719 research outputs found

    Oscillators and operational amplifiers

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    Sinusoidal excitation on the Chua's circuit simulation of limit cycles and chaos

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    Oscillators - a simple introduction

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    Is the quadrature oscillator a multivibrator?

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    The Wien Bridge Oscillator Family

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    Ribersborgsstranden as a health-promoting green area : how do visitors experience Ribersborgsstranden?

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    I arbetet undersöks hur besökare upplever Ribersborgsstranden som grönområde. Ribersborgsstranden är anlagd för cirka hundra år sedan. Området definieras som park- och grönområde enligt Malmö stad (2003). Stranden används framförallt för rekreation, fritids- och sociala aktiviteter. Utformningsmässigt består stranden av stora gräsytor, dungar, kullar, sanddyner och strandängar. Genom enkät har det undersökts hur dagens besökare upplever Ribersborgsstranden som hälsosam park och grön miljö. Underlaget till enkäten har utgått från de åtta stycken hälsofrämjande karaktärer som professor Patrick Grahn uppmärksammar i sin forskning vid SLU. Enkäten används i undersökningen som ett försök till att låta besökaren ge en enhetlig bedömning av strandens upplevelsevärden som grönmiljö. Karaktärerna bedömdes efter skalan 1-5. Ett innebär att besökaren inte instämmer, fem innebär att besökaren instämmer helt att karaktären upplevs. I enkäten fick deltagaren beskriva sin upplevelse för varje karaktär med ord i fall de ville. Då karaktärerna hade bedömts, så kunde det svaras på om några av karaktärerna kan förbättras. Varje deltagare kopplade sitt svar till sin plats på stranden med hjälp av att markera sin position på enkätens karta. I sammanställningen av enkätsvaren går det att utläsa att stranden upplevs som öppen och har höga värden för möten och samvaro. Stranden har däremot brister i artrikedom och vildhet. Det upplevs som att det är väldigt mycket folk på stranden. Många uttrycker att de saknar mer avskärmningar och rumsindelningar. De stora gräsytorna hjälper inte besökaren att få en naturligt präglad upplevelse av Ribersborgsstranden. Sanddynerna mellan strandängarna ger besökare högst upplevelsevärden enligt sammanställningen av enkätsvaren.The work examines how visitors experience Ribersborgsstranden as a green area. Ribersborgsstranden was created about a hundred years ago. The area is defined as a park and green area according to the City of Malmö (2003). The beach is mainly used for recreation and social activities. The beach consists of large grasslawns, groves and hills, dunes and beach meadows. Through a survey, it has been investigated how today's visitors experience Ribersborgsstranden as a healthy park and green environment. The survey was based on the eight health�promoting attributes that Professor Patrik Grahn has formulated in his research at SLU. The questions used in the survey attempt to allow the visitor to give an assessment of the experience values of the beach as a green environment. The grades were assessed according to the scale 1-5. One means that the visitor does not agree, five means that the visitor completely agrees that the character is experienced. The participants could describe their experience for each character with words in case there wanted to do so. When the characters were graded, participants could answer whether any of the characters could be improved. Each participant linked their answer to their place on the beach by marking their position on the map. The compiled survey results indicate that the beach is experienced as open, and it has high values for meetings and socializing. But it has a lack of species richness and wildness. The beach is perceived as crowded. Many express that the beach lacks smaller divisions and that it is hard to find private space. The large lawns do not help the visitor to get a natural experience of the beach. The dunes between the beach meadows give visitors the highest experience values according to the compiled survey results

    Review: Nutrient and energy supply in monogastric food producing animals with reduced environmental and climatic footprint and improved gut health

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    With more efficient utilisation of dietary nutrients and energy, diversified production systems, modifications of diet composition with respect to feedstuffs included and the use of free amino acids, the negative impact of animal food production on the environment and climate can be reduced. Accurate requirements for nutrients and energy for animals with differing physiological needs, and the use of robust and accurate feed evaluation systems are key for more efficient feed utilisation. Data on CP and amino acid requirements in pigs and poultry indicate that it should be possible to implement indispensable amino acid-balanced diets with low- or reduced-protein content without any reduction in animal performance. Potential feed resources, not competing with human food security, can be derived from the traditional food- and agroindustry, such as various waste streams and co-products of different origins. In addition, novel feedstuffs emerging from aquaculture, biotechnology and innovative new technologies may have potential to provide the lack of indispensable amino acids in organic animal food production. High fibre content is a nutritional limitation of using waste streams and co-products as feed for monogastric animals as it is associated with decreased nutrient digestibility and reduced dietary energy values. However, minimum levels of dietary fibre are needed to maintain the normal physiological function of the gastro-intestinal tract. Moreover, there may be positive effects of fibre in the diet such as improved gut health, increased satiety, and an overall improvement of behaviour and well-being.(c) 2023 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of The Animal Consortium. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/)

    An eigenvalue study of the MLC circuit

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