21 research outputs found

    Enhancing the Fuel Properties of Spent Coffee Grounds through Hydrothermal Carbonization: Output Prediction and Post-Treatment Approaches

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    The reuse potential for the large annual production of spent coffee grounds (SCGs) is underexploited in most world regions. Hydrochars from SCGs produced via hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) have been recognized as a promising solid fuel alternative. To increase demand, optimization of the HTC and two post-treatment processes, washing and agglomeration, were studied to improve hydrochar in terms of energetic properties, minimizing unwanted substances, and better handling. HTC experiments at three scales (1–18.75 L) and varying process conditions (temperature T (160–250 °C), reaction time t (1–5 h), and solid content %So (6–20%) showed that the higher heating value (HHV) can be improved by up to 46%, and most potential emissions of trace elements from combustion reduced (up to 90%). The HTC outputs (solid yield—SY, HHV, energy yield—EY) were modeled and compared to published genetic programming (GP) models. Both model types predicted the three outputs with low error (<15%) and can be used for process optimization. The efficiency of water washing depended on the HTC process temperature and type of aromatics produced. The furanic compounds were removed (69–100%; 160 °C), while only 34% of the phenolic compounds (240 °C) were washed out. Agglomeration of both wet SCG and its hydrochar is feasible; however, the finer particles of washed hydrochar (240 °C) resulted in larger-sized spherical pellets (85% > 2000–4000 μm) compared to SCGs (only 4%)

    Hydrothermal carbonization as an alternative sanitation technology: Process optimization and development of low-cost reactor

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    Background: The provision of safe sanitation services is essential for human well-being and environmental integrity, but it is often lacking in less developed communities with insufficient financial and technical resources. Hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) has been suggested as an alternative sanitation technology, producing value-added products from faecal waste. We evaluated the HTC technology for raw human waste treatment in terms of resource recovery. In addition, we constructed and tested a low-cost HTC reactor for its technical feasibility. Methods: Raw human faeces were hydrothermally treated in a mild severity range (≤ 200 °C and ≤ 1 hr). The total energy recovery was analysed from the energy input, higher heating value (HHV) of hydrochar and biomethane potential of process water. The nutrient contents were recovered through struvite precipitation employing process water and acid leachate from hydrochar ash. A bench-scale low-cost reactor (BLR) was developed using widely available materials and tested for human faeces treatment. Results: The hydrochar had HHVs (23.2 - 25.2 MJ/kg) comparable to bituminous coal. The calorific value of hydrochar accounted for more than 90% of the total energy recovery. Around 78% of phosphorus in feedstock was retained in hydrochar ash, while 15% was in process water. 72% of the initial phosphorus can be recovered as struvite when deficient Mg and NH 4 are supplemented. The experiments with BLR showed stable operation for faecal waste treatment with an energy efficiency comparable to a commercial reactor system. Conclusions: This research presents a proof of concept for the hydrothermal treatment of faecal waste as an alternative sanitation technology, by providing a quantitative evaluation of the resource recovery of energy and nutrients. The experiments with the BLR demonstrate the technical feasibility of the low-cost reactor and support its further development on a larger scale to reach practical implementation

    Changes in Selected Organic and Inorganic Compounds in the Hydrothermal Carbonization Process Liquid While in Storage

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    Although many studies have investigated the hydrothermal transformation of feedstock biomass, little is known about the stability of the compounds present in the process liquid after the carbonization process is completed. The physicochemical characteristics of hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) liquid products may change over storage time, diminishing the amount of desired products or producing unwanted contaminants. These changes may restrict the use of HTC liquid products. Here, we investigate the effect of storage temperature (20, 4, and −18 °C) and time (weeks 1-12) on structural and compositional changes of selected organic compounds and physicochemical characteristics of the process liquid from the HTC of digested cow manure. ANOVA showed that the storage time has a significant effect on the concentrations of almost all of the selected organic compounds, except acetic acid. Considerable changes in the composition of the process liquid took place at all studied temperatures, including deep freezing at −18 °C. Prominent is the polymerization of aromatic compounds with the formation of precipitates, which settle over time. This, in turn, influences the inorganic compounds present in the liquid phase by chelating or selectively adsorbing them. The implications of these results on the further processing of the process liquid for various applications are discussed

    Late Quaternary evolution of rivers, lakes and peatlands in northeast Germany reflecting past climatic and human impact – an overview

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    Die Kenntnis der regionalen Paläohydrologie ist eine wesentliche Grundlage für das Verständnis aktueller Umweltfragen, wie zum Beispiel nach den Gründen von hydrologischen Veränderungen, dem Einfluss von Landnutzungsstrategien und der Wirksamkeit von Renaturierungsvorhaben in Feuchtgebieten. Auch die Interpretation von Modellierungsergebnissen zu den künftigen Einflüssen des Klima- und Landnutzungswandels auf das Gewässersystem kann durch die Einbeziehung (prä-) historischer Analogien verbessert werden. Für das glazial geprägte nordostdeutsche Tiefland wurde eine Übersicht der vorliegenden paläohydrologischen Befunde für den Zeitraum der letzten etwa 20.000 Jahre erarbeitet. Die Entwicklung der Flüsse wurde mit Blick auf die Tal-/Auengenese und das Ablagerungsmilieu, die Veränderung des Tal- und Gerinneverlaufs sowie den Paläoabfluss bzw. das Paläohochwasser betrachtet. Wesentliche genetische Unterschiede bestehen zwischen Alt- (Elster- und Saalekaltzeit) und Jungmoränengebieten (Weichselkaltzeit) sowie zwischen hoch und tief gelegenen Tälern. Letztere sind stark durch Wasserspiegelveränderungen in der Nord- und Ostsee beeinflusst worden. Die Entwicklung der Seen wurde hinsichtlich der Seebildung, die überwiegend eine Folge der spätpleistozänen bis frühholozänen Toteistieftau-Dynamik ist, und der Veränderungen im Ablagerungsmilieu analysiert. Weiterhin standen Seespiegelveränderungen im Fokus, wobei sich hoch variable lokale Befunde mit einigen Übereinstimmungen zeigten. Der Überblick zur Moorentwicklung konzentrierte sich auf hydrogenetische Moorentwicklungsphasen und auf die langfristige Entwicklung des Grundwasserspiegels. Enge Beziehungen zwischen der Entwicklung der Flüsse, Seen und Moore bestanden insbesondere im Spätholozän durch komplexe Vermoorungsprozesse in den großen Flusstälern. Bis in das Spätholozän wurde die regionale Hydrologie überwiegend durch klimatische, geomorphologische und nicht-anthropogene biologische Faktoren gesteuert. Seit dem Spätmittelalter wurde in der Region das Gewässernetz und der Wasserkreislauf im starken Maß durch anthropogene Interventionen beeinflusst (z.B. Aufstau von Flüssen und Seen, Bau von Kanälen und Deichen, Moorkultivierung). In den letzten etwa 50 Jahren haben dann sogar die kurzfristigen anthropogenen Eingriffe, z.B. in Form von Abflussregulierung, Hydromelioration und künstlicher Seebildung, die Wirksamkeit langfristiger klimatischer und geomorphologischer Prozesse übertroffen.researc

    Hydrothermal carbonization: modeling, final properties design and applications: a review

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    La investigación activa sobre la carbonización hidrotermal de la biomasa (HTC) sigue demostrando sus ventajas sobre otros procesos termoquímicos, en particular los interesantes beneficios que se asocian a los productos sólidos carbonosos, llamados hidrocarburos (HC). Las esferas de aplicación del HC van desde el biocombustible hasta el material poroso dopado para la adsorción, el almacenamiento de energía y la catálisis. Al mismo tiempo, se han realizado intensas investigaciones para dilucidar mejor los mecanismos y la cinética del proceso, y la forma en que las variables experimentales (temperatura, tiempo, carga de biomasa, composición de la materia prima, así como sus interacciones) afectan a la distribución entre las fases y a su composición. En este examen se analiza el estado de la técnica en materia de HTC, principalmente en lo que respecta al efecto de las variables en el proceso, la cinética asociada y las características de la fase sólida (HC), así como algunas de las aplicaciones más estudiadas hasta ahora. El foco de atención se centra en las investigaciones realizadas en los últimos cinco años sobre estos temas.Active research on biomass hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) continues to demonstrate its advantages over other thermochemical processes, in particular the interesting benefits that are associated with carbonaceous solid products, called hydrochar (HC). The areas of applications of HC range from biofuel to doped porous material for adsorption, energy storage, and catalysis. At the same time, intensive research has been aimed at better elucidating the process mechanisms and kinetics, and how the experimental variables (temperature, time, biomass load, feedstock composition, as well as their interactions) affect the distribution between phases and their composition. This review provides an analysis of the state of the art on HTC, mainly with regard to the effect of variables on the process, the associated kinetics, and the characteristics of the solid phase (HC), as well as some of the more studied applications so far. The focus is on research made over the last five years on these topics.• Junta de Extremadura. Proyecto GR15034 • Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad. Proyectos CTM2014-55998-R (I+D+i), CTM2016-75937-R • USDA-Agricultural Research Service National Program 212peerReviewe