73 research outputs found

    Microporous Polymer Networks for Carbon Capture Applications

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    Producción CientíficaA new generation of porous polymer networks has been obtained in quantitative yield by reacting two rigid trifunctional aromatic monomers (1,3,5-triphenylbenzene and triptycene) with two ketones having electron-withdrawing groups (trifluoroacetophenone and isatin) in superacidic media. The resulting amorphous networks are microporous materials, with moderate Brunauer–Emmett–Teller surface areas (from 580 to 790 m2 g–1), and have high thermal stability. In particular, isatin yields networks with a very high narrow microporosity contribution, 82% for triptycene and 64% for 1,3,5-triphenylbenzene. The existence of favorable interactions between lactams and CO2 molecules has been stated. The materials show excellent CO2 uptakes (up to 207 mg g–1 at 0 °C/1 bar) and can be regenerated by vacuum, without heating. Under postcombustion conditions, their CO2/N2 selectivities are comparable to those of other organic porous networks. Because of the easily scalable synthetic method and their favorable characteristics, these materials are very promising as industrial adsorbents.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (grants MAT2013-45071-R / MAT2016-76413-C2-R1 / MAT2016-76413-C2-R2 / MAT2015-69844-R / CTQ2016-80913-P / CTQ2014-52796-P)Junta de Castilla y León (projects VA248U13 / VA051P17

    Signal integration and transcriptional regulation of the inflammatory response mediated by the GM-/MCSF signaling axis in human monocytes

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    In recent years, the macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) and granulocyte-macrophage CSF (GM-CSF) cytokines have been identified as opposing regulators of the inflammatory program. However, the two cytokines are simultaneously present in the inflammatory milieu, and it is not clear how cells integrate these signals. In order to understand the regulatory networks associated with the GM/M-CSF signaling axis, we analyzed DNA methylation in human monocytes. Our results indicate that GM-CSF induces activation of the inflammatory program and extensive DNA methylation changes, while M-CSF-polarized cells are in a less differentiated state. This inflammatory program is mediated via JAK2 associated with the GM-CSF receptor and the downstream extracellular signal-regulated (ERK) signaling. However, PI3K signaling is associated with a negative regulatory loop of the inflammatory program and M-CSF autocrine signaling in GM-CSF-polarized monocytes. Our findings describe the regulatory networks associated with the GM/M-CSF signaling axis and how they contribute to the establishment of the inflammatory program associated with monocyte activation.This work was supported by grants from the Plan Nacional de I+D+I 2013– 2016 ISCIII (Institute of Health Carlos III; PI16/01318, PI17/01244, PI17/ 0119, PI16/1900, and PI19/00184); the Gobierno del Principado de Asturias; the PCTI-Plan de Ciencia, Tecnologı´a e Innovacio´ n 2013-2017 (grant IDI/ 2018/144); FEDER ‘‘Funding Program of the European Union’’; the Red Española de Investigación Renal (REDinREN) (RD16/0009/0020, RD016/0009/002, and RD016/0009/001); the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) (ayuda Juan de la Cierva-Incorporaciόn; IJCI-2017-33347 to R.M.R.); and the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Contratos Sara Borrell; CD16/00033 to C.H.). CIC bioGUNE support was provided by the Basque Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade (Etortek and Elkartek programs), the Innovation Technology Department of Bizkaia County, the CIBERehd Network, and Spanish MINECO, the Severo Ochoa Excellence Accreditation (SEV-2016-0644

    An international laboratory comparison of dissolved organic matter composition by high resolution mass spectrometry: Are we getting the same answer?

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    High-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) has become a vital tool for dissolved organic matter (DOM) characterization. The upward trend in HRMS analysis of DOM presents challenges in data comparison and interpretation among laboratories operating instruments with differing performance and user operating conditions. It is therefore essential that the community establishes metric ranges and compositional trends for data comparison with reference samples so that data can be robustly compared among research groups. To this end, four identically prepared DOM samples were each measured by 16 laboratories, using 17 commercially purchased instruments, using positive-ion and negative-ion mode electrospray ionization (ESI) HRMS analyses. The instruments identified ~1000 common ions in both negative- and positive-ion modes over a wide range of m/z values and chemical space, as determined by van Krevelen diagrams. Calculated metrics of abundance-weighted average indices (H/C, O/C, aromaticity, and m/z) of the commonly detected ions showed that hydrogen saturation and aromaticity were consistent for each reference sample across the instruments, while average mass and oxygenation were more affected by differences in instrument type and settings. In this paper we present 32 metric values for future benchmarking. The metric values were obtained for the four different parameters from four samples in two ionization modes and can be used in future work to evaluate the performance of HRMS instruments

    Deep drilling at the Chalco lake:A technical report

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    En este artículo se presenta un resumen de las actividades realizadas para la recuperación de la totalidad de la secuencia lacustre del lago de Chalco. Mediante estudios geofísicos se determinó la distribución y espesor de los sedimentos lacustres con base en lo cual se seleccionó el sitio de perforación. Con datos de los espectros H/V de sísmica pasiva se hizo un mapa de isofrecuencias que definieron una región con sedimentos lacustres y material volcánico granulado de hasta 300 m de espesor. El uso de métodos electromagnéticos mostró cambios en la resistividad eléctrica relacionados con variaciones en la composición de la columna sedimentaria; entre 100 – 120 m de profundidad hay un primer aumento en la resistividad asociado al incremento de materiales volcaniclásticos, y entre 330 – 400 m de profundidad un segundo aumento asociado a la presencia de coladas de basalto. Fueron perforados tres pozos con recuperación continua, llegando a profundidades de 420 m en el pozo A, 310 m en el B y 520 en el C. Durante el trabajo de perforación se tomaron muestras para el análisis geomicrobiológicos y de metagenómica. Durante el proceso de perforación se recuperó un total de 1152 m de sedimentos con una profundidad máxima de 520 m. El porcentaje de recuperación de la columna sedimentaria varió entre 88 a 92 % en los tres sondeos. Los resultados del análisis de susceptibilidad magnética en las tres secuencias indica que los primeros 260 m son sedimentos lacustres, entre 260 y 300 m los sedimentos son más gruesos y debajo de los 300 m son predominantemente volcaniclásticos. El análisis de la secuencia sedimentaria del lago de Chalco de los últimos ~300000 años, permitirá documentar y ampliar el conocimiento acerca de la variabilidad climática de la zona, la historia paleoambiental, la historia del cierre de la cuenca, el desarrollo del sistema lacustre y la recurrencia de la actividad volcánica en la cuenca. Además, el estudio de las propiedades físicas de esta secuencia sedimentaria es importante para la modelación de la propagación de ondas sísmicas y de la estructura de la cuenca, así como para mejorar la capacidad de modelación del proceso de subsidencia del terreno que experimenta esta región. This paper presents a short description of the coring operations undertaken to recover the full lacustrine sedimentary sequence from Chalco. Geophysical techniques were used to determine the distribution and thickness of the sediments in order to select the drilling site. Resonance frequencies determined from H/V spectral ratios were used to determine an area where lake sediments reached 300 m thickness. Electromagnetic survey showed two changes in electric resistivity which were related to changes in sediment composition, the first from 100 to 120 m, related to an increase in volcanoclastic sediments and the second from 330 to 400 m related to the presence of a basaltic flows. Three wells were drilled with continuous recovery, reaching depths of 420 m in well A, 310 in B and 520 in C. Samples for geomicrobiological and metagenomics studies were collected during drilling operations. A total of 1152 m of core sediments were recovered reaching a maximum depth of 520 m. Recovery percentages were between 88 and 92 % in the three wells. Magnetic susceptibility analyses in the three sequences show that the first 260 m are mostly lake sediments, between 260 and 300 m sediments are coarser and below 300 m they are mostly volcaniclastic. Analysis of the sedimentary sequence of Lake Chalco that covers the last ~300000 years will allow documenting and extending the knowledge of climate variability in area, the paleoenvironmental history, basin closure history, lacustrian system development and volcanic activity recurrence. Studies of the physical properties of this sequence will be important for seismic propagation and basin structure modeling, and also will improve modeling of the subsidence process that this region experiences