4,141 research outputs found

    Neutral-current Drell-Yan measurements at the ATLAS experiment and their phenomenological interpretation

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    The neutral-current Drell-Yan production is a process for which precise predictions are currently available, offering a benchmark upon which these state-of-the-art predictions can be tested, both as a way to improve our understanding of Standard Model physics and explore theories that expand on the foundations it establishes. This thesis provides an overview of two analyses focusing on the Drell-Yan production using LHC Run 2 pp collision data collected by the ATLAS experiment during the years 2015 to 2018 at √s=13 TeV. First, a measurement of the single- and double-differential production cross-section in an invariant mass region of 116 to 5000 GeV is presented, using Z/γ* decays into lepton pairs in the electron and muon channels. The measurement is performed as a function of invariant mass, absolute rapidity of the lepton pair and their angle separation in the Z-boson rest frame. The results obtained are used to perform for the first time tests on lepton flavour universality (LFU) as well as set limits on Effective Field Theory (EFT) coefficients that modify the Drell-Yan production cross-section. Second, a novel search for Lorentz-invariance violating (LIV) signatures using Z-decays into electron and muon pairs is presented. Using the methodology for a luminosity measurement based on the counting of Z-bosons detected, the time-dependence of the Drell-Yan production can be monitored. While the Standard Model predicts no time-dependence on this process, deviations from this behaviour can be interpreted as the effects of LIV-inducing operators in the Standard Model Extension EFT. The results presented in this thesis include an overview of the Z-counting measurement methodology transfer to a flexible analysis framework, as well as the development of new time-dependent simulation tools to estimate expected sensitivities

    Analysis of factors that provoke lack of motivacion in english class in ast year students of madre teresa de calcuta school, in Jinoptepe during the second semestre 2010

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    There are different problems in Nicaragua in the field of education. Some of them affect the quality and development of many programs. Sometimes it is impossible to regulate or to know what are the principal reasons or causes that are involved in this problem. This research is related to the lack of motivation that students have when they are learning other language as second language. The topic is vital because there is no motivation in students when they begin to study other language different from their native language. This research is very important because it is intended to find out the factors that provoke lack of motivation in Madre Teresa de Calcuta School and give some suggestions to contribute to solve this problem. This research contains general and specific objectives which will help to develop this investigation. This investigation was classified as Qualitative Research because exist different aspect as some instruments that were applied many times to discover different point of view, such as: Open instruments, free participation, in-depth interview and other. Teacher, students and parents expressed their thinking and feeling about this topic. The instruments that were applied were in-depth interview, focal group and class observation that were made according with my System of Descriptor. In this research it was used a sample that were involved with this kind of problems. There are some problems that affected the students by lack of motivation that exists in that school. The motivation is like a key in the learning process because if the student does not feel motivated his learning is not going to be successful and significant; also to improve the motivation in to the classroom

    Strange matter in the universe

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    The strange quark matter hypothesis is one of the most exciting speculations of the XX Century Physics. If this hypothesis is correct, the ground state of the matter would be the strange matter, which could form the core of compact objects like neutron stars or even more exotic objects like quarks stars. Due to the high-density and low-temperature regime in these stars, the interaction between quarks through gluon exchange could favor the appearance of a color superconducting state, significantl modifying the equation of state of the system. In this paper we present a general overview of this Subject, taking also into account the effect of strong magnetic field in the quark stars

    Satisfacción marital y estado civil como factores protectores de la depresión y ansiedad

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    Esta investigación trata de determinar si el estado civil, el género y la satisfacción marital inciden como factores protectores en la depresión y la ansiedad en una muestra mexicana de 300 personas. Los resultados mostraron que los participantes separados presentaban mayores niveles de ansiedad y depresión que los casados. A su vez, la satisfacción marital fue un factor protector de los niveles de depresión en ambos géneros, obteniendo un mayor valor predictivo en las mujeres. También se evidenció que las mujeres con baja satisfacción marital presentaron mayores niveles de ansiedad que las mujeres con alta satisfacción marital. Estos resultados tienen implicaciones clínicas para paliar las posibles consecuencias tras una ruptura de pareja como son los trastornos ansioso o depresivo

    Magnetic Field and Temperature Effects on Strangelets

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    The main properties of magnetized strangelets, namely, their energy per baryon, radius and electric charge, are studied in the unpaired strange quark matter phase. Temperature effects are taken into account in order to study their stability compared to the (56)Fe isotope and non-magnetized strangelets within the framework of the MIT bag model. It is concluded that the presence of a magnetic field tends to stabilize more the strangelets, even when temperature is considered. We find that the electric charge is modified in the presence of the magnetic field, leading to higher charge values for magnetized strangelets, when compared to the non-magnetized case

    Experience in a public hospital with the use of cortical bone grafts of olecranon for the treatment of bone gaps in the hand

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    Background: Bone grafting has been a popular approach for the reconstruction of hand bone abnormalities caused by trauma or tumor removal. Cortical bone grafts have mostly osteoinductive capabilities. Olecranon grafts are reported to be safe because of their low donor morbidity and appropriate quick mechanical stability.Methods: This was a longitudinal descriptive study where 23 patients with hand fractures who were reconstructed with olecranon bone graft were evaluated. We included patients who were admitted to surgery at the “General Dr. Rubén Lenero” Hospital between January 2019 and November 2021. After surgery, a control radiograph of the graft insertion location and the donor area was taken postoperatively.Results: A post-surgery control elbow X-ray did not show any fracture data in all patients. The olecranon graft widths of the 23 patients ranged from 5 mm to 12 mm, with an average width of 7.9 mm. The lengths of the olecranon grafts ranged from 5 mm to 47 mm, with an average length of 19.62 mm.Conclusions: In this study, we found that cortical olecranon grafts have been a safe and viable reconstructive choice for our center for bone gap reconstruction in hand

    Sucesos estresantes en mujeres mayores desde la teoría ecológica de Bronfenbrenner

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    e sabe que los problemas de salud, los problemas familiares, la muerte de seres queridos y los problemas económicos, son los sucesos estresantes más frecuentes en adultos mayores, estos hallazgos han sido derivados de estudios descriptivos, lo que hace necesario profundizar sobre dichos sucesos en la vida de las personas mayores. Objetivo. Analizar, desde el modelo ecológico, los sucesos estresantes que experimentan un grupo de mujeres mayores mexicanas. Método. Veintiséis mujeres de entre 55 y 75 años de edad participaron en la técnica de grupos focales. Resultados. En el Ontosistema, se encontraron problemas intrapersonales, por ejemplo enfermedades como cáncer, diabetes, hipertensión y depresión, así como problemas de memoria. También, los cambios en el estilo de vida, principalmente por el envejecimiento. Otros sucesos estresantes en el Ontosistema fueron las experiencias traumáticas, relacionadas con la muerte de hijos, padres y hermanos, específicamente cuando existen enfermedades terminales. En el Microsistema, se observaron problemas en las relaciones interpersonales con hijos, pareja y padres. En el Macrosistema, las participantes expusieron la situación de violencia que se vive en el país, además, de los trámites de jubilación. Discusión y conclusión. Los resultados concuerdan con otros estudios en cuanto a la muerte de seres queridos y enfermedades como sucesos estresantes relevantes. Se identificaron contrastes respecto a los problemas económicos que no aparecieron como estresores, salvo en algunos casos, y se destacó la percepción de violencia.Al autor del artículo es alumnos del Doctorado en Ciencias de la Salud, Becario ya que es Programa PNPC-CONACY

    Sugar Cane, Software and Fashion: Public-Private Collaboration in Argentina

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    The design and implementation of productive development policies (PDPs) pose challenges for policymakers, especially in emerging economies. Although the existence of pervasive market and coordination failures pave the way for policy intervention, adopted instruments have often been less successful than expected, since policymakers usually lack important pieces of information, they generally do not have access to rigorous evaluations of current and former programs and State capabilities are frequently weak. Moreover, coordination problems between different agencies and/or levels of government often exist. The emergence of rent seeking and free riding behaviours, agency captures and corruption episodes are other factors that explain the abovementioned outcome. The lack of resilience of public policies in the light of frequent staff changes in the State bureaucracy also hinders PDPs effectiveness.Public-Private Collaboration Schemes (PPCs) may help to alleviate some of the factors that lead to problems in the design, implementation and monitoring of PDPs, insofar they may facilitate information exchange and coordination among the different agents involved, address some government failures, generate more transparency and contribute to the resilience of those policies. PPC may range from informal consultations with the private sector to the full involvement of the latter in the policy design, execution and monitoring stages, including schemes such as the participation of the private sector in advisory and supervisory bodies, technological and productive alliances, deliberation councils, etc.The evidence gathered from the case studies will allow us to highlight common factors that may lead to the success (or failure) of PPCS, as well as idiosyncratic features related to the objectives, actors and/or specific arrangements adopted in each case. The result of this analysis is presented in the final section, where we distil lessons that may be applied to other sectors/regions in order to a better diffusion and effectiveness of PPC schemes.Fil: Bisang, Roberto Oscar. No especifíca;Fil: Gonzalez, Andrea. No especifíca;Fil: Hallak, Juan Carlos. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Lopez, Andres Flavio. Centro de Investigaciones para la Transformación; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Ramos, Daniela. No especifíca;Fil: Rozemberg, Ricardo Daniel. No especifíca

    Desmantelamiento y montaje del tanuqe T-54 para el almacenamiento de silicato de sodio diluido

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    El tanque T-54 ubicado en la planta de PQ Corporation en Chester, Pennsylvania, USA, cuyo propósito es el almacenamiento de silicato de sodio diluido presentó deformaciones en la parte exterior y en el cilindro, lo que generaba un alto riesgo de contaminación ambiental para el rio Delaware que pasa cerca de la planta y para la salud e integridad del personal que allí labora. Por estas razones la compañía y de acuerdo a un informe de inspección y recomendación siguiendo las normas API ha tomó la decisión de remplazar el tanque por uno nuevo restableciendo su capacidad de almacenamiento y utilizando materiales de mejor calidad para lo cual ha destinó USD 1’000,000.00 de presupuesto con un periodo de recuperación de la inversión no mayor a tres años y una vida útil del tanque proyectada no menor a treinta años