130 research outputs found

    Análise da estrutura e do estoque de fitomassa de florestas secundárias, resultantes de corte raso seguido de queimada, da região de Manaus (AM)

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    Na Amazônia o fogo é ainda o principal trato cultural utilizado no preparo do solo para agricultura e pecuária, tanto pelos pequenos como pelos grandes fazendeiros. Combinando a baixa fertilidade do solo e o baixo preço da terra, assim que as fontes naturais de nutrientes são exauridas, as áreas são abandonadas e novas florestas primárias são derrubadas e queimadas. Por conta disso, grandes extensões de área da Amazõnia são cobertas por florestas secundárias originadas de áreas abandonadas pela agricultura ou pastagem. Este estudo foi conduzido na Estação Experimental de Silvicultura Tropical (EESTINPA) localizada, aproximadamente, no km 45 da BR-174 em capoeiras com diferentes idades (6, 10 e 25 anos) onde sofreram derruba seguida de queima. Foram mensurados todos os indivíduos com diâmetro à altura do peito maior ou igual a cinco centímetros (DAP = 5 cm) em uma área de 0,4 ha para cada tratamento. Seis, dez e vinte e cinco anos após a queimada, a floresta secundária ainda é muito diferente da floresta original, considerando todos os parâmetros da estrutura da vegetação, como a composição florística, abundância, freqüência, dominância, índice de valor de importância (IVI) e a distribuição diamétrica. As espécies dominantes são, principalmente, das famílias botânicas Annonaceae, Arecaceae, Burseraceae, Cecropiaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Lecythidaceae, Melastomataceae, Mimosaceae, Sapindaceae e Sterculiaceae. As estimativas de área basal, volume e fitomassa seca das capoeiras com, aproximadamente, 6, 10 e 25 anos de idade foram, respectivamente: 7,5 m².ha-¹, 12,8 m².ha-¹ e 19,2 m².ha-¹; 82,9 m³.ha-¹, 146 m³.ha-¹ e 225,9 m³.ha-¹; 26,3 t.ha-¹, 56,2 t.ha-¹ e 110,1 t.ha-¹. A conversão da floresta primária em secundária, através de derruba e queima, com aproximadamente, seis, dez anos e vinte e cinco anos de idade, já recuperaram 7,5%, 16,5%¨e 32,4% do estoque inicial em fitomassa seca, respectivamente

    Influence of plot size in Weibull’s diameter distribution function precision in a primary forest in Central Amazon

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    A função probabilística de Weibull é uma ferramenta importante para o manejo florestal. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar se os dados da floresta amazônica se ajustam a essa função e se o tamanho da parcela influencia na sua consistência. Foram utilizados 15 tamanhos de parcelas diferentes, instaladas na Estação Experimental ZF - 2 do INPA em Manaus, com 10 repetições para os tamanhos menores e 5 para os maiores. Foram coletados os diâmetros das árvores adultas (DAP >10 cm) e distribuídos em 11 classes diamétricas, com 10 cm de amplitude. Os parâmetros da função de Weibull foram estimados pelo método da máxima verossimilhança. Depois foi estimada a probabilidade da frequência esperada de cada classe diamétrica. A diferença entre a frequência esperada e a observada gerou um conjunto de qui-quadrados (c²) que foi comparado com o nível crítico de 5% (a = 0,05). Os resultados foram: (i) a função se ajustou ao conjunto de dados da floresta amazônica; (ii) o tamanho da parcela, estatisticamente, não apresentou influência na consistência do modelo; e (iii) pode-se usar uma única equação para florestas da região de Manaus.This research aimed to evaluate how the observed data of Amazonian forest can be fitted to Weibull’s probabilistic function and the influence of plot size to the fitness as well. The Weibull probabilistic function is an important tool for forest management. In this study it was used 15 different plot sizes, installed in the INPA’s Experimental Site ZF2 in Manaus, replicated 5 times for the larger sizes and 10 times for the smaller ones. It was collected the diameter of adult trees (DBH > 10 cm), and distributed into 11 diameter classes, with 10 cm interval. Weibull parameters were estimated by Maximum Likelihood method, and the probability of the expected frequency was estimated for each diameter class. The difference between observed and expected frequency generated a set of Chi-squared (χ²) for a 5% critical level (α = 0.05). The main results were: (i) the observed data were fitted by Weibull function appropriately; (ii) the precision obtained by the Weibull function was not influenced by plot size; and (iii) only one function is good enough for Manaus forests, independently of plot size

    Biomass stock and structural analysis of a secondary forest in Manaus (AM) region, ten years after clear cutting followed by fire

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    In Amazonia, fire is widely used for soil preparation in the agriculture and cattle ranching, either by small or big farmers. The combination of low fertility of the soil and low price of the land usually leads to typical shift cultivation as soon as the natural sources of nutrients are exhausted, when new primary forests are felled and burned. Due to that, secondary forests originated from abandoned agriculture or pasture activity projects cover huge areas in the Brazilian Amazônia. This study was carried out in the Tropical Forestry Experimental Station (EEST/INPA), around 50 kilometers north of Manaus, the capital of Amazonas State. A secondary forest capoeira"), 10 years old, was selected for this study; its land use history includes clear cutting followed by fire. Two different samples of primary forests were included as control plots for the "capoeira". All individuals with diameter at breast height (DBH) greater than 5 cm were measured and recorded in a single area of 0,4 ha for each treatment. Ten years after burning, the secondary forest is still very different in comparison with primary forest, in terms of important parameters of the vegetation structure, such as floristic composition, abundance, frequency, dominance, index of value of importance (IVI) and the diameter distribution. In "capoeira" studied the dominant species are mainly of the following botanical families: Annonaceae, Arecaceae, Burseraceae, Cecropiaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Lecythidaceae, Melastomataceae, Mimosaceae, Sapindaceae and Sterculiaceae. The estimates of dry biomass were 56.2 t. ha-1 ± 12 (CI 95%) and 339.7 t.ha-1 ± 66.7 (CI 95%) for "capoeira" and primary forest, respectively.Na Amazônia, o fogo é ainda o principal trato cultural utilizado no preparo de solo para agricultura e pecuária, tanto pelos pequenos como pelos grandes fazendeiros. Combinando à baixa fertilidade do solo e ao baixo preço da terra, assim que as fontes naturais de nutrientes são exauridas, as áreas são abandonadas e novas florestas primárias são derrubadas e queimadas. Por conta disso, grandes extensões de área da Amazônia são cobertas por florestas secundárias originadas de áreas abandonadas pela agricultura ou pastagem. Este estudo foi conduzido em uma área experimental usada em uma pesquisa sobre eficiência de combustão e emissão de gás carbônico da floresta amazônica, localizada aproximadamente 50 km ao norte de Manaus. A vegetação da área experimental foi derrubada e queimada em 1991, simulando as condições em que o pequeno agricultor prepara o solo para plantios de subsistência. Dez anos após a queimada, a floresta secundária ainda é bastante diferente da floresta original. As espécies vegetais dominantes são, principalmente, das famílias botânicas Annonaceae, Arecaceae, Burseraceae, Cecropiaceae, Euphorbiaceae, Fabaceae, Lecythidaceae, Melastomataceae, Mimosaceae, Sapindaceae e Sterculiaceae. O estoque de biomassa recuperado, dez anos após a formação da capoeira estudada, é de aproximadamente 16%, ou seja, a capoeira apresenta um estoque médio de 56,2 t.ha-1 ± 12 (IC 95%), enquanto que o estoque da floresta primária é de 339,7 t.ha-1 ± 66,7 (IC 95 %)

    A defesa dos direitos da criança e do adolescente: uma perspectiva da Defensoria Pública

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    - Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à Lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.- Localização na estante: 347.64(81) D313d- Organizado por: Adriano Leitinho Campos, Ana Cristina Teixeira Barreto, Francisco Rubens de Lima Júnior, José Vagner de Farias e Juliana Nogueira Andrade Lima

    Lumber yield of Sucupira-Vermelha in central Amazon sawmill: Rendimento no desdobro de toras de Sucupira-Vermelha em serraria na Amazônia Central

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    The sustainable use of forestry resources has an intrinsic relationship with log yield in sawmills, because the knowledge of this variable can optimize the processed wood production. Thus, the objective of this work was to determine the percentage yield in the sawing of Sucupira-Vermelha (Andira parviflora Ducke.) logs in different diameter classes and to adjust mathematical models to estimate processed wood. It was sampled 56 logs with diameters between 31 and 69 cm grouped into 4 diameter classes. Afterwards the sawing was performed obtaining various pieces of wood which were cubed to determine the yielding percentage. The increase in diameter classes provided an increase in sawn wood yield, which showed a significant difference only between the diameter class 1 and the others studied. Twelve mathematical models, 6 linear and 6 nonlinear, were evaluated. The models quality adjustment and selection was based on the highest adjusted determination coefficient (R²adj), lowest estimation standard error (Syx) and variation coefficient (VC%) and, most homogeneous residues graphic distribution. The nonlinear models of single entry (diameter) and double entry (diameter and length) were the most accurate to estimate the sawn wood yield of Sucupira-Vermelha species

    Prevalência de asma e sintomas asmáticos em escolares de 13 e 14 anos de idade

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    OBJECTIVE: Before the use of the ISAAC (International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood) questionnaire in epidemiologic surveys, little could be told about the comparative occurrence of asthma in the world due to differences in employed methods. In Brazil, the ISAAC questionnaire has been used in some urban regions. In this study it was applied in both, urban and rural areas, in order to estimate the prevalence of asthma among schoolchildren living in Montes Claros, Brazil. METHODS: A cross-sectional study was carried out using the ISAAC written questionnaire with four questions added on exposures of interest. The questionnaire was self-applied in 3,770 randomly selected schoolchildren aged 13 and 14 years. RESULTS: The prevalence of "wheezing in the last year" was 15.8%, and "asthma or bronchitis ever" was 23.8% with no statistically significant difference between boys and girls. There were significant differences between girls and boys regarding "wheezing ever" (37.8% and 33.6%), "sleeping disturbed by wheezing" (13.7% and 9.5%), and "nocturnal dry coughing without respiratory infection" (36.6% and 28.7%), respectively. "Wheezing in the last year" was found to be positively associated with "pet contact" (OR=1.27; 95% CI: 1.03-1.56), and "family history of asthma" (OR=1.79; 95% CI: 1.50-2.14), and negatively associated with "rural school" (OR=0.63; 95% CI: 0.44-0.91). But no association was found with sex, age, private/public school, and passive smoking. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of asthma in Montes Claros was high and some symptoms were seen mainly among girls. The occurrence of "wheezing in the last year" showed to be associated with family history, contact with pets and urban schools.OBJETIVO: Antes do uso do questionário padronizado ISAAC (International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood) em inquéritos epidemiológicos, pouco se conhecia sobre a ocorrência comparativa de asma no mundo, dados os diferentes métodos empregados. No Brasil, outros estudos utilizaram o questionário ISAAC em regiões urbanas. Realizou-se estudo utilizando esse questionário nas zonas urbana e rural com o objetivo de estimar a prevalência de asma em escolares. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com o questionário escrito ISAAC, acrescido de perguntas sobre exposições de interesse, auto-aplicado em 3.770 escolares de 13 e 14 anos de idade do município de Montes Claros (MG) selecionados por sorteio. RESULTADOS: A prevalência de "sibilos no último ano" foi 15,8%, e de "asma ou bronquite alguma vez na vida" 23,8%, sem diferença significativa entre sexos. Houve diferença estatística (

    Avaliação da estrutura de uma floresta submetida a diferentes intensidades de anelamento, 28 anos após a intervenção

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    In the Brazilian Amazon Area there is no long-term research reporting on the forest structural response to thinning by girdling. This study was conducted in the Tropical Forestry Experimental Station of the National Institute of Amazonian Research. The objective was to evaluate the structure of an upland forest which had a reduction of basal area by annealing by different intensities. The study was conducted 28 years after the girdling intervention. The experiment was installed in 1985 on 15 hectares. The statistical design was randomized blocks with three replications and four treatments (T1, T2, T3 and T4) and one control (T0). As for the number of trees per hectare (trees.ha-1), the ringed area showed a high capacity for resilience, even when subjected to high levels of intervention. In treatments T1, T2 and T3 the annealing benefited both commercial and non-commercial species. In T4, there was a reversal of this trend, an increase in the proportion of commercial species was detected when compared with T0. The diameter distribution of T1 (χ2 = 16.1) and T2 treatments (χ2 = 15.4) were statistically equal to T0 and the treatments T3 (χ2 = 29.9) and T4 (χ2 = 55.3) were different. The results suggest that the forest structure still has signs of the different interventions. The silvicultural treatment used in T4 has great potential to increase the forest dynamics and tree growth without compromising the forest structure and ecological processes

    A Systematic Review for Anti-Inflammatory Property of Clusiaceae Family: A Preclinical Approach

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    Background. Clusiaceae family (sensu lato) is extensively used in ethnomedicine for treating a number of disease conditions which include cancer, inflammation, and infection. The aim of this review is to report the pharmacological potential of plants of Clusiaceae family with the anti-inflammatory activity in animal experiments. Methods. A systematic review about experiments investigating anti-inflammatory activity of Clusiaceae family was carried out by searching bibliographic databases such as Medline, Scopus and Embase. In this update, the search terms were “anti-inflammatory agents,” “Clusiaceae,” and “animals, laboratory.” Results. A total of 255 publications with plants this family were identified. From the initial 255 studies, a total of 21 studies were selected for the final analysis. Studies with genera Allanblackia, Clusia, Garcinia or Rheedia, and Hypericum showed significant anti-inflammatory activity. The findings include a decrease of total leukocytes, a number of neutrophils, total protein concentration, granuloma formation, and paw or ear edema formation. Other interesting findings included decreased of the MPO activity, and inflammatory mediators such as NF-κB and iNOS expression, PGE2 and Il-1β levels and a decrease in chronic inflammation. Conclusion. The data reported suggests the anti-inflammatory effect potential of Clusiaceae family in animal experiments

    Dynamics of the Terra-firme primary forest in Manaus-AM region using the Markov probabilistic transition matrix

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    To combine protection and utilization of forest resources in the tropics, the understanding of forest dynamics is essential. It is also important in the definition of strategies for rehabilitation of degraded areas. In Forestry, forest dynamics could be translated as the understanding of recruitment, mortality and biomass increment rates over time. For this study, these rates were estimated based on measurements carried out in 2000 and 2004 over two transects measuring 20 by 2500 m (5 hectares) each, in Manaus region. This paper deals with forest dynamics of a pristine forest based on the probabilistic transition matrix (the first-order Markov Chain) approach. The main objective is to report 4-year (2000 to 2004) changes in the forest structure. Diameter distribution and tree mortality will be projected ahead to 2008 (t+2), based upon a 4-year period of observations completed in 2004 (t+1) and its immediate past in 2000 (t). In terms of fresh aboveground biomass, this site accumulated 8.34 t.ha-1.ano-1. The chi ² test has shown no statistical difference (p = 0.01) between observed diameter frequency and the expected projected by Markov Chain. This result indicates that the Markov Chain approach is a reliable tool to project the forest dynamics on a short-term basis. In 2008, the total number of individuals will have a decrease of 2.7%, and the mortality rate will 15% higher than in 2004.Os fatores que envolvem os processos da dinâmica da floresta influenciam a sua biodiversidade e, portanto, a qualidade da floresta. A definição de estratégias que envolve a proteção e o uso adequado da floresta manejada e a recuperação de áreas já degradadas tornam-se possível com o estudo da estrutura e dinâmica da floresta primária por meio de informações como a mortalidade, o recrutamento e a permanência das árvores no sistema florestal. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a dinâmica de uma floresta não perturbada e fazer projeções da dinâmica florestal usando a matriz de transição probabilística (Cadeia de Markov). As taxas de recrutamento, mortalidade e incremento foram determinadas a partir de inventários florestais realizados em dois transectos, nos sentidos Norte-Sul e Leste-Oeste (20 x 2500 m cada, totalizando 10 ha), localizados no km 50 da BR 174, na estrada vicinal ZF-2, Manaus/AM, nos anos de 2000 e 2004. A floresta acumulou 8,34 t.ha-1.ano-1 de biomassa fresca acima do solo. De acordo com projeção para 2008, o número total de árvores diminuirá em 2,67% (de 5987 indivíduos (2004) para 5827 (2008)) e a mortalidade será 15% maior (de 264 (2004) para 311 (2008)). O teste Qui-quadrado mostrou que não há diferença significativa (1% de probabilidade) entre as informações coletadas e projetadas. Esses resultados permitem concluir que a Cadeia de Markov é um eficiente instrumento para projetar a dinâmica da floresta natural, contribuindo para o planejamento em curto prazo das atividades que utilizam os recursos florestais

    Tree climbing techniques and volume equations for Eschweilera (Matá-Matá), a hyperdominant genus in the Amazon Forest

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    The Eschweilera genus has great ecological and economic importance due to its wide abundance in the Amazon basin. One potential use for the Eschweilera genus is in forest management, where just a few trees are removed per hectare. In order to improve the forest management in the Amazon, this study assessed two critical issues: volume equations fitted for a single genus and the development of a non-destructive method using climbing techniques. The equipment used to measure the sample trees included: climbing rope, ascenders, descenders, and carabiners. To carry out the objectives of this study, 64 trees with diameter at breast height (DBH) = 10 cm were selected and measured in ZF-2 Tropical Forestry Station near the city of Manaus, Brazil. Four single input models with DBH and four dual input models with DBH and merchantable height (H) were tested. The Husch model (V = a × DBHb) presented the best performance (R2 = 0.97). This model does not require the merchantable height, which is an important advantage, because of the difficulty in measuring this variable in tropical forests. When the merchantable height data are collected using accurate methods, the Schumacher and Hall model (V = a × DBHb × Hc) is the most appropriated. Tree climbing techniques with the use of ropes, as a non-destructive method, is a good alternative to measure the merchantable height, the diameter along the stem, and also estimate the tree volume (m3) of the Eschweilera genus in the Amazon basin. © 2017 by the authors