868 research outputs found

    Adult male coatis play with a band of juveniles.

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    This study examined the play behaviour in one group of coatis (Nasua narica) at La Selva Biological Station in Costa Rica. We incidentally found adult males playing with juvenile coatis, and conducted post-hoc analyses to investigate this interaction. Coati groups consist of adult females and juveniles of both sexes until male juveniles reach two years of age and leave the band to become solitary. Adult males only tolerate juveniles for a brief period during breeding season when the males court females to mate. Outside of the breeding season, adult males are known to prey on juveniles. In this study, when adult males were present with the band, play occurred more than was expected by chance, and adult males engaged in many of these play bouts. Because the mechanisms driving infanticidal behaviour are not well understood, and adult male coatis show a range of behaviours from infanticide to highly affiliative interactions with juveniles, using coatis as a model system may elucidate mechanisms underlying infanticide.This research was partially supported by The Evergreen State College Foundation Activity Grant and The Explorers Club Youth Activity Grant.This is the final version of the article. It first appeared from Instituto Internacional de Ecologia via http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/S1519-6984201300020001

    Rook, But Not Jackdaw, Post-Conflict Third-Party Affiliation Reduces Aggression for Aggressors

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    Post-conflict (PC) affiliation refers to positive social interactions that occur after fights. Although this behavior has been widely studied, its functions are rarely tested. We examine a potential function of PC third-party affiliation (affiliation between former opponents and bystanders) in rooks and jackdaws by investigating the hypothesis that conflicts lead to further aggression and that PC third-party affiliation increases to reduce such aggression. The results show that PC affiliation reduces PC aggression for rook aggressors who were less likely to receive aggression after conflicts when they were affiliating with another vs. when they were alone. The opposite result was found for victims of both species who received more aggression after conflicts, and this aggression was not reduced by the act of affiliating. Finally, for jackdaw aggressors, the amount of aggression received after conflicts was not influenced by whether the individual was affiliating or alone, indicating that PC third-party affiliation may serve a function that we did not examine. These findings highlight the importance of investigating functional differences in PC affiliative behavior according to the role played in the conflict.We are grateful for financial support from the Gates Cambridge Scholar-ship and Murray Edwards College (CJL), and the BBSRC, the Royal Society, and the University of Cambridge (NSC).This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Wiley via https://doi.org/10.1111/eth.12078IN

    Eurasian jays do not copy the choices of conspecifics, but they do show evidence of stimulus enhancement

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    Corvids (birds in the crow family) are hypothesised to have a general cognitive tool-kit because they show a wide range of transferrable skills across social, physical and temporal tasks, despite differences in socioecology. However, it is unknown whether relatively asocial corvids differ from social corvids in their use of social information in the context of copying the choices of others, because only one such test has been conducted in a relatively asocial corvid. We investigated whether relatively asocial Eurasian jays (Garrulus glandarius\textit{Garrulus glandarius}) use social information (i.e., information made available by others). Previous studies have indicated that jays attend to social context in their caching and mate provisioning behaviour; however, it is unknown whether jays copy the choices of others. We tested the jays in two different tasks varying in difficulty, where social corvid species have demonstrated social information use in both tasks. Firstly, an object-dropping task was conducted requiring objects to be dropped down a tube to release a food reward from a collapsible platform, which corvids can learn through explicit training. Only one rook and one New Caledonian crow have learned the task using social information from a demonstrator. Secondly, we tested the birds on a simple colour discrimination task, which should be easy to solve, because it has been shown that corvids can make colour discriminations. Using the same colour discrimination task in a previous study, all common ravens and carrion crows copied the demonstrator. After observing a conspecific demonstrator, none of the jays solved the object-dropping task, though all jays were subsequently able to learn to solve the task in a non-social situation through explicit training, and jays chose the demonstrated colour at chance levels. Our results suggest that social and relatively asocial corvids differ in social information use, indicating that relatively asocial species may have secondarily lost this ability due to lack of selection pressure from an asocial environment.RM and NSC received funding from the European Research Council under the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) / ERC Grant Agreement No. 3399933, awarded to NSC. CJL was funded by the Leverhulme Trust and Isaac Newton Trust with a Leverhulme Early Career Fellowship

    Observation of a topologically non-trivial surface state in half-Heusler PtLuSb (001) thin films.

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    The discovery of topological insulators, materials with bulk band gaps and protected cross-gap surface states in compounds such as Bi2Se3, has generated much interest in identifying topological surface states (TSSs) in other classes of materials. In particular, recent theoretical calculations suggest that TSSs may be found in half-Heusler ternary compounds. If experimentally realizable, this would provide a materials platform for entirely new heterostructure spintronic devices that make use of the structurally identical but electronically varied nature of Heusler compounds. Here we show the presence of a TSS in epitaxially grown thin films of the half-Heusler compound PtLuSb. Spin- and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy, complemented by theoretical calculations, reveals a surface state with linear dispersion and a helical tangential spin texture consistent with previous predictions. This experimental verification of topological behaviour is a significant step forward in establishing half-Heusler compounds as a viable material system for future spintronic devices

    Endocranial volume is heritable and is associated with longevity and fitness in a wild mammal

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    Research on relative brain size in mammals suggests that increases in brain size may generate benefits to survival and costs to fecundity: comparative studies of mammals have shown that interspecific differences in relative brain size are positively correlated with longevity and negatively with fecundity. However, as yet, no studies of mammals have investigated whether similar relationships exist within species, nor whether individual differences in brain size within a wild population are heritable. Here we show that, in a wild population of red deer (Cervus elaphus\textit{Cervus elaphus}), relative endocranial volume was heritable (h² = 63%; 95% credible intervals (CI) = 50-76%). In females, it was positively correlated with longevity and lifetime reproductive success, though there was no evidence that it was associated with fecundity. In males, endocranial volume was not related to longevity, lifetime breeding success or fecundity.Leverhulme Trust; Isaac Newton Trust; Natural Environmental Research Council (NE/L00688X/1); European Research Council (grant nos. 250098 and 294494); Australian Research Counci

    A diverse diet as an alternative to ryegrass can improve the total antioxidant status of dams at lambing

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    The objective of this experiment was to determine if providing ewes in the final trimester of pregnancy with choice from diverse diet components would reduce markers of oxidative and metabolic stress in ewes and improve lamb birth weights relative to ewes offered only one forage species, repetitively. Fifty-four, twin bearing Coopworth ewes [initial live weight (LW) = 69.82 ± 1.16 kg] were blocked by weight onto iso-energetic diets with either choice from taxonomically diverse plants [DIV; spatially separated strips of ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.), chicory (Cichorium intybus L.), plantain (Plantago lanceolata L.), red clover (Trifolium pratense L.), and alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.)] or a ryegrass only diet (RYE) for the final third of gestation. The ewes offered the DIV diet birthed 8.9% heavier lambs (5.64 ± 0.20 kg) than RYE ewes (5.18 ± 0.20 kg; P = 0.03). In addition, the DIV ewes had greater (P < 0.01) glutathione peroxidase and total antioxidant status, and lower (P = 0.01) plasma non-esterified fatty acid concentrations than the RYE fed ewes 24 h after lambing. The results indicate that the DIV diet can improve antioxidant status and reduce some markers of oxidative and metabolic stress at lambing compared to a conventional RYE diet

    Ingredients for understanding brain and behavioral evolution: Ecology, phylogeny, and mechanism

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from The Comparative Cognition Society via the DOI in this record.Uncovering the neural correlates and evolutionary drivers of behavioral and cognitive traits has been held back by traditional perspectives on which correlations to look for-in particular, anthropocentric conceptions of cognition and coarse-grained brain measurements. We welcome our colleagues' comments on our overview of the field and their suggestions for how to move forward. Here, we counter, clarify, and extend some points, focusing on the merits of looking for the "best" predictor of cognitive ability, the sources and meaning of "noise," and the ways in which we can deduce and test meaningful conclusions from comparative analyses of complex traits

    Beyond brain size: Uncovering the neural correlates of behavioral and cognitive specialization

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    © Comparative Cognition Society. Despite prolonged interest in comparing brain size and behavioral proxies of "intelligence" across taxa, the adaptive and cognitive significance of brain size variation remains elusive. Central to this problem is the continued focus on hominid cognition as a benchmark and the assumption that behavioral complexity has a simple relationship with brain size. Although comparative studies of brain size have been criticized for not reflecting how evolution actually operates, and for producing spurious, inconsistent results, the causes of these limitations have received little discussion. We show how these issues arise from implicit assumptions about what brain size measures and how it correlates with behavioral and cognitive traits. We explore how inconsistencies can arise through heterogeneity in evolutionary trajectories and selection pressures on neuroanatomy or neurophysiology across taxa. We examine how interference from ecological and life history variables complicates interpretations of brain-behavior correlations and point out how this problem is exacerbated by the limitations of brain and cognitive measures. These considerations, and the diversity of brain morphologies and behavioral capacities, suggest that comparative brain-behavior research can make greater progress by focusing on specific neuroanatomical and behavioral traits within relevant ecological and evolutionary contexts. We suggest that a synergistic combination of the "bottom-up" approach of classical neuroethology and the "top-down" approach of comparative biology/psychology within closely related but behaviorally diverse clades can limit the effects of heterogeneity, interference, and noise. We argue that this shift away from broad-scale analyses of superficial phenotypes will provide deeper, more robust insights into brain evolution
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