€r pĂ„ sĂ„ sĂ€tt en teoretiskt informerad lĂ€sning av den politiska situation flickorna i pjĂ€sen bebor. Centralt i sammanhanget Ă€r begreppet postfeminism. Genom kreativt akademiskt skrivande och med hjĂ€lp av begreppet postfeminism visar texten pĂ„ det handlingsutrymme och de begrĂ€nsningar som de fyra flickornas fiktiva subjektpositioner innebĂ€r

    Herd-level prevalence of Mycoplasma bovis in Swedish dairy herds determined by antibody ELISA and PCR on bulk tank milk and herd characteristics associated with seropositivity

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    Mycoplasma bovis is an important pathogen causing pneumonia, mastitis, and arthritis in cattle, leading to reduced animal welfare and economic losses worldwide. In this cross-sectional study, we investigated the prevalence of M. bovis in bulk tank milk (BTM) and herd characteristics associated with a positive antibody test result in Swedish dairy herds. Bulk tank milk samples from all Swedish dairy herds (n = 3,144) were collected and analyzed with ID Screen antibody ELISA and PCR. Information on herd characteristics was collected from the national Dairy Herd Improvement database. To identify herd characteristics associated with the presence of antibodies in BTM, logistic regression was used in 4 different models. The apparent herd-level prevalence of M. bovis infection based on antibodies in BTM was 4.8%, with large regional differences ranging from 0 to 20%. None of the BTM samples was positive by PCR. All the antibody-positive herds were situated in the south of Sweden. The logistic regression model showed that larger herds had higher odds of detectable antibodies in BTM (herd size >120 cows, odds ratio = 8.8). An association was also found between antibodies in BTM and both a higher late calf mortality (2–6 mo) and a higher young stock mortality (6–15 mo). This study showed a clear regional difference in the apparent prevalence of M. bovis infection based on antibodies. The relatively low prevalence of M. bovis in Sweden is a strong motivator for the cattle industry to take steps to prevent further spread of the infection. It is essential that the M. bovis status of free herds be known, and the regional differences shown in this study suggest that testing is highly recommended when live cattle from high-prevalence areas are being introduced into herds. We do not recommend using PCR on BTM to detect infected herds, owing to the low detection frequency in this study
