83 research outputs found

    A Study of Information Systems Outsourcing Risks

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    Despite the considerable growth of Information Systems (IS) outsourcing in recent years, this trend is still the object of strong criticism. This study has as its aim to show the main risks computer outsourcing entails for the largest Spanish firms. In order to achieve that aim, we have reviewed the previous literature on this topic and later analysed the results of a survey covering 5,000 firms. According to the firms under analysis, the main concern in relation to IS outsourcing is the excessive dependence on the provider this type of contract may generate. Nevertheless, some characteristics of firms (mainly their size) somehow determine what risks are seen as the most relevant. The conclusions also suggest that total outsourcing can turn out to be a very dangerous strategy, mainly due to the dependence it creates. This is why IS managers should consider other alternatives such as having multiple providers or resorting to selective outsourcing

    The evolution of web pages for a strategic description of large firms

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    Carefully examining the site map of a firm with a well-developed website can provide both patterns about its corporate strategy– considering all the elements that surround the organization–and a primary source for benchmarking. Our paper’s aim is to use this technique: (a) to highlight the key strategic management issues which affect the top large Spanish firms; and (b) to show trends identified amongst such companies during the last ten years. Our methodology consists of a content analysis focused on websites of the Ibex35 companies listed on the Spanish Stock Market. It includes drawing a comparison with these same websites as two photos with a difference of ten years. Rather than carrying out a breakdown of the businesses developed by each corporation, the appropriate approach is the assessment of their respective corporate principles, as this would allow for a better identification of the underlying managerial, organisational and strategic realities of these organisations. The results evidence the high usefulness of this technique when it comes to detecting the most significant strategic management issues faced by the leading large Spanish firms, as well as their evolution over time

    Do risk events increase supply chain uncertainty? A case study

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    Supply chain uncertainty has become an important area of research, and it is crucial for many firms, and especially so for global firms. Decision makers find it difficult to make decisions due to lack of transparency in the supply chain and the impact of possible risk events. This paper aims to approach this topic by developing a conceptual model to assist logistics and supply chain managers to improve supply chain effectiveness by analysing risk events. To this end we use a case study based on a set of interviews with agents of a German firm and some of its suppliers from India, China and Europe, which generates insights uncaptured in previous research in the area. The main findings answer questions such as: 1. How to build an agile supply chain strategy with rapid planning and integrated execution in different stages?; 2. How to identify and avoid risk events as they increase the supply chain uncertainty and are multiplied when interrelated risk events occur simultaneously; 3. Can supply chain uncertainty be reduced by determining the degree of flexibility required to mitigate risk effects, reducing supply chain uncertainty and increasing the firm’s dynamic capabilities?

    Demanda y escalas de equivalencia: evidencia para España

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es plantear teoricamente el estudio de los efectos que los hijos imponen sobre las decisiones de demanda del hogar (los costes de los hijos, por ejemplo), tanto desde el punto de vista dinamico como estatico, utilizando el concepto de separabilidad demografica. Ademas, establecer la relacion entre ambos conceptos teoricos nos permitira investigar el grado de imprecision o el sesgo que se produce cuando se utiliza una medida estatica frente a una medida intertemporal. El ejercicio empirico se lleva a cabo utilizando un panel de datos extraido de la Encuesta Continua de Presupuestos Familiares, que cubre el periodo 1985-1995. Se estima un sistema de demanda Marshalliana para diversos bienes de adultos (y se contrasta la hipotesis de separabilidad demografica), asi como un sistema de demanda Frischsiana. Con los resultados de la estimacion se simula el coste relativo y absoluto de los hijos. Los resultados indican la importancia de la consideracion de los efectos dinamicos de los hijos en el calculo de escalas de equivalencia. Finalmente, se comparan las escalas de equivalencia estimadas con las implicitas en el Impuesto sobre la Renta de las Personas [email protected]

    Analysis and comparison of monofocal, extended depth of focus and trifocal intraocular lens profiles

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    To test the feasibility of using profilometers to extract information about IOL surfaces design. A standard monofocal IOL (Tecnis 1), a monofocal IOL that provided some depth of focus (Eyhance), an extended depth of focus IOL based on refractive optics (Mini Well) and a trifocal IOL based on diffractive optics were used in this study (Tecnis Synergy). The surface topography of the IOLs was measured by using a multimode optical profilometer. Posterior surface of Tecnis 1 IOL was spherical and the anterior surface aspherical. In the Eyhance IOL, posterior surface was spherical and anterior surface did not fit to any of our reference surfaces, indicating a higher order aspheric surface design. In the Mini Well Ready IOL, a best-fit sphere surface was obtained for the second surface and a high order aspherical surface design was deduced for the first surface. The anterior surface of the Synergy IOL was aspherical and the base curve of the diffractive structure fitted very well to a spherical surface. To consider an aspheric surface as possible best-fit surface provided more information than if only best-fit spherical surface was considered. The high order aspheric surface designs employed in the IOLs studied presented differences, regarding best-fit asphere surface, higher than 1 micron. These differences were correlated with the generation of spherical aberration complex profiles (with Zernike terms higher than 4th order) and with the production of distinct amounts of depth of focus. This method was also useful to deduce the base curve of diffractive surfaces.This work was supported by the “Generalitat Valenciana” of Spain (project AICO/2021/130)

    Bleeding Follicular Conjunctivitis due to Influenza H1N1 Virus

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    Influenza H1N1 or A virus is a new virus serotype capable of human-to-human transmission. This infection causes a flu syndrome similar to that of seasonal influenza, with only one case of conjunctivitis described and no clinical details or microbiological confirmation. Its diagnosis is performed by PCR of pharyngeal smear of the patients affected. We report the first well-documented case in the medical literature of conjunctivitis by H1N1 virus

    Understanding the Real Effect of the High-Order Aberrations after Myopic Femto-Lasik

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    In this work we try to understand the real effect of increase in aberrations after Femto-LASIK surgery on the patient’s final visual quality, specifically when the visual acuity measurement is considered. A clinical study with 37 eyes of 20 patients that underwent myopic Femto-LASIK surgery and different personalized eye model simulations were carried out. In clinical study, correlations between pre- and postoperative parameters with visual acuity were analysed. Eye simulations (based on real data) provided simulations of vision quality before and after surgery. Our main results showed a significant increase in aberrations was obtained after surgery; however, no differences were found between the preoperative corrected distance visual acuity (CDVA) and the postoperative uncorrected distance visual acuity (UDVA). This absence of differences in visual quality could be explained by performing different simulations on three eyes that would cover most of the possible clinical situations. Simulations were implemented considering a pupil size of 2.5 mm and the personalized data of each patient. Results showed that final visual acuity (VA) change are determined by the final high-order aberrations (HOAS) and their increase after surgery but measured under photopic conditions. In conclusion, customized analysis of higher-order aberrations in scotopic pupils better predicts patient visual acuity after Lasik surgery.This work was supported by the “Generalitat Valenciana” of Spain (project AICO/2021/130)

    Comparison of the optical quality vision between real post-LASIK myopic laser surgery and the simulated implantation of a phakic IOL in low myopia

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    A phakic intraocular lens (PIOL) of − 4.5 D was characterized from its wavefront aberration profile. A preclinical study was conducted using pre- and post-surgery data from four patients that had undergone myopic laser refractive surgery. All these patients would have needed a PIOL of − 4.5 D. Pre-surgery data were used to simulate the effect of a PIOL implantation. Post myopic refractive surgery data were used to calculate the post-LASIK eye model. Modulation transfer function (MTF), point spread function (PSF) and simulation of optotypes vision were obtained and compared. The PIOL did not worsen the optical quality of the eyes evaluated. High order Aberrations were always higher in the post-LASIK eye model. Optics quality trended to be better in PIOL implantation than post-LASIK surgery as pupil size increased.This work was supported by the “Generalitat Valenciana” of Spain (project AICO/2021/130)

    Prótesis de hombro en indicaciones de procesos degenerativos o traumatológicos: valoración de calidad de vida y actividad funcional como determinantes de la efectividad de esta situación articular

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    El objetivo de este informe es evaluar la efectividad de la prótesis de hombro con la evidencia científica disponible, teniendo en cuenta no sólo los resultados en la efectividad de la intervención, sino también y especialmente el impacto en la vida del paciente. Se realizó una revisión sistemática, utilizando como fuente de datos las bases Medline, CINAHL y HealthStar desde 1998 a 2000.Resumen, Inahta Strcture Abstracts, Introducción, Aplicación de los conceptos de deficiencia e incapacidad en la actualización de la prestación de prótesis de hombro en el Sistema Nacional de Salud Evolución histórica de la sustitución humeral, Opciones en el manejo del daño glenohumeral, Revisión histórica de la artroplastia Tipos de artroplastia, Análisis documental sobre estudios de calidad de vida en sujetos sometidos a protetización de hombro, Metodología, Fondos bibliográficos consultados, Criterios de selección para el cribado documental, Criterios de clasificación, Resultados y discusión Consideraciones generales, Instrumentos de evaluación, Estudio del estado de la sustitución protésica en España, Metodología, Análisis y valoración, Síntesis general, Evidencia en estudios de valoración de calidad de vida por protetización de hombro, Estado de la protetización de hombro en España, Conclusiones y recomendaciones, Evidencia en estudios de valoración de calidad de vida por protetización de hombro Estado de la protetización de hombro en España, ANEXO: Escala e índices de valoración de resultados en sustitución protésica de hombro Valoración del hombro del Hospital for Special Surgery (HSS), Valoración del hombro de Constant, Valoración del hombro de Swanson Valoración del hombro de UCLA, Valoración del hombro de Neer, Valoración del hombro de American Shoulder and Elbow Surgeons (ASES), Referencias bibliográfica

    Simulation of the Effect of Different Presbyopia-Correcting Intraocular Lenses With Eyes With Previous Laser Refractive Surgery

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    PURPOSE: To simulate the optical performance of three presbyopia-correcting intraocular lenses (IOLs) implanted in eyes with previous laser refractive surgery. METHODS: A simulation of the through-focus modulation transfer function (MTF) was performed for three presbyopia-correcting IOLs (Mplus, Oculentis GmbH, Berlin, Germany; Symfony, Johnson & Johnson Vision, Santa Ana, CA; and Mini Well, SIFI S.p.A., Lavinaio, Italy) in one eye with previous myopic LASIK and another with hyperopic LASIK. Real topographic data and the wavefront aberration profile of each IOL obtained with a Hartmann–Shack sensor were used. RESULTS: In the eye with myopic LASIK, all IOLs lost optical quality at near and intermediate distances for 4- and 4.7-mm pupil size. For 3-mm pupil size, the Mini Well IOL showed the best intermediate and near MTF and maintained the far focus independently of the pupil. In the eye with hyperopic LASIK, the Mini Well IOL showed an intermediate, distance, and −4.00-diopter (D) foci for all pupils. The Symfony IOL showed a depth of focus at far and intermediate distance for 3-mm and a focus at −2.50 D in the rest. The Mplus showed a focus of −4.50 and −3.00 D for the 3- and 4-mm pupil, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: The Mini Well and Symfony IOLs seem to work better than the Mplus IOL in eyes with previous myopic LASIK. With previous hyperopic LASIK, the Mini Well IOL seems to be able to provide acceptable near, intermediate, and far foci for all pupil sizes. These findings should be confirmed in future clinical studies