405 research outputs found

    What The Trees Have Seen

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    If the trees could speak, I believe this is what they would say about the human race


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         Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) memaparkan gambaran umum usaha kripik pisang Sumarmi; 2) memaparkan pola kegiatan pengadaan bahan pada usaha kripik pisang Sumarmi; 3) memaparkan pola kegiatan produksi  pada usaha kripik pisang Sumarmi; 4) memaparkan pola kegiatan pemasaran pada usaha kripik pisang Sumarmi Adapun yang dimaksud dengan pola adalah suatu bentuk organisasi gagasan tentang suatu bidang pengetahuan, tindakan atau kegiatan manusia yang terjadi secara berulang-ulang, yang terbentuk oleh akibat terjadinya aktivitas-aktivitas dan interaksi. Jenis penelitian adalah case study pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif.  Lokasi penelitian ditetapkan di unit usaha Kripik Pisang Sumarmi di Desa Wonosalam Kabupaten Jombang. Metode pengambilan data dilakukan dengan  wawancara, dokumentasi, observasi dan literatur. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah triangulasi pengecekan data dengan pengumpulan data dan sumber data, subyek penelitian adalah pemilik usaha kripik pisang Sumarmi. Hasil pembahasan, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwasannya bentuk usaha kripik pisang Sumarmi di Wonosalam Kabupaten Jombang terbangun atas hubungan antar gagasan atau cita-cita yang didukung oleh beberapa komponen, yaitu sumber daya manusia (SDM), beberapa bidang pekerjaan yang dikerjakan diantaranya bagian pengadaan bahan, produksi dan pemasaran, tempat unruk mengerjakan dan aturan-aturan yang mengaturnya atau yang mengikatnya, sehingga terjadi hubungan yang terpola, saling ketergantungan dan membentuk suatu sistem. Pola usaha kripik pisang Sumarmi memiliki fungsi utama untuk mengumpulkan uang. Upaya untuk menciptakan sarana tersebut diperlukan penciptaan berbagai faktor kebutuhan dan daya tarik antar individu. Pada dasarnya setiap individu yang terlibat memiliki kebutuhan atau keinginan yang sama, yaitu berharap berbagai jenis ganjaran sosial baik bersifat material maupun non material.            Kata kunci : pola usaha, pengadaan bahan, produksi dan pemasaran   Abstract The goal of this study is: 1) describes a general overview of sumarmi business banana chips; 2) describes the pattern of material procurement activities on Sumarmi banana chips business; 3 ) describes the pattern of activity in the production of Sumarmi banana chips business; 4 ) describes the pattern of marketing activities on Sumarmi banana chips business. The meaning of the pattern is a form organization of idea about a field of knowledge, human actions or human activities that occur repeatedly, which is formed by the result of the activities and interactions. This type of research is case study descriptive qualitative approach. The location specified of this research in business unit of sumarmi banana chips in wonosalam village district Jombang. Method of data collection was done with the interview, documentation, observation and literature. Method of data analysis is triangulation, the study subjects were business owners sumarmi banana chips. The result of the discussion, it is concluded that form of business sumarmi banana chips in wonosalam jombang built upon relationships between ideas or ideals that are supported by several components, that is human resources (SDM), some field carried out including material procurement, production and marketing, place to work and rules that govern or are tied, so that  occurred patterned relationships, interdependence and make form a system. Sumarmi banana chips business pattern have main function to collect the money. Efforts to create the necessary means of the creation of avariety of factors need and attraction between individuals. Basically any individuals involved have the same needs or desires, which hopes various types of social rewards both material and non-material. Key words : business patern, procurement of materials, production and marketing // // // /

    An Appraisal of the Environmental Impacts of Food Processing Industrial Waste in Nigeria

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    The food industry is now facing increasing pressure to ensure that their company's activities are environmentally sensitive, but there is also increased internal pressure to maintain or increase profitability in the face of fierce competition. In this study the environmental impacts of food processing industrial wastes and its remedy were examined. The study adopted a desk review of existing literatures on industrial waste in Nigeria. It was concluded that the food processing industries do have positive and negative impacts on the environment For all the identified negative environmental impacts, it is recommended that utilization of the best available technology; payment of optimal liability compensation to local communities and institutionalization of adequate abatement measures be adopted. The manufacturing processes should be designed to maximize recycling potential and minimize the generation of residuals. Key words: Industrial wastes, Environmental impacts, Food processing, Positive and Negative impacts,

    Aerospace Vehicle Navigation And Control System Comprising Terrestrial Illumination Matching Module For Determining Aerospace Vehicle Position And Attitude

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    The present invention relates to an aerospace vehicle navigation and control system comprising a terrestrial illumination matching module for determining spacecraft position and attitude. The method permits aerospace vehicle position and attitude determinations using terrestrial lights using an Earth-pointing camera without the need of a dedicated sensor to track stars, the sun, or the horizon. Thus, a module for making such determinations can easily and inexpensively be made onboard an aerospace vehicle if an Earth-pointing sensor, such as a camera, is present

    Effluents Characteristics of Some Selected Food Processing Industries in Enugu and Anambra States of Nigeria

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    There is an increasing awareness on the problems of environmental pollution not only in developing countries like Nigeria but worldwide. Among the sources of this problem is effluent discharge from industries, particularly food processing industries. To determine the extent of this problem in Anambra and Enugu States of Nigeria, some industries were purposively selected and their effluent characteristics studied. The industries include Premier Breweries and Life Breweries Plc, all in Onitsha, Anambra State, Anambra Vegetable Oil Production Company (AVOP) Plc, Nnachi, Enugu State, Diamond Breweries Ltd., 9th Mile Corner, Enugu State and Coca-Cola Bottling Company Plc, Ngwo, Enugu State. The effluents were collected and analyzed for solids, organics, nitrogen, pH and total coliform using standard procedure. The results showed that total solids (TS) varied 440 to 703 mg/L, total suspended solids (TSS) from 0 to 230 mg/L and total volatile solids (TVS) from 223 to 514 mg/L. The pH of the effluents varied from 6 to 8, the COD from 684 to 3,192 mg/L, the TKN from 5.6 to 33.6 mg/L and the total coliform from 43 to 150 MPN/100 mL of effluent sample. Compared to the effluent limitation guidelines given by Nigerian Federal Environmental Protection Agency, the TSS, and COD for most of the industries are well above the limits while the TKN, pH and coliform count are within the acceptable limit. Keywords: Food processing waste, Effluents, Waste characteristics, Environmental pollutio

    Effect of Fermentation Duration and Dosage of EM4 on Maturity Level and Quality of Fermented Compost Fertilizer.

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    Livestock waste often causes pollution around the cage. Processing of livestock waste such as compost can be used as fertilizer for plants with good enough nutrient content given to plants.  In order to produce good compost, it require a fermentation process. One way that is rarely used to determine the maturity level of compost is by measuring the carbon dioxide gas content in fermented compost. Measurement of carbon dioxide gas can be done using a tool in the form of a carbon dioxide sensor. The research design used was a 7 x 3 randomized block design with 2 replications, while the parameters studied were N, P, K, Moisture Content, pH, Temperature, C/N, Carbon Dioxide

    Influence of Life Skills on Sexual Behaviorin Adolescent at Seberang Ulu Area of Palembang City

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    Background: Sex is an aspect that is important for the development of adolescent. Mobility and construction of various facilities in Palembang city, especially Seberang Ulu area is increasing. Increased development raises its own dilemma, on one side the people in dire needs of development, but on the other side occurs that changed the moral decline in adolescent values, norms and lifestyles are followed by a media revolution and an increasingly independent behavior. This study aims to determine the influence of life skills on sexual behavior in adolescents. This research was done in May-June 2011 in the Seberang Ulu Area. Methods: This is quantitative research with cross sectional approach. The subject were all of adolescents aged 12-21 years in Seberang Ulu area of Palembang City with 96 respondents sample. The statistical test used chi square test by using SPSS version 17 program. Result: The results showed that there is the influence of life skills (p = 0.015), hard skills (knowledge of sex) (p = 0.012), soft skills (religiosity, self-confidence, and self-concept) (p = 0.000) towards sexual behavior in adolescent, partially religiosity (p = 0.015), confidence (p = 0.018), and self-concept (p = 0.027) also influence of sex behavior. Conclusion: Life skills, soft skills, religiosity, self-confidence, and self-concept is a risk factor while the hard skills is preventing factor of free sex in adolescents. We need a development model life skills-based education for free sex prevention


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         Abstrak Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah: 1) memaparkan gambaran umum usaha kripik pisang Sumarmi; 2) memaparkan pola kegiatan pengadaan bahan pada usaha kripik pisang Sumarmi; 3) memaparkan pola kegiatan produksi  pada usaha kripik pisang Sumarmi; 4) memaparkan pola kegiatan pemasaran pada usaha kripik pisang Sumarmi Adapun yang dimaksud dengan pola adalah suatu bentuk organisasi gagasan tentang suatu bidang pengetahuan, tindakan atau kegiatan manusia yang terjadi secara berulang-ulang, yang terbentuk oleh akibat terjadinya aktivitas-aktivitas dan interaksi. Jenis penelitian adalah case study pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif.  Lokasi penelitian ditetapkan di unit usaha Kripik Pisang Sumarmi di Desa Wonosalam Kabupaten Jombang. Metode pengambilan data dilakukan dengan  wawancara, dokumentasi, observasi dan literatur. Metode analisis data yang digunakan adalah triangulasi pengecekan data dengan pengumpulan data dan sumber data, subyek penelitian adalah pemilik usaha kripik pisang Sumarmi. Hasil pembahasan, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwasannya bentuk usaha kripik pisang Sumarmi di Wonosalam Kabupaten Jombang terbangun atas hubungan antar gagasan atau cita-cita yang didukung oleh beberapa komponen, yaitu sumber daya manusia (SDM), beberapa bidang pekerjaan yang dikerjakan diantaranya bagian pengadaan bahan, produksi dan pemasaran, tempat unruk mengerjakan dan aturan-aturan yang mengaturnya atau yang mengikatnya, sehingga terjadi hubungan yang terpola, saling ketergantungan dan membentuk suatu sistem. Pola usaha kripik pisang Sumarmi memiliki fungsi utama untuk mengumpulkan uang. Upaya untuk menciptakan sarana tersebut diperlukan penciptaan berbagai faktor kebutuhan dan daya tarik antar individu. Pada dasarnya setiap individu yang terlibat memiliki kebutuhan atau keinginan yang sama, yaitu berharap berbagai jenis ganjaran sosial baik bersifat material maupun non material.            Kata kunci : pola usaha, pengadaan bahan, produksi dan pemasaran   Abstract The goal of this study is: 1) describes a general overview of sumarmi business banana chips; 2) describes the pattern of material procurement activities on Sumarmi banana chips business; 3 ) describes the pattern of activity in the production of Sumarmi banana chips business; 4 ) describes the pattern of marketing activities on Sumarmi banana chips business. The meaning of the pattern is a form organization of idea about a field of knowledge, human actions or human activities that occur repeatedly, which is formed by the result of the activities and interactions. This type of research is case study descriptive qualitative approach. The location specified of this research in business unit of sumarmi banana chips in wonosalam village district Jombang. Method of data collection was done with the interview, documentation, observation and literature. Method of data analysis is triangulation, the study subjects were business owners sumarmi banana chips. The result of the discussion, it is concluded that form of business sumarmi banana chips in wonosalam jombang built upon relationships between ideas or ideals that are supported by several components, that is human resources (SDM), some field carried out including material procurement, production and marketing, place to work and rules that govern or are tied, so that  occurred patterned relationships, interdependence and make form a system. Sumarmi banana chips business pattern have main function to collect the money. Efforts to create the necessary means of the creation of avariety of factors need and attraction between individuals. Basically any individuals involved have the same needs or desires, which hopes various types of social rewards both material and non-material. Key words : business patern, procurement of materials, production and marketing // // // /

    Diversity of morphological characters of 30 local torch ginger accessions from Pangandaran of West Java of Indonesia

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    Torch ginger (Etlingera spp.) is one of the herbal plants native to Indonesia that has long been known and used as medicines. Exploration on torch ginger plant needs to be done to conservate and determine genetic diversity. Study of genetic diversity torch ginger in the district of Pangandaran is important because as long as there has been no study in depth the potential of genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationship germplasm of torch ginger Genetic diversity based on this research had a proportion of 47% of the total of 100% in the PC1-PC3 was based on the analysis Principal Component Analysis (PCA) with the character influencing that form clumps, line leaf midrib, plant height, stem diameter, leaf length, color scales rhizome, stem color, rhizome and the leaf base forms. Based on the results of the genetic diversity cluster analysis found that narrow torch ginger euclidean indicated by coefficient of 0.79 and was divided into six clusters. Accession which had the closest kinship i.e. accession N1 from Cikadu subdistrict of Cintakarya and accession N2 from Cikoang subdistrict of Cintakarya, while accession with the farthest kinship namely accession N29 from Jangraga subdistrict of Mangunjaya with range euclidean of 0.79
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