25 research outputs found

    Reconstruction with a pectoralis major myocutaneous flap after left first rib and clavicular chest wall resection for a metastasis from laryngeal cancer

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    We presented a case of recurrent metastasis from epidermoid cancer that occurred in the left clavicle of a patient with a history of laryngeal cancer treated on April 2005 with extended hemilaryngectomy, neck dissection and chemoradiation therapy. On September 2008, he developed a left clavicular metastasis. The disease was initially well controlled by chemoradiotherapy but it recurred 17 months later. The optimal treatment plan was established by several multidisciplinary meetings and the patient subsequently underwent an en bloc resection of the left clavicle, first rib and all the other involved structures. Coverage of the thoracic defect was achieved using pectoralis major myocutaneous flap. The patient had a successful surgical outcome. At 1-year follow-up, he had no evidence of disease, a good cosmetic result and returned to normal daily activity. He died for bone metastasis with an overall 21 months post-surgical survival.We presented a case of recurrent metastasis from epidermoid cancer that occurred in the left clavicle of a patient with a history of laryngeal cancer treated on April 2005 with extended hemilaryngectomy, neck dissection and chemoradiation therapy. On September 2008, he developed a left clavicular metastasis. The disease was initially well controlled by chemoradiotherapy but it recurred 17 months later. The optimal treatment plan was established by several multidisciplinary meetings and the patient subsequently underwent an en bloc resection of the left clavicle, first rib and all the other involved structures. Coverage of the thoracic defect was achieved using pectoralis major myocutaneous flap. The patient had a successful surgical outcome. At 1-year follow-up, he had no evidence of disease, a good cosmetic result and returned to normal daily activity. He died for bone metastasis with an overall 21 months post-surgical survival

    Laparotomic vs laparoscopic ovariectomy: comparing the two methods. The ovariectomy in the bitch in laparoscopic era

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    BACKGROUND: The aim of the present work is to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of ultrasound scalpel during laparoscopic ovariectomy in the bitch. METHODS: Two groups of 10 subjects each, of different races and ages, were compared. In the first group, ovariectomy was performed laparoscopically, using harmonic scalpel to remove ovary. In the second group surgery was performed by means of classical laparotomy. RESULTS: Pre-operative time was similar in both groups. Total operative time, from incision to skin suture, showed significant difference between the two groups, being laparoscopy faster than laparotomy. Partial operative time for bilateral oophorectomy resulted lower using open technique, but, considering each ovary, there was no significant difference in both groups. CONCLUSIONS: The use of harmonic scalpel to perform ovariectomy during laparoscopy is an effective time-sparing surgical approach compared to the already great practicality of laparotomy

    The long-term effects of probiotics in the therapy of ulcerative colitis: a clinical study

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    Aim. Intestinal dysbiosis seems to be the leading cause of inflammatory bowel diseases, and probiotics seems to represent the proper support against their occurrence. Actually, probiotic blends and anti-inflammatory drugs represent a weapon against inflammatory bowel diseases. The present study evaluates the long-term (2 years) effects of combination therapy (mesalazine plus a probiotic blend of Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidus strain BGN4) on ulcerative colitis activity. Method. Sixty patients with moderate-to-severe ulcerative colitis were enrolled: 30 of them were treated with a single daily oral administration of mesalazine 1200 mg; 30 patients received a single daily oral administration of mesalazine 1200 mg and a double daily administration of a probiotic blend of Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium bifidus strain BGN4. The treatment was carried out for two years and the clinical response evaluated according to the Modified Mayo Disease Activity Index. Results. All patients treated with combination therapy showed better improvement compared to the controls. In particular, the beneficial effects of probiotics were evident even after two years of treatment. Conclusions. A long-term treatment modality of anti-inflammatory drugs and probiotics is viable and could be an alternative to corticosteroids in mild-to moderate ulcerative colitis

    Global patient outcomes after elective surgery: prospective cohort study in 27 low-, middle- and high-income countries.

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    BACKGROUND: As global initiatives increase patient access to surgical treatments, there remains a need to understand the adverse effects of surgery and define appropriate levels of perioperative care. METHODS: We designed a prospective international 7-day cohort study of outcomes following elective adult inpatient surgery in 27 countries. The primary outcome was in-hospital complications. Secondary outcomes were death following a complication (failure to rescue) and death in hospital. Process measures were admission to critical care immediately after surgery or to treat a complication and duration of hospital stay. A single definition of critical care was used for all countries. RESULTS: A total of 474 hospitals in 19 high-, 7 middle- and 1 low-income country were included in the primary analysis. Data included 44 814 patients with a median hospital stay of 4 (range 2-7) days. A total of 7508 patients (16.8%) developed one or more postoperative complication and 207 died (0.5%). The overall mortality among patients who developed complications was 2.8%. Mortality following complications ranged from 2.4% for pulmonary embolism to 43.9% for cardiac arrest. A total of 4360 (9.7%) patients were admitted to a critical care unit as routine immediately after surgery, of whom 2198 (50.4%) developed a complication, with 105 (2.4%) deaths. A total of 1233 patients (16.4%) were admitted to a critical care unit to treat complications, with 119 (9.7%) deaths. Despite lower baseline risk, outcomes were similar in low- and middle-income compared with high-income countries. CONCLUSIONS: Poor patient outcomes are common after inpatient surgery. Global initiatives to increase access to surgical treatments should also address the need for safe perioperative care. STUDY REGISTRATION: ISRCTN5181700

    Uniportal Video-Assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery Resection of a Giant Midesophageal Diverticulum

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    We describe a new video-assisted technique for the management of a giant midesophageal diverticulum using a single 5-cm port. It maintained the same principles of the traditional open technique as diverticulectomy, myotomy, and fundoplication. The better visualization of the main esophageal body, diverticulum, and esophagogastric junction and the better alignment of the stapler cartridge to the longitudinal axis of the esophagus are all technical factors supporting our procedure. Heavily calcified mediastinal lymph nodes and diffuse pleural adhesions are the main contraindications. However, future experiences are needed before this technique can be recommended as acceptable treatment. (C) 2017 by The Society of Thoracic Surgeons

    OneShot-M: A New Device for Close Laparoscopy Pneumoperitoneum

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    INTRODUCTION: The induction of pneumoperitoneum is the first and most critical phase of laparoscopy, due to the significant risk of serious vascular and visceral complications. The closed technique for the creation of pneumoperitoneum could lead to several surgical complications. The present study aimed to overcome the complications associated with the insertion of Veress needle, improving its use, and facilitating the rapid creation of pneumoperitoneum. METHODS: Thirty large white female pigs were enrolled in our study. A common plunger was modified in order to allow the passage of a 15-cm long Veress needle. This method was applied to 26 laparoscopic procedures (26 pigs) of several specialist branches. RESULTS: OneShot-M close laparoscopy pneumoperitoneum creation device allowed us to obtain pneumoperitoneum quickly in all attempts, without any intraoperative and postoperative complications related to the use of the Veress needle. CONCLUSION: The use of the proposed device showed an induction time as quick as the standard laparoscopic closed abdominal entry. The patented device is cheap and allows a safe abdominal entry. In addition, abdominal entry is much faster than the classic open technique

    A new prosthetic implant for inguinal hernia repair: its features in a porcine experimental model.

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    Even after more than 100 years of inguinal hernia repair, the rate of complications and recurrence remains unacceptably high. In the last decades, few effective advances in surgical technique and materials have been made. The authors see them as minor adjustments in the shape and materials of the prosthetic implants. Still, the underlying genesis of inguinal hernia remains undefined. Based upon this, it seems the surgical repair of inguinal protrusions cannot be based upon the pathogenesis because the etiology to date has not been addressed. Most hernia repairs are performed with some degree of point fixation (sutures/tacks) to stop the mesh from migrating and creating high recurrence rates. This should be a priority for our considerations, as fixating mesh puts it in stark contrast to the physiology and dynamics of the myotendineal structures of the groin. Following years of surgical practice, implant fixation, mesh shrinkage, and poor quality of tissue ingrowth still represent an unresolved issue in modern hernia repair. Conventional prosthetics used for inguinal hernia repair are static and passive. They do not move in harmony with the dynamic elements of the groin structure and, as a result, induce the ingrowth of thin scar plates or shrinking regressive tissue that colonizes the implants. The authors strongly believe that these characteristics may be a contributing factor for recurrences and patient discomfort. Other complications are reported in the literature to be a direct result of fixation of the implants, such as bleeding, nerve entrapment, hematoma, pain, discomfort, and testicular complications. To improve results by respecting the physiology and kinetics of the inguinal region, we felt that a new type of prosthesis should be designed that induces a more structured tissue ingrowth similar to the natural biologic components of the abdominal wall. This prosthetic device was specifically designed to be placed with no point fixation. This was achieved by using inherent radial recoil, vertical buffering, friction, and delivering the device in a constrained state. A secondary benefit of this "dynamic" design is that the implant moves in a three-dimensional way in unison with the movements of the myotendineal structures of the groin. The results appear to show that the three-dimensional structure not only acts as a suitable scaffold for a full thickness ingrowth of a tissue barrier but also seems to induce an ordered, supple, elastic tissue, which allows for neorevascularization and neoneural growth. The outcomes indicate a reduced impact of fibrotic shrinkage on the implant/scar tissue when compared with shrinkage of polypropylene meshes reported in the literature. This pilot study shows the features of such an implant in a porcine experimental model


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    Introduzione: L’ingegneria tissutale ha sviluppato polimeri sintetici biocompatibili e biofunzionali, capaci di fornire una struttura tridimensionale che supporti la crescita di nuovo tessuto autologo, mediante la migrazione di cellule del ricevente. Obiettivo del nostro studio è stato valutare la resistenza di uno scaffold di PHEA-PLA-PCL ai succhi biliari di un modello animale, per determinarne l’applicabilità nella chirurgia rigenerativa delle vie biliari (VB). Metodologia: Abbiamo utilizzato 10 conigli New Zealand (n=10 )di 1,5 kg di peso. Si è proceduto all’impianto di un innesto di circa 1,5 cm2 di scaffold polimerico, costituito da polimeri di PHEA-PLA-PCL, all’interno di una colecisti di coniglio (n=8), fissato mediante punti di sutura alla parete, per valutare gli effetti litolitici della bile sulla sua struttura tridimensionale. Si è proceduto al sacrificio degli animali e all’analisi al microscopio elettronico (SEM) della colecisti a 15 (n=4) e a 90 giorni (n=4), utilizzando 2 animali come controllo rispettivamente. Risultati: Nessun animale ha presentato complicanze postprocedura. L’analisi al microscopio elettronico non ha evidenziato sostanziali differenze nella struttura fibrillare degli scaffold a 15 e 90 giorni. Le fibre dello scaffold hanno mantenuto le loro dimensioni e non si sono fuse tra di loro. L’azione litolitica della bile non ha compromesso la struttura tridimensionale degli scaffold. Conclusioni: La mancata azione degenerativa della bile sulla struttura dello scaffold suggerisce un suo potenziale uso nella chirurgia rigenerativa delle VB, soprattutto per quanto riguarda la chirurgia di banco della VB nel trapianto di fegato e il trattamento delle stenosi delle VB dopo trapianto di fegato