102 research outputs found

    An extended Lagrangian method

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    A unique formulation of describing fluid motion is presented. The method, referred to as 'extended Lagrangian method', is interesting from both theoretical and numerical points of view. The formulation offers accuracy in numerical solution by avoiding numerical diffusion resulting from mixing of fluxes in the Eulerian description. Meanwhile, it also avoids the inaccuracy incurred due to geometry and variable interpolations used by the previous Lagrangian methods. Unlike the Lagrangian method previously imposed which is valid only for supersonic flows, the present method is general and capable of treating subsonic flows as well as supersonic flows. The method proposed in this paper is robust and stable. It automatically adapts to flow features without resorting to clustering, thereby maintaining rather uniform grid spacing throughout and large time step. Moreover, the method is shown to resolve multi-dimensional discontinuities with a high level of accuracy, similar to that found in one-dimensional problems

    An Extended Lagrangian Method

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    A unique formulation of describing fluid motion is presented. The method, referred to as 'extended Lagrangian method,' is interesting from both theoretical and numerical points of view. The formulation offers accuracy in numerical solution by avoiding numerical diffusion resulting from mixing of fluxes in the Eulerian description. The present method and the Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian (ALE) method have a similarity in spirit-eliminating the cross-streamline numerical diffusion. For this purpose, we suggest a simple grid constraint condition and utilize an accurate discretization procedure. This grid constraint is only applied to the transverse cell face parallel to the local stream velocity, and hence our method for the steady state problems naturally reduces to the streamline-curvature method, without explicitly solving the steady stream-coordinate equations formulated a priori. Unlike the Lagrangian method proposed by Loh and Hui which is valid only for steady supersonic flows, the present method is general and capable of treating subsonic flows and supersonic flows as well as unsteady flows, simply by invoking in the same code an appropriate grid constraint suggested in this paper. The approach is found to be robust and stable. It automatically adapts to flow features without resorting to clustering, thereby maintaining rather uniform grid spacing throughout and large time step. Moreover, the method is shown to resolve multi-dimensional discontinuities with a high level of accuracy, similar to that found in one-dimensional problems

    Unresolved Problems by Shock Capturing: Taming the Overheating Problem

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    The overheating problem, first observed by von Neumann [1] and later studied extensively by Noh [2] using both Eulerian and Lagrangian formulations, remains to be one of the unsolved problems by shock capturing. It is historically well known to occur when a flow is under compression, such as when a shock wave hits and reflects from a wall or when two streams collides with each other. The overheating phenomenon is also found numerically in a smooth flow undergoing rarefaction created by two streams receding from each other. This is in contrary to one s intuition expecting a decrease in internal energy. The excessive amount in the temperature increase does not reduce by refining the mesh size or increasing the order of accuracy. This study finds that the overheating in the receding flow correlates with the entropy generation. By requiring entropy preservation, the overheating is eliminated and the solution is grid convergent. The shock-capturing scheme, as being practiced today, gives rise to the entropy generation, which in turn causes the overheating. This assertion stands up to the convergence test

    The Evolution of AUSM Schemes

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    This paper focuses on the evolution of advection upstream splitting method (AUSM) schemes. The main ingredients that have led to the development of modern computational fluid dynamics (CFD) methods have been reviewed, thus the ideas behind AUSM. First and foremost is the concept of upwinding. Second, the use of Riemann problem in constructing the numerical flux in the finite-volume setting. Third, the necessity of including all physical processes, as characterised by the linear (convection) and nonlinear (acoustic) fields. Fourth, the realisation of separating the flux into convection and pressure fluxes. The rest of this review briefly outlines the technical evolution of AUSM and more details can be found in the cited references.Defence Science Journal, 2010, 60(6), pp.606-613, DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.14429/dsj.60.58

    Why Is the Overheating Problem Difficult: the Role of Entropy

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    The development of computational fluid dynamics over the last few decades has yielded enormous successes and capabilities being routinely employed today; however there remain some open problems to be properly resolved-some are fundamental in nature and some resolvable by operational changes. These two categories are distinguished and broadly explored previously. One, that belongs to the former, is the so-called overheating problem, especially in rarefying flow. This problem up to date still dogs every method known to the author; a solution to it remains elusive. The study in this paper concludes that: (1) the entropy increase is quantitatively linked to the increase in the temperature increase, (2) it is argued that the overheating is inevitable in the current shock capturing or traditional finite difference framework, and (3) a simple hybrid method is proposed that removes the overheating problem in the rarefying problems, but also retains the property of accurate shock capturing. This remedy (enhancement of current numerical methods) can be included easily in the present Eulerian codes

    DRAGON Grid: A Three-Dimensional Hybrid Grid Generation Code Developed

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    Because grid generation can consume 70 percent of the total analysis time for a typical three-dimensional viscous flow simulation for a practical engineering device, payoffs from research and development could reduce costs and increase throughputs considerably. In this study, researchers at the NASA Glenn Research Center at Lewis Field developed a new hybrid grid approach with the advantages of flexibility, high-quality grids suitable for an accurate resolution of viscous regions, and a low memory requirement. These advantages will, in turn, reduce analysis time and increase accuracy. They result from an innovative combination of structured and unstructured grids to represent the geometry and the computation domain. The present approach makes use of the respective strengths of both the structured and unstructured grid methods, while minimizing their weaknesses. First, the Chimera grid generates high-quality, mostly orthogonal meshes around individual components. This process is flexible and can be done easily. Normally, these individual grids are required overlap each other so that the solution on one grid can communicate with another. However, when this communication is carried out via a nonconservative interpolation procedure, a spurious solution can result. Current research is aimed at entirely eliminating this undesired interpolation by directly replacing arbitrary grid overlapping with a nonstructured grid called a DRAGON grid, which uses the same set of conservation laws over the entire region, thus ensuring conservation everywhere. The DRAGON grid is shown for a typical film-cooled turbine vane with 33 holes and 3 plenum compartments. There are structured grids around each geometrical entity and unstructured grids connecting them. In fiscal year 1999, Glenn researchers developed and tested the three-dimensional DRAGON grid-generation tools. A flow solver suitable for the DRAGON grid has been developed, and a series of validation tests are underway

    A computational analysis of under-expanded jets in the hypersonic regime

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    Underexpanded axisymmetric jets are studied numerically using a full Navier-Stokes solver. Emphasis has been given to supersonic and hypersonic jets in supersonic and hypersonic ambient flows, a phenomenon previously overlooked. It is demonstrated that the shear layers and shock patterns in a jet plume can be captured without complicated viscous/inviscid and subsonic/supersonic coupling schemes. In addition, a supersonic pressure relief effect has been identified for underexpanded jets in supersonic ambient flows. While it is well known that an underexpanded jet in a quiescent ambience (or subsonic ambience) contains multiple shock cells, the present study shows that because of the supersonic pressure relief effect, an underexpanded jet in a supersonic or hypersonic ambience contains only one major shock cell

    The Root Cause of the Overheating Problem

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    Previously we identified the receding flow, where two fluid streams recede from each other, as an open numerical problem, because all well-known numerical fluxes give an anomalous temperature rise, thus called the overheating problem. This phenomenon, although presented in several textbooks, and many previous publications, has scarcely been satisfactorily addressed and the root cause of the overheating problem not well understood. We found that this temperature rise was solely connected to entropy rise and proposed to use the method of characteristics to eradicate the problem. However, the root cause of the entropy production was still unclear. In the present study, we identify the cause of this problem: the entropy rise is rooted in the pressure flux in a finite volume formulation and is implanted at the first time step. It is found theoretically inevitable for all existing numerical flux schemes used in the finite volume setting, as confirmed by numerical tests. This difficulty cannot be eliminated by manipulating time step, grid size, spatial accuracy, etc, although the rate of overheating depends on the flux scheme used. Finally, we incorporate the entropy transport equation, in place of the energy equation, to ensure preservation of entropy, thus correcting this temperature anomaly. Its applicability is demonstrated for some relevant 1D and 2D problems. Thus, the present study validates that the entropy generated ab initio is the genesis of the overheating problem

    Conservative treatment of boundary interfaces for overlaid grids and multi-level grid adaptations

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    Conservative algorithms for boundary interfaces of overlaid grids are presented. The basic method is zeroth order, and is extended to a higher order method using interpolation and subcell decomposition. The present method, strictly based on a conservative constraint, is tested with overlaid grids for various applications of unsteady and steady supersonic inviscid flows with strong shock waves. The algorithm is also applied to a multi-level grid adaptation in which the next level finer grid is overlaid on the coarse base grid with an arbitrary orientation

    A Continuing Search for a Near-Perfect Numerical Flux Scheme

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    While enjoying demonstrated improvement in accuracy, efficiency, and robustness over existing schemes, the Advection Upstream Splitting Scheme (AUSM) was found to have some deficiencies in extreme cases. This recent progress towards improving the AUSM while retaining its advantageous features is described. The new scheme, termed AUSM+, features: unification of velocity and Mach number splitting; exact capture of a single stationary shock; and improvement in accuracy. A general construction of the AUSM+ scheme is layed out and then focus is on the analysis of the a scheme and its mathematical properties, heretofore unreported. Monotonicity and positivity are proved, and a CFL-like condition is given for first and second order schemes and for generalized curvilinear co-ordinates. Finally, results of numerical tests on many problems are given to confirm the capability and improvements on a variety of problems including those failed by prominent schemes
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