506 research outputs found


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    Biodiesel is a fuel derived from the oils and fats of plants and animals. Some vegetable oils after extraction and seed storing may have high acidity due to the conversion of triglycerides into free faty acids. Transesterification of high acidic oils with basic catalyst will form a large amount of soap as residue. The objective of this work is to study hydrolysis of tallow fats estherification free fatty acids followed by estherification of free fatty acids with ethanol using homogeneous catalyst. Tallow fat was hydrolyzed by enzyme lipase extracted from Ricinius Communs seeds. Estherification was done in a pressurizes reactor, at temperatures from 70°C to 130°C, ethanol/oil ratio from 2:1 to 4:1, amount of sulfuric acid catalyst from 0.2 to 0.8%, during 60 minutes of reaction. A factorial experimental design was carried out with three variables, two levels and replicas at central point. Results show that hydrolysis with enzymes during 24 hours at 40 oC was very effective to convert triglycerides into free fatty acids (FFA). In the estherification reaction, the yield of esther increased with the increasing of temperature, ethanol/oil ratio and catalyst concentration. Best results was obtained at 130 oC and 0.8% of catalyst in either concentration of ethanol, 2:1 or 4:1. The mains effects on the FFA conversion was temperature, acid concentrations and cross effects temperate and acid concentration. Keywords: biodiesel, estherification, tallow, free fatty acid

    Dispositivo implantável de EUDRAGIR/PCL-T/ Diclofenaco de sódio: caracterização mecânica, liberação do fármaco e atividade anti-inflamatóriain vivo

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    Study design: Experimental study. Objective: The aim of this study was the characterization and evaluation of the anti-inflammatory activity of an implantable polymer system containing sodium diclofenacin carrageenan-induced acute inflammation in a rat kneemodel. Methodology: An implantable device made of Eudragit RS 100 and PCL-T containing 3.0 mg of sodium diclofenac was produced by casting. The device showed similar mechanical properties to elastomeric polymer products. The mechanism of sodium diclofenac release from the Eudragit and PLC-T matrix showed two stages: first, a rapid release and then a slow release with a zero-order kinetic behavior. The devices were implanted in the articular joint of the posterior area of the arthritis-induced knees of rats. Results: Within 6 hours and on day 7 after arthritis induction, the knee edema was evaluated, and the inflammatory mediators, myeloperoxidase (MPO) and nitric oxide were analyzed. The results were compared with oral administration of 30 mg/kg of sodium diclofenac. Conclusion: The proposed implantable device was able to produce similar anti-inflammatory results in carrageenan-induced arthritis compared with oral treatment, but at lower dosesModelo do estudo: experimental. Objetivo do estudo: produzir, descrever e avaliar a atividade antiinflamatória de um sistema polimérico implantável contendo diclofenaco de sódio na inflamação aguda induzida por carragenina em um modelo de artrite emjoelho de ratos. Metodologia: Um dispositivo implantável de Eudragit RS 100 e PCL-T (EUDPCL-T) contendo 3.0 mg de diclofenaco de sódio foi produzido. Os dispositivos foram implantados na região peri-articular posterior dos joelhos de ratos induzidos a artrite. Resultados: Após 6 horas e no dia 7 após a indução de artrite, o edema do joelho foi avaliado, e os mediadores inflamatórios, mieloperoxidase (MPO) e óxido nítrico foram analisados. Os resultados foram comparados com a administração oral de 30 mg / kg de diclofenaco de sódio. Conclusões: O dispositivo implantável foi capaz de produzir os mesmos resultados anti-inflamatórios na artrite induzida por carragenina quando comparadoscom o tratamento por via oral, entretanto com doses mais baixa

    Influence of land use changes on water chemistry in streams in the State of São Paulo, southeast Brazil

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    Streamwater is affected by several processes in the watershed including anthropogenic activities that result in changes in water quality as well as in the functioning of these stream ecosystems. Therefore, this work aims to evaluate the concentration of major ions (Ca2+, Mg2+, Na+, K+, NH4+, NO3-, NO2-, Cl-, SO4(2-), PO4(3-), HCO3-) in streams in the state of São Paulo (southeast Brazil). The sampling sites are located at undisturbed (ombrophilus dense forest, semideciduous forest and savanna - cerrado) and disturbed areas (pasture, urbanization and sugar cane crops). Streamwater chemistry varied according to land use change and, in general, was higher in disturbed sites. Streams located in undisturbed sites at Ribeira de Iguape/Alto Paranapanema watershed (streams 1, 2 and 3) seem to be regulated by soil characteristics, as the disturbed streams located at the same watershed covered by pasture (stream 7) showed high concentration for the most of the variables. Exception to streams located at Pontal do Paranapanema watershed where both disturbed (stream 8) and undisturbed streams (stream 4 and 5) presented similar patterns for almost all variables measured

    Metodologia de análise de um sistema de produção FV para empresa industrial

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    Na última década, o desenvolvimento de sistemas fotovoltaicos (FV) tem contribuído para a evolução da produção de eletricidade utilizando fontes de energia renovável. Os sistemas FV aproveitam a energia que é fornecida pelo sol sob a forma de radiação solar que incide sobre o planeta terra, para a produção de eletricidade. O sol é uma fonte de energia renovável praticamente inesgotável que permite produzir eletricidade livre de poluição (sem emissões de CO2), quando comparado com fontes de energia fóssil. Neste contexto de política energética, vigora atualmente em Portugal o Decreto-Lei n.º 153/2014 que prevê a produção de eletricidade para autoconsumo e a venda à rede elétrica de serviço público (RESP) com recurso a fontes de energia renovável. Pretendese induzir comportamentos de eficiência energética e contribuir para a otimização dos recursos endógenos. A presente dissertação enquadra-se no atual contexto de produção de eletricidade com recurso a fontes de energia renovável para autoconsumo, possuindo como objetivo principal o estudo da viabilidade da instalação de uma fonte FV, para alimentação de dois sistemas de produção de frio numa unidade industrial real, sedeada na região de Viseu. No estudo realizado, analisou-se o perfil solar concreto da zona e o perfil de carga. O primeiro, tendo em conta diversos cenários, como por exemplo, períodos em que a radiação solar é insuficiente para as necessidades energéticas. A abordagem tecnológica baseou-se numa revisão de literatura associada ao tema e à pesquisa sobre as alternativas existentes comercialmente. A estrutura tecnológica proposta engloba aspetos como: a análise da potência a instalar (área); a localização dos módulos FV (problemas de sombreamento) e a seleção dos equipamentos (tipo de tecnologia dos módulos FV, proteções, cabos e inversores). Também a análise de possibilidades de exploração como a venda da energia excedente em períodos que as necessidades energéticas estão satisfeitas, a adaptação da solução ao programa POSEUR (Programa Operacional Sustentabilidade e Eficiência no Uso de Recursos) e a análise económica, são abordadas. Tendo em conta que o trabalho desenvolvido poderá ter interesse por parte das empresas que pretendam instalar um sistema FV, foi elaborada uma ferramenta de apoio que poderá ajudar as empresas a encontrar uma solução mais apropriada para a sua instalação. Tendo as empresas acesso a uma ferramenta deste tipo, dá-se a conhecer a forma como os cálculos do tempo de recuperação do investimento devem ser feitos, nomeadamente tendo em conta que a radiação solar não é constante ao longo do tempo. Deste modo, evitam-se erros de cálculos do tempo de recuperação do investimento que entram com a energia máxima expectável.Abstract: In the last decade the development of photovoltaic systems (PV) has contributed for the evolution of production of electricity using renewable energy sources. PV systems harness the energy provided by the sun (solar radiation) for electricity production. Moreover, the sun is a source of renewable energy practically inexhaustible and free from CO2 emissions when compared to traditional fossil energy sources. In the context of energy policy, Portugal currently uses legislation n.º153/2014 that sustains the self-consumption production of electricity as well as the sale of electricity surplus to the grid (“Rede Elétrica de Serviço Público” RESP) that it is generated from renewable energy sources. It is intended to induce behaviors of energy efficiency and to contribute to optimize endogenous resources. The present dissertation falls in the actual context of electricity production based on renewable sources for self-consumption. Its main goal lies in a feasibility study for the installation of a PV source in an industrial enterprise in the region of Viseu (Portugal), to supply two cooling units. In the present study both the specific solar profile as well as the load profile has been analyzed. The former, considering different scenarios such as periods where solar radiation is insufficient to attain load needs. The technological approach is based on literature review, restrained to commercial alternatives. The proposed structure includes aspects as: analysis of the power to install (PV area); location of modules (shading problems) and selection of equipment (type of module technology, protections, cables and inverters). Analysis of operating potentialities, as the sale of surplus energy in periods where power needs are already satisfied, the adaptation of this solution to the POSEUR (“Programa Operacional Sustentabilidade e Eficiência no Uso de Recursos”) program and economic analysis are also addressed in this study. Enterprises can have interest in this study to install PV systems. A support tool was developed in order to help them to find a more appropriate solution for this type of installations. This tool, among others capabilities, gives an insight about the investment recovery time computation which is a major source of erroneous investment analysis, particularly when taking into consideration that solar radiation is nor constant nor maximal over the time (something that exerts an incorrect but irresistible attraction)

    A World of Cobenefits: Solving the Global Nitrogen Challenge

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    Nitrogen is a critical component of the economy, food security, and planetary health. Many of the world\u27s sustainability targets hinge on global nitrogen solutions, which, in turn, contribute lasting benefits for (i) world hunger; (ii) soil, air, and water quality; (iii) climate change mitigation; and (iv) biodiversity conservation. Balancing the projected rise in agricultural nitrogen demands while achieving these 21st century ideals will require policies to coordinate solutions among technologies, consumer choice, and socioeconomic transformation

    Contributions of C 3 and C 4 plants to higher trophic levels in an Amazonian savanna

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    Abstract We studied the energy¯ow from C 3 and C 4 plants to higher trophic levels in a central Amazonian savanna by comparing the carbon stable-isotope ratios of potential food plants to the isotope ratios of species of dierent consumer groups. All C 4 plants encountered in our study area were grasses and all C 3 plants were bushes, shrubs or vines. Dierences in d 13 C ratios among bushes (" x = A30.8, SD = 1.2), vines (" x = A30.7, SD = 0.46) and trees (" x = A29.7, SD = 1.5) were small. However the mean d 13 C ratio of dicotyledonous plants (" x = A30.4, SD = 1.3) was much more negative than that of the most common grasses (" x = A13.4, SD = 0.27). The insect primary consumers had d 13 C ratios which ranged from a mean of A29.5 (SD = 0.47) for the grasshopper Tropidacris collaris to a mean of A14.7 (SD = 0.56) for a termite (Nasutitermes sp.), a range similar to that of the vegetation

    Balanço de massa do nitrogênio na Amazônia Brasileira: uma atualização

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    The main purpose of this study is to perform a nitrogen budget survey for the entire Brazilian Amazon region. The main inputs of nitrogen to the region are biological nitrogen fixation occurring in tropical forests (7.7 Tg. yr(-1)), and biological nitrogen fixation in agricultural lands mainly due to the cultivation of a large area with soybean, which is an important nitrogen-fixing crop (1.68 Tg. yr(-1)). The input due to the use of N fertilizers (0.48 Tg. yr(-1)) is still incipient compared to the other two inputs mentioned above. The major output flux is the riverine flux, equal to 2.80 Tg. yr(-1) and export related to foodstuff, mainly the transport of soybean and beef to other parts of the country. The continuous population growth and high rate of urbanization may pose new threats to the nitrogen cycle of the region through the burning of fossil fuel and dumping of raw domestic sewage in rivers and streams of the region.O principal objetivo deste estudo é realizar um balanço do nitrogênio em toda a Região Amazônica Brasileira. As principais entradas de nitrogênio na região foram a fixação biológica do nitrogênio que ocorre nas florestas tropicais (7,7 Tg.ano–1) e a fixação biológica do nitrogênio em terras agrícolas, que ocorre principalmente devido à existência de grandes áreas de cultivo de soja, uma importante cultura de fixação de nitrogênio (1,68 Tg.ano–1). A entrada em razão do uso de fertilizantes nitrogenados (0,48 Tg.ano–1) ainda é incipiente em comparação com aquelas duas outras \ud entradas mencionadas. Os maiores fluxos de saída foram o fluxo fluvial, que foi igual a 2,80 Tg.ano–1, e a exportação relacionada aos gêneros alimentícios, principalmente a transferência de soja e carne para outras regiões do País. O contínuo crescimento populacional e as elevadas taxas de urbanização podem representar novas ameaças sobre o ciclo do nitrogênio da região por meio da queima de combustíveis fósseis e do despejo de esgoto doméstico nos rios e córregos da região