7,338 research outputs found

    Evaluating the Influence of Airport Governance Structures on Financial Performance

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    Medium hub airports in the United States vary in their governance structures. Airports are operated by an airport authority, transportation authority, city, county or state governance. These different types of governance structures establish the guidelines of how an airport will operate. The predicted growth in air travel in the coming years has inauspiciously coincided with expected cuts in federal airport funding programs. Airport profits, operating costs and cost per enplaned passenger were compared among the five governing structures to evaluate financial performances among the airport groups. The comparison was done using a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey tests. The results of the study indicate if financial differences exist among airports based on their governance structure. Managerial control was examined among the five airport groups to help indentify possible reasons for the similarities and differences. The results revealed that differences did exist among the groups. These differences, however, were not found among all the groups in all three categories. Many of the results were found to be inconsistent with each other leaving the possibility for other factors contributing to the financial differences among these airports

    Relations of power and juridical norms : the council decrees of Calahorra e La Calzada diocese’s under the bishop of D. Almoravid (1287-1300)

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    This paper speaks about the juridical discourses present in the sinodal decrets of Calahorra and La Calzada in the end of XIII th century. The objective of our work is to stress the relations between the episcopal institutions and their legislative practices. In the historical and political perspective, we have chosen a specific group of tematics: the clerical reformation and the question of their ordination; the sacramental life; the norms about the Jewish Communities; and, finally, the determinations about beneficial matter of the clergy

    Diálogo inter-religioso 'real ou aparente' durante a Idade Média hispânica : Ramon Llull (1232-1316)

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    Esse texto é a transcrição de uma palestra apresentada no Centro de cultura judaica no dia 29 de julho de 2004 (trad.: Profa. Danielle Werneck Nunes. Revisão: Prof. Dr. Ricardo da Costa - Ufes).El present treball tracta de l'existència del diàleg interreligiós durant l'Edat Mitjana. Per a presentar l'staust quaestionis es prenen elements històrics i, sobre tot, la figura de Ramon Llull i la seva obra Llibre del gentil e dels tres savis.This paper speaks about the dialogue between religions in the Middle Age. We're taking historical methods and The Book of the Pagan and the three Wises of Ramon Llull for introducing the status quaestionis

    Dialogue inter-religious ‘real or apparent’ during the Hispanic Middle Ages : Ramon Llull (1232-1316)

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    El present treball tracta de l’existència del diàleg interreligiós durant l’Edat Mitjana. Per a presentar l’staust quaestionis es prenen elements històrics i, sobre tot, la figura de Ramon Llull i la seva obra Llibre del gentil e dels tres savis.This paper speaks about the dialogue between religions in the Middle Age. We’re taking historical methods and The Book of the Pagan and the three Wises of Ramon Llull for introducing the status quaestionis

    Relações de poder e normas jurídicas : os decretos conciliares da diocese de Calahorra e La Calzada sob o bispado de D. Almoravid (1287-1300)

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    O presente trabalho visa discutir os discursos jurídicos presentes nos decretos do sínodo de Calahorra e La Calzada do final do século XIII. Nosso objetivo é destacar as relações entre instituições episcopais e suas práticas legislativas. Dentro de uma perspectiva histórica, e priorizando as relações de poder, trataremos de diversas temáticas: a reforma do clero e sua ordenação; a vida sacramental; as normas para as relações com os judeus; por fim, as determinações sobre a administração dos bens do clero.This paper speaks about the juridical discourses present in the sinodal decrets of Calahorra and La Calzada in the end of XIII th century. The objective of our work is to stress the relations between the episcopal institutions and their legislative practices. In the historical and political perspective, we have chosen a specific group of tematics: the clerical reformation and the question of their ordination; the sacramental life; the norms about the Jewish Communities; and, finally, the determinations about beneficial matter of the clergy

    Graphical Computing Solution for Industrial Plant Engineering

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    When preparing an engineering operation on an industrial plant, reliable and updated models of the plant must be available for correct decisions and planning. However, especially in the case of offshore oil and gas installations, it can hazardous and expensive to send an engineering party to assess and update the model of the plant. To reduce the cost and risk of modelling the plant, there are methods for quickly generating a 3D representation, such as LiDAR and stereoscopic reconstruction. However, these methods generate large files with no inherit cohesion. To address this, we propose to find a solution to efficiently transform point clouds from stereoscopic reconstruction into small mesh files that can be streamed or shared across teams. With that in mind, different techniques for treating point clouds and generating meshes were tested independently to measure their performance and effectiveness on an artifact-rich data set, such as the ones this work is aimed for. Afterwards, the techniques were combined into pipelines and compared with each other in terms of efficiency, file size output, and quality. With all results in place, the best solution from the ones tested was identified and validated with large real-world data sets.Master's Thesis in InformaticsINF39
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