272 research outputs found

    Global Electric Circuit research at Graciosa Island (ENA-ARM facility): First year of measurements and ENSO influences

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    Around 100 years after Carnegie expeditions discovered the Global Electric Circuit, a measuring campaign started at ARM, Eastern North Atlantic facility (Graciosa Island, Azores), meant for the first time to resemble the conditions in which those took place. Here, the first year of measurements (starting April 2015) are analysed and initial results are discussed. The Potential Gradient findings show a deviation from the Carnegie Curves towards inland measurements as a consequence of local aerosol and ion load. The Potential Gradient maxima evolves from 18 UTC (spring/autumn) to 20 UTC (summer), being consistent with the strong 2015 El Nino

    A crítica francesa e seu affair com o film noir - a invenção e a consagração

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    Trabalho de Conclusão de Curso apresentado ao Instituto Latino-Americano de Arte, Cultura e História da Universidade Federal da Integração Latino-Americana, como requisito parcial à obtenção do título de Bacharel em Cinema e Audiovisual.Esta monografia tem o objetivo de investigar a afinidade da crítica francesa com o desenvolvimento do film noir, compreender de que forma os textos críticos escritos por Roger Tailleur, Raymond Borde, Nino Frank, Jacques Rivette e François Chalais contribuíram no delinear do noir e o consagraram na história cinematográfica. Para isso será analisada a crítica como uma prática que não apenas avalia obras, mas que cria novas ideias a partir do que é visto, tendo como fim entender o crítico como um apaixonado pelo cinema, que busca em seu texto conciliar a emoção e a razão. Importante investigar como se dá a comunicação entre quem escreve um texto e quem o lê, como o pensamento é transmitido na organização textual. Também é necessário perceber o espaço de convivência da crítica, o ambiente da cinefilia e qual o impacto que essa comunidade apreciadora tem na formação do olhar sensorial. Utilizando de uma metodologia de análise comparativa de textos críticos feitos na França durante o final da década de 1940 e começo da de 1960, é possível observar os estilos dos escritores e das revistas para as quais trabalham (como Cahiers du Cinéma, de L’Écran Français e Positif). Como resultado, obter um maior entendimento da intimidade entre a crítica francesa e o noir, visando compreender como o ofício foi capaz de inventar e consagrar as obras pertencentes ao conjunto em um lugar de destaque na história da cinematografia mundial

    Leadership, cohesion and satisfaction : differences between swimming and handball portuguese teams

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    The present study analyses the differences between athletes of collective and individual sports in the perception of coaches’ leadership and in cohesion and satisfaction experiences. The participants were 260 handball and 207 swimming athletes who competed at a national federate level. Three main aspects were analyzed: i) the differences between the perceptions of swimming and handball athletes concerning the coaches’ leadership (multivariate variance analysis); ii) the differences between the perceptions of swimming and handball athletes concerning cohesion and satisfaction experiences (“t-tests” for independent samples); and iii) the prediction of satisfaction with leadership assumed by athletes (multiple regression analysis). Three results must be highlighted: i) swimming athletes evaluated more positively their coaches and assumed more cohesion and satisfaction; ii) there were differences in the perception of leadership depending on the gender, competitive level, years of work with the coach and in the sports records achieved with the current coach; and iii) a greater capacity to predict the satisfaction with leadership in handball than in swimming sports was found. Implications of these results for intervention and future research are discussed.estudio analiza las diferencias entre atletas de balonmano (n = 260) y natación (n = 207) en la percepción del liderazgo de los entrenadores, así como en los niveles de cohesión y satisfacción. Fueron analizados tres aspectos: i) diferencias en la percepción de los estilos de liderazgo; ii) diferencias en los niveles de cohesión y satisfacción; y iii) predicción de la satisfacción de los atletas con el liderazgo de los entrenadores. Resultados: i) los atletas de natación evaluaron más positivamente a los entrenadores y asumieron mayores niveles de cohesión y satisfacción; ii) se obtuvieron diferencias en la evaluación del liderazgo en función del sexo, nivel competitivo, años de trabajo con el entrenador y resultados deportivos alcanzados con el entrenador actual; y iii) se verificó una mayor capacidad para predecir la satisfacción con el liderazgo en el balonmano que en la natación. Finalmente, se discuten algunas implicaciones para la intervención y la investigación

    Sinistralidade rodoviária: condução sob influência de álcool e de substâncias psicotrópicas

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    A segurança rodoviária é atualmente um assunto de grande importância que é transversal a todos sem exceção. As vítimas mortais dos acidentes de viação são a oitava causa de morte a nível mundial com tendência para ascender. As causas deste resultado são inúmeras, no entanto, este estudo aborda os efeitos do álcool e das substâncias psicotrópicas no Homem e as respetivas consequências na sinistralidade rodoviária. Assim, através de um estudo exploratório realizado na Divisão de Trânsito, do Comando Metropolitano de Lisboa pretende-se caracterizar este fenómeno nesta urbe, os grupos de risco e se exequível o perfil do condutor típico sob influência de álcool e substâncias psicotrópicas. Para realizar o estudo analisou-se o expediente elaborado entre 1 de janeiro de 2009 e 31 de dezembro de 2012, referente aos acidentes com pelo menos um ferido grave ou vítima mortal, ao qual foi aplicado uma matriz previamente definida. Com os resultados apurados pretende-se projetar algumas medidas a fim de melhorar a segurança rodoviáriaThe road safety is currently a subject of great importance that is transversal to all without exception. The fatalities from traffic accidents are the eighth leading cause of death worldwide with a tendency to rise. The causes of this loss are numerous, however, this study addresses the influence of alcohol and psychotropic substances in the Man and the respective consequences in road fatalities. Thus, through an exploratory study conducted at the Divisão de Trânsito do Comando Metropolitano de Lisboa intends to characterize this phenomenon in this metropolis, risk groups and where possible the typical profile of the driver under the influence of alcohol and psychotropic substances. To conduct the study was analyzed the form up between January 1, 2009 and December 31, 2012 concerning to accidents with at least one fatality or serious injured, to which was applied a matrix previously defined. With the results obtained we intend to design some steps in order to improve road safet

    Components of spirituality to safeguard life for the development of an integral design management approach

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    The present article is the initial result of fieldwork on design and spirituality in the scope of ongoing doctoral research in design. The research has been developed with Lusophone 'quilombolas', Afro- Brazilian and traditional family farming groups and communities from Brazil and Portugal, which present implicit spiritually driven design management approaches. The project proposes that a spiritual dimension should be a fundamental component of a design management strategy that is intended to be integral. The first learning case was carried out in ethnographic format with the Association of Women Farmers of Castelões (Associação das Mulheres Agricultoras de Castelões) in Portugal. The chosen methodology was the decomposition of the design and spirituality concept from the thoughts of Papanek (1971, 1995), Schumacher (1974), Walker (2011), Margolin (2014) and Escobar (2018). Components of spirituality were identified to guide field data collection. Subsequently, these components were identified from the participatory experience and participant observation with the artisans and analysed. In conclusion, it was possible to conceive 'components' of a reinvented spirituality for today, 'Spirituality to Safeguard Life'. These may support the development of a spiritually driven design management approach with a Lusophone reference, entitled 'Integral Design Management'. It is planned to apply this approach in academic, business, governmental, non-governmental and civil society environments. Through its practice, it is intended to promote the implementation of transformative systems with values and paradigm shifts for the recovery, flourishing and continuity of life

    A Parallel Algorithm for Large-Scale Multiple Sequence Alignment

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    Multiple sequence alignment is a central topic of extensive research in computational biology. Basically, two or more protein sequences are compared to evaluate their similarity and to identify conserved regions. This work reports a methodology for parallel processing of a multiple sequence alignment algorithm (ClustalW) in an environment of networked computers. A detailed description of the modules that compose the distributed system is provided, giving special attention to the way a dynamic programming algorithm is run in multilevel parallelism. Extensive experiments were done to evaluate performance and scalability of the reported method. Results suggest that the proposed method is very promising for large-scale multiple protein sequence alignment

    Evaluation of hydroambient performance indicators in a Group of Little Rivers Coastal 2, in Pernambuco

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    The present research aims to evaluate the environmental sustainability in the Small Coastal River Basins Group 2, which belongs to all 29 Pernambuco Planning Units. Initially, secondary data were collected from official sources for the application of hydroenvironmental indicators, namely: Agricultural Expansion, Water Quality, Gross Domestic Product, Microregional Demographic Dynamics and the Federation of Industries Index. from the state of Rio de Janeiro. The performance of the indicators was monitored in 2010, 2013 and 2015, considering the municipalities inserted in the basin, (Cabo de Santo Agostinho, Escada, Ipojuca, Jaboatão dos Guararapes, Moreno, Pombos, Recife, São Lourenço da Mata and Vitória de Santo Antão). The data obtained showed average growth among the municipalities in the indicators Gross Domestic Product, Demographic Microregional Dynamics and Agricultural Expansion, while it can be seen a decrease in the indicator of quality of life, represented by the index of the Federation of Industries of the State of Rio de Janeiro. It is also observed that there was a worsening in relation to water pollution, based on the Water Quality indicator. Thus, it is expected that the information produced will help public managers, water users and directly impacted civil society, in the knowledge of the characteristics of the basin. With this, the idea is to enable a more assertive decision by the government as it provides a vision of which aspects need investments to improve their performance.A presente pesquisa objetiva avaliar a sustentabilidade hidroambiental no Grupo de Bacias de Pequenos Rios Litorâneos 2, a qual pertence ao conjunto das 29 Unidades de Planejamento Hídrico de Pernambuco. Para isto, inicialmente, procedeu-se com o levantamento de dados secundários junto a fontes oficiais com vistas à aplicação dos indicadores hidroambientais, a saber: Expansão Agrícola, Qualidade de Água, Produto Interno Bruto, Dinâmica Microrregional Demográfica e o Índice da Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. O desempenho dos indicadores foi acompanhado nos anos de 2010, 2013 e 2015, considerando os municípios inseridos na bacia, (Cabo de Santo Agostinho, Escada, Ipojuca, Jaboatão dos Guararapes, Moreno, Pombos, Recife, São Lourenço da Mata e Vitória de Santo Antão). Os dados obtidos apontaram crescimento médio entre os municípios nos indicadores Produto Interno Bruto, Dinâmica Microrregional Demográfica e Expansão Agrícola, enquanto que se pode perceber uma diminuição no indicador de qualidade de vida, representado pelo o Índice da Federação das Indústrias do Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Observa-se, ainda, que houve uma piora em relação à poluição das águas, baseado no indicador de Qualidade da Água. Assim, espera-se que as informações produzidas venham a auxiliar gestores públicos, usuários de água e sociedade civil diretamente impactada, no conhecimento das características da bacia. Com isso, a ideia é possibilitar uma decisão mais assertiva por parte do poder público na medida em que se consegue uma visão de quais aspectos precisam de investimentos para melhoria do seu desempenho