11 research outputs found

    Etudes cryptographiques et statistiques de signaux compromettants

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    The main subject of this manuscript is the Side Channel Attacks. These attacks investigate the variation of device emanations to retrieve a secret key. These emanations can be the power consumption, the electromagnetic radiation, etc. Most of the time, those attacks use statistical methods to examine the relationship between the emanations and some leakage models supposed by the attacker. Three main axis are developed here. First, we have implemented many side channel attacks on GPGPU using the API OpenCL. These implementations are more effective than the classical ones, so an attacker can exploit more data. Then, in order to provide a new side channel attack, we have suggested the use of a new dependency measurement proposed by Reshef et al., the MIC. The MIC is more advantageous than the mutual information, because its computation does not depend of a kernel choice nor a windows size. So, its use in side channel analysis is simple, even if the time complexity is large. Finally, we have introduced a new attack based on the join distribution of the input and the output of a cryptographic sub-function. If the distribution depends on the key used in the function, we can retrieve the secret key. This attack can be efficient even in presence of some countermeasures because it does not required the knowledge of both plain text or cipher text.Cette thèse porte sur les attaques par observations. Ces attaques étudient les variations d'émanation d'un composant pour retrouver une clé secrète. Ces émanations peuvent être multiples, par exemple, la consommation de courant électrique, le rayonnement électromagnétique, etc. Généralement, ces attaques font appel à des méthodes statistiques pour examiner la relation entre les émanations du composant et des modèles de consommation imaginés par l'attaquant. Trois axes sont développés dans cette thèse. Dans un premier temps, nous avons implémenté différentes attaques par observations sur des cartes graphiques en utilisant l'API OpenCL. Ces implémentations sont plus performantes que les implémentations classiques, ce qui permet à un attaquant de pouvoir traiter plus de données. Dans un second temps, nous avons proposé l'utilisation du MIC dans le cadre des attaques par observations. L'avantage du MIC, par rapport à l'information mutuelle, est sa facilité de calcul, ne dépendant pas de choix de noyau ou de taille de fenêtre. Son utilisation dans une attaque par observations est donc aisée, même si, la complexité des calculs à effectuer est souvent très importante. Enfin, nous avons introduit une nouvelle attaque, basée sur la distribution jointe de l'entrée et de la sortie de fonction cryptographique. Si cette distribution varie en fonction de la valeur de la clé impliquée par la fonction, on est capable de retrouver la clé secrète utilisée par le composant. Cette nouvelle attaque a la particularité de ne nécessiter ni la connaissance du texte clair, ni la connaissance du texte chiffré, ce qui lui permet d'être efficace même en présence de certaines contre-mesures

    Maximal Information Coefficient Analysis

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    Abstract In the domain of the Side Channel Attacks, various statistical tools have succeeded to retrieve a secret key, as the Pearson coefficient or the Mutual Information. In this paper we propose to study the Maximal Information Coefficient (MIC) which is a non-parametric method introduced by Reshef et al. [13] to compare two random variables. The MIC is based on the mutual information but it is easier to implement and is robust to the noise. We show how apply this tool in the particular case of the side channel attacks. As in statistics, benefits only appears with drawbacks, the computing complexity of the MIC is high. Therefore, we propose a way to efficiently compute the MIC. The obtained attack called the Maximal Information Coefficient Analysis is compared to the CPA [3] and the MIA [8]. The results show the interest of this approach when the leakage is noisy and bad modeleled

    A Unified Formalism for Physical Attacks

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    Technical reportThe security of cryptographic algorithms can be considered in two contexts. On the one hand, these algorithms can be proven secure mathematically. On the other hand, physical attacks can weaken the implementation of an algorithm yet proven secure. Under the common name of physical attacks, different attacks are regrouped: side channel attacks and fault injection attacks. This paper presents a common formalism for these attacks and highlights their underlying principles. All physical attacks on symmetric algorithms can be described with a 3-step process. Moreover it is possible to compare different physical attacks, by separating the theoretical attack path and the experimental parts of the attacks

    Cryptographic and statistical side channel analysis

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    Cette thèse porte sur les attaques par observations. Ces attaques étudient les variations d'émanation d'un composant pour retrouver une clé secrète. Ces émanations peuvent être multiples, par exemple, la consommation de courant électrique, le rayonnement électromagnétique, etc. Généralement, ces attaques font appel à des méthodes statistiques pour examiner la relation entre les émanations du composant et des modèles de consommation imaginés par l'attaquant. Trois axes sont développés dans cette thèse. Dans un premier temps, nous avons implémenté différentes attaques par observations sur des cartes graphiques en utilisant l'API OpenCL. Ces implémentations sont plus performantes que les implémentations classiques, ce qui permet à un attaquant de pouvoir traiter plus de données. Dans un second temps, nous avons proposé l'utilisation du MIC dans le cadre des attaques par observations. L'avantage du MIC, par rapport à l'information mutuelle, est sa facilité de calcul, ne dépendant pas de choix de noyau ou de taille de fenêtre. Son utilisation dans une attaque par observations est donc aisée, même si, la complexité des calculs à effectuer est souvent très importante. Enfin, nous avons introduit une nouvelle attaque, basée sur la distribution jointe de l'entrée et de la sortie de fonction cryptographique. Si cette distribution varie en fonction de la valeur de la clé impliquée par la fonction, on est capable de retrouver la clé secrète utilisée par le composant. Cette nouvelle attaque a la particularité de ne nécessiter ni la connaissance du texte clair, ni la connaissance du texte chiffré, ce qui lui permet d'être efficace même en présence de certaines contre-mesures.The main subject of this manuscript is the Side Channel Attacks. These attacks investigate the variation of device emanations to retrieve a secret key. These emanations can be the power consumption, the electromagnetic radiation, etc. Most of the time, those attacks use statistical methods to examine the relationship between the emanations and some leakage models supposed by the attacker. Three main axis are developed here. First, we have implemented many side channel attacks on GPGPU using the API OpenCL. These implementations are more effective than the classical ones, so an attacker can exploit more data. Then, in order to provide a new side channel attack, we have suggested the use of a new dependency measurement proposed by Reshef et al., the MIC. The MIC is more advantageous than the mutual information, because its computation does not depend of a kernel choice nor a windows size. So, its use in side channel analysis is simple, even if the time complexity is large. Finally, we have introduced a new attack based on the join distribution of the input and the output of a cryptographic sub-function. If the distribution depends on the key used in the function, we can retrieve the secret key. This attack can be efficient even in presence of some countermeasures because it does not required the knowledge of both plain text or cipher text

    Using the Joint Distributions of a Cryptographic Function in Side Channel Analysis

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    The Side Channel Analysis is now a classic way to retrieve a secret key in the smart-card world. Unfortunately, most of the ensuing attacks require the plaintext or the ciphertext used by the embedded algorithm. In this article, we present a new method for exploiting the leakage of a device without this constraint. Our attack is based on a study of the leakage distribution of internal data of a cryptographic function and can be performed not only at the beginning or the end of the algorithm, but also at every instant that involves the secret key. This paper focuses on the distribution study and the resulting attack. We also propose a way to proceed in a noisy context using smart distances. We validate our proposition by practical results on an AES128 software implemented on a ATMega2561 and on the DPA contest v4

    On Fault Injections in Generalized Feistel Networks

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    International audience—In this paper, we propose a generic method to assess the vulnerability to Differential Fault Analysis of generalized Feistel networks (GFN). This method is based on an in-depth analysis of the GFN properties. First the diffusion of faults is studied, both at the block level and at the S-box level, in order to have a fault which maximizes the number of S-boxes impacted by a fault. Then the number of faults in an S-box required to find the key is evaluated. By combining these results, a precise assessment of the vulnerability to fault attacks of GFN can be made. This method is then used on several examples of Feistel ciphers

    Collision Based Attacks in Practice

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    International audienceChosen-Message Simple Power Analysis, also called Collision Based Attacks (CBA), have been proposed by Fouque, Yen and Homma. These attacks aim at inducing and detecting collisions during modular operations. However, detecting collisions is a challenging task in real environments. Doing it in an automated manner is even more challenging. In this paper, we propose and compare some methods and criteria allowing to automatically (without any visual inspection) detect the occurrence of collisions in leakage traces acquired on modern (and thus noisy) circuits

    From theory to practice: horizontal attacks on protected implementations of modular exponentiations

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    International audienceNowadays, horizontal or single-shot side-channel attacks against protected implementations of RSA and similar algorithms constitute a theoretic threat against secure devices. Nevertheless, in practice their application remains very difficult not only because of their complexity, but also because of environmental countermeasures integrated by designers that render their application even more difficult. Horizontal side-channel attacks take place in multiple steps. Among them, the most important are the acquisition of a complete trace with a sufficiently high sampling rate, its cutting into regular patterns, the realignment of the obtained patterns, the reduction as far as possible of noise in the acquired trace, the identification of the points of interest and the application of an effective distinguisher. Each of these steps is crucial and leads, if performed without enough attention, to an unsuccessful attack. In this context, this paper introduces effective solutions to efficiently perform all these steps, i.e., practicable means for implementing efficient horizontal attacks

    A Multi-Round Side Channel Attack on AES using Belief Propagation

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    International audienceThis paper presents a new side channel attack to recover a block cipher key. No plaintext and no ciphertext are required, no templates are built. Only the leakage measurements collected in many different rounds of the algorithm are exploited. The leakage is considered as a Hamming weight with a Gaussian noise. The chosen target is the Advanced Encryption Standard (AES). Bayesian inference is used to score all guesses on several consecutive round-key bytes. From these scores a Belief Propagation algorithm is used, based on the relations of the Key-Expansion, to discriminate the unique correct guess. Theoretical results according to various noise models are obtained with simulations