151 research outputs found

    Socio-pathological profile and treatment of persons placed in penitentiary psychiatric hospital for treatment and care

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    U ovom radu smo se bavili istraživanjem posebne, marginalizovane populacije ā€“ neuračunljivim i smanjeno uračunljivim licima. O ovim smo licima, koja su, barem kada je riječ o naÅ”oj naučnoj produkciji, u značajnoj mjeri zapostavljena, sliku stvarali na osnovu teorijske analize i empirijskog istraživanja, koje je bilo usmjeravano osnovnim nalazima prethodne. U prvom dijelu studije smo se bavili teorijskom analizom pitanja koja okružuju neuračunljivost iz longitudinalne perspektive, a drugom smo dali nalaze naÅ”eg istraživanja kojim smo obuhvatili rezidente Specijalne zatvorske bolnice u Beogradu. Kada je riječ o teorijskim paradigmama, valja kazati da su o ovim licima najpozvanije da govore psihijatrija i pravo. No, integrativni pristup ovoj problematici manjka, te smo, da bismo stekli sliku o tretmanu oboljelih opasnih po druÅ”tvo, dali prikaz čitavog niza psihijatrijskih i pravnih shvatanja o neuračunljivima: uzrocima bolesti i opasnosti, te njihovom tretmanu. Nalazi teorijske analize su nedvosmisleno ukazali na nizak druÅ”tveni, institucionalni i porodični položaj ovih lica, koji se može opisati kao ā€“ izolovanost. Ovi nalazi su bili naročito usmjeravajući za drugi, empirijski dio studije, u kojoj smo se bavili istraživanjem sociopatoloÅ”kih profila i tretmana Å”tićenika zatvorske psihijatrijske bolnice u Beogradu. Istraživanje je teklo u dvije faze. U prvoj smo se bavili kvantitativnom, a u drugoj produbljenom, kvalitativnom analizom priča o naÅ”ih sagovornika. Najprije smo pristupili prikupljanju i analizi podatka iz službene dokumentacije oboljelih lica (N=234) koja su se u vrijeme istraživanja nalazila u zatvorskoj bolnici. U drugoj fazi smo izdvojili 50 ispitanika čije su žrtve članovi porodica, a važan uvidu u tretman i položaj oboljelih su nam dali njihovi čuvari (komandiri), ordinirajući psihijatri, socijalne radnice i psiholog. Glavni cilj istraživanja je bio deskripitivni: da opiÅ”emo sociopatoloÅ”ke profile i tretman ovih lica. Opise smo zasnovali na trima dimenzija tzv. socioloÅ”ke tipologije: 1. na ličnim ili antropoloÅ”kim; 2. patoloÅ”kim odlikama; 3. te na statusima: porodičnom i institucionalnom, o čemu su nam sa svoje strane lični uvid dali naÅ”i sagovornici ā€“ ispitanici. U istraživanju smo koristili nekoliko metoda za prikupljanje i analizu podataka. Riječ je o analizi sadržaja, polustrukturisanom intervjuu i posmatranju, kome smo dali mjesto pomoćnog metoda. Nalaze smo analizirali koristeći statistički metod i već pomenutu narativnu analizu. Neke od hipoteza koje smo provjeravali u istraživanju, kao Å”to su ona o izuzetnoj zastupljenosti porodične disfunkcionalnosti, o niskom porodičnom i institucionalnom položaju, i konačno, o nekim kriminoloÅ”ko kliničkim odlikama ove populacije, stoje...This paper deals with a special, marginalized population group ā€“ insane and semi-insane individuals. The image about those persons, who are, at least at home science circles, notably ignored, was created on basis of theoretical analyses and empirical research that was directed by the results of the former. The first part of the paper discusses the theoretical analyses of issues concerning insanity from a longitudinal perspective, whilst the second part contains results of our research conducted on residents of Special Penitentiary Hospital in Belgrade. In view of theoretical paradigms it may be said that the most competent to reason about those individuals are psychiatric and law experts. However, integrative approach to this particular issue is deficient and, to be able to create an image about treatment of dangerous to society mentally ill, we gathered a number of psychiatry and law related comprehension of the insane: causes of disease and dangers from, as well as treatment. The findings have, no doubt, revealed the low social, institutional and family status of those individuals that may be described as ā€“ isolation. These facts had been a guiding point for the second, empirical part of the research which studied sociopath profile and treatment of detainees in Belgrade penitentiary psychiatric hospital. The research was divided into two phases. In the first phase a quantitative analyses was conducted, while the second consisted of a qualitative analyses of stories told by our interviewees. Firstly, the information pertaining to the official documentation on the mentally ill (N=23) who were presently serving their sentence at the penitentiary hospital was gathered and analysed. In the second phase we singled out 50 individuals whose victims were their family members. Insight into their treatment and status was provided by their guards (commanders), clinical psychiatrists, social worker and the psychologist. The main aim of the research was descriptive: that is to describe sociopath profiles and treatment of those individuals. The descriptions were based on three dimensions of so-called sociological typology: 1. personal or anthropological; 2. pathological; and 3. status: family and institutional as experienced by our interviewees ā€“ respondents. Several methods of collecting and analysing data were used for the research purposes. That is content analyses, semistructured interview and observation as a supporting point. The findings were analysed by statistical method and previously mentioned narrative analyses..

    Procedure of Destructive Chemical Recovery of Precious Metals in Nitric Acid Production

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    Svi selektivni heterogeni katalizatori platinske grupe plemenitih metala koji se upotrebljavaju za oksidaciju plinovitog amonijaka do duÅ”ikovih oksida u proizvodnji duÅ”ične kiseline troÅ”e se tijekom svojeg radnog vijeka. Å to je veći tlak oksidacije plinovitog amonijaka, to je veći maseni gubitak plemenitih metala platinske grupe s povrÅ”ine primijenjenog selektivnog heterogenog katalizatora. Ukupni gubici tijekom jedne Å”arže upotrebe selektivnog heterogenog katalizatora mogu iznositi od 20 do 40 % od ukupno ugrađene mase plemenitih metala. Jedan dio izgubljene mase plemenitih metala može se oporabiti ugradnjom odgovarajućih sustava "hvatača" u obliku mreža smjeÅ”tenih ispod katalizatora ili postavljenjem različitih filtara u procesni tok, gdje dolazi do izdvajanja čvrstih čestica plemenitih metala iz plinovite ili tekuće faze. Iako je učinkovitost njihove oporabe relativno velika, oveća količina plemenitih metala zadržava se i na povrÅ”ini operativne opreme zadužene za proizvodnju i predgrijavanje pare u proizvodnji duÅ”ične kiseline. Iz navedene operativne opreme zadržana masa plemenitih metala može se ponovno oporabiti postupcima nedestruktivne i destruktivne kemijske ekstrakcije čvrsto-tekuće. U radu je prikazan postupak destruktivne kemijske oporabe predgrijača i kotla za proizvodnju pare primjenom vodene otopine sumporne kiseline masenog udjela od 20 % te naknadni postupak prerade dobivenog taloga do konačne oporabe plemenitih metala. Metodom destruktivne kemijske oporabe ukupno je ekstrahirano 212,64 kg taloga u kojem je nakon postupka prerade određen kvalitativno-kvantitativan sastav s obzirom na Pt, Pd i Rh čiji su maseni udjeli iznosili w(Pt) = 18,119 %, w(Pd) = 1,749 % i w(Rh) = 0,419 %. Opisanim postupkom uspjeÅ”no je oporabljeno u procesu proizvodnje duÅ”ične kiseline 38 528,2 g Pt, 3719,5 g Pd i 891,1 g Rh minimalne čistoće 99,90 %.The heart of the nitric acid production process is the chemical reactor containing a platinum-based catalyst pack and an associated catchment system, which allows the ammonia oxidation reaction to take place efficiently. Under the severe operating conditions imposed by the high-pressure ammonia oxidation process, the catalyst gauzes experience progressive deterioration, as shown by the restricted surface of the catalyst wires, the loss of catalytic activity and the loss of catalytic materials. The higher the pressure of gaseous ammonia oxidation, the greater the loss of platinum group metals from the surface of the applied selective heterogeneous catalysts. Total losses for one batch over the whole period of using selective heterogeneous catalysts may account in the range from 20 to 40 % of the total installed quantity of precious metals. An important part of the platinum removed from the platinum-rhodium alloy wires can be recovered at the outlet of the reactor by means of palladium catchment gauzes. However, this catchment process, which is based on the great ability of palladium to alloy with platinum, is not 100 % effective and a fraction of the platinum and practically all of the rhodium lost by the catalyst wires, evades the catchment package and is then deposited in other parts of the plant, especially heat exchangers. From the above mentioned operating equipment, the retained mass of precious metals can be recovered by the technical procedure of non-destructive and destructive chemical solid-liquid extraction. Shown is the technical procedure of destructive chemical recovery of preheater and boiler for preheating and production of steam by applying sulfuric acid (w = 20 %) and subsequent procedure of raffination of derived sludge, to the final recovery of precious metals. The technical procedure of destructive chemical recovery of precious metals from preheater and boiler for preheating and production of steam in nitric acid production is shown in Fig. 1. The technical and technological characteristics of the preheater and boiler for preheating and production of steam in nitric acid production at Petrokemija d. d. is shown in Table 1. The overall results of the destructive chemical cleaning of the preheater and boiler by H 2 SO 4 (w = 20 %) is shown in Table 3. By the method of destructive chemical recovery, 212.64 kg of dry sludge were extracted, which following the refining procedure of determined qualitative and quantitative composition of Pt, Pd and Rh amounted to: w(Pt) = 18.118 %, w(Pd) = 1.749 % and w(Rh) = 0.419 %. With the applied technical procedure, the mass of the precious metals successfully recovered in the process of nitric acid production was as follows: 38528.2 g of Pt, 3719.5 g of Pd and 891.1 g of Rh with minimum purity of 99.90 %. The entire quantity of recovered precious metals is used for preparation of new catalytic gauzes, which will serve in the nitric acid production for ammonia oxidation

    The impact of zno nanoparticles application on yield components of different wheat genotypes

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    The properties of zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs) and their use have been shown as prominent for application in agriculture since it can bring certain benefits in agricultural production. The objective of this study was to estimate the impact of seed priming with ZnO NPs on yield components, plant height and spike length on wheat. In order to estimate the effects of ZnO nanoparticles on yield component, four winter wheat genotypes namely, NS Pobeda, NS Futura, NS 40S and NK Ingenio were selected. Seeds of each wheat genotypes were primed with different concentrations of ZnO NPs (0, 10, 100 and 1000 mg l-1) for 48 h in dark box by continuous aeration. Primed seeds were after sown in soil pots with 60-70% moisture contents during the till maturity. Considerable improvement was observed in plant height and spike length which increased with rates of ZnO NPs compared to the control. At rates of 10 mg l-1 ZnO NPs, the greatest increases in plant height and spike length were observed for genotypes NS Pobeda and NS Futura. At 100 mg l-1 ZnO NPs, the greatest increase for both traits was observed for genotypes NS 40S and NK Ingenio. Maximum rates of ZnO nanoparticles reduced both observed traits of wheat. The result indicated that ZnO nanoparticles can significantly increase plant height and spike length of wheat, but also plant response to ZnO nanoparticles significantly depends on concentration of application, as well as from wheat genotype

    Search for Solar Axions Using Fe-57

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    We have made a search for Fe-57 gamma rays of energy 14.4 keV induced by resonant absorption of monochromatic solar axions, as proposed by Moriyama. The proposed axions are suggested to be emitted from the Sun, in M1 transitions between the first, thermally excited state and the ground state of Fe-57. An upper limit on hadronic axion mass of 745 eV is obtained at the 95% confidence level, it being assumed that z=0.56 and S=0.5.Comment: 4 pages, latex, revtex source, 1 postscript figure included, Title revised, some references added and expanded discussion. Version accepted by Phys. Lett.

    Indicators of health status of firefighters during the implementation of flashover simulator

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    U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati istraživanja provedenog na vatrogascima iz javnih vatrogasnih postrojbi (JVP) i dobrovoljnih vatrogasnih druÅ”tava (DVD) koji su sudjelovali u obuci za gaÅ”enje požara u zatvorenom prostoru u simulatoru plamenih udara (SPU) pri JVP Ivanić-Grad. Ispitanicima je mjeren krvni tlak, tjelesna temperatura u zvukovodu, pokazatelji plućne funkcije, stupanj oÅ”tećenja DNA i indeks tjelesne mase. Zamijećena je visoka učestalost pretilosti (27%) te poviÅ”enih vrijednosti krvnog tlaka (53%) prije obuke. Spomenuta obuka dovela je do većeg porasta srčane frekvencije i temperature u pripadnika DVD-a u odnosu na profesionalne vatrogasce. Sistolički krvni tlak nije se značajnije mijenjao tijekom obuke u SPU-u, dijastolički krvni tlak blago se snizio, a pokazatelji plućne funkcije su blago porasli u obje grupe, Å”to ukazuje da obuka u SPU-u dovodi do očekivanog fizioloÅ”kog odgovora kardiovaskularnog i diÅ”nog sustava na fizički i termalni stres te se može smatrati zdravstveno sigurnom za zdrave vatrogasce uz obaveznu upotrebu zaÅ”titne opreme. Visoka učestalost pretilosti i poviÅ”enih vrijednosti krvnog tlaka ukazuje na potrebu unaprjeđenja fizičke spremnosti vatrogasaca u Hrvatskoj.This article presents an overview of the investigation performed on the professional and volunteer firefighters attending Compartment Fire Behaviour Training (CFBT) in a simulator in controlled conditions. Blood pressure (BP), tympanic temperature, parameters of lung function, DNA damage, and body mass index (BMI) were recorded for study participants before and during the CFBT. High prevalence of obesity (27%) and basal hypertensive BP values (53%) was found. CFBT induced mild hyperthermia and physical strain. In comparison to professional firefighters, CFBT induced higher increase in pulse and tympanic temperature in volunteers. Systolic BP did not vary significantly, diastolic BP slightly decreased, and parameters of lung function slightly increased in both groups during the CFBT. Results confirm that CFBT induced only expected physiological cardiovascular and respiratory responses, and can be considered as a safe procedure for healthy firefighters using obligatory protective equipment. High prevalence of obesity and elevated BP values indicates a need for better physical fitness and BP control among firefighters in Croatia

    Search for solar axions using Li-7

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    We describe a novel approach to the search for solar, near-monochromatic hadronic axions, the latter being suggested to be created in the solar core during M1 transitions between the first excited level of Li-7, at 478 keV, and the ground state. As a result of Doppler broadening, in principle these axions can be detected via resonant absorption by the same nuclide on the Earth. Excited nuclei of Li-7 are produced in the solar interior by Be-7 electron capture and thus the axions are accompanied by emission of Be-7 solar neutrinos of energy 384 keV. An experiment was made which has yielded an upper limit on hadronic axion mass of 32 keV at the 95% confidence level.Comment: revtex, 4 pages with 2 figures, title revised, minor changes, matches version to appear in Phys. Rev.
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